The 'Ignorant'


The position was just right, and Emilia didn't hesitate at all in jumping on the thick wooden beam that had been swung down with the intent to turn her into mush, and using it as a platform to hop higher.

"Eat this, you stupid pig!" She sneered, imbuing [Wind] into her blade before piercing right through the rapidly closing wound.

Had this not been a game, the poor monster would have instantly perished as its brain turned into mush.

The [Boar King] still seemed to feel the pain, though, and roared in agony and rage as it dropped its club and tried to swat the crimson-haired elf off of his body, but to no avail.

Emilia used its big flabby ears and thick strands of 'boar beard' to barely dodge the monster's panicked clawing of his own face.

At this close a distance, she could clearly see that each one of its nails was bigger than her head, and just as deadly to someone her size as that grotesque club.