Alert: Summoners domain cleared a B-rank gate

I stood before the boss, He was sitting on a throne of bones towering above us all. He stood up.

"Adventurer, I believe you have made a grave mistake entering this gate. Now let us see what you can do."

A red glow shone from his arm. a magic circle forming around it. A wheel of flames formed spinning around his arm then a flare of red light and flames exploded out of the casters hand blazing towards me. I dodged as quickly as I could, running past and jumping at him with my sword.

'Alert: Skill activated - "Lightning rush" '

I slammed into another magical circle. I fell down to the ground. I couldn't rest as another magical circle formed this one was blue and it formed a giant spurt of lightning cracking through the air and smashing into the ground where I had just been lying. Damn it! Why is magic so op in this world? I ran around him attacking relentlessly but every time a barrier formed and I was pushed back down followed by a swift counter attack, my stamina was depleting. Is there no end to this boss's mana? I charged forward once again, hitting the barrier and bouncing off. Then as he cast another spell I charged forward. The boss only smiled and the magic circle disappeared in front of him. A smaller magic circle appeared right behind him, it was light green. I tried to outrun it but I couldn't, it was too fast. Suddenly a gust of wind blew me to the side firing about a hundred meters to the left. I tumbled into a pile of bodies, my legs aching. I slowly picked myself up and walked towards him again. I opened the crafting window and selected the cheapest spear I could craft. Then I made twenty of them, spawning the first into my hand I threw it at my target. My foot slamming into the ground moving my whole body as my arms launched the spear. It hit the shield and dropped to the floor. Then walking forward I spawned the next one and threw it in a similar fashion putting all my weight into each throw.

"Damn it, what do you think you're doing? You think I can't survive a spear wound?"

simply launched the next one with each throw I advanced like a giant game of chicken. If he used a spell to knock me away again he would get hit but if I kept moving closer I would get close enough.

"No! Stay back!"

I was down to my last three spears and I was about ten meters from him. He was about three meters tall but I could still reach a vital organ. My third spear slammed into the shield lodging into the magical circle like a stone in a windshield, a small crack. Was his mana running out? I walked forward standing right next to his shield now and I plunged my last spear into the shield. Then repeating the same action of taking something from my inventory I drew my sword rushing round his barrier I dashed up to him.


"Hahahahaha you fool, I win"

A light blue circle formed and lightning spilled out hitting me in the stomach and knocking me back.

"Uek.. ugh you bastard. How?"

A bluer spear was lodged in his leg, blood spilling from the wound.

'Alert: Skill activated - "boiling blood" '

His screams erupted from his once smug face, His coy smiles were now pure agony.

"Well done I must admit that was painful but I'm not done yet. Now taste true magic"

He reached his hands into the air four magic circles forming above him. The sky began to rumble, magic poured from his hands shocking us all rooting us to the ground. I tried to move but my movements were crippled by the unimaginable power. Up in the clouds a dark object overcast the whole area. The clouds parted revealing a giant boulder. He made an asteroid?!?!? Is that even possible? How much mana does this guy have?

It was roughly the size of a two story house. It was rushing towards us. I had most of my mana left. If chaaya boosts it it's doubled. Will a smash with four hundred Mp be enough. Can I do any more?

"Human! How much can you boost my mana?"

"Um Rhy do you see that thing in the sky?"

"Yes just answer the question"

I don't have much time, I need to hit it as soon as possible, before it speeds up.

"Humans just put as much mana as you can without hurting yourself!"

'Alert: Skill activated - "Wyvern wing" '

I jumped into the sky, my wings beating with fury trying to reach the asteroid hanging in the air.

'Alert: Master Chaaya used skill - "Arcanum" '

My Mp skyrocketed tripling I had six hundred Mana points to pour into my attack

'Alert: Skill activated - "Smash" '

My fist burnt an intense red crawling up my arm consuming my arm and crawling onto my chest as I used all my Mp, everything I had was poured into the punch.

As I intercepted the asteroid I touched the burning rock with my left hand. The rock seared my hand like a boiling kettle. Then using everything I had I punched the asteroid with my fist slamming into the rock. The impact shook my entire body as cracks ripped through the sphere. The cracks grew and multiplied, smashing everything in sight. I kept going driving through the punch pushing through the tons of rock smashing the insides as my punch tunneled through the stone. The asteroid cracked in half and then quarters breaking into tiny pieces.that fell to the ground like hail. I passed out falling to earth, the wind rushed past my ears like knives cutting me. I feel my entire body losing consciousness. The blue sky faded in and out as it got further from me. This is the first time I've fallen and hated it. As I stared up at the free clouds roaming around, even in a gate. I felt something that I haven't before, A want to survive. I couldn't use any spells and my vision kept failing. There was nothing I could do. The sky cut out. I saw only black for what seemed like hours. When I finally saw it again There was no sky. No after life. I saw her. She was holding me in her arms. My eyes drifted open seeing her golden hair wafting in the breeze. And that's where I passed out.

'Alert: Summoners domain cleared a B-rank gate'