Alert: Rhy has encountered the second gate boss - "The queen of pestilance"

I stood in the blood stained streets. My sword was hanging from my arm as I stared down a horde of Demons. Behind me was Chaaya. She was lying on the ground crying.

There must be twenty demons. How could I beat this many?

'Alert: Hp 600/600'

'Alert: Mp 200/200'

'Alert: Sp 100%'

I ran forward with my sword scraping the stone as I ran.

'Alert: skill activated - "Swordsman's fight" '

My mind cleared as I jumped forward slashing into the first demon's arm, my blade bouncing back as I thrashed against the armour.

'Alert: skill activated - "defence reverser" '

My movements were more powerful as I slammed my foot into the ground raising my sword above my head smashing it back down into the demon. I rushed forward smashing into the next one, it stumbled and I jabbed my sword into its stomach. I pulled it out, blood splashing onto the floor.

'Alert: passive skill activated - "Replenish" cool down 1 hour'

'Alert: Skill activated - "Thunderclap strike" '

My body flew forward slashing through the demons. How am I doing this? What is this feeling? It's like every attack is a chain? What is happening to me? My body feels like it's following a path. I feel in control but at the same time at the mercy of fate, each movement predetermined by me. Like a story I've written. With each swing of my sword, each step I took. Each action every single thing I did felt destined. Like a path of water rushing through a path of enemies. My arms burnt, my legs felt numb as I smashed and cut my way through the army of enemies, the endless swarm of monsters. I was fighting my way through an ocean of monsters.

"Well well well. You seem to be quite powerful but as the second in command to our lord I must kill you, so let this be a lesson as I strike you down."

'Alert: Rhy has encountered the second gate boss - "The queen of pestilance" '

I looked to my side to see a woman, she was sitting on the edge of a roof, her legs kicking out into the air. She was dressed in green and had a single horn that cut out of the right of her head. She was surrounded by bugs, an army of centipedes and ants, wasps and mosquitoes.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Why I just told you, I am the eternal lord's second in command. The ultimate summoner. The queen of insects and pestilence!"

"That's impossible. My master is the ultimate summoner so you can't be. I'll show you by killing you."

"Heh such insolence. I wouldn't need to use a summon on you, you ingrate now die and sacrifice your screams to our lord."

She extended her palm and a strange purple liquid oozed out forming a bullet in her hand, the strange liquid rippling in her hand. The bullet flew forward hitting me in the chest, the disease soaking into my skin.

'Alert: passive skill activated - "antitoxin" cool down 10 mins'

I walked forward with my sword dropping to the floor.

"How? You pests why do humans have to be so damn defiant. Fine I suppose I'll use my summons even if you are just a human."

A centipede ran towards me its feet scuttling across the groun. It's been a while since I fought that. As it lunged at me I grabbed the pincers with my hands pushing them apart. I pushed my feet into the ground cracking the floor. I twisted and put everything I could into this movement. I pushed outwards with all my might. I pushed and pushed, ripping the centipede in two.

I kept walking. My lungs burn and I am so tired. My breathing was laboured as I walked forward.

"No! This isn't possible. A human can't defeat me, don't make me laugh. Go forth my children kill this feeble and inferior being. Bring me his heart so I may present it to my lord."

A group of beetles flew towards me, their giant wings beating down as they flew at me.

'Alert: skill activated - "Smash" '

My fist slammed into the beetle shell knocking it backwards as I sliced into the next one with my sword.

'Alert: skill activated - "defence reverser" '

My body overflowed with strength as I sliced into the next one. My sword slashing through the wings and shells. Soon they were all dead.

"No! No! No! This cannot be my beautiful children struck down by this vile monstrosity."

More bugs swarmed from behind her. A group of mosquitos flew towards me.

'Alert: skill activated - "boiling blood" '

They dropped to the ground squirming in agony. I kept walking. The corpses behind me vanished into ash, like the corpses in the path event and the assassins paradise. What was happening were they summons too. I kept walking forward, my breath still heavy.

Then a monster appeared behind her, a huge fly, its red eyes gleaning down at me. It's clear wings beating behind it. It had long arms and flew towards me, gently hovering over the rooftops, its wings droning with an infuriating buzz. I jumped up into the sky, my sword above my head as I arced my body. I brought my sword down with all my strength slashing into the fly. My sword swung through the air, buit the fly disappeared. My sword plummeted to the ground as I fell back into the stone.

How can this be? Where did it go? What happened? I thought I was the fastest. How could something be that fast? This has to be her last resort right? There can't be something that overwhelms me so completely. But what is this? This feeling? Deep down inside me. This excitement. This feeling of happiness, this rush. I haven't felt it in a while. It's something, it's something that can challenge me. I turned round my wings opening to pull me back up as I stared at the fly, its red eyes staring back at me. This was it. This was the fight I was looking for.