Chapter 113

Anna scratched her head. She felt like an idiot after that stupid move she pulled off. Who in their right human mind would try and check their clothes, whether they were worn properly or not in the dark? Definitely not some other human being that hasn't been in any influence of liquor! But then again, she tried pulling it off and failed, she wasn't even under the influence of liquor.

But then again, Anna was formerly an aswang for a few months. In that small time period, she was able to experience the different advantages and nuances of this mysterious and dangerous species. Just thinking about it made her feel dumber and a hypocrite.

To think that she would miss some parts of being a monster just because she found it convenient was nothing short of a hypocritical idea, she thought she would never have. Anna sighed and glanced at the big man with his red, glowing eyes.

"Ummm… so, what brings you here?" She asked.