Chapter 29: Winter Break


At 5'10", Adrienne was almost as tall as me. So she didn't really need to get up on her tiptoes to kiss me. She did it just because she was excited and the extra height let her press down while burning a white-hot nuclear kiss on my lips.

When we pulled apart, I stood back and admired this supremely gorgeous young creature of beauty. With her pretty face, flowing blonde hair, sparkling eyes, and absolutely KILLER body, she literally took my breath away. I could scarcely believe the relationship I had with her.

"Are you sure this is the way you want it, 'nottogether'?" I asked hesitantly, just before letting go of her hands and miming the air quotes around my invented combined word of "not" and "together".

"Absolutely. Nothing changes, Ben. I believe that you love me, care about me, but I don't want to complicate things right now." She smiled and patted my chest with her right hand. "If we're not together, then you can't really hurt me."

I looked at her seriously. "I don't ever want to hurt you again, Adrienne."

Adrienne's smile turned to a grin, and her hand on my chest lightly bunched up the fabric in her fist, pulling me close. From an inch away, she grinned, "Well ... Just a little spanking sometimes? I kinda liked it. And for a girl who's always got guys wrapped around her little finger, it was quite the turn-on to have you so dominant and aggressive."

I chuckled. "Sure."

She pecked me quickly and then pushed me away. "Now go home before your mom grounds you or something. I'm gonna need you out and about."

I smiled and started backing away out the door. "I'll call you later, A.D."

She giggled and then turned, wiggling her perfect ass at me. "See ya later, Tiger."

While not thrilled with my half-explanation, Mom eventually let me off the hook.

At first, she was ready to ground me for missing curfew, saying, "How can I expect you to keep your sisters in line if YOU'RE not coming home on time?"

All I could explain was that Adrienne and I had discussed something very personal and very private dating back to her childhood when her brother moved away and her mother died. And given the emotional state she was in, I couldn't leave her.

Mom granted me the exception in that case, but she still scolded me, saying, "That may have been true last night, but I KNOW it doesn't take two hours to wake up and walk a few hundred feet." She gave me a knowing look, presuming (correctly) that Adrienne and I had engaged in a little extra-curricular activity before parting.

I blushed, not having an answer to that. But Mom just grinned wickedly and pronounced, "Well, I've already got your punishment worked out."

I groaned, feeling a menacing dread settling over me. "What?"

"Simple. The girls all need to go to the mall for last-minute Christmas presents. You're driving them."

My jaw dropped. One 15-year-old girl and two almost 12-year-olds in a mall with a zillion other screaming people? "Uh, can I just be grounded instead?"


Brooke then showed up, knocking on the frame of the open doorway with a big grin on her face. "Ready to go?"

"Still on taxi duty?" Brandi, my older sister, grinned at me. She was standing outside baggage claim at John Wayne Airport when I pulled up and then staggered around to greet her with a friendly hug.

"Ooh, you look tired," she smiled wryly as I half-collapsed into her arms.

"Mall..." I croaked. "With Brooke and the twins."

"Ouch! The Sunday before Christmas? You do something to piss Mom off?" Brandi arched her eyebrow.

I patted her back and then stepped away. "Something like that. Anyways, she would have sent me no matter what. Big brother duty and all." I sighed. "I can't WAIT for Brooke to get her license."

"She get her permit yet?"

"Nah. January." I picked up Brandi's suitcase, just a small roll-aboard, and wheeled it around to my trunk. By the time I put it away, Brandi had already jumped into the passenger seat. I circled around the driver's side, hopped in, and then started off for the short trip home.

"You're sticking around how long?" I asked once I'd gotten merged with traffic.

"Just till Sunday the 30th after we get home from the ski trip. I'd love to stick around for a whole month, but I've got a part-time job and I'm going to pick up a lot of extra hours starting on New Year's Eve," Brandi sighed.

"Well, at least you're coming on the ski trip with us," I smiled.

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it."

"Me, too." I grinned lasciviously. "You, me, maybe Brooke in a cabin up in the mountains? How WILL we ever keep warm?"

Brandi giggled and slapped my arm. "Ben! Is that ALL you ever think about?"

"No, no," I waved. I took a breath and then said sincerely. "You're my sister, Brandi. I'll always love you, whether we do naughty stuff or not. You know that, right?"

She smiled warmly and nodded. "I know. It's not that I don't want to. It's just that I have a boyfriend now."

I arched an eyebrow. "So?"

Brandi giggled and blushed, sliding a hand over to start rubbing my arm. "Wellll ... I guess if it doesn't count..."

"Hm-hm-hee-hee-ohhh, that tickles!" Brandi giggled and then put one hand over her mouth to muffle the noise as she fought not to start laughing while I trailed my fingers along her belly, her other hand trying to ward me away.

I was spooning my sister, my bare chest pressed against her bare back while I slowly pumped my turgid cock into her from behind. I took advantage of her momentary distraction to change my position, elevating her right leg up and over my shoulder while moving to straddle her left leg, all without pulling my dick outside of her tight pussy. And in this new position, I was better able to use my right hand for more important things, like tickling her clit instead of her belly while I made short, staccato thrusts into her clenching cunt.

"Oh, Ben..." she sighed. "Matt's got a nice cock, but you're just so much bigger than him."

I grinned, making sure she felt every bit of my now seven-and-three-quarter inch length. I knew I wasn't THAT big, but her compliment was nice for my ego.

With that, I focused on getting the two of us off. With my right hand I manipulated Brandi's clit and with my left, I popped a finger into her ass and started sawing in and out of her there. My 19-year-old sister moaned and groaned, pressing her arms out in front of her while I fucked her sideways and eventually drove her to a quiet, relaxing orgasm.

My task complete, I then reached my right hand forward to play with her tits, amusing myself with her erect nipples and firm mammary flesh before returning my hand to her right leg, holding onto it for leverage as I pistoned in and out of her pussy harder and faster until I came, spunking my load deep inside her.

With both of us satisfied, I pulled out and retrieved a few tissues so Brandi could blot herself up, lest she make a wet spot on the bed. And once that was done the two of us put our clothes back on and then re-settled into the spooning position we'd started in.

"Mmm ... that was nice," Brandi sighed.

"Yeah ... nice ... I missed you, sis."

"Not too much, apparently," Brandi giggled. "The last time I showed up here you were so horny and twitchy you nearly drove away from the curb without me."

I blushed and buried my face into Brandi's neck, rubbing her with my nose. "Yeah, I've been doing alright."

"You've been doing Adrienne, from what I hear. Brooke says you two are quite the couple and yet, not together?"

"It's complicated."

"I'll bet." Brandi took a deep breath. "I should see her while I'm in town."

"I'm sure you will."

"What? She coming over for Christmas dinner, too?"

"Nah. The twins invited her to their birthday."


We went silent for a second. Nothing awkward or uncomfortable. I just ran my hands along Brandi's flanks and she cuddled herself into my arms.

But then I started chewing on a thought and my sister felt the tension in my arms. "You okay, Ben?"

"Yeah, I uh. I was just wondering..." I stuttered for a moment. "How's Dawn?"

Brandi shifted slightly, turning onto her back so she could look at my face. "Don't you talk to her pretty often?"

"Yeah, yeah," I shrugged. Dawn and I chatted on the phone about once a week since breaking up over Thanksgiving. Nothing regularly scheduled, but we both wanted keep in touch. But our phone conversations were always brief and it was hard to read emotions into IM's or emails. The fact was, neither of us wanted to talk about Ryan or Adrienne, and with those two such big parts of our daily lives, it was a struggle to find other topics of discussion. The end result was that we just didn't communicate like we used to.

"I just," I began slowly. "I just wanted to know what you think, you know? Dawn tells me stuff but I'm never sure what she's holding back. I don't think she's keeping secrets; we never kept secrets from each other. It's just ... It's just that she doesn't want to hurt me by telling me certain things about her life. And I guess I'm looking for a second opinion."

"She's ... good, actually," Brandi shrugged. "I don't see Dawn that much myself, but Dayna says she's quite happy with this Ryan guy."

I frowned.

"But before you freak, Ben, Dayna also says that Dawn's really not looking at this as anything long-term. The girl is still in love with you, and to be honest, Ryan's not that great of a prospect, not for her."

I arched my eyebrow curiously.

"He's handsome. He's considerate. And he's head over heels for Dawn. Great qualities for sure. But he's not that bright or ambitious. He's going to Community College and Dawn wants to get a Ph.D. The guy's got nothing on your academic ability, Ben."

"Ooh, academics are sooo sexy," I drawled sarcastically.

Brandi hit me in the upper chest. "They are to Dawn. She's got this dream future, Ben. It involves a big suburban house, nice cars, three kids, and YOU. Don't forget that."

I sighed wearily. "I suppose."

I frowned and Brandi started rubbing my chest over my T-shirt, tenderly caressing. "You alright, Ben?"

Shaking my head slowly in the negative, I just sighed, "I'm scared of losing her."

"You won't," Brandi shook her head. "She loves you too damn much and you two are meant to be together. Seriously, she's already talking baby names that all start with 'D' and 'B'. Now c'mon, Ben, it's almost Christmas. Just enjoy your time now, keep that gorgeous girl next door happy, and don't worry about the rest. You're too young to be stressing about your long-term future."

I shrugged, "Okay."

"And..." Brandi smiled while sliding her hands up the inside of her T-shirt, lifting the hem above her naked breasts. "You think you got another round in you?"

I grinned and started removing my own clothes. "For you, big sis, anytime."

On Monday's Christmas Eve, by family tradition we all stayed home to hang out together. We found some movies on cable and I soon found myself on the big couch, surrounded by sisters. Per usual, Eden and Emma were both using me as a backrest while I complained that they were starting to get too big to do so. Brooke was in the wing chair. And our parents were on the loveseat.

Sometime around 2pm, Brandi awoke and meandered in during the movie with a steaming cup of coffee. She actually displaced Emma, taking over her baby sister's spot to use me as a backrest. Brandi was certainly too big to do so, but I got no sympathy from any of my family members.

Afterwards, we got into a massive poker game using big stacks of pennies. Seven people were a lot so we couldn't do much more than 5-card draw, at least until Brandi started teaching us Texas Hold 'Em. The game wasn't very well known, but it was apparently pretty popular with the college crowd.

Brooke went a little nuts with her betting, going broke after only four rounds. She then moaned about being left out so we dealt her back in, but then Brandi complained that Brooke wouldn't learn anything about restraining her impulses if she was given new money without consequence.

So in the end, I sold Brooke 50 pennies in exchange for a favor to be collected later. Yeah, you might call it prostitution but from my perspective, it was the best fifty cents I'd ever spent. Besides, I knew Brooke would probably give me a blowjob even if I didn't give her the coins.

Brandi, after she realized what I'd done, rolled her eyes and elbowed me in the ribs later that night, complaining about just what lesson I thought our 15-year-old sister had learned. "Ffpt," Brandi snorted. "Offer sex to buy your way out of trouble?"

Maybe I should have kept the fifty cents. I sure could have used them when I wound up losing before Eden or my mom did. I knew my family was going to ridicule me about that one for AGES. And Brooke ended up going broke first again anyways.

Ultimately, Dad won the whole pot, taking out Brandi with pocket aces. He promptly told Mom we should head to Vegas since he was on a hot streak, but Mom shut down that idea pretty quickly.

The night ended up being the first Eden and Emma managed to stay awake until 12:01am so we could all open our first presents. And then we finally went to bed.

Christmas Day I woke up to one of the best presents a guy could ever ask for. Brooke was under the covers, making good on her promised favor by giving my candy cane a good striping. I'm not sure if the metaphor holds, but it sounds dirty, doesn't it?

In any case, after I spunked my morning load down my little sister's throat, she popped her head up in my face and grinned. "I forgot you taste different from Kenta. Not bad, just different."

"Well then, I guess you'd better not go so long between samplings, lest you forget completely," I nodded seriously. It HAD been a long time since my little sister had gotten to taste me.

Brooke giggled and then crawled forward, revealing that she was without panties beneath her big T-shirt as she moved to straddle my face, lowering her sweet shaven pussy towards my lips. "Wanna re-familiarize yourself with my taste, big brother?"

"Well yours was because you owed me. So we're already even."

"Sure," Brooke smiled. "So why don't you give me a nice cum and I'll owe you again!"

Worked for me.

Christmas was it's usual flurry of activity. The phone lines were jammed as the parents made various calls to friends and family to wish them Merry Christmas. My sisters made a variety of calls on their cell phones. And I sat there, staring at my cell for a couple of hours hoping it would go off because Dawn was calling me.

Because she was the one actually dating someone else in a relatively committed relationship, I felt that SHE needed to call ME to reassure me that she was thinking of me and that she still loved me. After a while, though, I couldn't take it any longer and picked up my cell phone, holding down the 2-button to buzz her.

She picked up immediately and I heard the familiar tone of another 2-button in my ear. "Uh, hello?" I asked when the tone dropped away.

I heard fumbling for a second and then Dawn was suddenly on the line. "Ben? Hey!!! I swear I was just calling you! I was pressing down the 2-button to speed dial you when suddenly the line picked up!"

I grinned. "Really? I'm still your 2-button?"

"Of course! Silly," Dawn giggled. "Wow, talk about a psychic connection. We're calling each other at the exact same cosmic moment."

Much more relieved, I relaxed and chatted amiably with Dawn. We caught up on various school activities and asked about each other's family. Dawn bemoaned how DJ was going through boyfriends like french fries, clearly taking after Dayna. At least her younger sister wasn't screwing them all. DJ seemed to rather enjoy being a cocktease.

Dawn didn't mention Ryan. I didn't mention Adrienne. The moments when we got close were punctuated by awkward tension, but we didn't really want to hear about it anyways. So we wished each other Merry Christmas and looked forward to when we could see each other once again.

Just after lunch, Keira McNeil walked over with a big goody basket. I hadn't seen her in such a long time that impulsively, I wrapped her up in a BIG hug. Only after we were engaged did I realize how weird this might seem in front of my family, most of whom I didn't THINK knew about Keira. And Keira herself covered it by going around hugging everyone else as well.

My mom, however, gave me a knowing look. She really DID seem to know everything. But then she smoothly asked about Keira's boyfriend and how things were going. The two women chatted about how I, Ben, had spoiled her by fixing up her house and that Keira could ONLY date men with handymen skills, which was why she hadn't needed me to fix up anything around her house for a while.

Keira also made a sly comment about how she'd seen me over at Adrienne Dennis' house quite a bit over the last month or so, a comment that got Eden and Emma giggling conspiratorially.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang just then and my dad opened it to find Adrienne and her father there. They'd dropped by to wish their own Merry Christmas and Adrienne gave me another BIG hug, which only made Eden and Emma laugh even harder.

Mr. Dennis thanked us for looking after his daughter while he'd been busy with work. He admitted he wasn't around much and it was a relief that they had such great neighbors. And then putting a hand up to block his mouth, Mr. Dennis not so quietly told my dad, "I think my little girl has a thing for your son there."

Dad just smirked and replied, "I'll watch out for them."

Just another typical Christmas.

On the 26th, the twins' twelfth birthday went off without a hitch. Adrienne came by again, but she paid almost all her attention to the girls.

"We're 'nottogether'," Adrienne reminded me, complete with air quotes. "So I don't owe you any special girlfriend attention."

I just frowned, nodded grudgingly, and went back to my role as butler-slash- gopher for all the festivities. It turned out, Adrienne spent more time with Brandi than with me. At least my 'not-girlfriend' kissed me before leaving, promising to see me before the New Year.

Early the next morning my family drove up to Big Bear for our ski trip. It was simultaneously strange and wonderful to once again have Brandi with us for a distance drive in the big van, although Brooke complained bitterly about being relegated to the back bench seat with the twins. On a different trip, she might have begged, wheedled, and cajoled me into switching with her for at least part of the ride; but I was driving the two-and-a-half hour trip, leaving Mom in my seat, and there was no way Brooke was going to ask Mom to sit in the back.

After a day of skiing and snowboarding, we checked into a two-bedroom condo that had been advertised to sleep eight. It turned out there was only bed space for six. Guess who was the odd man out? Each of the rooms had a full-size bed: one for the parents and one for Brandi and Brooke. The twins took the hide-a- bed in one of the couches, but the other couch had been replaced with a standard, non-bed sofa, so I had to try and cram myself onto it with my legs hanging over one armrest.

Still, I'm happy to say I didn't spend the entire night on the cramped couch. Close to midnight, Brooke came and fetched me into hers and Brandi's bedroom. It's a good thing the twins sleep like logs. You could set off a fog horn in the room and they wouldn't wake up. And since our parents' bedroom was at the opposite end of the condo, I think the three of us kept quiet enough for our them not to hear.

We spent two days of exhaustive slope-pounding separated by a pleasant snow- day in the middle to just build sledding ramps and have snowball fights. The twins especially loved us building bigger and more elaborate toboggan runs to crash off of. I also spent the two nights sneaking into Brandi and Brooke's room. We didn't do anything outrageous, but after long days carving snow, in one form or another, a few quiet orgasms were very relaxing.

But after the second ski-day on December 29th it was time to go home. We'd had our day on the slopes and returned our rental gear. The rest of my family was milling around the rental area getting re-dressed into normal shoes when my cell phone went off.

Dad frowned at me when I moved to go get it. But I pleaded with my eyes as I recognized the special ring tone and said, "It's Adrienne."

Whether Adrienne and I considered ourselves together or not, my family certainly though of her 'like' my girlfriend. So Dad nodded and I answered the phone.

"HEY!!!" Adrienne's voice was loud enough that I flinched away from the earpiece. She sounded bubbly and more excited than I'd heard her in a long while.

"Hey! Great to hear from you! We're just about to head home," I told her as I headed out the door for some privacy.

"Oh, no-no-no. Not yet," Adrienne said breathlessly. "Um, I have NO idea how your parents are gonna take this, but I was hoping you could stay up there."

I arched my eyebrow at no one in particular, staring out at the snowy mountain. "Stay up here?"

"In a nutshell," Adrienne began, taking a deep breath. "Candy Carter's dad had to cancel his skiing trip at the last minute because of business. He already booked a condo up there at Big Bear, starting today, and they can't get their deposit back. So Candy talked him into letting her still go and invite some friends along! She's got the place through Tuesday!"

I blinked twice. "You're coming up here for New Year's?"


My heart started beating faster. "Wow ... uh, and you want me to stay with you guys?"


"Who else is coming up? You know my parents will want to know." I furrowed my eyebrows, forcing myself to start thinking through the entire situation and how I would form my reasoning. They were usually pretty cool about letting me go off on my own, like last Spring Break. But this was kind of last minute. Really, we were a half-hour away from packing up the van and my parents were assuming I'd be the driver.

"Ah, me and Candy, obviously. And then just Lynne and Heather."

I arched an eyebrow. "Not Candy's college friends?"

Adrienne sighed. "Most of Candy's friends were hers and Trevor's friends as a couple. The guys were tighter than the girls and most of them went with him when they broke up."

"Ouch, I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't apologize to me." I could actually hear Adrienne's shrug. "So come on, Ben. Just you and four hot chicks... Think of the possibilities..."


"Uh ... okay..." I drawled. "Candy's okay with it? I don't want to crash her girl thing."

Adrienne giggled. "Actually, she asked me if I would invite you. And we really need you, Ben. Four chicks with no dick? I'm sure we'd end up getting into sooo much trouble if you weren't around..."

I just grunted as my mind conjured up even wilder fantasies.

Adrienne's voice on the line interrupted my reverie. "So go out there and convince you parents to let you stick around until Tuesday. We'll drive you home."

My heart was racing now. "Got it."

Mom and Dad took a little more convincing than usual. Dad arched his eyebrow and had a gleam in his eye when I told him who would be in attendance. "Just you and four girls?"

I blushed and Mom sighed, "La Jolla was just an hour away. This is different."

"Dawn's place was six hours," I reasoned.

"That's different. Her parents were around," Mom glared.

Dad shrugged and said, "It's not even a three hour drive. He's not THAT far away in case of emergency."

I beamed, knowing I had one parent on my side. He was probably having the same fantasies I was.

Mom sighed again, giving me a knowing look. I knew then that she was going to cave, and I stifled the urge to cheer right then and there. Still, Mom took the opportunity to extract more housework out of me in exchange, knowing I'd agree to almost anything, which I did. "And any money you spend is on your own dime, this isn't a family trip anymore."

I nodded, "Got it."

Mom took a deep breath and then gave her grudging approval. And from behind them, Brooke popped her head around the corner and asked, "Does this mean I get to sit up front?"

Since I wouldn't be around to give Brandi her usual airport send-off, before we left I pulled her around the corner and gave her a VERY un-brotherly kiss goodbye. There were other people who might see us, but hopefully none who would realize we were siblings.

"See ya later, alligator," she giggled. "Drink lots of fluids."

Ten minutes later, my family dropped me off at a different condo complex that nonetheless looked almost exactly like the condo complex I'd just left that morning. I waited in the lobby for another couple of hours until the girls arrived, curling up with a book and a sack of McDonald's grease I'd picked up across the street.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, I awoke to the delightful sensation of a pair of lips pressed against mine. My nostrils were filled with the sweet scent of young woman as little lightning bolts of pleasure shot along the edges of my mouth and trickled up the back of my head. But I also had a soft pair of hands covering my eyes, which were only removed about a minute later when the soft mouth pulled away from me with a muted lip-smacking hum of satisfaction.

I blinked a few times to get my bearings and then jerked my head in surprise. Heather Wilkinson grinned at me from a foot away, a twinkle in her aqua eyes. With a naughty smile, she sighed, "Do you have ANY idea how long I've been wanting to do that?"

Startled, my head whipped around left and right as I assessed the situation. Lynne was fighting giggles a few feet away. Candy was by the front desk, sporting a new shorter hairstyle and chatting with a clerk. And Adrienne was just behind the couch, apparently the one who'd been covering my eyes. "Good morning, sunshine," the gorgeous blonde smiled upside-down at me.

It was going to be an interesting few days.

Candy's father had rented the mirror-image of the two-bedroom condo I'd been in with my family; they were probably built by the same developer or something. The layout was similar enough to make me feel a sense of déjà vu, but with everything reversed, was just different enough to remind me that I was in an all- new place with all-new companions.

And what companions I had ... Stunningly gorgeous Adrienne, who set my loins on fire at the mere sight of her. Beautiful Candy, who's piercing blue eyes and smokin' body instantly attracted me last year. Alluring Heather, with her shimmering aqua eyes that stood out so strongly against her dark hair. And petite Lynne, adorably cute and friendly. The four of them were awe-inspiring to begin with. Lining them up before me in bikinis was just not fair.

Oh, yeah, the bikinis at a snow resort in the middle of winter ... Let me explain.

Typical of late teenagers, we were the type to stay up past midnight on a regular basis. Plus, my mid-day power nap had helped alleviate my fatigue. So all five of us were still awake and chatty well into the dark of night when everyone else had already gone to sleep.

And one thing this condo had that my previous condo didn't was close access to a hot tub. Literally, the gated jacuzzi and swimming pool area was just ten feet from our front door. And as the hour chimed past eleven, Candy decided it was time for everyone to strip down and enjoy a pleasant soak.

So while the rest of the mountain slumbered in anticipation of early ski runs in the morning, we five teenagers scurried across the snow and ice in flip-flops and towels before dumping our cold bodies unceremoniously into the hot, frothy waters of the jacuzzi. And amidst the view of four beautiful girls with hard nippled-breasts buoying on the surface of the bubbling waves, I settled in to enjoy myself.

We then spent the next hour chatting and gossiping and flirting. Well, the girls were doing the gossiping. Adrienne, Candy, and Heather were doing the flirting. At least, Heather was flirting with me. Adrienne and Candy seemed to spend more time flirting with each other, and given that the two were sharing a bedroom, I imagined they would be revisiting some of their High School nocturnal activities once we all bedded down for the night.

Heather, on the other hand, had been slowly inching her way closer to me. She started on the other end of the tub with her feet in my lap, having me massage her calves and working my way down. But after some chatting and repositioning and then more repositioning, the pretty girl was practically in my lap with one arm around my shoulders.

Adrienne, meanwhile, just smirked every time I shot her a questioning glance. Intellectually, I knew we weren't 'together-together', but despite our pronouncements of 'just-friendship' I felt a kind of fidelity towards her. But Adrienne just rolled her eyes to me as if to say, 'Get on with it.'

Fifteen minutes later, I started to relax and let my hands drift a little along Heather's body. The dark-haired cheerleader grinned and snuggled herself closer to me. But when I moved my hand down to cup her ass, Heather quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back up to her waist. "Not so fast, big Ben..." she husked into my ear. "A girl likes to take her time..."

I sighed but nodded. From experience, I'd figured that every girl had her pace. Some girls were like guys in that they could go from cold to a full boil in a few seconds flat, ready to get jiggy with it almost on command. But most girls needed a little seduction, a little charm in your comments and gentleness in your caresses before moving on. From the way Heather was coming on to me, I thought it a sure thing that sometime before we left Big Bear, she and I would indeed get jiggy with it. But not yet. I had to lay the groundwork, and even if we both knew she wanted to get laid, she didn't want to feel... too easy.

So I backed off and continued verbally flirting with Heather while keeping my hands from being too obvious in their gropings.

Right about that time, Candy dropped her head back over the edge of the tub moaned, "Sometimes, a girl just wants to get laid, you know?"

Adrienne and Lynne just giggled, as they'd been following Candy's conversation while I was preoccupied with Heather.

"But some of these guys at school?" Candy absently waved her hand as an illustrative device. "They're all cockiness and roaming hands and they have NO respect for you. In High School, a lot of the guys were intimidated to be with you, or even scared shitless; but at least they respected a girl. They knew they'd have to walk the halls with you the next morning. These college guys just want to add you as another notch in their bedpost and never talk to you again, disappear amongst the thirty-thousand faceless students. It's disgusting. And no matter how horny I get, I don't want to sink that low. I'm not that easy."

"Of course not," Adrienne's arm moved, rubbing Candy somewhere under the water, probably her leg. Maybe not...

Candy sighed. "But it's just been WAY too long. Sometimes I wish Trevor and I were still together. He's an asshole, but at least I knew what to expect with him. And he sure knew how to fuck, hey Lynne?"

The petite brunette blushed crimson red as she realized all four of us now turned our attention to her. She sank a bit deeper into the water but a little smile came over her face at the memory. "Yeah..." Lynne sighed.

Adrienne looked back and forth between the two of them and smiled. "Don't worry. You're both beautiful young women and once you find the right kind of guy, you won't have any problems convincing him to take care of your little problem."

"Easy for you to say," Lynne rolled her eyes and fixed her gaze on me, a smoldering intensity in her dark eyes.

Adrienne just looked at me as well and started giggling. "Well, true..."

Heather and Candy then looked over at Adrienne, and something seemed to communicate non-verbally between the three gorgeous young women. Then Adrienne tilted her head towards Candy, who smiled enigmatically while Heather pouted and wrapped her arm a little tighter around my shoulders.

With a little groan of frustration, Heather then pivoted her body in my lap to bring her chest more in line with my face. My eyes went wide as her glistening wet tits ascended out of the water, barely concealed by her thin bikini top with hard nipples poking through the material. And I felt Heather's arms drawing my nose to the crevasse of her cleavage. And the closer I got to Heather's round tits, the harder my cock got while I felt this nubile, raven-haired cheerleader grinding herself against me.

"Hey, hey, slow down, Tiger," Adrienne's voice startled me. "Looks like we need to cool you off."

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to Adrienne.

My gorgeous 'not-girlfriend' smiled at me and repeated, "Cool off. Why don't you go show us how much of a man you are by jumping into the pool over there?" Adrienne jerked her thumb back to the swimming pool, where obvious clumps of ice and snow floated on the almost inky black surface.

I frowned. "You're shitting me."

"C'mon, Tiger," Adrienne teased. "What, are you chicken?"

"Not chicken," I shook my head. "Just not crazy."

"Tell you what," Adrienne grinned. "Do it and I'll flash you."

I hesitated and Candy chimed in with a big smile. "Do it, Ben. And I'll flash you."

THAT got my attention. I arched an eyebrow and this time Heather giggled while slipping off my lap. "All four of us will flash you, okay?" Heather looked to Lynne, who blushed red again; but under the stare of her friends, Lynne smiled at me and nodded.

The gauntlet was thrown down and I knew this would be royally stupid. C'mon, flashing tits? I could get to Adrienne's magnificent breasts any time I wanted.

Still ... even though I was petrified of how cold it might be, my ego wouldn't let me refuse. There's something written in to the DNA of every straight male to go through with stupid stunts like these in order to gain additional glimpses of female mammary glands.

So rolling my eyes and grunting in annoyance, I lifted myself out of the hot tub and gritted my teeth against the cold air. I just wanted to get it over with. "Don't blame me if my testicles get frostbite," I warned Adrienne. Then I thumped across the pool deck and launched myself into the air.

In retrospect, hurrying helped me out quite a bit. My skin had been heated up by prolonged immersion in the jacuzzi, and as if shielded by a thin layer of hot water, I didn't really feel the biting chill of the swimming pool as I cannonballed in. In fact, it just felt sort of refreshing. So with a proud grin, I turned around in the 3-foot deep pool and just flashed a thumbs up to the girls while staying rooted in the pool.

The four of them cheered and hooted in response, Lynne exclaiming, "I can't believe he's not jumping right back out!"

I just shrugged and started to do a few backstrokes, lazing my way around while maintaining the smug grin on my face. But after a few more seconds, I started to feel the chill creeping through my outer shield of heat and I decided it was best to get out.

The outside air was actually colder than the pool had been, and I started shivering even before I made it back to the hot tub. It took all the control I had left in my body not to just launch myself into the hot water and splash the girls. And with herky-jerky limbs I managed to slide in, hugging myself and shivering uncontrollably.

Adrienne was quickly by my side, laughing and rubbing my back. "You're such a dork! What made you just stay in there?"

Still shivering, I glared at her and shrugged.

"Such a guy," Adrienne laughed.

"What a man," Candy leered appreciatively.

"A deal's a deal," Lynne nodded.

"This is so naughty!" Heather cheered.

And once getting affirmative glances from the other girls, Adrienne led the four of them in lifting up their bikini tops to give me a long, lingering look at eight beautifully shaped naked breasts.

Unfortunately, I was still shivering and scowling at the cold unpleasantness chilling my bones. And the creepy, crawling tingle of hot water searing the outer edges of my skin didn't help, either.

Bemused by my clear discomfort, Adrienne leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Sorry for putting you through that, Ben. I'll make it up to you later."

The touch of Adrienne's lips and the heat in her words warmed me up far faster than the jacuzzi water did. And a few minutes after I managed to breathe calmly, the five of us packed up and scurried back into the condo.

To my disappointment, Adrienne didn't make anything up to me before we went to bed, despite her husky words in the hot tub. Everyone took their individual showers and went through the routine of brushing teeth and prepping for bed. Then Lynne and Heather retired to one bedroom while Adrienne and Candy ducked into the other, leaving me to my hide-a-bed in the couch.

I lay alone in the darkness for a while, idly deciding whether or not I wanted to jerk off. Anticipation for Adrienne's promised 'make-up' session had gotten me a little aroused. And even though I hadn't been able to enjoy the view at the time, I still recalled how the four girls had looked flashing their tits at me in the hot tub.

Pushing me further in the direction of jerking off, feminine moans began to waft out from the direction of Adrienne's and Candy's bedroom. And as my hand slid beneath the waistband of my fleece pajamas, I started to fantasize about the two beautiful girls with their bodies wrapped around each other.

But fantasies can never measure up to real life. Some would say the opposite is true, but I'd lived a crazy enough life that most of my fantasies had already come to fruition. And even though it felt good to stroke my dick and visualize Adrienne and Candy in a Sapphic embrace, it didn't feel as good as the real thing. So after another few minutes, I gave up and just tried to go to sleep.

My head was getting heavy and I was just about to drift off into unconsciousness when I felt the thin mattress shift, accompanied by the sound of a body sliding across the sheets.

"Still awake, Ben?" Adrienne's sweet voice was loud against the deafening silence, even though she was whispering. Her hand slid across my forehead and into my hair as I turned my face to her and opened my eyes.

With only the faintest illumination from the outside sidewalk lights filtering through the drapes, my vision focused on the dusky outline of Adrienne's body, cast in shadowed darkness. But in a moment I was able to make out the features of her face, and lower down, the features of her naked body. Adrienne had indeed come to 'make it up to me', and my heart started rapidly beating faster. We hadn't been intimate since that cathartic breakthrough in our relationship, finally making love that Sunday morning after Elaine's party, which was now over a week ago. And I was filled with lustful fire for the stunningly gorgeous blonde.

But Adrienne wasn't here to screw me on the uncomfortable hide-a-bed. Instead, her hand slid down to grasp mine, tugging gently as she whispered, "Come on."

Automatically, I started to get up and let her lead me away. "Where are we going?" I asked quietly.

Adrienne giggled. "Where do you think?" And she pulled me straight to hers and Candy's bedroom.

Illuminated by table lamps on either side of the bed, Candy Carter was jaw- droppingly beautiful in all her naked glory. Her rich, dark hair was cut short along her jawline in a style that made her angular face look even more dangerously sexual. Her fabulous rack was on full display, and as she smiled at the sight of me, she brought her hands up to cup her tits and press them together while offering them up to me. Lower down, her glistening wet pussy was open to my gaze, decorated with a trimmed, rectangular landing strip above and moist pinkness below.

Without a word, Adrienne closed the door and then moved to block my view of Candy's crotch. I watched the back of the blonde's head as she bent over and obviously began tonguing her friend's nether regions, both of them starting to moan erotically.

In response, the brunette moved her left hand down to hold Adrienne's head in place. With her right hand, Candy crooked a finger to me in a "come hither" gesture, and silently, I obeyed.

Still without speaking, I followed Candy's directions in stripping myself as naked as the girls and then moving to kneel beside the beautiful college freshwoman. And like a hungry jungle cat eagerly devouring its prey, Candy's head darted forward as she swallowed up my rising erection, her puffy lips stretching wide around my girth.

"Oh, shit," I grunted as Candy took me into her mouth, finally breaking the silence. I was quite surprised at the way things were shaping up. Candy and I had been casual friends, of course, back before she'd graduated and moved on to college. We'd flirted lots and of course there was that wild and crazy Spring Break orgy. But nothing in the way Candy had acted around me today would have led me to thinking she wanted to suck my dick. I guess I was wrong; guys are stupid that way when it comes to signals.

As if to prove my point, Candy moaned erotically around my meat, humming as if she were tasting the most fantastic prime rib she'd been salivating over for ages. She looked positively gorgeous with her long bangs framing her face down to her chin on the sides and just below her eyebrows across the middle. She rolled her sparkling blue eyes upwards through the dark brown veil to look at me while she sucked my manhood, a hint of a smile at the corners of her lips. And then she closed her eyes and shuddered, obviously experiencing the tremors of an orgasm as Adrienne continued to work her oral magic further below.

When her climax passed, Candy opened her eyes again and took a few healthy sucks at my dick while jacking me in her right hand before backing away and taking a deep breath. "Gawdammit I miss cock," the beautiful brunette sighed, her eyes fixated on the seven-and-three-quarter-inch pole bobbing in front of her face. And then she bent forward to take another long lick along the bottom of it before leaning back on her elbows.

I let my gaze trail out over the year-older beauty before me, from her creamy skin and lightly muscled abs to the flare of her hips outward as she spread her legs wide to allow Adrienne deeper access to her pussy. And then eventually I brought my gaze back up to her pretty face.

"Will you fuck me, Ben?" Candy asked with a touch of hope in her voice. "Nothing romantic, no making love." She shook her head slowly. "We're old friends, nothing more; and I just wanna get laid."

I risked a glance over to Adrienne, who rolled her eyes as if annoyed I was even thinking of asking permission. I got the hint and took a deep breath while maintaining my focus on Candy. A smile was ready on my face. "Of course." And then my mind flicked back to something Adrienne had said when she first asked me to join the girls: it had been Candy's idea to invite me. "Is this why you wanted me along?"

Candy blushed. "Yeah. I've just been horny and stressed-out and Adrienne reminded me you were a guy I could trust to do this with no strings attached."

"Glad to be of service, ma'am. One stress-relief mind-blowing fuck coming up!" I grinned. Ever since those days of Candy inviting me to join her lunch table with the rest of the popular crowd, I'd harbored a bit of a crush on the older girl. True, Adrienne had the vast majority of my attention back then, but I certainly wouldn't have minded a few chances to boink the bubbly cheerleader.

Candy's face lit up. "FINALLY," she exhaled with relief and reached up to start jacking my cock with her hand again. "I get to find out what the famous Big Ben experience is all about!" She giggled. "Mizuho wouldn't shut up about you after Spring Break last year."

A smiling Adrienne then got up and moved herself out of the way while Candy reached up to grab my arms, swinging me down to the bed and rolling us over until she was lying on top of me. I held the pretty brunette's head in my hands while she dipped and pressed her tongue inside my mouth. And I let a year's worth of pent-up passion and lust for Candy fill my muscles as I kissed her back and rolled us over again so that I was on top.

While Candy did her best to devour my mouth, I let a hand slide down her chest, over a large breast and across that taut tummy down to the junction between her legs. Unsurprisingly, my fingers encountered nothing but silky wetness. She was more than ready.

"Of course she's wet, Ben." Adrienne's voice startled me. For a second I'd forgotten she was here, heady as Candy's kiss had been. "We've been dyking it out for half an hour. She's primed and ready to go."

When I pulled my head back, Candy herself nodded in agreement. "Do it, Ben. I've been dying to know how you would feel inside me since you first came to our lunch table. Do it!"

Suiting words to action, Candy's hand was between us, searching out and then grasping my cock, tugging and aiming it into her folds. I let her notch me into position, and then sliding my hands beneath her shoulders, I gripped her and pressed the full length of my shaft into her in a single thrust.

Candy didn't make a sound. Her head tilted back and her mouth gaped open as if to scream, but nothing came out. And then she was exhaling loudly as her legs rose up to wrap around my waist and her arms cinched around my back, holding me all the way inside her. And holding that position, she clenched her inner muscles, letting her pussy do all the work of massaging my deeply embedded dick.

And then we moved.

Fucking Candy was almost surreal, like fucking a memory. I hadn't seen her since graduation fully six months ago. And yet I felt as comfortable with her now as if I'd seen her only yesterday. And all the little flirtations, innuendos, and lustful glances from ages ago were now coming to fruition.

'I'm fucking Candy Carter!' I thought excitedly as I pounded myself in and out of her clenching cunt. 'I'm fucking Candy Carter!'

For her part, Candy seemed just as thrilled as I was. Planting her feet flat on the bed, she used the leverage to buck her hips at me with every forceful stroke. "Fuck meee ... fuck meee..." she groaned while staring deep into my eyes.

My head darted to the left and right, nipping at sensitive areas of Candy's skin like her neck and ears and shoulders. I arched my back and ducked my head to let my tongue lavish over her nipples. And my hands roved her supple skin, continuously rubbing and pinching and caressing.

"Oh, FUCK, Ben! How do you do that?" Candy groaned while arching her back and straining her neck. "What are you doing to me?"

I wasn't consciously doing anything. I fucked on instinct, pumping my dick in and out of her while feeling my hard meat throbbing with need, vibrating almost as if I had batteries. Remembering all of Keira's teachings and rules automatically, I experimented around, searching out Candy's pleasure-buttons and pushing them in increasingly elaborate rhythms to spur her to higher and higher plateaus of pleasure. And I was rewarded when Candy suddenly shivered and went rigid, once again gaping her mouth in that silent scream as a forceful orgasm swept through her body.

And still I fucked on.

This time, I lifted Candy's legs up my sides until I could hook her knees over my shoulders. Gripping Candy's taut buttocks in my palms, I lifted her ass off the bed and started driving my cock even deeper into her body. From this new position, I could watch the enticing jiggle of her tits, jarring them into exotic orbitals with my thrusting motions. And I could watch the contortions of bliss crossing Candy's face as I screwed her senseless.

"Oh fuckkk..." she groaned as her eyes rolled back into her head. "The fuck are you doing to me, Ben? Oh, shit! Fucking-motherfucking-shit!" she groaned while I grinned at the dirty invectives coming out of Candy's sweet mouth. Her naughty language only fueled me further as I started hammering myself in and out of her pliant body.

"Fuck, Ben! I'm fucking cumming again! You dirty-bastard-mother-fucker I'm fucking cumming again!!!" Candy howled. And as her mouth gaped into yet another silent scream, I pinned her body onto the bed and bent her legs back towards her own ears as I let loose with a torrent of my own cum.

At first, Candy just stared wide-eyed as her head shook left and right at the sensations wracking her poor body. She couldn't make a sound as her orgasm somehow strangled her vocal cords, and little tears started forming in the corners of her eyes. But she could twitch and flail uselessly beneath my heavier weight, unable to move while I filled up her spasming pussy to the brim with my creamy load.

Only when our mutual orgasms finally passed could Candy utter a sound. And all she could do then was whimper, completely overwhelmed by the feelings she'd just experienced. Gently, I pulled her legs off my shoulders and lay them back down to the mattress, gently massaging her thigh with my right hand while I supported myself above her with my left elbow.

"You okay?" I asked with some concern.

Hurriedly, Candy jerked her face up and down in an enthusiastic yes, still not quite able to verbalize what she was feeling. But the pleasure was evident in her eyes.

I stared adoringly down at Candy's face, seeing her rapturous look of satisfaction, and I felt an internal satisfaction of my own at pleasing her. But a noise to the side drew away my attention and I looked up to see Adrienne, fully dressed in her pajamas as she opened the bedroom door. And even as Candy drew my head downwards, rubbing her nose against my neck, I arched an eyebrow at Adrienne in confusion. Why was she leaving?

She held a finger over her lips, telling me not to say anything. "Make her happy, Ben," Adrienne said softly. "I'll see you guys in the morning."

I bit my lip and looked longingly after Adrienne. Even though there had been no promises made, I'd just sort of assumed I'd get to bed down between the two gorgeous young women. And even though I'd just finished screwing Candy's lights out, I found myself disappointed that I wasn't going to get to sleep, just sleep, with Adrienne this night.

"You love her, don't you?" Candy said softly while trailing her fingers along my cheek.

Biting my lower lip, I glanced down at the pretty brunette who still had my half- hard dick inside her. I nodded slowly.

"Don't worry," Candy smiled beatifically. "She loves you, too, in her own way."

Looking longingly at the closed door, I blinked several times to fight the moisture attempting to get into my eyes and then glanced back down at Candy. "I'm sorry. I-"

"Shh..." Candy put a finger to my lips. "Don't worry about it. We're just friends." She smiled. "And thank you, Ben. You were incredible. That was just what I needed."

There was a note of finality in her voice, along with some sadness. Clearly, Candy didn't want things to be over just yet and my ego spurred me into action. "Hey, hey. Who said I was done with you?" I grinned.

Candy's blue eyes started sparkling again as she saw the intent in my gaze and she smiled. I started lightly stroking my cock in and out of her an inch back and forth, picking up the gentle stimulation that would re-energize me for another round. Candy giggled as she felt me hardening inside her, and by the time I kissed her again, I had regained a full erection.

The next time I pulled back and twitched my thick cock inside Candy's swamped pussy, she just gasped and looked at me with amazement. "Ben, even your reputation doesn't measure up to the real you."

I chuckled. Now that I'd gotten the experimentation out of the way, I KNEW what buttons Candy needed to be pushed. My second fuck with her would be SOOO much better. And with a cocky smile, I drawled, "Candy, you ain't seen nothin' yet."

"SOMEone's walking a little funny," Lynne giggled when Candy finally emerged from the bedroom on Sunday morning, the 30th of December.

I lifted my head away from the coffee mug I was about to sip and watched Candy give her friend the bird while staggering towards the bathroom. I'd awoken a half- hour earlier and slipped out to get some breakfast. The girls had brought bagels, donuts, and coffee, and I was already working on my second bagel.

Adrienne suppressed a grin while sipping her own coffee across from me, tossing her head and brushing her hair back to avoid dipping the ends in the steaming liquid.

Heather emerged from the other end of the condo and the second bedroom, coming out just in time for Candy to exit the bathroom while still walking awkwardly. The raven-haired Senior cheerleader smirked at Candy, "THAT good, huh?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes to Adrienne, feeling chagrined. "Did EVERYONE know what was going to happen last night but me?"

Lynne answered first. "You two made enough noise for it to be pretty obvious, Ben. Especially when Heather and I came out and found Adrienne sleeping on the sofabed."

"Oh," I blushed.

Heather grinned. "But yeah, we all knew."

Now I DID glare at Adrienne. The stunningly gorgeous blonde just shrugged, saying, "What? I knew you'd be ready to go. And if I told you sooner you'd have acted a little funny around Candy for hours."

I sighed but kept my mouth shut. We both knew Adrienne was right. Still, feeling that lingering attachment to a girl I'd been intimate with, I got up and went to Candy, wrapping my arm around her waist. "You okay?" I asked tenderly. After all, it WAS my fault Candy was walking stiffly. I'd fucked her six ways from Sunday, and even an ex-cheerleader is only so flexible.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Candy smiled weakly. "Just a little sore. I'll be alright." And then Candy got a little smile on her face as she glanced back at the other three girls. And in a sultry voice, the sexy brunette husked, "Still, I think I could use your help getting dressed this morning."

I smiled and followed Candy back into the bedroom. Turning to close the door, I looked out and saw Adrienne grinning at me, Lynne with a thoughtful expression on her face, and Heather looking clearly jealous.

But then I turned back to face Candy, and my jaw dropped to the floor. She'd dropped her pajamas and panties to the floor ahead of me, and was bent at the waist over the bed.

"One more time, Ben." Candy craned her head around to smile at me while wriggling her naked ass in my direction. "Make it quick. And make it good."

We did eventually make it out and onto the slopes, although not until after lunch. We rented our gear (except for Heather, who had her own snowboard), picked up half-day lift tickets, and proceeded to carve up the mountain.

At first, all five of us stayed together, warming up on the bunny slopes. On the very first chair lift, Candy leaned over to me and whispered that she could feel my cum soaking into her panties. YOU try snowboarding with a throbbing erection. It's not easy.

It didn't really help that Heather was flirting with me constantly as well. Seeming to ignore my little interlude with Candy, the raven-haired 17-year-old picked up where we'd left off in the hot tub, sliding herself into my personal space and dropping not-so-subtle sexual innuendoes.

Then, after a few runs, we wound up splitting into two groups. Adrienne and Lynne were novices, unwilling to leave the bunny slopes. Heather and I were itching to test out some harder runs, including one particular Intermediate run that I had grown to love over the past few days with my family. Candy probably could have moved on with us, but she claimed she was still feeling sore and stayed back with Adrienne and Lynne.

So Heather and I took off; and in isolation, Heather REALLY started to turn up the heat. She was flirting all-out, slapping me and laughing at my lame jokes, giggling cutely, and posing every now and again to let me ogle her in her cute snow bunny outfit, complete with oversized Chanel sunglasses instead of ski goggles. I rather enjoyed getting such attention from a beautiful young woman and played right into my role, letting my hands wander just a bit to wrap around her waist while we rode the chair lifts.

One guy even complemented me when Heather and I got separated a bit coming off the chair lift. "Dude, your girlfriend is smokin' HOT."

I just grinned and answered, "I know." Then I hopped off to go tell Heather she had an admirer.

"Ooh, him?" Heather perked up when I pointed the guy out. "He's pretty cute. Maybe I should dump you and go for him," she sassed.

"Go ahead," I overdramatically feigned indifference, yawning and looking the other way."

"Okay," Heather giggled and started sliding away from me before I grabbed her around the waist and tackled us both onto the snow. One of my boots came free of the rental board's bindings and I wound up sprawled right on top of her, our faces just inches apart.

"Sorry," I apologized. "Didn't mean to knock us over."

"Don't be," Heather smiled, her aqua eyes radiantly bright. "I'll take the opportunity given to me." And then she tilted her head up and pressed her lips to mine.

Feeling the rush of adrenaline and excitement pumping through me, I kissed her back and felt the pleasant glow of ecstasy shooting up my spine. And when I pulled away, Heather's eyes were closed as she breathed shallowly, her cheeks glowing with warmth despite the cool air. Still with her eyes closed, she murmured, "I should have skipped taking things slow last night. I shoulda just fucked you in the hot tub when I had a chance."

Grinning, I backed up and then reached a hand down to help her to her feet. Without speaking but with plenty of smiles in each other's direction, we got ourselves oriented and once again took off down the mountain.

I loved snowboarding. It was so simple and peaceful. Just me and the snow beneath my feet. Nothing to think about but the next turn, holding my line, and the adrenaline rush of speed.

Surrendering myself to this peaceful Zen state, I thought about the situation I was in. Adrienne ... Candy ... Heather...


Where was my mind going?

Shaking my head to clear myself of all thoughts beyond snowboarding, I let my worries evaporate with the wind whipping past my ears. Later ... Next year...

I'd think about it all later.

For now, I was just going to enjoy today.

"Mmm ... this is niiice..." Heather sighed and shifted slightly, getting herself more comfortable with her head resting against the upper right side of my chest, my right arm wrapping around her waist, and my hand trailing dangerously down her thigh.

"Uh-huh..." Lynne agreed, lolling her head against the upper left side of my chest while my left arm held her body in place, although my left hand was much more behaved than my right.

We were once again in the jacuzzi, a square tub with me in a corner so that both Heather and Lynne could recline against me. Candy was to my relative left, her feet idly tickling mine beneath the frothy, bubbling waters. Adrienne was beside her, presently elevating her torso up and out of the water to cool off, her arms spread to the sides over the lip of the tub. This position also elevated her prodigious breasts above the waterline, a fact that did NOT go unnoticed by the two middle-aged men currently sharing the hot tub with us. Both were married and had their spouses by their sides, but it was simply impossible for them to resist ogling all the firm E-cup mammary flesh Adrienne was putting on display.

"Well, I think that's enough soaking," one of the older women announced. "Come ON, Fred," she said through gritted teeth as she got up.

Fred didn't want to leave. But when his wife tugged on his hand, he obediently raised up and reached for his towel. Glancing back at Adrienne's tits every few seconds, he eventually managed to wrap it around himself and scurry after his wife through the cold air towards their condo.

The second couple wasn't far behind, the wife hissing to her husband, "For chrissake she's a teenager, Al."

"Stop complaining because you're about to get the fucking of your life," Al grunted in reply.

Once our fivesome was alone again, we all broke into giggles as Adrienne lowered herself back into the tub.

"You're so evil," Candy cackled.

"What? I was getting overheated," Adrienne protested.

"You were making those MEN overheated," Heather said with her eyes closed. She also stretched her legs further out to take advantage of the newly empty space.

Adrienne smiled and blushed, the color in her cheeks having nothing to do with the hot water.

"Seriously, though, we should probably get out," Lynne reasoned. "As much as I'd love to lay here on Ben's chest and soak away my muscle aches, we're getting pretty pruny."

Candy nodded. "And I'm getting pretty hungry."

Heather giggled. "For food?"

"Hmm..." Candy grinned as she got up and slid over to us, staring those sparkling eyes right at me. "Well, the sooner we get some dinner the sooner we can start the party."

Something in the way Candy said that made my cock twitch, a fact that the beautiful brunette soon discovered as she ran her hand up my leg to rub over my hardening dick in my swim trunks.

Adrienne nodded and jerked a thumb. "Let's go."

I don't remember dinner. Dinner was irrelevant, save for the nutrition it provided me. That's because what happened AFTER dinner will forever be etched into my memory.

It was New Year's Weekend, my first without my family. And while a part of me missed them, there really was no place I'd rather be than right where I was. Snow falling outside the windows. The warmth of a mountain retreat, complete with roaring fireplace. Four beautiful girls ... and me...

After dinner, Candy clapped and announced, "PJs!" The five of us then bustled around taking showers and otherwise prepping for bed. However, most girls don't put their makeup back ON when prepping for bed; in this case, all four of my companions made sure they were looking their best.

So while the girls primped for over an hour, I zonked out to the television, idly watching end-of-the-year shows and random Sunday evening programs.

Lynne was the first to emerge, looking adorably cute in a comfortable flannel pajama set. The long-sleeved top was extra-baggy on her petite frame and almost looked like a men's cut shirt, the wristcuffs extending several inches beyond her hands. "Getting bored, Ben?" she asked while unceremoniously plopping herself sideways next to me with her legs draped over mine.

Almost automatically my arm wrapped around her as she leaned against my side and my ever-questing fingers determined that she wasn't wearing a bra beneath her pajamas. She also had a little gleam in her eye, with just a hint of mascara and eyeshadow accenting her dark irises that glimmered in the flickering firelight.

"Lynne ... What's going on?"

She mimed zipping her lip. "Can't tell you."

I flicked my eyes to the closed bedroom doors. "You girls are planning something, aren't you?"

There was no mistaking the devilish grin on Lynne's face, complete with dimples. "Why Ben? Whatever do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "I know you girls. And I know Adrienne."

"Then you know you're gonna enjoy it." Lynne rested her hand on my chest. "Just go with the flow, Ben. And I promise you won't be disappointed."

"You're not bringing out drugs again, are you?" I grimaced, thinking back to the weed that had been abundant during the Spring Break trip.

My brunette friend rolled her eyes. "Nah. That was Trevor's big thing. Some booze, maybe. But believe me, you won't need drugs for this."

I arched an eyebrow. "But you won't tell me what's going on?"

She shook her head.

"C'mon, Lynne. We're friends, aren't we? And friends tell each other what the hell's going on."

The cute brunette beamed and leaned in, pecking my cheek. "Of course we're friends. That's why you know you can trust me ... and I can trust you..." Her voice trailed off as she stared into my eyes.

The bedroom door to our left opened just then, and Heather waltzed out with a smug grin on her face. At almost the same moment, Candy emerged from the other bedroom to the right.

Abruptly, Lynne yanked her legs off my lap as she stood up. And in a quiet voice she half-whispered, "Just ... go easy on her, okay? It's been a while."

"Huh?" I questioned after Lynne but she'd already turned and headed into the kitchen.

But then Adrienne was coming out of the bedroom as well, and it was time for our private little party to begin.

"Hey! Go easy on that stuff!" Adrienne reprimanded, taking away the bottle of tequila. "It's a long night and I need you to be functional!"

For some reason, I found Adrienne's concern to be hilarious and I cracked up, cackling uncontrollably. Only Lynne shoving a lime wedge into my mouth shut me up as I sucked on the sour citrus to numb Jose Cuervo's bad aftertaste.

Candy herself was quite buzzed as she joined me in laughter. Actually, all five of us were buzzing rather nicely.

"Fine then," Heather drawled. The raven-haired beauty fixed her aqua eyes on me, staring lasciviously and licking her lips hungrily. I licked my lips as well. Sometime during the evening, Heather had removed her pajama top leaving her upper body clad in a sheer lace bra an aqua color that matched her eyes, the see-thru cups making her hard nipples quite obvious. I'd been staring at her tits for the past half-hour and couldn't wait to get my tongue on them. "Let's get started."

"I'll get it," Lynne spoke up as she went to a side-table and picked up the black bandanna that had been lying there unnoticed.

Tipsy herself, Adrienne drunkenly twirled her finger a few times before pointing at me and then towards the dining table. "Chair."


"Go get a chair, Ben. Bring it over here," Adrienne insisted.

I arched an eyebrow but obeyed. The chair was nice without being elaborate nor expensive, high-backed with rigid vertical posts I could easily grip and four crossbeams for support. The seat was well-padded and yet the entire thing was rather narrow. If a heavyset person rented this condo, they'd have a hard time fitting a wide ass onto the cushion.

As it was, I was just about the right size as I set the chair down at the open end of the couch formation and took a seat as directed, removing my shirt as well. Lynne was then behind me, folding the bandanna and then sliding it over my eyes in an obvious blindfold.

"Hey!" I protested, holding up a hand.

"Trust me, Ben," Adrienne said encouragingly.

I looked to Lynne, who smiled warmly. And so I let her blindfold me. However, I jerked a bit in surprise when I felt someone moving my hands to my sides and then tying my wrists around the chair's back and to the chair legs beneath my butt. Soon after, someone was tugging at my pajama pants and shorts. And with both Lynne and Adrienne — my closest friends of the four — reassuring me that it was all part of the plan, I stopped struggling and let the girls strip me naked.

"It's not about pain; it's about control, remember Ben?" Adrienne intoned from just in front of me. Blind, her voice came so suddenly and unexpectedly close that I flinched. She paused and breathed, and now I could feel her warm breath against my face. "Do you trust me, Ben?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. Not so long ago, Adrienne had put herself in my hands, letting me tie her up and abuse her, relinquishing control. She trusted in me. And now I had to trust her. "I trust you, Adrienne."

"Good," she said warmly. And then I felt her lips against mine. Blindfold or no blindfold, there was no mistaking Adrienne's slow-burn kiss. You could remove all my senses but touch and I would still know it was her.

I also felt Adrienne's hands roaming down my chest, teasing my skin with her fingertips. And despite the very awkward position of being blindfolded and tied-up naked to a chair in front of four girls, I found my cock starting to harden.

Adrienne sped up that process quite rapidly as she bent further over, taking my dick into her mouth and beginning to suckle me slowly. Second by second, my prick began to rise, quickly reaching the point where Adrienne could wrap a hand around my shaft while still sucking on the head as she pumped me slowly.

But Adrienne didn't bring me to full hardness. No, she pulled away and then I felt a completely different mouth swallow me down, humming and sucking and licking aggressively.

"Oh, shit," I grunted as I realized one of the other girls was blowing me. But who was it? Heather had clearly shown interest, but there was something almost familiar about the sensation so if I had to guess, I would have guessed Candy.

But then the mouth was once again replaced, the new one attacking me with lustful abandon. Heather, I assumed this time. But strangely enough, this one ALSO felt familiar, although I knew it wasn't Adrienne. It struck me that once upon a time even Lynne and I had gone down on each other, back during the wild and crazy Spring Break orgy. She hadn't shown me much sexual interest since then, being comfortable just being friends and letting the one crazy day be just a fond memory. I suppose this trip qualified as well. We were hundreds of miles away from home and from our real lives. Why not play out a few fantasies with friends you trusted?

And then there was another mouth, this one very deliberate and patient in sucking me. Now THIS one was also familiar, and all my guesses just flew out the window. Could this be Heather? Or Lynne? Or Candy? Or even Adrienne trying to disguise her technique? Four times my cock was inside a warm mouth and I wasn't sure what order the girls had gone in, or even if all four of them had taken a turn.

The second mouth then returned to me, the one I'd thought was Candy. But then I heard Candy's voice, an erotic moan sounding off to my left, clearly not originating from on top of my dick, and I was COMPLETELY confused now.

But confused or not, there was no denying the pleasure being lavished on my cock. I was rock hard and twitchy, eager to either imbed myself more than seven inches inside a willing pussy or explode inside a sucking mouth.

It wasn't to be the sucking mouth. The girl removed herself, letting my wet rod wave in the air for a few seconds. But it was only a few seconds because the next thing I knew, two thighs were rubbing the outsides of mine as a girl straddled the chair, took my dick in hand, and guided me into her wet pussy.

"Ohhh..." I threw my head back and grunted as she accepted me inside her incredible tightness. I felt the squeeze of wet vaginal muscles parting in succession for my penetrating rod as she slowly worked her way down. And I groaned in rapturous pleasure until her ass landed on the tops of my legs and we were fully enjoined.

Automatically, I started to move my hands to embrace her, only to find that I was still tied to the chair. I couldn't even lean my chest forward into hers, my arms around the chair back holding me from moving forward more than a couple inches. All I had was sense of smell, and even that didn't clearly identify who was currently impaled on my dick. It could be Adrienne, for all I knew. More likely it was Candy, who had already shown a willingness to fuck me while she was on this mini-vacation from college and life back home. Plus, there was that mysterious head-nod Adrienne had given to Candy which made Heather pout and start grinding herself on me in the hot tub last night.

Lynne was unlikely. She'd blown me before, yeah, but ours wasn't a sexual relationship.

But Heather ... she'd DEFINITELY wanted to get jiggy. Then there was the extreme tightness and unfamiliar scent, coupled with Lynne's warning for me to go easy, since it had been a while. I hadn't seen Heather with a boyfriend all year.

It had to be Heather ... I think...

Whoever it was, the girl soon gripped the top edges of the high-backed chair, holding on to the vertical posts as she began humping her crotch against me. And even though my wrists were bound to the chair legs, I still had enough leverage to rock and roll my hips in sequence with her.

"Ahh..." she exhaled softly, but in a tone I STILL didn't recognize. And then she kept her mouth shut as she began riding me a little faster and a little harder.

"Ohhh..." Adrienne moaned from several feet away. "Eat me!" she groaned as she started whimpering ecstatically.

So I knew it wasn't Adrienne currently impaled on my dick. And since I knew Candy to be bisexual and also one of Adrienne's favorite lovers, it was most likely the college girl eating out her friend. So that further encouraged me to think it was Heather fucking me.

But then again, I didn't know if Heather was bi. Adrienne loved to switch around partners and she'd already dyked it out with Candy the previous evening. Lynne wasn't bi and probably wouldn't be the one going down on Adrienne. So could it be Candy riding me? Or even Lynne?

"Mmm..." my mystery lover hummed, again in a tone I couldn't quite identify. I simply didn't have enough intimate experience with any of the girls besides Adrienne to be certain of their vocal cues. And the bandanna covering my ears and muffling their sounds didn't help, either.

But whoever she was, her pussy muscles were presently clenching around my shaft, threatening to force me to shoot my wad. My mind was in a whirlwind from getting blown by all the girls (or just some of the girls, I still wasn't sure). And with all my mental gymnastics trying to figure out who I was fucking, I hadn't really bothered to pay attention to what I was doing. Right now I was just a dick to be used and not a very controlled dick at that.

So I decided, fuck it. I didn't care who I was fucking anymore. But I wanted to fuck her WELL. The girl so far hadn't seemed to mind, taking charge of our pumping rhythms and using me as a live, throbbing dildo. But I knew that I could do better, even with both hands literally tied behind my back.

Twisting my hands, I gripped the chair legs for leverage and started shifting my hips around. Left, right, around and around, I started carving out the tight pussy wrapped around my shaft, crunching with my ab muscles to stab my prick an extra inch further into the wet snatch.

The girl moaned and for a second I thought I'd figured it out. But my brain didn't want to believe me. Lynne? It couldn't be. Lynne and I were good friends. And while I knew she was no virgin and we'd even played around once before, Lynne didn't seem the type to have full intercourse unless she really meant it. No, it couldn't be. My mind was playing tricks on me.

But then she moaned again, this time the voice unmistakable as her body tensed up above me and she began whimpering in orgasm, "Oh, oh, ohhh..."

Her body collapsed forward against me, and this time I felt the hard nubs of a smaller pair of breasts crush against my chest. Certainly they weren't E-cups like Adrienne, nor the slightly smaller but still big tits of Candy or Heather. And as I reflexively jerked my dick up into Lynne's light body, I felt the cloth bindings around one of my wrists come loose.

Lynne was still orgasming when I got my right hand free. Quickly I ripped off the bandanna blindfold to find that it was indeed petite Lynne Arian perched on my cock, her cunt muscles squeezing while she creamed her honey all over my crotch. Her dark eyes bored intensely back at me as I looked at her, and at present she dropped her hands from the chair posts and relocated them to my shoulders as she dived forward lustfully and jammed her tongue down my throat.

It turned out, my wrists had been tied together and loosening one freed the other. So with one end of the handkerchief still knotted around my left wrist I brought both hands up to cup Lynne's face as I returned her kiss with equal passion. All my friendship and affection for her went into that kiss, mingled with the heated lust she'd built up over the last dozen or so minutes of fucking. Quickly, I then dropped my hands underneath Lynne's ass and stood up, feeling my joints pop as they stretched out while I lifted Lynne's light weight and moved us over towards a nearby couch.

A little less gracefully than I would have liked, I dropped Lynne onto her back across the long couch cushions, which dropped her pussy off my dick. But I quickly moved to correct that as I clambered between her legs, spreading her wide and hunching over her to once again stuff my dick into Lynne's tight snatch.

"Ben, I asked you to go easy on me," Lynne huffed, out of breath. "Be gentle."

"I will," I promised as I slotted my dick and slowly re-penetrated her. Lynne threw her head back and gasped as I buried myself to the hilt, and then I tilted her face to mine again for another sweet kiss.

Neither of us would last very long. Lynne was still tingling from her recent climax and ready for another one. After the blowjobs and blind-fucking most of my self- control was gone; and what little I had left I went into making things good for Lynne. But I realized that the way things were going, I'd bust my nut before I got Lynne there.

In an effort to hold my orgasm at bay, I turned my head to look at something other than the euphoric expression on Lynne's face. And I quickly found that the other girls had not been idle while Lynne was fucking me. Adrienne was fully naked and leaning against the armrest of a nearby padded chair, smiling while looking over Lynne and me. Her legs were spread wide and I could clearly see the moisture and redness from the workout she was currently giving herself with her own fingers.

Heather and Candy were in a sixty-nine on the shaggy rug in front of the fireplace. Heather was bisexual after all, something I should have guessed given that she was Adrienne's constant companion over the summer. Candy was still wearing a silky, shimmery black nightgown, open from throat to tails, although she wasn't wearing anything beneath it. No matter, since she was flat on her back with the gown spread out across the thick rug. Heather, on the other hand, was actually still wearing her aqua-colored bra, although her crotch was wonderfully nude and I had a perfect view of her naked ass as it was pointed in my direction.

Staring at Heather's naked ass wasn't helping my control so I brought my attention back to Lynne. She didn't seem to mind my wandering gaze, given that her eyes were closed as she focused inwardly on the sensation of my thick shaft sliding in and out of her rhythmically. "Oh, Ben..." Lynne cooed in her sweet voice, and I realized from the new hitch in her breathing that I may have just bought myself enough time to last.

"So good, Ben. So deep ... So full..." Lynne groaned as she raised her legs up into the air behind me. I hooked my arms around them to keep them raised, bending her torso to allow me even deeper penetration. And as I began nibbling on her neck and thrusting with increased vigor, I felt the telltale tremors of Lynne's orgasm approaching.

"Ben, I'm gonna cum," she whimpered.

I was about to blow as well. So with Lynne's legs in the air and my heavy weight pumping her little body with firm but gentle strokes, we fucked our way to a wonderful mutual climax. Lynne's cries carried throughout the room, a pleasant moan of ecstasy that mingled with my urgent grunting as I filled her up with my heavy cream.

Dinner? Pshht. Really, why remember what I had for dinner when I could save valuable memory space for the blissful experience of Lynne Arian cooing in my ear as she came? Lynne was singing my praises while I felt waves of ecstasy exploding out of my loins as I blasted over and over again into her tight little pussy. And when we were both done, my cute friend just wiped my brow of sweat, smiled serenely at me, and kissed my nose as my cock slowly deflated inside her. Something in her eyes told me this wasn't just another booty call to get laid, the way things had been between me and Candy.

I blinked away a drop of sweat falling into my eyes and smile back. "Why, Lynne? Why this way? With the blindfold and all."

She shivered beneath me and rubbed my cheek. "I..." She paused and sighed. "So I wouldn't chicken out. So I could climb on without you knowing it was me. I wasn't sure I could go through with it if you were staring at me the way you're staring at me now."

I shook my head slowly. "Lynne, this isn't just about sex."

"No, it's not," Lynne sighed, looking a little sad.

"Then why?"

"It's complicated." She took a deep breath. "But not now, okay? Let this just be what it is. Please, Ben?"

"Of course," I smiled. Tentatively, I leaned forward again, my eyes questioning for permission, despite everything we'd just done. Lynne nodded agreeably and tilted her head, closing her eyes and puckering her lips. So once again I pressed my lips to hers sweetly, and poured all my affection and gratitude into that kiss.

It had been a strange couple of days. First I thought I'd be reuniting with Adrienne after we'd seemingly resolved the nature of our relationship, but instead found myself sharing Candy's bed all night. Then I'd thought I was letting Heather seduce me all day and found myself balls deep inside of Lynne. It didn't make any sense. So I just decided the hell with it. I'd given up on trying to guess.

It was like Adrienne said, just trust her and everything would work out alright in the end.