Chapter 5: Summer Camp III

TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2000

"How was it?"

"It was amazing," I said, my eyes glittering as we stared off towards the setting sun. We weren't on the ridge; our conversation was too private for that. But we found a nice clearing and could still see the red haze descending over the mountains. "It really was one of the most incredible experiences of my life."

"I wish I'd seen it," Dawn said glumly.

I chuckled. "You looked plenty happy with what we did."

"Yeah..." Dawn sighed. "I never thought I could pass out from too much pleasure."

I squeezed her hand tightly. "Me, neither."

Dawn bit her lip nervously. "Did she seem hurt at all by it?"

I shrugged. "I don't think so. Remember, she had a lot of time to prep and get herself lubed up."

"Well ... I don't think I'm ready to try anything like that, Ben. Even with my period starting tomorrow."

"That's okay," I said soothingly and squeezed her hand. "I love what we do. No pressure, remember? And that last time we were making love was beautiful, Dawn."

"It was." She turned and kissed me softly. "I love you, Ben."

I grinned and felt the butterflies in my stomach. "I love you, too."

Dawn went silent and looked away from me. "Ben..."


My best friend took a deep breath and then swiveled her soft blue eyes right to me. And with mingled hope and fear, she asked, "Are you ... IN love with me now?"

I took a deep breath. "I think so..."

Dawn fidgeted. "But what about your girlfriend?"

"I was never IN love with her. I don't think I've ever been in love before. Not real love."

"We're sixteen. What do we know about real love, right?" She sighed and her voice turned forlorn. "But what about Mark? I'd feel terrible for breaking up with him."

I took a deep breath. "That's for you to decide."

Dawn started trembling and I wrapped my arms around her, hushing her softly. Her jaw quivered and she said haltingly, "I thought it was just the sex talking. You know? Good orgasms and pleasant feelings. Wasn't that supposed to be it? We were just friends having sex, right? We're not supposed to fall in love, Ben. I shouldn't. You're leaving me in like ten days. What the hell am I supposed to do when you go back to Orange County?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "I don't know."

I still hadn't figured things out by the time I needed to return Dawn home to her cabin. Her parents were lax about things like curfews while we were at camp, but I still knew not to push my luck.

I knew I was going to passionately kiss her goodnight and tell her I loved her when I finally got her to her door, but I hadn't figured out anything else besides that.

Turned out, I didn't need to. Another pair of people got our attention before we made it to Dawn's cabin. And in a hurry, Dawn switched off my flashlight and shushed me with a finger to her lips.

Ten feet in front of us, sitting on a log just twenty feet away from the Evans' cabin and out of view from any window, were Brandi and Dayna.

And they were kissing.

My eyes went wide and despite the late hour, I felt my cock hardening at the sight of the gorgeous blonde whom I'd buttfucked that morning making out with my beautiful older sister.

But when they broke apart for air, their words were anything but loving. "Dammit, Dayna, how come you never have time for me anymore?"

Brandi's whisper was forceful enough to carry towards us where we could hear, but probably couldn't be made out by anyone at the cabin. Dayna sighed, "I AM spending time with you."

"You've been fucking Ben every morning since Dawn invited you. That used to be OUR time."

"But we still have the afternoons and the evenings and we sneak away for our quickies, don't we?" Dayna soothed and stroked Brandi's cheek. "It's just sex."

"I know, I know. I'm just feeling left out," Brandi pouted.

"I keep inviting you to come WITH us!" Dayna insisted. "Then we could still play and you wouldn't be left out."

"I can't do that! Ben's there!"

"So? It's not like he hasn't seen a pair of tits before. Besides, you've seen HIM naked and fucking before."

"But this is different! Wasn't it good enough when it was just you and me? Or even just you, me, and Dawn?"

Dayna giggled. "There's no substitute for a good dick, Brandi. And your little brother's got a NICE one."

"Hmph. If I had a dick, would you still be my best friend?"

"I AM your best friend!" Dayna protested.

Brandi whimpered forlornly. "But now you spend more time eating out your own sister than me. What happened to us?"

"C'mon, Brandi. We're not lesbians. We LIKE cock. And I needed to get FUCKED. Sounds like you should too. Why don't you hook up with Alfred? He's been drooling all over you since you got here!"

"Eww! He's all scrawny and pale." My sister said in a horrified voice. "And I'm not going to cheat on my boyfriend!"

"Then don't complain to me about not getting enough orgasms," Dayna shook her head.

"It's not about sex! Dayna, I feel like I barely get to talk to you anymore!"

Dayna sighed. "Look, I'm sorry if you feel neglected. I'll make more time for us, I promise! C'mon, tomorrow afternoon, we'll sneak away, just the two of us. We can talk and catch up and ... maybe ... have a little playtime, okay? I promise."

Brandi sighed. "Okay ... You promised..." She took a deep breath and looked around. "C'mon, we should probably get inside before our parents freak."

"Yeah." Dayna leaned in and kissed Brandi again. Then the two of them slipped off the log and headed inside to their respective cabins.

I didn't turn to look at Dawn until the doors closed. In the dim moonlight, I could just make out Dawn's face. She didn't look surprised at all. "You ... and my sister?" I asked in a hesitant voice.

I swore Dawn blushed, even though I couldn't see it. "Yeah..." she replied softly.

"Can I see that too?" I asked hopefully.

Dawn just punched my shoulder. "You're such a perve."

So much for our romantic goodnight.


"My period started," Dawn shrugged in apology when we met up in the morning.

"Already?" I frowned. "I was hoping it wouldn't come until this afternoon or something."

Dawn hugged herself. "I'm actually relieved. I mean, I love having sex with you, but since this is my first time having sex and all, it's nice to know I'm not pregnant."

"Guess those pills really do work," I nodded.

Dawn then smiled nervously at me. "Still want to go hiking? I can still give you blowjobs. And..." Dawn's smile turned into a grin. "Dayna won't shut up about getting you to fuck her ass again. She's in the bathroom making sure she's all cleaned out."

My eyes lit up. "Let's go!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuuuck!" Dayna's hips gave one last wriggle and then she let her arms collapse down, leaving only her butt held aloft on wobbly legs.

With a firm grip on her hips, I thrust forward a few more times before slamming myself in and holding myself there, my body jerking lightly while my dick spat out glob after glob of semen into the depths of Dayna's bowels.

When I'd finished and also caught my breath, I finally withdrew, smirking at the gaping wide hole I was leaving behind. Dayna's anus was stretched lewdly, not even beginning to tighten back up after being held open for so long.

"Wow..." Dawn gasped. "Doesn't that hurt?"

"A little..." Dayna sighed. "But it's so wonderful..."

Dawn just blinked while staring and Dayna slowly bent her knees in, lowering her ass towards the ground. "You wanna try it?"

"Oh, no, no!" Dawn said hurriedly. "It still looks too scary."


"I dunno. It just seems ... weird. Like it's not natural."

Dayna grinned. "What's not natural about it? It's a big hole that fits a cock, and it feels sooo good ... Your asshole has like a hundred times as many nerves as anywhere else on your body. That means it can hurt if you don't do it right. But if you DO do it right, oh ... orgasm city!"

Dawn looked dubious.

"C'mon, lighten up Dawn," Dayna encouraged. "I know ... do you want to suck his cum out of me?"

"Out of your asshole? Gross!" Dawn protested vehemently.

"Fiiine..." Dayna drawled, panting softly. "It's days like this I wish my tongue could reach my own ass..."

"You're such a cumslut, Dayna," Dawn shook her head in disbelief.

"You'd better believe it."


Thursday morning was a near repeat of the previous day. The three of us stripped and fondled and french kissed to our heart's content. I wound up nursing on Dayna's tits while Dawn blew me to completion, swallowing a couple of shots and then snowballing the rest into her big sister's mouth.

But then that morning turned out to be just the first of many boneheaded mistakes on my part. I would argue that hey, I was just a 16-year-old boy being led around by my dick. It was certainly accurate. And my dick was leading me to the most sexually willing female around, which meant Dayna, not the sweet girl I was falling in love with, Dawn.

After my first orgasm, I offered to make out and finger Dawn to orgasm. But she didn't want my hand going anywhere near her crotch, not even outside her shorts. So our sexual play continued with me kissing and sucking on Dawn's tits while Dayna blew me to a powerful ejaculation.

And by the third round, I wasn't even paying attention to Dawn while I french kissed Dayna, and then sucked and pawed at her tits while she jacked me. Eventually, all of my focus was squarely on Dayna's body while I buttfucked her to mutual screaming orgasms.

Even the post-coital cuddling was with the elder Evans sister, my head happily pillowed on her big tits while we gasped and giggled together.

Dawn took things in stride, but I should have noticed the slightly annoyed look in her eyes.

FRIDAY, JULY 21, 2000

Friday morning turned out to be more of the same.

Dawn came out first and shyly asked, "Ben, would you mind if we went hiking alone? Just the two of us? It's been fun and all with Dayna, but I kinda miss being alone with you."

Like a good friend I shrugged and answered, "Sure. No problem." I was used to things being just me and Dawn from spending a good chunk of our lives joined at the hip, and I mentally squelched my mild disappointment at not getting the chance to fuck Dayna's ass again.

But before would could actually leave, Dayna came bounding down the steps in her hiking gear. "Are we going?"

I blanched and wasn't sure how to tell Dayna that Dawn wanted some "alone" time, so I left it to Dawn to deliver the news. Unfortunately, Dawn didn't know how to turn down her big sister in this, so she just gave a weak smile and said, "Sure, we're going."

I should have spoken up. I KNEW with certainty that Dawn wanted to be alone with me. But my dick wanted inside Dayna's ass, so I kept my mouth shut. That was my second boneheaded mistake.

The three of us went hiking. I got blowjobs from both Evans sisters while fondling their tits and warring with our tongues. And then we finished up with an explosive assfuck that left Dayna worn out and barely able to hike back to camp. Once again, I naturally spent most of my focus on the girl willing to take my dick inside her body.

This time I did notice the slightly annoyed look in Dawn's eyes. But I was too self- satisfied with my recent orgasm to pay it any mind.

Lunch was spent with me and Dayna exchanging naughty grins. And then the afternoon was for resting by the lake.

"You look like the cat that ate the canary."

"Hmm?" I sat up a little straighter, turning my head to the side to glance at Brandi, who was laid out on the lounge chair beside me. Dawn was still annoyed with me and had gone to hang out with some of our other friends while I just rested from the morning's exertions. Dayna, on the other hand, was passed out and snoring on the lounge chair on the other side of Brandi, effectively leaving me and my sister alone.

Brandi just slowly shook her head. "You. You look so wiped out and yet you have this shit-eating grin on your face. Apropos given what you've been up to."


"Never mind. SAT word. Just, I know for a fact that both Dawn and Dayna are on their periods, and yet you're still coming to lunch exhausted." Brandi then tilted her sunglasses down and fixed me with a glare. "And since Dawn is still perky and playing frisbee with her friends while Dayna here is zonked out to the world, I'm assuming you've found my best friend's predilection for anal play, little brother."

"Uh, hrm, well," I stuttered for a bit before remembering my phrase. "A gentleman doesn't speak of such things."

"A gentleman doesn't fuck my best friend up her ass until she passes out and can't gossip with me," Brandi deadpanned.

I just looked away and saw my salvation. Our parents plus our siblings were all coming over. I nodded in their direction. "The parentals and the kids are coming."

Brandi glanced over and then rolled her eyes. She sighed heavily and then asked quietly, "Just give me my friend back for a few mornings, okay? There's barely a week of camp left and I miss her."

I shrugged. "Sure thing."


Honoring Brandi's request turned out to be an easy thing, at least for one day. It wasn't my choice. Our parents asked me to take the twins hiking to the Garden of Eden pool. Eden especially considered it "her pool", referring to as "The Garden of Me", while Emma was just looking forward to getting out of the camp for a little while.

It was a good hour's hike each way for a full-grown teenager. With the 10-year- olds, plus playtime, it would take all morning. I mentioned the trip to Dawn and asked her to keep me company. We might even find some time to sneak away for some makeout sessions, if not a blowjob or two. I thought it might even make up some of that "alone" time Dawn had been wanting. But we both knew I'd have to spend all my time chaperoning the little ones. It STILL wouldn't be quality alone time, so Dawn declined, saying she wanted to catch up with some of her other friends she'd been neglecting while dedicating all her focus on me for the past three weeks.

At least Gary Wong, one of my other camp friends a year younger, volunteered to go with me at the last minute. His little sister Jenny was also ten and wanted to hang out with the twins.

Fortunately, even with the longer hike, we all made the trip easily. I'd built up some good endurance what with all my summer activities. Even besides the sex, swimming, volleyball, frisbee, soccer, and repeated hikes had gotten me to the point where I could hike for hours. Gary was in good shape as well, and the little ones were fountains of energy.

Unfortunately, the girls burned themselves out at the pool and little waterfall at the Garden of Eden. We big brothers didn't account for that and the return trip took almost 45 minutes longer. We even had to trade off piggy-backing the girls for part of the hike home. The end result was that we missed lunch, and all our friends and family were already gone by the time we got to the dining hall. At least our parents had set aside some extra food for us, and the five of us all wolfed it down quickly.

Re-energized, the girls quickly took off straight to their afternoon activities and I headed back to my cabin to change and dump the hiking gear. I unpacked and then quickly hopped into the shower to rinse off the hiking grime and pool water, enjoying the quiet solitude of an empty cabin after listening to three screaming pre-teen girls all morning. Then I wrapped myself up in my towel and went to the bunkroom to change.

It turned out, the cabin wasn't as empty as I'd thought. As I walked into the room, a blonde head on my pillow immediately caught my attention and my heart leapt. Was Dawn waiting to greet me?

She turned around and flashed me a smile, pulling the blanket away to reveal she was wearing just a skimpy bikini with loose shorts over her hips, her massive tits straining against the woefully inadequate cloth trying to restrain them. "Dayna?" I gasped in surprise.

"I need your cum, Ben. Hurry up. I don't know how long we'll have the cabin to ourselves." She sat up and beckoned to me with both hands frantically.

"What? Here?"

"Just a quick blowjob. I promise. Please? I need to taste your cum." Her eyes went up pleadingly at my hesitation, and then she quickly reached back and pulled the string holding up her bikini top. "Here, you can play with my tits. It'll make you cum faster."

My mind had not yet caught up, but my body certainly knew what to do. The sight of Dayna's tits jiggling around in her bikini top coupled with the lustful expression on her face had my feet already moving me forward and my dick obscenely propping up my towel and threatening to pop through the opening.

The towel soon became a moot point as I reached the bed and Dayna tugged it open. The towel fell to the floor and then I was standing naked in the bunkroom with an open door behind me while a topless Dayna Evans sat on my bed staring straight at my cock. If someone came in, there would be no explaining the situation away. And this would turn out to be my third consecutive day of boneheaded mistakes.

Dayna's hands went to my shaft at the same time that my hands went to her tits. I was still amazed and awed by her prodigious bosoms, her areolas seemingly bigger and a darker purple during her period and somehow even more sensitive as I flicked the nipples with my thumbs. She moaned for a moment before moving her head forward and capturing my cock in her mouth. And the next time she moaned, I could feel the vibration all the way down to my feet.

I squeezed her tits a few more times while she bobbed back and forth along my rod, and then I managed to grunt, "Let me fuck your tits for a bit."

Dayna quickly agreed, backing off just enough to lay my shaft into her cleavage, and then she compressed her own titflesh around me so that my head poked up through her tunnel, and then she was bucking her chest up and down me while grinning happily.

"You like that, Ben? You like seeing your dick in my big tits? That's it! Fuck my titties! Fuck them!" she urged me on while my hips began to gyrate. "Fuck my tits and then cum in my mouth! Don't you want to watch me swallow your big load Ben? I'm a slut for cum. I'm a slut for your cum, Ben!"

She'd been right. It was going to be quick. I'd gotten rather used to cumming at least twice before 10am, and now that it was after 1pm, I groaned as I felt the pressure in my balls build up to the boiling point.

Dayna realized this and she released her tits, instead ducking her head back down and swallowing me all the way down to my base, deep-throating me so that she could even take a couple of licks at my sweaty balls. And that did the trick.

I grunted a warning and Dayna pulled back just until my cockhead was in her mouth again, and as she jacked me with both hands, I began spunking straight onto her tongue.

"Mmm..." Dayna moaned while I sent blast after blast of heavy cream into her mouth, and she drank down every drop like a pro.

"Ungh! Ungh!" I grunted, until at last I'd squirted out every drop. And with her mouth still on my cock, Dayna rolled her sky blue eyes up to me, a twinkle in her gaze as she smiled around a mouthful of cock and cum.

"Ben! Dayna!" came a shrill voice and for a second I panicked. What if one of my sisters had just seen that? I whirled around, pulling my cock out of Dayna's mouth and I immediately hopped onto the bed and tried to pull the covers over my crotch.

"Dawn!" Dayna exclaimed a second later and I looked up just in time to see my beautiful blonde best friend standing in the doorway with a surprised look on her face.

I sighed and relaxed, "Thank god it's you."

Dawn looked back and forth between me trying to cover up and her topless sister with some droplets of cum still on her lips, and she glared angrily at us. She barked accusingly, "What are you doing?"

"Uh..." I stammered in surprise. Dawn actually looked angry and I didn't know how to react, staring at Dayna for help.

"Nothing," Dayna shrugged, her tone as if to say 'well-DUH'. "Just gave him a blowjob since we missed the morning hike. Nothing we haven't done before." Matter-of-factly, Dayna picked up her bikini top and began to put it back on.

Dawn's jaw went up and down twice without any sounds coming out, looking thoroughly confused by her own feelings for a moment. "Oh, right..."

I arched an eyebrow and Dawn shook her head, still fighting her emotions and trying to keep herself calm. "Just surprised me that's all. I came looking for Ben. I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"Whatever. I'll see you guys later." Dayna got up and pecked my cheek, then headed out the door.

Dawn watched her go and then shrugged at me. In a hurt voice, she said, "Well ... I WAS going to find you and give you some relief since I figured you'd gone without all morning."

I smiled. "Well, she didn't really kiss me. And I'd really like to kiss you Dawn."

"Really?" Dawn got her first expression of real hope.

"Yeah, c'mere." I put all my love and warmth into my facial expression, pulling her into my arms and tossing the covers back so that I could pull the blonde teen onto the bed with me. I kissed her firmly once before breaking away for a moment. "Hang on. Let me put my shorts on at least. I don't want one of the kids walking in on us."

SUNDAY, JULY 23, 2000

Brandi's wishes or not, I wasn't in any position to turn Dayna down when she showed up to go hiking on Sunday morning. She met me outside my cabin with a kiss and then husked into my ear how she really missed getting her ass fucked the previous day.

But when Dawn didn't rapidly emerge, Dayna got annoyed and went in after her.

A few minutes later, Dayna re-emerged without her younger sister. "Dawn's feeling sick, probably something with her period. She's TOTALLY not in the mood and just wants to hang out today."

I frowned, thinking that our hike was being cancelled. "Oh," I sighed, disappointment obvious on my face.

"Still," Dayna leaned into me, pressing those big tits against my chest. "WE can go have some fun."


"Yeah, no problem. Let's go. I'm feeling particularly horny today, Ben. What do you say we see how many times I can get you to cum in my ass?"

The sex that followed was INCREDIBLE. But it was also my final and fatal mistake.

Brandi was in the cabin when I got back from my hike. She was kneeling on the floor and bent over, rummaging into her suitcase for something while wearing only a skimpy bikini bottom. And despite having spunked three times into Dayna's rectum that morning, I couldn't help but feel aroused again as I looked at my older sister's tight ass just barely concealed by some very sheer fabric. In fact, the dark blue material was so thin that I could clearly make out the crevasse of Brandi's butt-crack, and it didn't take much to be able to imagine what her ass looked like naked.

"Wow..." I drawled.

Brandi popped her head up in surprise and quickly turned around. "Ben!"

I just kind of stared at her goofily, idly wondering what it would feel like to fuck my older sister up the butt. After the sexual marathon Dayna had just put me through, I still had sex on the brain.

"Ben?" Brandi said a little more nervously and self-consciously, she put an arm across her chest to obscure her tits while she pulled out the shorts she'd been rummaging for over her crotch. "Quit looking at me like that. I'm your sister for crying out loud."

I shook my head to clear it. "Oh, oh, sorry."

She sighed. "Is Dayna back yet?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess so."

"You guess so? Weren't you with her?"

I blushed and let a goofy smile come back to my face as I remembered what we'd been doing that morning. "Yeah..."

Brandi exhaled heavily and got a pained look on her face. "Ben, I thought you were going to give me my friend back."

"I was!" I shrugged. "I didn't do anything. Dayna came to me and asked me to go hiking. She wanted to ... well ... you know..."

Brandi bowed her head and closed her eyes. "Yeah ... I know ... She used to want to do those things with me," she said dejectedly. "And now we're going home on Saturday and there'll be no more time."

I flashed back to the memory of Brandi complaining to Dayna about feeling neglected. I stared at the floor feeling guilty for truly having a hand in making my sister unhappy.

My sister sighed and shook her head, and then with a pained face she admitted what I already knew. "Dayna used to be my friend the way you and Dawn are friends." She emphasized the word "friend" to make clear her sexual innuendo.

When I didn't look surprised, she chuckled, "You knew, didn't you."

I just nodded.

Brandi shrugged. "We spent all last summer experimenting with each other, and a few summers before that. It used to be us and Dawn as the threesome for a couple of weeks this summer. But then YOU stuck your big dick in the way."

"Come on, Brandi. It's not like I was trying to steal her."

Brandi just stood up and put her shorts on, then started pulling a scrunchy over her hair while she collected her sunglasses and beach towel. In that same defeated tone, she remarked, "I always knew she was going to leave me for a boy this summer. The girl is a nympho and she NEEDS dick. Thought it would be Greg Kinomoto for a while. Never thought it would be YOU."

My sister just shook her head sadly and then walked out the door, leaving me in stunned silence.

"Ben! Where the hell WERE you this morning?!?"

I felt a healthy shove into my side and I stumbled before regaining my balance. I turned my head and barked, "Dawn! Why'd you push me?"

She pushed me again. "Where the HELL were you!"

I staggered back before righting myself. My jaw waggled in disbelief. "With Dayna! Where else would I be?"

The slap came out of nowhere. Her hand hit my cheek with such force that not only did my head rotate around, but my whole body twisted with the impact. I didn't even scream "OWW!" until about five seconds after she hit me it took so long for me to get over the shock.

"MotherFUCKER," Dawn hissed at me.

"What the hell?" I squalled. "I thought you knew?"

"KNEW? Knew that my boyfriend, the man who says he LOVES me, would go off ALONE with my SISTER to fuck like BUNNIES? KNEW? How the fuck was I supposed to know THAT you lying, cheating bastard?!?" Dawn raged.

"Whoa! Whoa!" I held my hand up in defense against another slap and simultaneously glanced around to see if anyone else was around. Fortunately, we were alone on a relatively empty path between the cabins and the dining hall for lunch, although I wasn't certain how long that would last.

My right hand warded Dawn away from me while I held my cheek in my left hand. "I thought Dayna went in and talked to you! She said you weren't feeling like joining us because of your period or something."

"I WAS! I told her I wanted to hang out around the camp! I didn't think you'd ABANDON me to go fuck my big-titted slut of a sister!"

"But ... but..."

"But WHAT, Ben?" Dawn howled right in my face. Behind her, I did see an older couple come down the path, but one look at the 16-year-old she-devil screaming and waving her hands and the older couple turned and headed for a different route.

I apparently didn't answer her quickly enough while I watched the other couple moving away, because Dawn grabbed my shirt and shook me. "But WHAT, Ben? You know, I didn't think it should bother me when I caught you two yesterday when she was giving you a blowjob. But it DID bother me. But you know what? That didn't bother me NEARLY as much as finding out you two LEFT ME BEHIND to sneak off and go fuck each other silly!"

"But Dawn, you weren't feeling in the mood this morning. I thought it'd be okay."

"Well, it WASN'T okay, Ben. You were supposed to be mine. We were talking about love and boyfriends and girlfriends. But boyfriends don't sneak off with your sister behind your back, Ben! Yeah, I got horny one time and thought it would be fun to have a three-way with my sister. Big fucking mistake THAT turned out to be!"

"Dawn!" I reached forward to take her arm.

"Don't touch me!" she yelled and shrugged out of my grasp. Turning away, she spat, "I hope you two are happy together!" And then she walked away.

I sighed and felt my heart cracking. Oh, SHIT.

Dawn pointedly ignored me during lunch. This was far the first time we'd had a fight like this at camp. You can't grow up with someone your own age for sixteen years without having a couple of arguments that result in both kids trying to pretend the other didn't exist. But we hadn't had such a fight since we were twelve and the fact that Dawn and I were sitting at opposite ends of the table had everyone's attention.

My mom just looked at me curiously while Mrs. Evans gave me a dark look. I couldn't even bear to glance in Mr. Evans' direction.

The situation certainly wasn't helped when Dayna quickly sat beside me, giggling and pinching my leg before she realized that all eyes were on her, and her own mom gave her an even darker look than the one she'd flashed to me.

And when Brandi arrived with her food, she took one look at me and Dayna sitting beside each other and then promptly went to the other end of the table to sit with Dawn.

I sighed and stared at my food. I physically felt ill inside knowing that Dawn was mad at me. No one had warned me about this part of feeling in love. I mean, people had talked about aching when they were separated from the people they cared about, but I'd never felt this way being away from Megan or Keira. But with Dawn sitting on the opposite end of the table and not even glancing in my direction, I felt like there was a knife embedded in my heart and it was rotating with every tick of the clock.

Lunch couldn't end fast enough.

Even when it was over, Dawn and Brandi quickly hustled away. And before I could follow them, my mom quickly pulled me aside. Across the room, I saw that Mrs. Evans was doing the same with Dayna.

"Ben, what's going on?" Mom asked in a gentle voice that nonetheless had an edge beneath it.

"It's complicated Mom."

She sighed. "Complicated, huh? Did you have sex with Dayna?"

I blinked twice and glanced down. She already knew; she was just looking for confirmation. And I wasn't any good at lying to my mother. "Uh, yeah." But then I added defensively, "But it's not that simple."

"Not that simple? Explain."

I bit my tongue and tried to figure out how to word my next sentences. I wouldn't outright lie to my mom, but there was no way I was going to say that Dawn and Dayna had been having sex with each other for the past year and that Dawn had initiated the three-way between us. Instead, I came up with, "Well ... uh ... Dawn knew about it."

"And she approved?"

"Well, yeah," I shrugged.

"Does she still approve?"

I gulped. "Apparently not."

"And you had sex again with Dayna anyways?"

I frowned and stared at my shoes. "Well, uh ... I didn't know that Dawn didn't approve anymore."

My mom reached up and grabbed my head, turning it to face her while she squeezed my cheeks almost painfully. Nervous, I couldn't quite meet her gaze but she stared into my eyes nonetheless. "Lemme guess. When you had sex with Dayna before, Dawn was there, watching?"

I gulped. My mom was getting a little too close to the truth for comfort. "Yes'm," I answered tonelessly.

"And this last time, you went and had sex with Dayna WITHOUT Dawn."

I sighed. "Yes'm."

"Was this the first time?"

I was about to answer yes, but then that time Dayna gave me a blowjob in the cabin popped into mind. I hesitated just long enough for my mom to state, "I'll take that as a 'no'."

She sighed and dropped her hands from my face. "Ben, you've got a lot to learn about women. I'm glad you're learning with friends I can trust, but you've got a LOT more to learn. First rule: don't EVER do anything behind a girl's back."

"But I thought Dawn knew-"

"You THOUGHT," my mom interrupted. "To assume is just to make-"

"An 'ass' of 'u' and 'me'," I finished. "I remember."

"Apparently you didn't," my mom glared. She shook her head and then waved me away. "Go on. Fix this like a man, Ben. I'll talk to Dawn's mother."

Pinching my lips together, I fled. I HAD to find Dawn.

As expected, Dawn and Brandi were lounging by the lake, side-by-side. There was no sign of Dayna. I assumed her mom was still grilling her.

I stopped twenty feet away from them and felt my heart aching. They were both so beautiful, so peaceful as they reclined in their sunglasses and bikinis. It was such a perfect picture: two lovely ladies amidst the green grass, rolling mountains, and deep blue water.

My eyes lingered on Dawn for a long few moments, drinking in her luscious curves and exposed skin. I'd spent my entire life watching her grow up from fellow drool-factory to rambunctious toddler to gawky pre-teen and finally to the gorgeous woman before me. The thought of losing her frightened the hell out of me.

I had to come up with the right words. I had to apologize. I had to show her my undying love and tell her we'd be together forever. We'd get married and have kids and be with each other always.

I stepped forward and then Dawn's voice rang out loud and clear. "Go away, Ben."

"But Dawn-"

"Go the FUCK away. I'm not talking to you." And then Dawn rotated her head away.

I felt like I'd shrunk back down to 5'2". Dejectedly, I turned around and walked back the way I'd come.

"Bennie, why are you crying?" Eden prodded my shoulder, rocking my body back and forth.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Emma chimed in from in front of me. "You don't look hurt."

I felt hurt. When Dawn had first gotten angry with me, I had just been bewildered, not understanding where the anger was coming from. At lunch, I'd just been confused, but certain we would work it out. Only after Dawn ordered me away from her by the lake had I finally realized this wasn't to be some quick argument and everything would be normal after an hour. She was really mad, and I was beginning to get scared that Dawn might not ever talk to me again. And the thought of losing my best friend absolutely CRUSHED me.

I blinked the tears out of my eyes and rolled over, Eden just skipping out of the way before I crushed her behind my back. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Is it because you and Dawn had a fight?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, something like that."

"Can we help?" Emma added.

"Uh, I don't think so," I said while sitting up and wiping the tears out of my eyes.

"Well, can you two make up already?" Eden pouted. "We want s'mores tonight and Dawn's the best. You and Dad just keep flaming them."

I knew my plan then. I would go to the marshmallow roast and talk to Dawn there. We'd be in a public place with lots of friends and family around, so she couldn't brush me aside so easily. I HAD to talk to her, to say SOMETHING that would get her to at least like me again, even if she didn't love me anymore. We'd been friends forever. We HAD to work it out.

"Okay, let's go guys," I stood up with newfound confidence. "I won't flame your marshmallows."

< FOOM >

"Aw, crap!" I frantically shook the marshmallow on the end of my stick, trying to put out the flames. It was too late. By the time I put it out, the big ball of sugar was a blackened husk.

"Ben!!!" Eden whined. "That's the third one in a row!"

"Look, if you guys are so good, why don't you just do it yourself!" I turned and barked at my baby sister. "You're certainly old enough to make them on your own!"

"Because you're our big brother! You're supposed to be good at stuff like this!" Emma whined.

"Here girls," Dawn stepped beside us so suddenly that I jerked back. I hadn't even known Dawn had shown up to the marshmallow roast and my jaw went up and down a few times as I struggled for something to say. But Dawn simply handed over two sticks anointed with perfectly golden-crisped marshmallows to the twins, smiled, and then turned away.

"Thanks Dawn!" "Thanks Dawn!" the twins chimed almost in unison.

By the time I got my mouth under control, Dawn was already walking away, Brandi right by her side.

"Sorry, Bennie. But we like Dawn better than you. It's too bad we're stuck with you as our brother," Eden giggled as she daintily removed her marshmallow and began making her s'more.

I sighed. Traitors ... Shoot me now.

MONDAY, JULY 24, 2000

I'd slept like shit. First, I hadn't been able to go to sleep until something like 2am. Then, I hadn't been able to STAY asleep, waking up several times. And by the time I managed to remain unconscious for more than an hour straight, it was morning and my other family members were up and puttering around, leaving me in a semi-conscious daze for a few hours.

By the time I actually got up, everyone else had left the cabin. And when I went over to the Evans cabin, they were all gone as well.

Dawn. I had to find Dawn.

She wasn't in any of the obvious locations. Not many people were by the lake as it was still cold out. She wasn't in the lounge playing pool or ping-pong. And our families weren't big on the whole breakfast thing, instead just grabbing cereal or snacks on our way out to start the days, so she wasn't in the dining hall.

So then I started hopping in a big circle around the camp for our usual chatting spots. While I ran into several other friends and various couples looking for their own semi-privacy, I never saw Dawn or Brandi. But I DID eventually run into Dayna.

"Have you seen Brandi?" she fidgeted as she asked me.

"No. Have you seen Dawn?"

Dayna sighed. "No. They're probably together."

"I'm guessing so." Already my head was whipping left and right for a new direction.


"Yeah?" I glanced back to Dayna for a second, only giving her half my attention as I was already antsy to continue my search.

"Ben, stop." Dayna grabbed my hands to still me and make sure she had my attention. And once I finally settled my focus onto her, she took a deep breath and looked straight at me. "Ben, I'm sorry."

"About what?"

"For ... for seducing you."

I snorted. "I wasn't very hard to seduce."

"You weren't. But still, I had a long talk with my mom and I know that what I did wasn't right. Playing around with you and Dawn was one thing. But I shouldn't have sneaked the blowjob or taken you alone on that hike. Those things were crossing the line, and I'm sorry for it. It's my fault that Dawn and Brandi aren't talking to us."

I shrugged. "It takes two people to have sex. It's as much my fault as yours. I could have said 'no'."

Dayna grinned slyly and folded her arms under her breasts, pushing them together and higher. She was wearing a three-button polo, and with all three buttons undone, I had a nice view of her cleavage. "Could you have said 'no'?"

I gulped. "Uh, well, sure..."

"Ben..." Dayna said softly and lowered her eyelids halfway. She arched her neck and pouted sexily. "You know I just finished my period. Would you like to cum in my tight pussy? It's been a week already."

My erection was throbbing inside my shorts and I felt an inky cloud of arousal swamping my brain. My lips quivered. "Uh ... well..."

Like someone had thrown a light switch, suddenly Dayna was standing up straight and returned her face to normal. I blinked and backed my head up at the sudden change.

"See?" Dayna stated. "You're just a guy, Ben. And a 16-year-old at that. Even with everything going on, I could have fucked you right here, right now. Besides, I'm the older one. It's not your fault, Ben. And I need to make this right. It's both my best friend and my sister we're talking about."

I sighed and tried not to stare at Dayna's tits. "Mine, too."

She nodded. "Okay, we gotta find them. Let's split up and if either one of us finds them, bring them back to the cabins before lunch, okay?"

I nodded. "Got it."

"Put yourself in Dawn's head. Where would you go when you were mad? I'm doing the same for Brandi." Dayna turned and headed in a different direction, "Good luck!"

I watched Dayna run off, my mouth watering as I watched her butt muscles clenching in her tight shorts. But I quickly shook the thoughts from my head. Where would Dawn go?

If I were her, I'd go somewhere private. I'd go somewhere I felt safe. And I'd go to a place that made me feel good.

No. She wouldn't go THERE, would she? It was OUR place!

I heard them before I got there. Soft voices, definitely feminine. On instinct, I got as quiet as possible and crept up behind the final set of bushes separating me from the clearing. And then my eyes went wide as saw what they were doing.

Dawn and Brandi were both completely naked and lying side-by-side on the blankets. They were pressed chest-to-chest, Brandi's leg thrown over Dawn's hip as they ground their crotches together and softly kissed. Dawn brought her hand up and gently rubbed at Brandi's tit, and my eyes went even wider as I drank in my older sister's naked body.

I'd known that my sister was attractive and popular with the boys. She had frequent dates and I was pretty sure she wasn't a virgin. But apart from the occasional wayward glance when I was really horny, I'd never really looked at her as a sex object. But now it was impossible not to think of it.

She was just a bit shorter than Dawn, but had the same lithe figure with narrow waist and only a slight swelling outward to her hips. Her legs were toned and firm; and she had a taut stomach from healthy eating and lots of exercise. After all, she could still beat me at swimming and other sports. And as the girls turned, I could see that Brandi had a healthy set of tits on her, nothing too big, but nice handfuls with small areolas and dark nipples. And to my surprise, I found that her labia were shaved bare, just like Dayna's, revealing her pink pussy.

I couldn't help it; I was popping a boner staring at my sister. But presently, both girls sighed and rolled away from each other, shaking their heads sorrowfully.

"It's not the same, is it?" Brandi asked.

Dawn shook her head. "No ... I wish Ben was here..." she said dejectedly.

"I wish Dayna was here," Brandi agreed. "Not even to make out or have sex. I just ... I miss my friend."

"Yeah..." Dawn sighed. "But Ben's such a stupid ... stupid ... BOY!"

"Boys, by definition, are stupid," Brandi mumbled. "Believe me, I KNOW."

"That's no excuse. He's Ben. He should have known better."

"DAYNA should have known better," Brandi insisted with some anger in her voice. "It's not the first time she's gotten too attached to a boy she shouldn't have. Terry Marsh broke up with his girlfriend because Dayna was flirting with him and he thought he had a shot with her. I just never figured Dayna would do it to her own sister."

Dawn just shook her head. "Doesn't matter. If Ben was half the man I thought he was, he wouldn't have gone behind my back."

"Look, I'm not defending what my brother did. But you have to know he didn't even realize he was hurting you. He's just a boy and Dayna is ... well, Dayna. She's just too gorgeous. She's charming and she's flirty and her tits draw boys like bees to honey. She could walk up to almost any man in this camp and demand that he fuck her, and they probably would, marriage or not."

Dawn sighed. "I KNOW he didn't even realize it. You should have seen him when I went to confront him with it. He had no idea he'd done anything wrong. I think THAT pisses me off even more. I'm more mad at him for being a clueless moron than I'd be if he'd consciously gone with her."

"You're just kids, Dawn," Brandi reasoned. "And girls develop faster than boys. He only lost his virginity what, a few months ago, right? And he hasn't learned how to put the brakes on his penis yet."

Brandi sighed. "I love my brother. He could be an annoying brat sometimes, but he's growing up. He's a good guy, which I'm sure you already knew. He really is one of the 'nice' guys: a bit of a nerd, patient with Brooke, and he's so sweet with the twins. Let me put it this way, if there was a boy my age at school that was exactly like Ben, I'd instinctively know he was someone I could be comfortable around. I might not necessarily be attracted to him, the bad boys ARE sexier, but I'd know he was a nice guy. And nice guys like that are just helpless when a hot chick like Dayna comes on to them. Their brain short circuits through their dick and girls like us can just walk all over them."

Dawn shook her head, letting that sink in for a minute. And then she quietly asked, "Why are you defending Ben, Brandi?"

"Because you two are special. Someday, Dawn, you and Ben are going to get married. Maybe not until you're thirty, but you're going to get married. We all know it. Why do you think our parents are so casual about letting you and Ben go off and fuck like bunnies whenever you want? Even me and Dayna still have to sneak around," Brandi chuckled. "And well, you're going to have to get used to bumps in the road like this while you wait for Ben to grow up."

"But what about Dayna?"

"Oh, we have spats all the time," Brandi waved. "She's the kind of girl who needs a lot of attention. So me giving her the cold shoulder for a while is my way of punishing her and reminding her how much she wants me around. I'm probably going to forgive her by dinner time."

"You really think I should forgive Ben?" Dawn asked softly.

"Yeah. You're friends, Dawn. And he loves you. He told me like a week ago and I can see it in his eyes. He's not in love with Dayna. He's in lust with Dayna, but then so are most of the guys around camp. He LOVES you."

"But what's the point? You guys are going back home on Saturday."

"That just means you're running out of time to enjoy this summer. His thing with Dayna meant nothing. It's just sex. You said you and him only have sex missionary or with you on top, looking into each other's eyes. You two make love, Dawn. Why waste another day?"

"Why even try? It's not like he can be my real boyfriend. We live hundreds of miles apart."

"You'll always love each other Dawn. You're young. Enjoy your life. Have some fun. And who knows what will happen when you guys get to college? You're both coming to Berkeley with us, right?"

"As long as I get in, yeah."

"Ben, too," Brandi said assuringly. "And for now, let me put it this way, would you rather spend the next week avoiding him? Or spending every second possible together?"

Dawn smiled. "Together..."

"Good." Brandi grinned then. "So ... do you want me to give you an orgasm? You can pretend it's Ben."

"No. I like that idea of 'every second possible'. And I'm going to find Ben RIGHT NOW," Dawn said with certainty, and she was already reaching for her clothes.

That was my cue to leave. As much as I wanted the "togetherness" to start right away, I instinctively knew the girls wouldn't react favorably to knowing that I'd spied on them. So with infinite care, I slipped away.

I was sitting on the porch in front of the Evans' cabin when Dawn and Brandi arrived. Despite what I'd overheard, my beautiful best friend still looked mad. She rolled her eyes and snarked, "Hmph. I would have thought you'd go looking for me."

"I DID. I looked everywhere," I said with exasperation. "The lake, the lodge, the ridge, all those little spots and logs where we used to go hang out.

Dawn shook her head. "You're such a moron, Ben. You should have known where to find me. The one place that was special to US. The one place that always reminds me of YOU."

"I DID!" I blurted and then immediately tried to cover my mouth. So much for my instinct to keep them from knowing I'd eavesdropped.

Dawn's eyes went wide and then she turned to Brandi. My sister's eyes went wide and self-consciously she began to cover her body.

"What did you see, Ben?" Brandi barked as she stepped two feet towards me threateningly.

"Uh, well..." I went pale as I remembered all the times my big sister had beaten up on me, the answer clearly written in my eyes.

"Ah, hell," Brandi tossed her hands as she realized I'd seen her naked.

"Wait, you really did find us?" Dawn interrupted with an odd look in her eyes.

I nodded hurriedly, and Dawn smiled. "I guess you're not a complete moron."

"I wanted to talk to you. But you..." I glanced over at my older sister who was still shaking her head in disbelief that I'd seen her naked. "Well, you and Brandi were kinda busy."

"And did you stick around to overhear us?"

I looked at the floor. "Y- Yes..." I answered nervously. Then I immediately picked my head back up. "Dawn, I'm SO, SO sorry. I didn't realize. And I'll never do it again!"

Dawn rolled her eyes and sighed. "Look, I always knew you didn't realize. And like it or not Ben, you WILL do it again. I know who you are. Since we were thirteen I could lead you around by your hormones whenever I wanted. You never pushed me, true, but I could make you do anything I wanted. And if another pretty girl walked in here and tried to seduce you, I'm pretty sure you'd go along with it."

"But I love you!"

"I know. I love you too, Ben," Dawn said sweetly as she sat on the bench beside me and wrapped her arm around my back. "I just have to accept that you're my moron best friend and wait for you to grow up."

She smiled wryly. "I guess it's a good thing we don't live near each other. I'd make you my boyfriend and then get really, really mad at you every time you screwed up from now until you finally matured. At least this way I can get mad at boys like Mark and whoever while I wait for that day."

I blinked uncertainly and looked at the pleasant expression on Dawn's face. "So ... you're not mad at me anymore?"

"No. A little annoyed still, but you're MY Ben as much as I'm your Dawn. And Dayna's my sister. We're all family. We don't have a choice but to work it out. But I forgive you."

I smiled with complete and utter relief. "Dawn!" I reached my arms out and the cute blonde willingly leaned into my embrace, letting us both hug each other tightly.

She felt so good. She smelled great, despite the sweat from her hike. She smelled like DAWN, and I felt my heart leaping up while her scent filled my nostrils. I felt the supple flesh of her body in my hands, I felt the heat of her cheek against my own, and that pleasant buzz was back in my body.

Automatically, we both turned our faces to each other and then it was the most natural thing in the world to press our lips together. I felt a surge of energy push into my body when we touched, and we both moaned happily as we felt the reconnection of our souls.

But a moment later, Dawn broke off to glare at me. "Just so we're clear, you don't do a THING unless I'm right there with you, got it?"

"Got it," I stammered. And then Dawn was back to kissing me again. I felt the flush of her body as she heated up, and her soft moaning became more urgent as she got ready to devour me.

"Ahem," Brandi cleared her throat, causing us both to turn to look at her, Dawn's expression a little wild. "Maybe inside would be better for what you're thinking Dawn. I'll keep a lookout."

Dawn nodded hurriedly and practically dragged me inside the house and to the bedroom. She shut the door and then still with her arms around me, we tumbled onto her bed.

For the next five minutes, our mouths never came apart. I wanted to make love to her, to move inside of her body, but I couldn't bear to stop kissing her. I'd come this close to losing her ... forever. Melodramatic? Maybe. But that was how I'd felt.

Of course, my body recognized that I had an aroused female beneath me. And when Dawn started grinding her crotch against my erection, I started getting an urge I couldn't ignore.

I pulled my head away long enough to gasp, "Oh, Dawn!" And in that break she reached down and ripped her tank top over her head before planting her lips on mine once again.

I realized the path we had now set ourselves on and I pulled away to ask, "But aren't you still on your period?"

Dawn smiled. "It's pretty much over. It's okay."

It was okay. We could have sex! And we were about to have sex! And with an excited smile on my face, I helped her get her shorts off.

Dawn removed her own bra while I pulled back to rip my T-shirt over my head. We grinned at each other, now knowing where this was heading and we both were in a hurry to get there. So I rolled onto my back to shuck my shorts and boxers while Dawn humped her hips off the bed to wriggle off her panties, and finally we were both naked in Dawn's bed.

There was no need for further foreplay. The excitement of reuniting plus five minutes of frantically making out had made us both more than ready for this. And as I rolled on top of Dawn into our favorite position, she hooked her legs over my thighs and beckoned me into her.

"Oh, Ben!" Dawn gasped when I pushed into her, her hands squeezing my arms tight enough to make me stop. She hadn't been stretched like that in a week while she'd been on her period, and it took a moment for her to get used to the sensation.

But gradually, Dawn relaxed and I felt some of the tightness recede. And then the blonde 16-year-old beauty lay her head back and tugged on my shoulders to continue. And with a little pressure in my hips, I pushed my way forward.

"Ohhh ... Ben..." she sighed as I filled her up, all seven-and-a-half inches pushing through until I was buried to the hilt. I'd forgotten how tight she was, and we were so intimately joined that I felt like I could feel her heartbeat through her pussy.

And then she was moaning, "Ohhh..." as I pulled back until the ridge of my mushroom cap just barely holding onto the insides of her labia, and then I pushed all the way in once again.

"So good, Ben..."

"So tight, Dawn..."

"I love you..."

"I love you, too..."

"My Ben..."

"My Dawn..."

"Make love to me."

So I did.

It was intense. It was incredible. It was a relief. With that one act of making love, all was forgiven. How could we not be happy together when we felt so good together?

And it did feel SOOO good. Dawn clutched my heavier body to hers, crushing herself beneath me in such a wonderful way. I tried to support my weight on my elbows, but Dawn kept pulling on my back until I was literally burying her into the mattress with every thrust.

I felt her orgasm building, and I called upon everything I had ever learned about sex to stoke her fire higher and higher. And at the last moment, when the climax finally burst through her body, Dawn grabbed my head and kissed me with all the love and passion she felt for me.

I felt her body tense and her kiss set me off, and then I was firing my liquid love into the deepest recesses of Dawn's body, filling her up and groaning in relief while we rode the ultimate high together. Her body jerked, my body jerked, and then we were both twitching and spasming as the ecstasy overwhelmed us. And then at last, our orgasms ended and our bodies' needs for oxygen forced us to stop kissing and start breathing once again.

I panted for a bit and then managed to turn my head to Dawn, who had her eyes closed but had the most beautiful smile on her face. I worried that she'd passed out again, but a moment later, her eyelids went up and that clear blue gaze stared right at me.

"My Ben..." she said softly. "My best friend. My lover."

I smiled. "Forever and always." And then I kissed her again.

Dawn and I were still kissing when Brandi poked her head into the bedroom. "Get dressed! We've got company!"

Both Dawn and I popped our eyes open and then we were a comedy of errors as we simultaneously tried to get dressed as quickly as possible and as silently as possible, apparently two mutually exclusive goals.

And then when I put my hand to the bedroom door, Dawn grabbed my wrist and shook her head 'no'. We both went quiet and then put our heads to the doorway cracks to listen.

"But I'm all grimy!" DJ protested. "I need to take a shower!"

"Go shower at Brooke's place," Dayna barked at her youngest sister. She must have arrived while Dawn and I were getting busy. "Besides, Dawn's about to take a shower."

"Ugh! I HATE big sisters," DJ whined.

"I KNOW," Brooke added. And then I heard feet stomping off down the steps.

A moment later, Brandi poked her head back in. "Okay, Dawn you go take a shower. Ben, you're going to have to jump out the window or something. Go!"

I grinned at Dawn and we kissed one last time. It was nice being back to normal.

"You're looking happy, Ben." Mom smiled as she set her tray down across from me at lunch. "Did you and Dawn get things worked out?"

I squeezed the hand of my best friend who was sitting beside me and saw the twinkle in Dawn's sky blue eyes. "Yeah. We're gonna be just fine."

"Dawn!" Eden said happily as she showed up as well. "Are you and Ben best friends again?"

"Yeah," Dawn smiled.

"Cool!" Emma said brightly. "Are you both gonna roast marshmallows with us tonight? You know, you really should teach him how to be patient. Ben's kind of a dork that way."

Dawn sighed and looked to me. "I know. But he's my dork."


"Haven't you guys already made up for lost time?" Dayna grinned as Dawn and I walked up to the cabins, Dawn limping slightly. "You look a little sore little sister."

Both Dawn and I blushed bright pink. It had been our third morning hike together since the fight, with both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings being frantic lovemaking sessions combined with our old chats about absolutely nothing. This morning, we'd gone five times, a personal record for me. By the fifth one I wasn't that hard and I was practically shooting blanks, but Dawn came three times that last one herself.

"I don't suppose you tried it up the butt like I told you," Dayna sighed wistfully. Brandi was standing against the porch railing beside her, and my sister just smirked and rolled her eyes. She never quite understood Dayna's anal fixation.

"No," Dawn shook her head. "I don't know that I'll ever be ready for that. And Ben is perfectly good at wearing me out the old-fashioned way."

"I'll say," Dayna said again. "You've been exhausted for three days straight. And in SUCH a good way."

"Jealous?" Dawn couldn't resist digging in.

Dayna was about to answer, but she turned and glanced to Brandi first before shrugging. "I'd be lying if I said 'no'. But I'm fine. We've only got two more days left anyways."

I saw a dullness go into Dayna's eyes and surprisingly, she seemed to deflate just a bit. Without another word, she turned and started to walk back inside.

I felt bad. "Just sex" or not, I had been quite intimate with the beautiful elder Evans daughter and I felt a tugging at my heartstrings as I saw her go from teasing to sad in half a second. I couldn't help but feel that I was neglecting her in some way. And I was so busy staring in wonder at Dayna that I didn't catch the looks that Dawn and Brandi were giving each other.

So I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when Dawn turned to me and said, "Go unpack. I need to talk to your sister for a second."

"Sure thing."

"Paddle this way, Ben."

I picked my head up and took a second to orient myself. The circular inner tube I was floating in had rotated around and I had to crane my neck to see where Dawn was indicating. The current had floated us closer to shore, and Dawn was directing us towards a quiet cove away from practically everyone. The lounge chairs curved along the beach far off to the right and then even further away was the waterslide and rope swing.

I turned around and then back-paddled myself, scooping with both hands to go where Dawn wanted me, and soon we found ourselves nicely shaded by a big tree overlooking the lake as I lazily rotated around to face her. She reached out and grabbed my hand, and then I rotated over onto my stomach so that I could more easily look at my beautiful best friend.

"What's up?" I asked, knowing she'd pulled us over for a private discussion.

"We need to talk about us."

"What do you mean?"

Dawn looked at me with a sad, resigned expression on her face. "What's going to happen in two days, Ben?"

"We're going home," I sighed. "Away from each other."

Dawn nodded in understanding. "Are you going back to your girlfriend?"

I shrugged. "I suppose. And you've got Mark."

"That's what I mean. We've said all along we're just friends ... experimenting ... but I DID fall in love with you, Ben. I'm not sure I can go back to Mark if I still feel in love with you."

"I don't want to stop you. You deserve the chance to live your life. We're just kids, Dawn. I mean, I think I'm in love with you, too. I KNOW our parents would probably be perfectly happy with that idea; but at the same time, they always tell me that I'm still just sixteen and I'm not old enough to know what real love is."

Dawn frowned. "Are you going to be okay knowing that I might be doing with someone else the same things we've been doing? Blowjobs. Sex. All that?"

Involuntarily, I felt my jaw clench. "Well..."

Dawn blanched and I quickly tried to put on a happier expression. I sighed, "I'm okay knowing it. Just don't make me think about it, okay? I don't want that picture in my head."

She blushed. "Sure, sure."

"Look, Dawn. This isn't a choice. It doesn't make any sense for us to be boyfriend/girlfriend. I can't ask you for any commitments when we can't be together eleven months out of the year. So it's got to be like it always has been. We're friends. I'll always love you, and you'll always be my best friend, but for now, that's it."

"Okay." Dawn nodded. "Okay..." she repeated as her eyes drifted to the side. Clearly she had something working in her mind.


Dawn smiled and blushed. "Nothing."

"What?" I repeated, knowing she was hiding something from me.


"Dawn..." I warned.

She just laughed and leaned back in her inner tube. "You'll find out tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes and then reached to the handle of her inner tube. And with practiced ease, I flipped Dawn over.

"Aaack!" she shrieked before splashing into the water, and five seconds later she came up sputtering. "You JERK!"

Dawn immediately reached out for my tube to flip me while I frantically paddled away, grinning wickedly. Well, swimmers are always faster than paddlers. Thirty second later I splashed into the water.

We were friends. Just like always.

Well, friends that started kissing once we got back into our tubes.

FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2000

"Dawn, you're hiding something from me."

"I want to play hide the penis. Got any good ideas for where I should put it?"


She giggled and kept working to take my shorts off. I lay back against the blankets, reclining on my elbows to let the beautiful blonde have her way with me. I even removed my own shirt while she stripped me naked below the waist.

A minute later, Dawn reached around with one hand to pull her fine blonde hair out of the way while she bent and took me into her mouth, her soft pink lips stretching around my shaft as she worked her way down, taking about five inches before stopping and sucking.

I sighed happily and just enjoyed the sensations. I had to, it was our last hike. The next morning we'd be packing up and driving home. So with a bit of fond nostalgia, I looked around our private clearing, surveying the trees, the bushes, and the creek bubbling beside us.

I was so lost to the pleasure that it took me a few seconds to recognize the crunching sound of footsteps coming along the trail. And as the last bushes were pushed aside, I sat up in alarm and turned my head to see Dayna Evans emerge into our little clearing. A second behind her, my sister Brandi followed.

Dawn popped off my cock and turned around. "Perfect timing."

"Wha-?" At the sight of my big sister, I tried to put my hands over my crotch.

Brandi flicked her gaze to my cock for a brief second before letting out a small sigh. "Okay, I'm here. But I'm NOT even TOUCHING him, okay?"

"Come on," Dayna teased. "Not even a little tempted?"

Brandi's eyes flared for a second before she pointedly looked away from me. "Dayna..." she growled threateningly.

"Fine, fine," Dayna waved off her friend. And then she turned to me. "Hiii, Ben."

I gulped. "Dayna?"

The stacked blonde's shorts hit the ground just then along with her panties. They were quickly followed by her shirt and bra, leaving the 18-year-old goddess fully naked and standing before me. I'd forgotten how stunning she was naked. "Oh, SHIT," I whimpered.

Dawn sat up and wiped the back of her mouth where drool and pre-cum had collected. "So we're all clear, we're just friends and siblings here, right? Brandi and Dayna are best friends who like to play together. Me and Ben are best friends who like to play together. And we're all going to go home tomorrow with no regrets, right?"

"Right," Dayna chirped while staring at my hands-covered cock.

Brandi shrugged and nodded, trying NOT to look at my cock.

Dawn smiled at Dayna. "Go get him."

And with that, the eldest Evans sister slid across the blanket and knelt, firmly moving my hands away and bent her head down to take over sucking me where her little sister had left off.

I heard a sharp intake of air and I turned my head to see Brandi staring wide- eyed at her best friend fellating me, one hand over her own mouth to suppress her gasp. I watched Brandi's eyes swivel up towards the horizon and I could actually see her lips forming the phrase, 'I'm not looking. I'm not looking.' But of course, her eyes dropped three times to peek while she said this.

Then Dawn got to her and grinning, pulled my sister down to the blanket beside us. And then while my best friend started working on stripping herself and my older sister of their clothing, Dayna brought her hands into play jacking my shaft while she bent her tits to rub against my thighs, and all my attention was drawn back to her.

"Oh, shit, Dayna," I groaned when she swallowed me whole and massaged me with her throat muscles. I whimpered when she pulled back just enough to wrap her tits around my rod and give me a few pumps. And then I held my breath in eager anticipation when Dayna slid herself up my body and then got into position to impale herself on my erection.

"Yes!" I grunted eagerly at the opportunity to bury my cock into the pussy of the goddess Dayna. The haze of lust was clouding my brain again, and all I could think was FUCK! NOW!

And I was soon rewarded as Dayna dropped her body down, enveloping me in her personal slice of heaven. And I felt my entire body rejoicing as I found myself balls deep inside this gorgeous older teen's pussy.

I watched Dayna ride my boner for a bit, pausing to admire the up and down jiggle of her tits, before glancing over to the couple beside us. Dawn and Brandi were naked and kissing, and my eyes bugged out as I drank in my elder sister's body once again, only up close and personal this time. Her modest tits looked bigger now that I got a better look at them, her small areolas surrounding erect, dark nipples. Her tummy was flat and without sign of any pooch or flab before getting down to her crotch, which was smooth as a baby's butt and had just a slight tan line from her bikini bottom surrounding a pretty, shaven pussy.

Brandi's dark hair was flung back and her almond-shaped eyes were wide open while Dawn dug her fingers into my sister's snatch. I felt my heart racing while I watched Brandi's mouth gape open, and Dawn nuzzled her nose and lips against Brandi's neck to further the older girl's pleasure.

High-pitched squealing regained my attention and I turned to see Dayna's tits even closer as she hunched forward to really buck her body up and down my cock. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she chanted rhythmically, her hair flying into her face while she groaned in satisfaction. "Fuck, Ben! I love your fucking cock!" she growled.

"And it loves you," I grinned, tilting my head up to capture a nipple. Dayna helped me out by using one hand to guide her tits to my face, and when I bit down gently on one the way Keira had taught me, the 18-year-old blonde hottie tensed up and came.

By now, Dawn had reclined herself back and allowed Brandi to slide down to her crotch. And the blonde teen was whimpering while my sister ate her out. "Oh, Brandi! So good!"

It was incredibly arousing to finally see Dawn and Brandi engaged in a sexual act after having those thoughts enter my fantasies about ten days ago. They'd gotten close before, that time I spied on them making out. But now to actually see my sister eating out another girl was just incredibly erotic.

Dawn caught my gaze and she grinned at me, licking her own fingers, which were coated with Brandi's honey. My best friend then got a twinkle in her eyes, and without hesitation she reached her hand to my face and put her fingers to my lips. I was so caught up in the lust that I let my lips open and Dawn pressed the honey-laced digits into my mouth, letting me taste my own sister's orgasmic cream.

It was such a turn-on to Dawn that the moment I sucked on her finger, she tensed up and came herself, flooding Brandi's face with her own nectar. And from a combination of watching my Dawn orgasm as well as feeling the clamping pussy muscles of Dayna's latest climax, I felt my balls suddenly go taut as my own cum raced up my shaft and erupted into Dayna's hunching body.

"Urgh!" I grunted while I felt each volley blast out of me and begin hosing down Dayna's innards. Dayna herself was screaming her pleasure and I certainly hoped there was no one within a mile of us on the trail, else they would have heard her unrestrained howling.

After I finished spunking into the eldest Evans daughter, I felt momentarily wiped out and simply went limp on the blanket. But Dayna herself was merely energized by the sex as she rolled off me and then spread her legs to look down at my creamy goo beginning to ooze out of her.

"Brandi, wanna clean me out?" Dayna giggled.

"Sure," Brandi sighed automatically when she rolled her head out of Dawn's crotch, at least before her brain caught up. "Oh, wait! That's Ben's cum! No! I can't do that!"

Dayna just shook her head while laughing. "Your loss. Dawn?"

"Okay!" the young blonde teen agreed and quickly slithered between her sister's legs.

"Don't forget to share!" Dayna reminded.

"Cumslut," Dawn rebuked before diving in. And then the sounds of slurping could be heard over the panting breath of all four of us.

I lay back, gasping for oxygen. When I looked over, I saw that Brandi was staring rather oddly at me, evaluating me a bit while her gaze lingered on my crotch.

I felt a fresh stirring in my cock while Brandi stared. I knew we weren't supposed to do anything. She was my sister after all. But she was also a hot, naked female, and I was still horny.

But before I could do anything about it, Brandi blinked twice and then shook her head to get out of her own reverie. And then her eyes rolled up again as she reminded herself, 'I'm not looking.'

I had no such problem as I openly ogled her tits and tight body, and my eyes still tracked Brandi when she moved into Dayna's grasp and the two older teens began to wetly kiss each other. Dayna's hands also began to rove over Brandi's body, tweaking nipples and stroking erogenous zones, and soon my sister forgot all about me as she gave into her own pleasure.

In fact, Brandi got so wrapped up in Dayna's touch that even after Dawn popped up and snowballed my cum to her older sister, Brandi didn't even notice when Dayna then turned and stuck her tongue into my sister's mouth, sharing the taste.

Brandi just moaned when my cum hit her, lost to the pleasure. At least until both Dawn and then Dayna started giggling, knowing full well what they'd done.

And when Brandi realized it as well, she abruptly pushed Dayna away. "Hey! That's not FUNNY! I mean it." Brandi was seriously bothered, but also still seriously aroused.

Dayna quickly held her hands up. "Okay, okay. I promise. No more." And then her face softened and she moved back in to pleasure her friend.

Meanwhile, Dawn turned her attention to me, bending down to slurp my half-hard cock into her mouth and taste the mingled flavors of both me and her older sister. And thanks to teenage recovery, I was rock hard in no time. So my best friend quickly rolled onto her back and spread her legs to the side while reaching out to me with her hands. "Come on Ben. Fuck me hard. Fuck me deep. This morning has to last me until next year."

"Anything for you," I promised as I moved between her legs and slid myself in to the hilt. She sighed happily and then I bent forward to kiss her, fully joining our bodies together in this act of ultimate intimacy.

We thrust together. We bucked. We wriggled and humped on the blanket. I still could scarcely believe this was my best friend lying beneath me, and I couldn't be happier.

Dayna apparently couldn't be happier either. She'd finally gotten fucked by a thick, hard dick after her recent drought. And she'd gotten to both feel hot cum spooging inside her pussy as well as taste it. And now, apparently, she was getting eaten out quite nicely.

"Ohhh ... Ben..." Dayna sighed. "Your sister is the BEST."

Brandi was too busy to comment, given that she was on the bottom of the older teens' sixty-nine and Dayna was smothering her face. But I saw the twinkle in Dayna's eyes before she once again ducked her head into Brandi's bare-shaven crotch and began licking away while I stared for a minute into my sister's pink folds, idly wondering what it would be like to be inside there.

But then Dawn's cries brought me back to the task at hand (err, at dick). "Oh, Ben! I'm gonna cum! Deeper! Yes! Deeper! Harder! Ungh! I'm cumming! Cum in me, Ben! Cum in me! Cum in me! Fill me!"

I grunted twice and kissed Dawn just before tearing my head away to yell while my balls evacuated their contents and I was doing as she had asked. I slammed forward twice before holding myself as deeply as possible, and I felt each spurt fly out of me as I filled up my 16-year-old best friend with all my jism.

As usual, once I finished blowing my load into Dawn, she had me collapse on top of her to hug me tightly. But this morning, Dayna giggled, "Ooh, my turn!"

And then before I could even catch my breath, Dayna scampered over and bodily extracted me out of her little sister, rolling me over and out of the way. I was so unbalanced that I actually rolled right into Brandi, who for the first time didn't recoil away from me.

I looked up at my sister, my gaze taking me up past her naked tits and along her slender neck, until I was seeing nothing but her pretty face as she stared down at me. Her dark eyes were liquid and mysterious, her expression unreadable. Behind me I heard the babbling creek mingling with the slurp of Dayna getting her second taste of my cum. But all my focus was on Brandi.

I didn't see the older tyrant who'd bossed me and my siblings around when we were little. I didn't see the family member who I'd grown up with for my entire life. I just saw her ... Brandi ... a beautiful 18-year-old girl with a sweet face and a tight body. And I had no idea what she saw when she looked at me.

But then something changed in her eyes and she bit her lip nervously while she roved her gaze down my body. And then hesitantly, she reached out and put a finger to my lips to keep me still and keep me quiet while glancing over at Dawn and Dayna, who were too wrapped up in their own pleasure to notice us.

And still with that finger on my lips to silence me, Brandi ducked her head down and gently took my not-yet deflated dick into her mouth, and she slurped just once to savor the mixed taste of me and Dawn. Her eyelids fluttered, and then she quickly picked her head up, obviously working her tongue around the inside of her mouth while cautiously watching Dayna and Dawn to see if they'd noticed.

They hadn't, and only then did Brandi remove her finger from my lips. I just blinked in absolute SHOCK. My sister had just put my dick in her mouth!

But that shock was quickly overcome when Dayna bounded over again, ducking her head to suck my cock much more obviously and much more enthusiastically to bring me back to life. Dawn poked her face over mine. "Having fun, Ben?"

I just nodded. With three hot babes naked around me, how could I not?

"Good!" Dawn said firmly. "Dayna and I are going to line up side-by-side so you can switch back and forth fucking us while Brandi switches back and forth sitting on our faces. I get one more cumload and then Dayna wants you to do her ass, okay?"

I grinned. "Whatever you say."

It had been a great summer.


"Hurry uuuup!" Eden whined from her spot in the van.

"Yeah!" Emma chimed in. "We're ready!"

"Shut up!" Brooke screeched and then turned to hug DJ. "See you next year."

"Safe trip, Beth," Deanna Evans hugged my mom.

"Drive safe, Michael," Jack Evans shook my dad's hand.

"We will," Dad replied, and then went to the driver's door.

"Laters, girlfriend. See you at Berkeley in a couple months," Dayna hugged Brandi and then tapped her on the nose with a smile. I shook my head, wondering how I'd missed so many signs that my oldest sister had gotten rather intimate with her best friend. The girls were right, 16-year-old boys WERE clueless morons.

I smiled when Dayna also came over and hugged me. "Thanks for keeping me company, Big Ben," Dayna grinned.

"Anytime," I said honestly, letting my eyes drop to her tits one last time.

"Hey, gimme back my man!" Dawn hip-checked Dayna out of the way and then grabbed my head, planting a juicy kiss on my lips.

"Ohhhmiiiiigaaawwwwd," Brooke moaned. "Get a room already!"

I felt my hand go up, ready to flip her off, but I held myself back. Guess I was starting to mature ... a little bit. I just finished up my kiss with Dawn and then gazed into her baby blue eyes.

"I love you," Dawn husked and then whimpered softly, her face pinching in with sorrow.

I moved my thumb up to brush away the tears dribbling down her cheeks, and then pecked her quickly once more. "I love you, too. You're my Dawn ... forever. Don't forget that."

"I won't."

And with a heavy heart, I hopped into the van, Brandi joining me afterwards and then closing the double-doors shut behind her. Dawn circled around to my window and blew me a kiss. I waved sadly and then my dad started the engine.

It was time to return to the real world, where friends, school, and many more romantic complications awaited.