Chapter 1

Her life was the epitome of the saying,"Life is not all rainbows and sunshine". She had a month and a half left before enters college and she had not even accumulated half of what the college was requesting. Hell, even the cleaning crew would not hire her. She entered the elevator with a concentrated mind and pressed the wrong floor button. She was supposed to exit the hospital and so had to press for the ground floor button. It was when she exited the elevator before she saw what she had done. Trying to maneuver through the long and complex hallways to her destination she rushed past expensive oak doors and stopped in front of a halfway closed one.

One character trait Mother Estelle, a nun at the convert she was raised at despised was her nosiness. One would think that she'd outgrown it by now but no, that red devil was still embedded in her. She could still hear Mother Elle's voice yelling at her not to step an inch toward the door but as they say,"A decorated monkey is still a monkey".

A spark of hope ignited in her chest as she listened in on the ongoing conversation. She quickly hid behind a wall as the client took his leave. After waiting for sometime, she knocked on the doctor's door and came in at his command.

She took a seat at his request and declined an invitation for water. Crossing her legs and tugging at the strands of hair on her shoulder, she struggled to come up with a way to express her desires.

"I heard the conversation between and your client-- sorry about that and i want to do it. Please."

With a bewildered look on his face, he stood up and looked down upon the lady in front of him.

"I could sue you for invasion of privacy, young miss. And we don't just pick people for this job. But what makes you think you'll be chosen, huh?

Exasperated and nearly in tears, she explained everything to the doctor in hopes of gaining his support and possibly empathy.

"I'm sorry about what you've been through but you've got to understand. This is business and my client is a very picky man who doesn't tolerate mistakes and excuses. I wish I could help but my hands are tied. I'm really sorry."

And that was it. It was like that moment where everything becomes silent except for that ringing sound that echoes in your head. That moment when you realize that that's it.

"I should've known", with teary eyes she utters these words to the stunned doctor and gets up nearly falling down in the process. With shaky legs she walks towards the door and its then that she allows the tears to fall.

Meanwhile the doctor drowned in guilt decides to take the girl up on the offer.

"Wait, I think I might be able to help a little", he speaks up.

With wide teary eyes she swivels on her feet to face the doctor with a wide smile on her face and eyes still dripping.

"Thank you so, so, so much. You really don't how much this means to me. I'll forever be indebted to you."

The doctor's heart breaks as he stares at her. She had been through a lot in life but was still holding up. But ... how much could one take.