Touch (4)

I woke up snuggly against Blank. I really should not have stayed the night. This little crush of mine seemed to be getting worse. I curled closer into his warm sleeping embrace. This was really the best place to be though. I felt so secure, safe. Why?

Staying a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.

I closed my eyes again and let myself nap into the morning. At some point I woke up again and Blank was missing. I looked around urgently until I heard humming from his bathroom. I really need to go. This is becoming a bad habit or something. If I stay any longer I will want to never leave again.

"I need to be going, see you later." I called to the bathroom door as I hurried away.

"Stay for breakfast? Or at least come by later?" I heard Blank's voice.

Just don't respond. Or something. I quickly left. I really wasn't ready to do anything. That finger had been enough. Too much really.

Okay it was mean of me to just leave but I really just can't stay around him. Everything about him makes my body feel weird and warm.

I went to find a blueberry muffin for breakfast. I'd deal with what exactly my feelings are later. Preferably after a nice long week of thinking thing over. With lots of rational thinking.

I found my muffin at the dining hall. I looked around at all the people and left. I'd have to find a more quiet spot for my breakfast.

A nice large shade tree. perfect. The weather was even nice today. Well minus the whole apocalypse thing. The government facility area did a nice job of maintaining normality. Speaking of which was Stardom still not done with whatever mission the AI gave it? How long does a solo guild assignment event last?

Well if they pass and don't die great. If they didn't pass I'd just have to clean up their mess. It couldn't end that badly right? Even if all of them were fire wizards on a fire boss it wouldn't take more than a few days right? A large guild like that wouldn't be all one type anyway.

A fire boss would be able to half resist a fire spell or 50% damage. So that would just make it twice as long tops. On the plus side a fire mage getting hit by fire would only do 50% damage. So even with that case they would be safer.

Again though what was taking them so long!

I saw a shadow behind me. Was I being followed? I continued walking and sat under the shade tree watching the shadow. It turned briefly into a figure then disappeared again. Haha why would anyone want to follow me of all people?

I smirked and closed my eyes enjoying the sunshine. The game mixing with reality had increased my perception abilities. If that person wanted to drop by maybe I'd punch them in the gut and then ask what's up?

I continued my day like normal but the shadow dude was still around me. Another assassin type how annoying. I bit my lower lip. He was good enough to not be completely seen, but I was still better obviously since I could tell he was there.

Finally at as I was eating dinner outside, he made his appearance. A smaller guy with white hair. He would have looked similar to me except for his hair not having a tint of blue to it, and his eyes were a brown.

"Chaser of the SnowLeopards." I commented recognizing him.

He was one of Blank's underlings.

"Everyone calls me Chase." He replied sitting down near me. "You are RoyalBlue correct?"

"If you've been following me all day and still haven't figured that out you should change your class. You'd be a disgrace to all assassins." I watched him with narrowed eyes.

His reputation was one of trickery and deceit like most assassins, but he was also known as a top player. He was a person I'd classify as dangerous, both in game and reality. What did Blank even see in him anyway?

"What do you want?" I growled.

He was just watching me quietly again. If he wanted to keep doing that he should of just stayed in his shadow.

"I don't get why Blank likes you." Chase muttered.

My eyes opened slightly wider betraying my surprise.

"I could say the same about you." I replied icily.

That question had crossed my mind plenty of times. Why did Blank like me? And who has a crush and moves that fast on it anyway?

"So what do you want." I muttered taking another bite of my sandwich. "Or do I have to feed you to a gator to make you talk?"

"I'm just curious about my boss's new boyfriend." He said.

Again I felt a slight shutter run down my spine. Boyfriend.

Chase reached out a hand and held it in front of my face. I turned my eyes toward him again giving him an odd look. Maybe I should change my assessment of him to just weird?

Then he poked me in the forehead. I let out a slight hiss and pulled out some sanitizer. Would Blank kill me if I tossed his underling to some beasts? I'd only tie up his arms and legs. He'd probably only have a 50% chance of dying and a 90% chance of losing a ligament.

"So you really can't be touched by anyone other than Blank. How weird." He seemed to be muttering to himself more than me.

I took another bite of my sandwich then stood up. I'd leave the odd ball to his own thoughts. I started to get up when I suddenly felt a prick in my leg. I looked down in horror at the needle in my leg. This idiot had injected me with something!

I turned around kicking him in the gut so that he fell onto his side. Then I pinned his neck.

"What did you hit me with? Before I decide you're more trouble than you're worth." I growled.

If I logged into the game would it show up on my status affects? Shoot a wave of dizziness ran through me and I fell to my knees.

Chase however got free and stood up.

I was right he was dangerous. I should have just immediately killed him. I tried to form words but my tongue felt numb.

"Hey don't give me that look." Chase said. "You and Blank are both so slow at relationship stuff I thought I'd give you both a hand. Don't worry it is just a semi paralysis and sensory enhancement drug. Unlike other paralysis drugs you will stay conscious. I'm really doing you both a favor."

He then picked me up off the ground. "Man you weight a ton!" he grumbled.

I only weight 120 pounds of muscle. All of which are going to rip you to shreds five minutes after this drug wears off! I hissed back in my head. Since I couldn't talk I had to resort to deadly glares.

He then wrapped some kind of blanket around me and I couldn't see anything. He was carrying me to somewhere. A few minutes later the blanket was removed. I was in ... Blank's room? This idiot had the keys? Blank needs to work on his personal security!

He then set me on Blank's bed. He removed my shoes and my jacket then left again. He was sooooo dead tomorrow!

Then he returned with Blank, a very drunk Blank.

"Here have some more, don't worry I'm sure Royal will still love you even if you were a little rough and touched his butt yesterday." Chase was saying.

He handed Blank another bottle of something alcholy.

"Ths why u me bestis firnd" Blank muttered. "Yo alawys ther fur me, ev sinec we kids!"

Huh? Best friends? Had they grown up together? Was he to Blank as Deck was to me? No he was like Deck's evil twin who looked nothing like him.

"Here do some practice. That way you will know exactly how to make Royal feel good next time you see him." Deck directed Blank into the bedroom area. "Remember to be very gentle and use plenty of lubricant."

Out of the corner of an eye I was him hand Blank a small bottle. Blank's eyes fell on me and he looked delighted. "Yu shur dis dreem rihgt?"

"Yep." Said Chase "Definitely a dream."

I gulped with what little muscles I could move. My eyes flickered back and forth from Chase to Blank. Chase was going to more than just die tomorrow.

Then Chase left the room and I felt a shiver run down my spine as Blank's eyes met mine. What would a drunk Blank be like? He moved closer and started to remove my shirt. I felt myself tremble weakly below him.

I felt fear course through me but another part of me was excited.

I gulped again.