No Accidents


No matter how everyone wished that time would stand still, or just move slower, the sand in the hourglass remained as slippery as ever, and the first day of the event arrived in the blink of an eye.

The generally deserted Imperial Stadium became the main venue of the event, and was decorated with more care than a bride-to-be.

Looking at it like this, some of the sports club members couldn't help but feel emotional, as if their own daughters were about to be married off. "Mom, I didn't even plant a cabbage, but I feel like it's been arched by some pig!"

Of course, for those who had their events scheduled that day, the arches covered in flowers and ribbons looked more like the gateway of hell than anything else.

"Yikes, look at all those cameras! I-I don't think I'm ready to go in…"

"D-Don't worry, even if you mess up, with your face, you can probably pass it off as a failed attempt at comedy!"

"Why does that sound worse?!"