Nothing Better to Do

Yzan looked at Apollo strangely, as though trying to contemplate whether or not he wanted to fight.

After a few moments, it spoke up.

"Why do you wish to fight?"

Apollo tilted his head to the side.

"Why not?"

Yzan took a deep breath, obviously unsure of whether or not he wanted to do this.

"You... are you going to be like that guy?"

He pointed towards Vicar, who innocently pointed at himself.

"Who? Me?"

Yzan nodded.

"Yes, you. The last time we had a spar, you would not stop charging in after healing yourself over and over again. It took nearly a day for me to convince you to stop."

Vicar blinked a few times.

"What are you talking about? That wasn't even that long of a spar. At most, it was a third of the day."

Yzan slammed its claw against the side of the mountain.