Far Away

Serosh, Lucifer, and Maya were floating on a large chunk of earth, shooting through the air.

Serosh pointed in a certain direction.

"It should be over there, but higher up."

Maya was taking in several deep breaths, one after another.

"Apollo... is there?"

Lucifer shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, if that was where the statue was, he shouldn't be far."

It took some time, but they eventually came across the toxic wasteland. The ground was extremely dirty and several large creatures filled the place, making it look rather noticeable. However, that was not what everybody was focusing on.

Maya's eyes were widened all the way.

"What the-"

Serosh sucked in a cold breath.

"My word..."

Lucifer simply blinked a few times.

"Ah, I guess he got to it."