R18 Save the cow girls, and have sex with them

Planet of the tits

at this time a very sad scene was happening on the planet of tits, thousands of young cow girls were being arrested, this planet with low battle strength ended up being attacked by globlin traffickers, their objective is to arrest all cow girls and make a farm of milk, globins make their fortune selling cheeses to the rat people and that's why they decided to invade and enslave the poor cow girls.

POV; MUGIA (queen cow)

my planet is gone, my battle force of 4,000 cannot defeat so many globlins, unfortunately my people are destined to be trapped while they suck our milk to make industrial products of dubious quality.

Mama I failed, I lost the planet, now I'm stuck here and naked with this machine on my tit sucking all my milk.... I'm sorry !BOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!,,, what happened where did this explosion come from? I wonder if someone came to help?


After leaving namekusei my wife and I started to choose a planet to travel, I found a place where there are only cow girls, all extremely beautiful and busty, it was just a paradise for my wife and me to have sex, but who knew some globlins Dirty ones would be attacking the planet, I'll kill them all how dare they enslave my cow girls

my wife and I quickly killed all the thousands of goblins, then I went to the place where the nobility of the cow girls was.... all were trapped naked with a machine sucking their milk, so I destroyed the machine, and said "don't worry beautiful ladies, sweetie is here now" I copied the phrase from all might and it worked, the girls began to cry with happiness.

Soon a beautiful naked cow woman comes up to me and says, "I'm mugia the queen of cow girls, thanks for saving us I don't know how to thank you", I almost couldn't pay attention, mugia was naked with her huge breasts and pinks sticking out, she was white and had blue eyes along with her fluffy cow ears, very beautiful.

"thanking me is simple, I'm sweetheart future emperor of the universe, from now on the planet of cow girls will be in my protection, what I ask in return is that you become my lovers, of course you don't want it okay, I'll go away, although I was still fat, ugly and pink I now had a powerful aura that showed my level, along with the request I made to porunga where I can give off a good smell for mature women now I'm a machine to attract women, as I thought they accepted , "As queen it is my duty to protect the planet, if being your mistress will keep this planet safe I will do that and I believe all cow girls too."


After we cleared the planet Mugia worked to keep order on the planet, it was finally time for sex.

R18 R18 R18

I first took Mugia alone, while my wife was having sex with the other cow girls, I started sucking Mugia's giant tits, she moaned very cute, then I went down further to suck her pussy, a beautiful virgin pussy, I stuck my tongue in that pussy with taste

I took my 30cm thick cock out and Mugia started to lick it, Mugia struggled and even managed to swallow half of my thick cock but she choked, I put her on all fours to stick in her pussy, I only put her head first because she was a virgin After taking her virginity I started to go deeper, I lay down on the floor and Mugia was on top of me jumping on my dick, her breasts swayed in my face, I couldn't take it anymore and I came in her uterus.


in the following days we started doing reverse gangbanging, i had to have sex with my wife and at least 5 cow girls a day.

All hot pussies, some virgins others were not, although there were cow men they were useless so I had sex with married cow girls too and none of her husbands complained, I even ate grandmother, daughter and granddaughter (20 years old) at the same time.

White, black or tan cow girls, I sucked all their tits and always enjoyed inside their pussy, my wife and Mugia loved to suck each other's pussy, we spent 3 months here just having sex with the cow girls, I became the king from here and I will protect this planet as it is a great treasure.

After 3 months we decided to go to another planet, my wife and I, Mugia wanted to come but I denied it, I taught her many battle techniques and also gave her a gravity machine, she increased her power from 4000k to 30000k, she must stay and train.

Me and my wife after a lot of sex are going out in search of the next adventure