

Oriana's population didn't unilaterally hate their government, most of the time, but to call them 'happy' with their current status would be too much.

In fact, even if the government had been doing much better than it was, having remained in power for so long, the dissatisfaction was bound to pile up and accumulate.

Perhaps it was time for a change.

Under such circumstances, the response that Amos received for his rigid stance varied from mild disgust to utter loathing, with very few people believing the points he had raised to be 'valid'.

Of course, regardless of how they disagreed with his stance, they still had to admit that he was both eloquent and sharp, as expected of the Black Tiger's heir.

Even the students at the Imperial Academy, most of whom had long since started thinking of the silver-haired boy as a 'delinquent', felt their perceptions subtly change.