Visit to chi chi, mission to make a brother for the gohan

Many Years have passed

An invisible spaceship was on top of planet earth

Inside this ship there was only 1 man and more than 5 thousand women

This Man was Dodoria, in those years in the galaxy he became the galaxy's biggest wanted, all because he had sex with the galaxy patrol leader's wife and even took her to his harem.

"My Dodoria your dick is hard again" Selena on her knees spoke while sucking Dodoria's huge dick

"HAHAHA my wife got my hard cock because I can gather divine IQ thanks to my concubine Freeza" Dodoria speaks.

In these years that passed Dodoria and Freeza fell in love, a true love stronger than anything in the world, that's why Dodoria kindly told Freeza to start training, as well as in the animation after 1 year of training Freeza reached his golden form that have divine qi.

Freeza became stronger than Dodoria, but strangely she continued to be Dodoria's bitch, she doesn't care anymore about power or conquest but about her husband, every day Freeza asks to get pregnant with Dodoria.

Training with Freeza, Dodoria was able to understand the principle of divine Qi and finally after years of training was able to create her own divine form.

His divine form is a bit simple, his appearance is almost the same but the horns on his head increase, the power of Dodoria in this form is the equivalent of Super sayajin God of goku, not yet at SS blue level but now he can train your divine Qi.

If you were to put the Dodoria Harem in order by power it would be that rank;

1 = Golden Freeza

2 = Dodoria divine form

3 = Selena almost divine form, managed to transform 70% of her Qi into divine has not yet reached divine Qi but it will.

4th place = tied are Redbine, Lisha and Mugia, all 3 have turned 5 or 6% of their Qi into divine

5 = other bitches in the harem of Dodoria, the weakest one in the harem has 200 million battle power.


"oh oh oh oh oh, my love Dodoria digs deeper into her bitch" Freeza was on all fours on the bed as Dodoria thrust nonstop.

"Dodoria please get me pregnant" Selena who was naked on the side suddenly spoke

"Are you sure wife? You know our agreement, after I get pregnant you will be able to get pregnant all the women I have sex with" Dodoria still digging deep in Freeza say

"Alright my love, it's time for me to give you some kids" Selena says as she hugs Dodoria from behind

"OH OH OH OH Dodoria get me pregnant too, get you little bitch Frieza pregnant" Frieza speaks as he moans rolling on Dodoria's cock

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FINE, I'll get all my bitches pregnant" Dodoria says as she takes Frieza's dick and shoves it into Selena's pussy.


That night Dodoria ejaculated 35 times inside Selena's pussy


2 months passed, in those 2 months Dodoria got pregnant hundreds of her wives, Selena and Frieza included.

"Women I'm going to earth, goku's brother is coming soon, goku will die and spend time in hell, I'll use this time to have sex with his wife's Chi chi" Dodoria tells her bitches

"Dodoria you are such a kind and good man, while goku is away you will take care of his family, you have a big heart" Freeza speaks with passionate eyes

"Yes that's right, I admire goku a lot, so I'll take care of his wife, I'll make her sexually satisfied and even give his son a brother to play with" Dodoria speaks with a fair look...

"Go have fun my love, if you can bring this woman called Chi chi here so I can play with her too" Selena says as she kisses Husband and says goodbye to him, a good wife.

"Don't worry wives, I will definitely bring Chi chi for us to have a big sex party, now goodbye my loves" Dodoria speaks and then starts to fly to planet earth

Right now the fat and pink most loved in the world is gone on a mission, practice Netori on Goku and get pregnant Chi chi