

If someone had asked him a few days ago how he would feel if his missing daughter showed up in front of him, Gildroy would definitely have told them he would be over the moon with happiness.

Even if he felt nothing for the weak and useless girl born out of that loveless marriage, there was no denying that he felt good every time people talked about it.

After all, even if most didn't dare to criticize his ex-wife directly, their words and actions would inevitably still show how they looked down on her incompetence while showing sympathy for his so-called loss.

Of course, even if she really did show up, Noelle's father had never imagined he would be particularly upset.

How could he feel so strongly about someone he never really cared about? At most, he would arrange a few things for her to look like a good father would... as long as his wife was okay with it.