Chapter 48: According to Plans

Xiu'er and Yu Yue took turns watching over Xiaogua's body for the rest of the night into the next day at the closest village. Surrounding his bed at this time of night, they recalled what the inside of the mountain was like for the rest compared to Xiu'er and Kun Shang. Theirs were a slight variation that included massive boulders, acid pools and poison fog. Xiaogua and Yu Yue managed to survive without having full conversations. Xiaogua only gave short stuttering sentences.

Xiu'er couldn't help but feel like they were let off easy with the library room and arrows. They were all sitting at the table in the inn room they rented for Xiaogua. The table fits four. Xiu'er, Silang, Kun Shang and Yu Yue were at the table while A'Li was on it. Chun Yi was standing far back between her brother and Kun Shang.

Xiaogua's pupils rolled underneath his eyelids before he woke up and sat up in bed slowly with a hand on his head. He was amazed and confused to see them all rushing over to surround him suddenly. Well, all except for Chun Yi.

When Xiaouga realized they were at a local inn and he was the only one injured, he put his head back. He had been afraid his powers would harm someone but they didn't. He felt relieved. Sleep quickly took over him before he could open his eyes again.

Xiaogua slept throughout the night without any disturbances. When he woke up and he was strong enough to sit, Xiu'er, A'Li and Yu Yue brought him a bowl of black medicine.

Xiu'er stood next to him while Yu Yue sat on the bed. A'Li sat at the end of the bed, still pouting that Xiu'er made him blow the fire to cook the medicine. His face was now marked with black ashes.

Silang didn't come because he was mad at her for leaving the Celestial Illusion behind.

"Eight years I've searched for that thing! How could you just leave it?" He dug his fingers into his hair and pulled. He was breathing so hard she could almost see the hot air coming from his flaring nostrils. Suddenly, he pointed at her. "Did you two touch it?"

She held up her palms in honest truth.

Xiu'er handed Xiaogua the warm bowl of medicine. The liquid was so black one couldn't see the bottom of the bowl.

"Don't worry, it doesn't taste as bad as it looks," she said to his worried face.

He gladly took it from her hands and smelled it. There was no odor. He took a large sip, trusting Xiu'er. As soon as his mouth was filled with the liquid, his taste buds immediately soured up, followed by the most bitter taste he had ever had. His eyes grew large because it was too late. He had swallowed that large sip before he tasted the bitterness. His horrid face reaction was followed by giggling noises.

"I say that to everyone." The smile on Xiu'er's face was too nice for him to hold a grudge. "If I don't say that, they will keep staring at the medicine until it gets cold. Now finish the entire thing. I promise you it won't be that bitter now that you've had your first sip."

She leaned her shoulder on the bed frame and watched as he gulped down the rest of the bowl with his face completely squished together. When he was done, he handed the bowl to Yu Yue.

In the middle of the exchange, they locked eyes for a short while. While the two were in a daze that reminded Xiu'er of flowers and perfume, she asked Xiaogua why he kept having his headaches.

"E-ever since I was a… young child, I tend to lose control of my powers and… um, scare many people in our village. When my parents were killed by a plague, they… ah, blamed me for it and… and forced me out. It wasn't long until I was found by merchants, who took me to Yu Chi Village where I-- I became a fisherman. However, my past still haunted me because I couldn't learn to control my powers properly. I'm just-- I'm just glad no one got hurt in the process."

The entire time he spoke, his eyes looked from his lap to Xiu'er, but never Yu Yue.

It was understandable that his headaches were linked to his loss of control over his powers. However, at last Xiu'er found out what was the root of his power explosions to go uncontrollably.

There was a common plague that wiped out many poor villages years back. The plague attacked areas of the body where qi was supposed to run freely. His village must be one of those unfortunately few who were attacked by the plague.

Treating post symptoms this long in the future would be difficult for her. It required forces from the inside and outside of the patient to fully restore the qi channels to its original state. In other words, Xiaogua must learn martial arts so he can exercise his qi to open correctly and accurately. Then, she would use her qi from the outside to fix his channels so they align.

The latter was easy, but the first part might be difficult. Kun Shang makes a terrible teacher and would not be able to teach the basics to Xiaogua properly. How could Xiaogua learn martial arts from a real Master?

They were going to stay another day when Silang burst through the door saying he saw Gou Qingzhao in the marketplace. She was harassing everyone on the street holding up a picture of Kun Shang's face.

A'Li shivered at the thought of her name, someone he knew he would never want to steal from again.

Yu Yue was surprised when she learned that Xiu'er, Kun Shang and them were running from Gou Qingzhao. She's a very powerful person, Yu Yue had said.

"She holds the title as the second place winner of the previous Pugilistic of Martial Arts Conference." Yu Yue stated. "Extremely talented, but an aggressive person. If she can trail you to this place, it's best we do not travel in a straight route."

"Our plan is to head back to the capital for Huang Zhaoli," Kun Shang stated as he walked through the door and entered Xiaogua's room.

Huang Zhaoli was one of the three Legendary World Roaming Heroes who was still active in the martial arts world. The Grandmaster of Western Wind Ethereal Sect told him this and he was thankful for it. Maybe the Hero could answer some questions Kun Shang had about his sword.

"But because of Gou Qingzhao on our tracks, I think we'll have to detour to the north. Let's go around." He turned to Xiaogua, "Will you be alright for travel?"

Xiaogua nodded his head. Although he was still bedridden, he doesn't want to be the reason for them to fall behind. He didn't want to be a burden for them at all. That would be the last thing he wanted to happen.

Xiu'er confirmed that she'll stay closely by his side to monitor his condition.

With a pop of her eyebrows towards him, he smiled as his heart was full of warmth and friendship.