Ground Reality


Although the higher-ups in the White Deer Corporation were vaguely aware of the true 'intentions' of those at the top, the steps that had to be taken still couldn't be skipped, and the hoops they had to jump through, they had to make the effort to jump through anyway, no matter how pointlessly difficult it seemed.

It was impossible for them to still not understand how Noelle handled 'slackers' after so many years, after all. If someone so much as tried to make their case of their assigned task being 'pointless' and how everything would be fine even if they took it easy, that was simply asking for a one-way ticket to overwork hell.

Since they couldn't argue with Noelle, and looking for the 'ruling family' would result in even worse outcomes, the only other option left for them was to diligently work on whatever they were told to.