Hello chick
How are you doing? How is your courses to doing. Yes I am interested in all infectious diseases except for covid for I hear about it all the time. It's the others like Sars h1n1 and ebola that get my brains hair up sort of speak. The rare the disease the most likely I will read about it in a book from the library. It's started with mynmom giving me a book on ebola and it took off from there. I read other books but that one is my favorite subject other then shamanism and different cultures.
I also know some constellations from my father and all the planets through TV and the same thing with DNA and jurassic Park. Since that i have had unique interests and a love of learning and reading.
Thank you for liking my art.
Today I was ring window shopping on line for a opal ring to show my love for my wife over the phone with my mother.
She has good taste in jewelry.
Hope to hear from you soon
Hear is more art