After leaving planet Earth, I decided to do something I've wanted for a long time, which is to turn Frieza into a woman and have sex with her.
Frieza is actually a businessman, he kills thousands of innocents and then sells their planet, I will punish him, they say his race has no gender, luckily I can change that because one of my wishes for parunga in namekusei was to change the sex of anyone.
My plan is very simple, I will freeze, I will defeat him and then turn him into a woman and then fuck her, I will fuck the emperor of the universe oops I'm wrong, I will fuck the Empress of the universe hahaha
POV; Freeza
I have a strange feeling, I feel like I've been watched...
this is impossible, i am the emperor of the universe, no one will dare to spy on me...
"It's been a long time freeze" suddenly I hear a voice in my room,,,
I look to the side and see a fat pink, no doubt it's Dodoria....
"Damn Dodoria has finally come back after years, you must be punished" I use my energy beam and aim at Dodoria's heart...
"You're still cruel as always Frieza" Dodoria speaks as I easily repel the energy beam...
suddenly Dodoria appears in front of me and attacks me with a punch, very fast I can't dodge the drug.... I can only see my vision go black before fainting.....
HAHAHAHA I captured freeze, I will take him to my ship and start the surgical procedures...
In my ship, I put Freeza tied to a table, I'll wait for him to wake up and I'll start creating my new whore....
"let go of me, I'm the emperor of the universe" Freeza wakes up and starts screaming in rage..
"Hahaha scream more freeze, in a few hours you will beg me not to leave you" I say and start to gather energy in my hands, I will operate on him now.
First I need to give Frieza a gender, of course it will be a girl, I place my hand on his inner part and gather energy....
"What are you doing Dodoria, why do I feel weird" Freeza starts to yell, but this time his voice is thinner...
Suddenly, where it was empty in Frieza's body a pussy appeared, the pussy was small and tight, pink a beautiful pussy
After I put my hands up, it was time to put a pair of breasts in her
I'm a man of culture, so I put a pair of huge breasts, delicious they were gray the color of the Freeza's skin but the nipples were pink, my dick was hard squeezing those breasts.
I did other processes, I also put a pink ass after all anal sex is very good, I edited the vocal chords and gave a good female voice to listen to, I edited her mouth and made a beautiful lip, I also did other body edits, making a freeze into a beautiful girl.
"You.... what did you eat Dodoria?" Freeza asks in an extremely sexy female voice I gave him.
"What did I do? I turned you into a hot bitch" I say, right after I use my fingers to masturbate the freeza's pussy
"oh oh oh" Freeza starts to moan, this is the first time in his life that he feels sexual pleasure, her pussy is a virgin so it got wet quickly
I let go Freeza, wanna fuck her right today, put Frieza on his knees and got my hard cock out, "Suck it all Freeza"
POV; Freeza
I'm looking at this huge pink cock from Dodoria, I don't know why, but I can't control myself I want to suck this cock.
Without wasting time I stuff the whole dick in my mouth and start to suck, I also use my tongue to lick my head without forgetting to use my hands to touch the balls of Dodoria's testicles..
*glu glu glu glu glu glu glu* I don't know how much time has passed but I'm still sucking this hot cock
"Get on all fours Freeza, I'll take your pussy's virginity" Dodoria says to me, I don't know why but I obey him, my body moves by itself...
I get on all fours and use my fingers to open my new pussy, "please eat me Dodoria" I said in a sexy voice..
"Normally I Dodoria am affectionate in taking virginity from women, but in your case I won't be, you were a bad girl Freeza, I will punish you in bed" After he finished speaking he stuck his dick all over my pussy, feel a pain but the pleasure was greater, I feel something breaking in my pussy but it feels so good....
"yes Dodoria I'm a bad girl, please punish me" I don't know why but I said that, I want this cock all inside me
Dodoria is violently sticking in my pussy, she also slaps my big ass a lot... that's delicious
"OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH" Please don't stop, fuck me more, shove it all inside me...
"Do you like your bitch?" Dodoria speaks while slapping my ass...
"Yes Dodoria keep fucking me, make me your bitch" please don't ever stop....
"HAHAHA don't worry Freeza, I still have to get the virginity out of your ass, but first I'll fill your pussy with sperm" Dodoria says but suddenly I feel something hot inside me...
He came inside my pussy, yes I'm Dodoria's bitch, I'll get pregnant and I'll be a good mother to Dodoria's children, I'll be Freeza Dodoria's bitch.
end pov