Chapter Thirty Seven: The Vampdragon Royalties.

It was bright day, with no sun. Several disciples were in the front of the Xhiao Martial temple all in different colours of robe. They had sashes of different colour.

At the front of the Martial temple, all the Martial artists and those who would be taken part in the competition, were gathered as they stood up for the Royalties and Officials of the Vampdragon World. The Martial arts teachers were the first to enter, followed by the higher ups of the City.

"The squire Master, Kung Lao..." An announcer said as the squire Master entered the hall. They all welcomed him with a round of applause.

"The Two Tower masters ; Darrow May and Jamila Jez." They also clapped.

"The Eleven Vampire elders!"

"The Six Dragon elders!"

"His Royal Highness, king Zack Of the Dragon Kingdom and His Royal Highness king Dur Of the vampire Kingdom!"

"Her Royal Majesty, Queen Ann of the Vampire Kingdom"