Strange Visions

The fruit was soft, like cotton candy.

It melted in his mouth before he had a chance to chew.

The fruit was bittersweet with a hint of salt. Although he wouldn't say it was the best in the world, it was oddly satisfying.

After finishing it, he joined Layla in picking the tree bare of fruits.

The two of them quickly finished eating every fruit they could find.

Layla sprawled out on a tree branch, closing her eyes.

Apollo was about to berate her, but he himself wanted to sleep as well.

As such, he did the same on another tree branch.

These fruits naturally made one a little sleepy. This wasn't because the tree would consume them after they slept.

...Not to say that trees like that didn't exist.

It was because the effects of the fruit could only take place on someone that was asleep.

If one paid close attention, one would see a soft glow coming from the crack in Apollo's eyes.

As for Layla, though she ate more, there was hardly any glow.

Their sleep was undisturbed.