

The news of the new president of Red Dusk reaching a 'compromise' with the Empress of Blue Dawn soon reached the ears of the Commonwealth's public, and many people couldn't help but praise the man for his 'competency'.

Although most of these early news reports were mostly 'tentative', most people were already sure of their authenticity based on the trend. "Our new president is definitely much better than the last one, isn't he? Makes me wonder why more people didn't vote for him before!"

"… I mean, he looks like a frog with a wig…"

Of course, there had been no lack of memes and jokes all over the world over the 'funny' appearance of their new president. And while many laughed along, some citizens couldn't help but be offended by the association. 

"I still think he's a good guy!"

"Yeah, don't judge a book by its cover!"