"Wait, what?" Zane stumbled on his words.

Daryl asked a random question out of the blue.

"I mean it, Zane. Something bad is more than likely about to go down and I need your help." Daryl said.

"I'm just in shock. Isn't there a chip inside me though that makes my Syrokinetics not work?" Zane asked, standing up from his couch and going to the kitchen.

"Yes. I've already spoken to Dr. J and he said he'll remove it. Although all of us know your mother would never approve of this." Daryl said.

"How'd you already plan this out? This just literally happened!" Zane was confused now.

"I've been speculating this chain of events for 2 days now. A group of researchers found an ancient temple deep underground. Within it was a strange rock. It glowed an orange light although no light source was within it. The researchers all died mysteriously 2 days after that which was yesterday. I got the opportunity to look at it and it radiated with evil Syrokinetic energy." Daryl said.

Daryl could use Syrokinetics aswell. He helped Zane's father research it long ago. Daryl is the one who found someone with the power to read, speak and understand every single language within 10 seconds of hearing it spoke. His name was Magofiss Kleo. Magofiss translated 2 languages that held many secrets to Syrokinetics, including its name. Before that, everyone just called Syrokinetics 'magic'.

"I guess I understand now..." Zane scratched his head.

"I'll be in town on August 16th, two days from now. I'll be going now." Daryl said.

"Hey! I still have questions!" Zane yelled.

"I said I'll tell you all about it when I get there," Daryl said and hung up.

"Damnit..." Zane threw his phone in his pocket.

Zane grabbed a cup of spicy noodles. He filled it with water and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Zane kept thinking about what he could do with Syrokinetics. He wondered what his ability was.

He knew a few people with Syrokinetics. The only ability he knew about though was his aunt's. Her name is Krycella Malite.

She's 36 years old and is married to her wife, Xeilia. Krycella worked as a professor at a university in the northern part of Zeu now.

All Zane knew she could do with her Syrokinetics was make ICE and ELECTRICITY.

The only other thing he could think of was his dad's ability he heard of.

He heard that he made the giant crater in what used to be Griffnine, which was renamed after being completely rebuilt. It's now named Seistix, the home of NEO Earth.

Zane was startled by the beeping of the microwave.

He grabbed his noodles, a fork, and went into the living room.

He sat on the couch, turned the tv on, and continued to watch 'HUNTER X' until going to bed that night.


Phoebe spent the entire day preparing herself. Zane was coming over for dinner. The thought quivered throughout her mind. She was so nervous yet so excited that the love of her life would be eating her cooking. This has only happened one time before, but that was 2 years ago after they graduated High School to celebrate.

Zane had come over that night after graduation to have dinner with Phoebe and her mother Pheelon.

Phoebe wanted to be alone with him for dinner at least once in her life and now it was happening.

She couldn't control her thoughts.

It was 5:20 PM and dinner was almost done.

She began to worry that maybe he forgot or maybe he suddenly hated her. Phoebe was shaken by those thoughts.

Suddenly, Phoebe jumped at the sound of the doorbell.

She took a deep breath and rushed to the door.

She opened it and there he was. Zane.

His dirty blonde hair flowed through the wind and his dark blue eyes sparkling. it made Phoebe blush.

"Hey there!" Zane smiled.

Phoebe turned red.

"H-hey! Come on in! Dinner is just about to be done!" Phoebe opened the door all the way and lead him in.

She closed the door and walked back to the kitchen.

"So, what's cooking?" Zane leaned against the counter across from where Phoebe was cooking.

"Oh, just some steak bites with peppers, spinach, and topped with some secret sauce I've been making for a while!" Phoebe said as she pulled a bottle out of the fridge.

"Is that the sauce?" Zane asked.

"Mmhm!" Phoebe smiled and poured it onto the food.

"Whoa! It smells so good!" Zane said and smiled.

"Thanks!" Phoebe grabbed two plates and placed the food evenly on both.

"It's done! Let's go to the table now!" Phoebe turned towards Zane, holding both plates.

They walked to the dining table. It had 3 chairs.

They both sat down and began eating.

They talked and laughed while eating. They talked about funny things that happened back in high school and other stuff.

"Man, that was great Phoebe!" Zane wiped off his mouth and smiled.

"Thank you!" Phoebe blushed a little.

"You're gonna be a great wife to someone someday with this cooking!" Zane said.

Phoebe turned to beat red. Zane just told her she'll be a great wife. Phoebe decided to use this moment to her advantage, something she hasn't tried in a long time.

"I... I hope that someone is-" Phoebe was suddenly cut off by Zane's phone ringing.

"Sorry! It's Dr. J! I'm gonna go ahead and go! He probably needs me to come to do some paperwork! Thanks for the meal! I owe you one!" Zane got up and ran out.

Phoebe leaned her head back slowly and tears came out of her eyes.

She's always interrupted when she tried to confess to Zane. She felt like she would never get anywhere with him.

The thought scared her.

Zane closed the door to Phoebe's house and answered the phone.

"Hello?" Zane said.

"Something strange just happened to your mother." Docter J said.

"Well, what is it?" Zane began walking to his motorcycle across the street.

"She's awake."