Chapter 71

"Bleurgh!" Anna stuck her tongue out after tasting the vile tea. "W-what's in this." She felt her mouth going numb from its bad taste.

"It's not the best of flavor, to put it lightly." Isagani took a sip as well. "B-but… bleurgh… damn it! Fuckin' shit! I hate this tea." He made a face after drinking it. "There's no… cough… cough… good medicine… without the b-bitter…. phew… phew taste!" He tried his best to look cool after drinking it, but there was no way for him to hide his disgust over the concoction.

"W-what now?" She asked.

"Now, we wait." He said. "The tea should help us with t-the… t-t-trans…—ion!" His voice became deep and guttural.

Isagani fell to the ground, contorting and seemingly in agony.

"Oh my gosh!" Anna knelt down and tried touching Isagani, but just as she reached out her arm, Isagani growled.

"Back-off!" Isagani sneered. His teeth were becoming fangs and his eyes glowed a feral crimson.