NewLegacy (1)

I sat at my computer hissing in annoyance. The silly power had gone out... again. I was just about to wipe that silly smile off Blank's face too. Not that I could see his face. If he even was a he?

"You win for now cats." I muttered tossing my headset to the side.

A pity, I had wanted that dropped sword. It would have sold for several shiny gold coins in game. Now my arch enemy and leader of the SnowLeopards guild would have it.

I glanced round my room. 1am, I really should go to bed. I suppose power outages were good for bedtime if nothing else. Did I really have to go to school tomorrow. I pulled up a calendar off the wall. Let's see if I wanted to graduate I had to attend at least... rats I do.

Muttering in annoyance I wacked my alarm clock so the on switch would annoy me tomorrow, or rather today I suppose. Then I crumpled onto a mattress full of springs and shut my eyes. Yep this mattress was the best in the world. I'm not even lying I cannot stand fluffy soft mattresses.

The alarm went off and I felt like tossing it out the window. If I did that I'd have to buy a new one. If I buy a new one, that would be money I couldn't spend on my gaming addiction. I didn't toss the alarm clock.

I pulled on my uniform for the ridiculous private college. Scholarship are great, uniforms are not. My skin felt like it was crawling even with all the modifications I had made to it. I searched my sock drawer until I found two socks of the same tightness. I really hated how washing and drying separate loads would sometimes make one tighter than the other.

Muttering I ate a hurried breakfast of toast and left the small rented room. I made a quick stop at the pharmacy to pick up some more germ-x because mine had almost run out.

"Hey Royal!" I heard a voice yell and turned. Yes my parents named me Royal, my nickname in the orphanage for years had been your hinny as a joke off of your highness. Please never do that to your poor children pick a nice standard name.

"Deck" I replied with a nod.

"How's it going in OCD germ-a-phob villa today?"

"Shut up." I muttered back. That joke had long ago grown old.

"Are you still mad that I decided to join the SnowLeopards?" Deck asked, "I'm a shield tank player I couldn't avoid it."

"No" I replied. I might be lying but he was my best friend so I'd deal with it.

They were the number one guild even if Blank led them. I far preferred our rivalry over joining though. I was also minorly proud of my growing stack of guild offer letters. Not that I'd ever accept one. Solo play was the best way.

We arrived at the school and I immediately took the furthest seat away from everyone near a window. I sanitized the desk and chair then took a seat. The sun gleamed through the window pane and I cracked it open. Oddly enough only human germs bothered me. Mud? Not a problem. Pets? Bring them all to me! Kiss a girl? NEVER!

I shuddered at the thought and set up a folder on the desk to block unwanted everything. Deck long aware of my 'issues' sat at the far end of the same table careful to give me space. He had pulled out his laptop and was typing away.

"Whatcha working on?" I asked glancing over.

"Computer science homework. It's so easy it's boring."

I watched several lines of code appear as he wrapped up whatever it was in 10 minutes. Then he started surfing the net and I turned back to my own computer.

"Royal check this out!" Deck was reading some article.


"I emailed you the link."

I opened my email and pulled up some news document. #1 hacker states worldwide threat I scanned over it. Some lunatic going on about his skills and how he had to face an AI all the time? What garbage is this.

"Why are you reading this? And why are you showing it to me?" I muttered.

"It's interesting! He's literally the best black market hacker around but is on trial for some small thing they caught him on. This has to do with his plea." Deck muttered excitedly.

"You need a life." I muttered.

"Look see he's being sentenced in a few days!"

"You really need a life."




I smirked and closed the document. Unlike my it's the end of the world friend over here I'd face what came when it came. How many times had someone predicted the end of the world now? Not like I'd put much faith in a guy who not only illegally hacks but also tries to use it in a court of law.

"Oooh end of the world in two days!" said Deck smiling. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. The teacher had entered the room and I did my best to appear like a good student even if I was daydreaming.

The bell finally rang and I was more than happy to leave but also wait until everyone else left first.

"It's soo hot out!" muttered Deck at the 95 degree weather. "Royal you should take your hoddie off it's not healthy."

"And risk exposure? Not a chance." I muttered back. I should call today a good day since I was okay without putting my hood up.

I was about to walk into the hall when a girl suddenly appeared before me and I instantly took three steps back.

"Oh hi Kayla." I said hiding my annoyance.

"Hi uh Royal I….. well I just... I wanted to know if you might want to hang out some time. Like yeah."

"Sorry Kayla" I said trying to smile "I have a long distance girlfriend already."

"Oh." She looked crestfallen but that was okay. Her hand shot out like a snake, "If something changes you'll let me know right!" she yelped.

I quickly pulled my hand away even though the damage was done. My whole hand felt like my skin was crawling and I wanted to immediately wash it.

"Of course" I practically hissed. A piece of my nice guy demeanor must have fallen because she scamper away fast.

I immediately sanitized my hand feeling my body relax again.

Deck smirked and I glared at him. "It's not funny!" I growled.

"Sure, of course." He replied, "I feel bad though."

"You should." I replied.

"Not for you, for the girls." Deck replied and I gave him a glare. "Hey hear me out" Deck continued "The most handsome guy in the school, who is cute and eligible and well off, and athletic, but can't stand the thought of a relationship. You're like a tease to them."

"Not helping. You should feel sorry for me having to deal with them on a constant basis and never being able to have a loving relationship with someone." I replied.

"Eh I'm sure you'll find someone eventually. There is a person for everyone and surely you can find someone who won't make you want to throw up at the thought of a kiss."

"Don't go sounding all wise now." I muttered back. I had long given up on the thought of a relationship. That had died with my sanity back when I was ten.

He started to continue talking about something I didn't really care about.

"Laters!" I called and started walking away.

"Hey Royal!" his voice's annoyed tone followed me.

"Find me on NewLegacy if you want to talk later." I continued walking with the connivance store on my mind. I think I will just buy all the germ-x. That was the only class with part of the grade as participation. I was once again a free soul until test days.

Maybe I'd buy some ice cream. Hmm what flavor to get? Nice prepackaged ice cream. Mint chocolate chip, definitely the right choice. I sat down with it on a patch of grass and started scrolling through one of my electronic textbooks. Easy enough, all the things in here could be learned in a day.

My phone beeped and a new flash notice appeared. I quickly looked it over. The hacker guy again? Was he really that important? Nah ridiculous, the world won't end from an AI that easily. I tossed the article aside and opened the forums for NewLegacy.

Yep I should totally just head home and play. I had a score to settle with Blank. Tonight would be fun. I glanced at the raid spawns for the game on the forum. Tonight was a boss spawn at the evil swamps.