Chapter 56: Broad Daylight Kidnap

"Thought you could get rid of me that easily." Qingzhao shot her large deathly eyes at Kun Shang. Kun Shang didn't waiver and only stood up taller. In terms of martial art skills, he knew that he was at her level. Years of hard work training in the most intensive program in the Palace had paid off a lot in the end.

Mister Fei took one look at Qingzhao and his mouth dropped to the ground. He quickly grabbed Mister Chen by the hand and they took flight faster than the blink of an eye. Xiu'er watched them disappointingly disappear with their feet kicking up dirt behind them.

After the two cowards left, Qingzhao ordered her men to attack the familiar group. The henchmen surrounded them, blocking off any exit. Before, it was only Kun Shang fighting with Mister Fei, but now with more enemies at bay, everyone had to step out and defend themselves.

Kun Shang took on Qingzhao, their skill levels eye to eye. Since this was the second time they've fought, he knew how to get a handle on her now. She was strong in her offense. Her speed was fast and her strength strong, but that left her weak in her defense when it was his turn to blow heavy attacks at her. Therefore, the key to beating Qingzhao was to always fight on offense and don't let her get a chance to strike.

Qingzhao swung both of her sabres around her body and above her head like they weigh nothing, but when Kun Shang stuck his sword in the stronghold of one of the sabres and unsecured it into his hand, he suddenly realized the ridiculous heaviness of the overweight sabre. It dropped to the ground, cracking the pavement with a deafening thud!

In that split second while he was in shock, Qingzhao unleashed a mechanism in her boots and the tip of a blade came out at the front of her feet. She twisted her body and executed multiple rounds of spin kicks at Kun Shang to push him backwards. She retrieved her sabre from the ground . A small cut landed on one of his arms to make him realize that she had weapons at her feet.

Everyone else seemed to be doing well on their own. Yu Yue was protecting Xiaogua. Jiyi Sangshi was a beast with his bare hands as he shoved his shoulders into the enemies. And Silang and Xiu'er had their backs against each other.

A subordinate sneaked an attack behind Jiyi Sangshi, but Silang saw it just in time to block it with a nearby stool and kicked the subordinate in the chest. He successfully saved the slave, but froze as three swords pointed at his neck.

"Stop!" One of the men yelled. Everybody halted and diverted their attention to them. They took Silang to Qingzhao with a sword across his neck.

"Brother!" Xiu'er advanced.

"One more step and his head drops!" Qingzhao's voice was cold. She recalled the rest of her men before looking Kun Shang in the eyes. "The sword for his life," she bargained bluntly. There was a large gap between the two groups.

Kun Shang walked to the front of his group and looked down at his sword. The Sword of the Millennial Gods was an ancient relic given to him by the current Emperor to use and protect the world in the near future. It was also his duty to safeguard it as well, and return it to the Palace when he finished his mission. If he was to lose it, there could be unimaginable consequences.

He looked behind him to Xiu'er. She was frightened as she looked back and forth between her brother and him. Her watery eyes pleaded to him. Xiu'er was the first person to ever make him feel alive. Truly alive. He's still getting used to the excitement and spirit of it all, but she was the spark and an irreplaceable friend. It was her brother they had caught. Her only blood related family in this brutal martial arts world had to bring her into their problems.

That's right. Their problems. She didn't deserve this. This was only between him and Qingzhao.

Without another doubt, he sheathed his sword and threw it in the air. Qingzhao caught it in one hand with a sly smile. She looked at it and smirked.

"My brother--"

Before Xiu'er could finish her sentence, one of the men threw something on the ground and a black smoke surrounded them. Xiu'er waved her hand to dispel the smoke and ran to the spot where her brother was just standing. There was no one there anymore. Obviously they've already made their escape and disappeared. A thousand questions ran through her head and a thousand scenarios followed. As she sank down to her feet with a sigh of disbelief, Kun Shang caught her skinny shoulders in his arms.

They should've known Qingzhao's attitude by now and not trust her.

Many hours had passed as the five of them formed a circle next to the road outside of the black market town. They were discussing what they should do next and where to go. Kun Shang's money was completely lost in Silang's gamble. Xiu'er's money, the one she stole from Gou Qingzhao, was spent to the last penny buying Jiyi Sangshi from the slave owner. And Silang was kidnapped by Eastern Double Blade Sect's dual Moon Saber carrier. They don't have enough to spend the night in town. They only have their horses to rely on.

Kun Shang had decided not to sell the horses this time. He thought it would be better to travel faster than to save money.

Kun Shang stood facing a tree as if he had been talking to it the whole time. Xiaogua walked back and forth down the road. Jiyi Sangshi sat across from Yu Yue, who was consoling Xiu'er by rubbing a hand down her back.

Xiu'er refused to speak a word ever since Qingzhao left, which made everyone think she had fallen ill to anguish. In fact, it was the opposite. She was trying to figure out what her idiotic brother had in mind to be caught by them so easily. What was it that he wanted to find out about Eastern Double Blade Sect that he needed to infiltrate it. Was it how the Eastern Sect was related to the brothel? And he went without telling her! What was he thinking?

One thing for sure though, her brother knew how to take care of himself more than anything. This part she was not worried about. He had never made her worried about him before, and he had many ideas up his sleeves. The Eastern Sect cannot touch him.

What's important at the moment was their next move. They cannot proceed forward being that they're broke. Where are they going to stay without money? They need a place to recuperate and think things out. Maybe find another abandoned house to lodge at?

Xiu'er touched her right hip where the wooden token was hidden underneath her robe. She pulled it out and ran her thumb down the gold characters 'Forever' back and forth.

Murong Yuqi, she said his name in her head. What kind of person are you? Should I trust you?

She turned to Yu Yue to ask for help.

"Yu Yue, what kind of person is Murong Yuqi?"

The question was unexpected and Yu Yue blinked. She had to think hard about how to answer it.

"In honesty, I do not know him personally. I've only heard stories of him from others about his virtuous demeanor and noble upbringing. I have met him many times, but it was only due to business reasons. However, I can tell you that he is a good person." She looked down at Xiu'er's hand where she was rubbing her thumbs on the token Murong Yuqi gave her. "If you're thinking of going to him for help, I assure you he will not turn you down. The Northern Sect strongly upholds hospitality."

Xiu'er sighed and relaxed her shoulders. It was good to know that at least they're in friendly land. She deeply inhaled and closed her eyes. She had already made her decision in her heart.