Digging Graves


Even before he had set his hired thugs on the task of getting rid of one of the Gray Wolfe's twins, Amos knew that the chances of succeeding were minimal, and the risk of exposing himself was far too high.

After all, even if they were now betting everything on him, hired thugs could never be as reliable as people brought up and trained by the Black Tiger, and even their performance was far from satisfactory as far as Amos was concerned.

But how could one stand to win big without taking a great gamble?

Now that his life was at an all time low, the silver-haired boy felt like he had nothing to lose, so might as well go all out.

The timing, the location, the preparations… everything had been perfect.

But the sound of tires screeching and rapid firing of gunshots told him all he needed to know about the outcome.