A sleepy morning (part1)

I walked down the street under the rising sun that heat is pinching my skin, it's a warm and uncomfortable feeling on your body, the feeling of being slightly moist under your high school uniform is really annoying for me, I hated the morning sun more than anything.

A couple of students were walking and chatting around me as they walked past and disappear.

I looked at the ground, catching my breath while saying "tch, why do I even have to go to school, it's not important at all, no one will even care if I can do some complicated equations when I'm a grown-up".

I can not think really clear, because I spent the day before waking up and learning about 3d animations all day long and could only sleep for a couple of hours.

I continued walking slowly up the hill before my school.

My eyes are almost closing due to the fatigue from yesterday, my body swings slowly left and right and I yawned non-stop along the way.

I dragged my feet with all the strength I had left in my body to go up the hill.

tap tap tap tap...

A sound of someone running behind me breaking the silence that surrounded me, a sign that I am going to be late if I kept this walking pace.

tap tap tap tap...

the footsteps came closer to me.

I smell a really strong perfume as she passes me, an abnormal amount of scent for a high school girl.

cough cough...

"damn that girl, I hate this kind of perfume, especially when I am trying to catch my breath".

she dropped something in front of me, some kind of a mechanical pencil.

and so I took it.

suddenly my vision went black.

"damn I guess I went way over my limit yesterday".

I fell to the ground.

my vision is blurry slowly fading into black, as I see her walking back to me.

suddenly I see a blurry vision, a woman getting beaten up by some dude, her face looks familiar but I can not recall who is it.

It seems like she was used by some bikers and then getting beaten to death.

her blood is everywhere, staining her white shirt that is left on the side of her body.

"what in the hell am I seeing, shit, I don't think that staying awake for more than 24 hours can cause this weird dream".

I tried to wake up but I can't

I see them beating her down even tho she's not moving anymore.

"Destroy her face, we'll burn her belongings and bury the remains somewhere"

"Big bro, don't take off your gloves, they'll track our fingerprints"

"shut up, hurry up and destroy her face with the bat"

"I can't do this boss, this is fucked up"

"shut the fuck up or you will end up like her next"

They argue as they continue to beat her body to the extreme extend.

"fuck, what kind of nightmare is this, this is disturbing as fuck" I said to myself while trying to close my eyes to avoid the brutality in front of me.

"what do we do with the betrayer ?"

one of them is holding a gun and suddenly all of them looked at me.

"wait.. ? what the fuck? why are they looking at me ?" I said panicking.

"ah I probably gonna wake up when they killed me, just like another dream," I said to myself.

then my vision changed to 3rd perspective, I can now see my beaten up body, barely breathing but still observing the girl that was raped and brutally murdered in front of me.

my left arm looks broken, and the right one is nailed down to a table.

the room was dark and dirty, looks like an abandoned storage.

"holy shit this is surreal" I said to myself.

"please kill me" I heard my voice from the body that I saw.

the gangsters come closer to my body.

"kill you? no, it is not enough. I need you to suffer more"

he then pulls the big nail that stuck my hand to the table, dragged me beside the corpse of the girl.

I looked at the body, my face looked so sad and hopeless as if I was feeling a pang of great guilt about that girl's death.

I cried and tried to hug her beaten-up body, my hands are trying to reach her destroyed face.

"This is fucked up, boss" said one of them.

then the one who held the gun shoots him in the head killing him instantly.

"that is what happens when you can't shut up" said the boss.

then, my body looked at myself dead in the eye.

With hopeless eyes I said to myself "help !" the sound of my own voice echoes to my brain and my soul are trembling with emotions, frustrations, hatred, sadness, and pain.

"cut them to pieces and feed them to our dogs, anyone who refuses to do it will meet the same destiny with them" said the boss to the gangsters.

he then shoots my body in the head, my visions went black and then when I regained my vision I was back at the scene where I was swaying left and right while climbing a hill before my school.