Perplexing Decision


Since most people were of the opinion that the 'live broadcast' was nothing but another way for the White Deer family to show off their beloved daughter, few expected them to show their rival's face in a good light.

After all, with their numerous conflicts so far, anyone who looked into the matter could easily discover that things weren't quite 'right' between these two.

Even if the root cause of this 'conflict' remained unknown, most could guess that it must be related to the rivalry of their respective parents.

Of course, some people insisted that Amos and Emilia had a 'love-hate' relationship, but these voices were usually ruthlessly suppressed by the girl's 'rabid' fan girls, who all seemed to hate the boy with a passion.

This was why, when 'Prancing Media' started the third day with a clear shot of the silver-haired boy's face, most 'naysayers' were left completely dumbfounded.