Chapter 31: Not together


After a pleasant day shopping and then making the two-and-a-half hour drive back to the real world, Adrienne dropped me off from our impromptu Big Bear trip. She kissed me goodbye and told me to wish "Happy New Year's" from her to my family, then she drove the next few hundred feet to her house. I watched her garage door rising and turned to walk in through my front door.

I promptly entered into what sounded like a war zone.

"Sonovabitch! I'll kill him! I'll kill him!" Brooke thumped by me on her way up the stairs, screaming blood murder.

"Ben!" My mom came around the corner. "Thank goodness you're here. You HAVE to talk to Brooke."


"Obviously ... she's upset," Mom gestured.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know," Mom moaned mournfully. "She won't talk to me. She just came home all upset and morose and when I tried to talk to her, she just exploded!"

I looked up the stairs as if my execution was waiting for me at the top. "Uh, okay..." I took a deep breath. "I'll see what I can do."

A minute later I dropped my bag off in my room and then went back to Brooke's door, which was shut closed.

Knocking softly, I got the expected, "Go away!"

"It's me, Brooke," I said gently.

Twenty seconds later, the door cracked open, "Is anyone else out there?"

I turned to look both ways down the hall. "Just me."

Brooke opened the door and let me in, then slammed it closed as hard as she possibly could, rattling the doorframe and tilting some of her wall hangings.

"Angry a bit?" I ventured.

Brooke rolled her eyes with a 'die now, bitch' kind of look. I just arched an eyebrow at her and moved to sit on her bed, scooting back until I could lean against the wall. And in a calm voice I began, "Talk to me."

"It's Kenta."

"I figured. What happened? Did you guys break up?"

"YES," Brooke thundered. Then she screwed up her face and turned around. "Well no ... Well ... fuck! I don't know. We didn't actually get far enough to talk about whether we were broken up or not."

I nodded, thinking of the time I'd gotten Adrienne so angry at me she'd ordered me out of her house, but we'd never actually spoken about whether we were still together at the time. "But you had a fight," I reasoned.

"YES." It was amazing how much emotional emphasis my little sister could put on a single syllable. "Because Kenta's a FUCKING ASSHOLE!" She screamed the last two words at the doorway, no doubt hoping my parents heard.

I reached up and grabbed her, yanking her down onto the bed with me and wrapping my arms around to prevent her from moving. One of my hands went up to her mouth to clamp it shut. "Jeez! Calm down, Brooke," I hissed. "Mom and Dad won't let you get away with that kind of language while the twins are home!"

Brooke wiggled and thrashed until I released her mouth, but she didn't curse again. "Who cares," she whined. "My boyfriend CHEATED on me!"

Both my eyebrows popped up and I loosened my grip on Brooke in surprise. "What?"

Despite no longer being restrained, my little sister didn't move to extract herself from my arms. Instead she actually sagged deeper against my chest. "He cheated. I know he did."

"You know he did?" I asked in confusion. "So you didn't actually catch him."

"Not in the act. But I found evidence," Brooke humphed.

I shook my head. "Maybe you should start from the beginning."

Brooke exhaled loudly and for a long time. It felt like every bone in her body turned to liquid as she melted against my chest and pressed me back against the wall while she pillowed her head on my shoulder. And after taking another deep breath, my little sister explained, "Kenta turned sixteen while we were at Big Bear. His parents bought him a car. Used, but still his first car, you know?"

"I know," I nodded, thinking of how thrilled I was when I got my beater Corolla.

"Anyways, he had other stuff going on with his family for New Year's Eve but wanted to meet up today, right? And I was thinking, it's the new year and he's got a new car and all. I wanted to ... well ... christen Kenta's car with him, right?"

I blushed and smiled, simultaneously embarrassed and amused by the idea of my little sister getting frisky with her boyfriend. "Okay, got it."

"So we get in the backseat and we're making out and all. I'm starting to pull my clothes off and then kneel down to give my boyfriend his first backseat blowjob and-" Brooke interrupted herself by shaking and wincing painfully.

I instantly closed my grip around her, hugging my sister tightly and rocking myself slowly from side-to-side. "Hey, hey, it's okay ... I'm here for you. I'm here for you," I soothed.

Brooke wailed, tears rolling down her cheek as she grimaced and then spat. "I found panties in the car, Ben! PANTIES! And they sure as hell weren't MINE!"

Ouch. I frowned and offered, "Maybe they were left there by the previous owner?"

"Not just sitting on the floor in the backseat, Ben!" Brooke growled and picked her head up, slapping my chest.

I winced and nodded. "What happened?"

"What happened? What HAPPENED? I threw them in his face and demanded to know whose they were!"


"And he wouldn't tell me! He wouldn't fucking tell me!" Brooke was shaking again, this time out of sheer anger as she looked ready to punch something. My little sister always did have a bit of a temper.

"Brooke..." I tried to start soothingly.

"He wouldn't tell me! He KNEW! He even tried to say that it had nothing to do with me and that he loved me! Bullshit! How could he love me and have some other girl's panties in his car? How fucked up is that? Men! ARRGGGHHH!" Brooke yelled. "They're all just FUCKING ASSHOLES!"

"Okay, okay," I patted her back, rubbing firmly. "Kenta's an asshole," I said agreeably. One thing I'd learned hanging out with lots of girls: they didn't want you to come up with solutions. They just wanted sympathy and to feel like you were on their side. AFTER they calmed down, maybe, they'd want you to help find a solution. But not until they'd gotten their emotions under control.

"Fucking asshole," Brooke sobbed, burying her face against me.

"Shh..." I rubbed a little harder, holding Brooke against me and rocking her like a baby.

"Men are assholes..."

"I know, I know..."

Brooke sniffled and then picked her head up, looking at me through bleary eyes. "Except you, Ben. You're my big brother."

"I am," I answered warmly, still rubbing her back. "I'm here for you."

"You're not an asshole."

I grinned. "Not usually, I'd like to think."

And then Brooke kissed me. Her lips were soft and yet urgent, moving quickly to part my lips and press her tongue inside my mouth.

I kissed her back instinctively for a second before grabbing her shoulders and pulling her away. "Whoa, whoa. You're pretty upset Brooke. Maybe you should calm down a bit before you do anything rash."

"Shut up, Ben." Brooke said quietly and then kissed me again, moving her hand down between us, questing around the clasp of my jeans.

"Brooke," I broke away and gasped.

"Don't be an asshole, Ben. Just let me, okay?"

I groaned as Brooke unbuttoned and then unzipped me, pulling my cock through the open fly. After the New Year's Eve sex marathon with the four cheerleaders, even waking up with Adrienne in my arms hadn't been enough to give me an erection. It hadn't mattered since all Adrienne wanted to do was kiss me and feel happy that I was her friend, even without the sex.

But now, after hours and hours of time to recover, my little sister's stroking hand was quickly reviving me. "Ohhh, Brooke," I groaned.

She slid down the bed and bent over, taking me into her mouth and sucking me with the expert skills I'd taught her. And my shaft quickly grew and elongated while my little sister worked her oral magic.

"This isn't a good idea, Brooke. Mom and Dad and the twins are just downstairs."

"We can be quiet. We've done it before," Brooke reasoned. "Please, Ben. I just need to feel you inside me. Hold me, okay?"

I sighed. Brooke already knew she could get me to do ANYTHING if she had my dick in her mouth. She could get me to buy her a CAR at this point if she had my dick in her mouth. So I nodded. "If it's what you really want."

Not bothering to answer verbally, Brooke got to her knees and then pulled off her own jeans and panties. And then still fully clothed above the waist, she moved to straddle me, taking my cock in hand and rubbing the mushroom head back and forth along her slit, smearing my pre-cum along her labia and picking up additional lubrication. And then holding me upright, my 15-year-old little sister slowly sank herself down onto my shaft.

She was incredibly tight and not that wet inside, so it took a while to get me fully inside her. But once she hit bottom Brooke simply laid her chest against mine, raising her hands up to my shoulders and hugging herself to me while I wrapped my arms around her.

And then we just held each other.

Yeah, eventually Brooke started silently humping me and we brought ourselves to relief-filled climaxes. But the important thing was that for the longest time, we just held each other. Brooke cried softly against my shoulder while I rubbed her back. And I reminded my little sister that I would always be there for her.


"Hey there, Ben!" Megan called as she came up to me and gave me a warm, chaste hug.

"Hey, Megan. Happy New Year."

"Hey, Megan! Hey, Ben!" Cassidy remarked as she moved alongside us, her ubiquitous headphones wrapped around her neck.

"Hey, Cass," Megan smiled.

"Hey, Freckles," I replied.

Then the perky redhead turned to me. "How was your ski trip, Ben?"

I blushed and looked sidelong towards the lockers where Heather and Lynne were chatting with some of their other cheerleader friends perhaps fifty feet away. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Megan followed my gaze and punched me in the shoulder. "Actually, I'll bet we would. Have you been naughty, Ben?"

I coughed and looked at my feet. "No, no. I've been on my best behavior."

"I'll bet," Cassidy smirked. "How many cheerleaders did you bang over the break? Four?" The redhead turned and laughed with Megan as if she'd made a really funny joke.

I blushed and didn't answer.

"Hey guys," came a sweet voice from my left. Adrienne sidled up to our group, holding her books over her prodigious chest but low enough that they didn't block one's view of her cleavage. "Hey, Tiger," she said a little more sweetly.

"Hey, A.D.," I nodded.

"How was your break?" Megan asked Adrienne.

"Wonderful. My dad was actually home for a bit," Adrienne smiled warmly. "And then Candy, you guys remember Candy, don't you? Anyways, her parents had to back out of a condo rental at Big Bear so she invited me, Heather, Lynne, and Bennn..." Adrienne paused to elbow me in the ribs, "up for a few days to use it."

Adrienne then flashed her hazel eyes and leaned in conspiratorially, getting Megan and Cassidy to also lean forward. "Can I tell you a secret?" Adrienne whispered. "Ben spent the entire time fucking our brains out! All four of us!"

I gulped and stared at my feet. The three girls stood up straight, Megan and Cassidy with surprised looks on their faces. But they didn't seem angry. Cassidy rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Can't believe I was right."

Megan chuckled and patted my arm, "You, my friend, are quite a piece of work." And then laughing, she took Cassidy by the arm and the two of them headed off to meet up with our other friends.

I sighed as Adrienne slid beside me and looped her arm through mine. "Was that really necessary?"

"What?" Adrienne looked surprised. "You're embarrassed about it or something?"

"No, but-"

"ReLAX. They're your friends. Better I tell them like this than letting them find out on the rumor mill. I know Lynne can keep our parties under wraps, but I've got a feeling everyone's gonna notice how Heather's acting differently around you." Adrienne looked up. "Speaking of which..."

"Heyyy, Ben," Heather grinned as she approached and then promptly leaped into my arms, forcing me to drop my books in order to catch her legs around my waist. Then the pretty 17-year-old seized my head and planted a juicy kiss on my lips. "Thanks for the weekend. It was FANTASTIC! Everything I'd dreamed!"

"Uh ... You're welcome?" I managed to stammer.

"See ya later!" the raven-haired cheerleader chirped as she spun and headed off to her first class, two other Senior cheerleaders in tow behind her, both of them giving me appraising looks.

Just another day at school.

On a random Thursday, I hooked my thumbs through the straps of my backpack, nodding while listening to Adrienne spin the latest web off the rumor mill. Such and such girl was seen flirting with such and such guy at In-N-Out while his girlfriend was home sick with the flu.

The two of us were heading for the parking lot after the end of classes when Drew Walker cruised by with some of his basketball teammates. I looked up and just nodded my head in greeting but the tall, well-built young man stopped in front of us with a friendly smile on his face.

I watched Drew's eyes do their yo-yo thing to Adrienne's tits before she said, "Hey, Drew. What's up?"

"Hey, Adrienne," he answered to her breasts before looking her in the eye. "Hey, Ben. I just wanted to let you guys know I'm throwing a party tomorrow night. My parents are gonna be out of town for the weekend. It's a last-minute thing."

"Oh, okay," she smiled. "You inviting most of my girls?" Everyone knew Adrienne was referring to the cheerleading squads.

Drew grinned. "Yeah. Wouldn't be a party without some of them. And Kenley insisted I had to get your permission."

The gorgeous Cheer Captain chuckled at the mention of Drew's cheerleader girlfriend, who clearly idolized Adrienne. "Sure thing."

Then the stunning blonde bombshell hooked her arm through mine. "Whaddaya say, Tiger? Got anything better to do on a Friday night?"

I shook my head and turned to Drew. "Looks like we'll see you there."

On Friday afternoon, I informed my parents I was going to a party at Drew Walker's place. Mom gave me the usual "limit your drinking and no drugs" speech. I nodded and then went to go dress.

Just after dinner, Kady Jacobsen came by to pick up Brooke with Jennifer Vo in tow. The girls were going to a slumber party somewhere and I helped Brooke load a sleeping bag and her little roller suitcase into Kady's trunk while the sultry redhead wriggled her ass at me, the way she always did.

About an hour later, Adrienne pulled up to our driveway. I met her by her car with a quick peck on the lips, and then she handed me her keys. Grinning wryly, I waved the keys causing them to clink together and remarked, "Y'know, if you're gonna claim that we're not dating then kissing me and driving to parties together isn't exactly going to help public perception."

"I don't care if people think we're together or not," Adrienne shrugged. "I know and you know. That's all that matters."

"Well what if I want to pick up a girl at one of these parties?"

Adrienne grinned. "You're free to do so. Screw whomever you want, Ben. But in tonight's case, I think you'd better hope she's got a car."

"That's not the point." I smiled wryly. "No girl is gonna come near me if you're by my side all night."

"Then I guess you're going to have to choose, Ben. You can leave me when we get there, flirt, and hope you might get lucky." The gorgeous blonde then flashed me a brilliant smile. "OR, you can stay by my side and be absolutely guaranteed that tonight I'm going to let you shove your big dick repeatedly into my supple body until I'm leaking your sperm from all three of my holes."

Okay. I could do things her way.

I shook my head with a chuckle and hopped in the driver's seat. Adrienne circled around and let herself in on the passenger side. And then we were off.

Twenty minutes later we pulled up outside of Drew's house. The driveway was already packed and I parallel-parked the Mustang three houses down. Adrienne and I walked up together and we were promptly greeted by the animated chatter of a forty high-schoolers spread throughout the house and into the backyard, despite the winter cold. And if rumors were to be believed, we'd soon have over a hundred.

"Adrienne! Ben!" Heather hugged the both of us as we entered. Heather held a red Solo cup in her hand, appearing to be already buzzed even though it was still early. In fact, I didn't even hear any music, although I saw several guys huddled around the media center, complete with big screen plasma TV, stereo unit and a pack of speakers. The guys were arguing with each other, two of them even appearing to start a shoving match.

"Hang on," I waved to Adrienne and started over.

"There he goes," Adrienne said with a hint of pride in her voice. "Watch this," she told Heather.

"Got a problem with the sound?" I asked as I entered into the group.

"We got it handled," Marco Canelli, a burly guy from the basketball team answered, brushing me aside. But Drew looked up at me and arched an eyebrow. "Wait, let him look."

I crouched down while Drew pointed to the stereo and an abundance of cables running to the receiver and on to all the speakers. He gestured, "We moved this all down from my room and I swear everything is plugged in right. But for some reason nothing's working."

I hunted around, first looking for anything that might be shorting the lines and double checking that indeed, all the proper plugs had the proper cables in them. Frowning, I even made sure the guys weren't so stupid as to have the receiver tuned to the wrong channel. And then somehow the mess of cables clicked in my mind.

Reaching around, I unplugged two sets of tri-color RCA A/V cables from the back of the receiver, switching them and plugging them back into the opposite spots. I flicked my finger over and hit play on the CD player and [boom], thundering rock music started blaring over the loudspeakers.

"What'd you do?" Marco jumped in my face.

I shrugged. "Somehow when you guys were plugging everything back in, you ended up sending the CD output into the television input on your receiver, and vice versa. The cables look the same. Just got 'em backwards."

"Thanks, man," Drew stood up and clapped my hand in both of his.

"No problem."

He grinned. "Go have a beer."

I nodded and then returned to my girl. Adrienne was just smirking at me, already holding a red cup of her own while handing a second to me. "Always gotta be the hero."

"Nothing serious," I shrugged.

Adrienne just leaned in and kissed me softly. When she backed away, she patted my chest proudly. "You did good."

It was about an hour later while I was dancing in a small circle with Adrienne, Heather, and a few others when a familiar face flashed in my peripheral vision, followed by another.

Jerking my head around suddenly, I half-heartedly kept dancing while looking over to see a dark auburn redhead slowly walking away from me. And without further thought I snaked my way across the room after her.

A few seconds later I caught up and reached out for her elbow. She felt my touch and spun around, looking surprised while I cocked my head and exclaimed, "Kady!"

The pretty Junior cheerleader smiled mischievously. "Ben! Staring at my ass again, I see."

"What are you doing here?"

Her deep blue eyes sparkled as she snorted, "Why, I'm here to mingle with the commoners."

I arched my eyebrow.

Kady rolled her eyes. "I'm a cheerleader. Look around. Almost everyone from both squads is here."

"I thought you were at a slumber party with Brooke!"

"I AM. We're just, ah, stopping by here first," Kady shrugged. "Although I must admit, there's a little too much gruntage for my taste."


Kady smiled and started pointing at various heavyset guys dancing like oversized gorillas and doing their best to mack on various girls. "Grunt ... grunt ... grunt..."

I chuckled. "Then why ARE you here?"

She nodded back in the direction from which she was originally headed. "Brooke insisted."

"Brooke!" My eyes flew open as I realized the implications.

Kady then turned and hollered. "Brooke!" A few familiar girls turned from their spot by the kitchen, including my little sister.

"Beer me!" Kady yelled while holding up her empty red cup.

Ah, hell. Brooke's curfew was 10pm on a Friday night. I quickly brushed past Kady and headed straight for my 15-year-old sister, who just grinned and took another sip from her beer cup as I approached. Erin Roberts went to get Kady's refill. "Brooke, what the HELL are you doing here?" I exclaimed.

"What does it look like? I'm here to party!" My little sister whooped and raised her cup in the air. For some reason, twelve people around her similarly yelled and raised their cups.

"It's past your curfew!"

"What curfew? I'm at a slumber party, remember?"

"You're too young for this!"

"I'm fifteen!" my sister frowned and growled at me, her cheeks already permanently red. "And I'm a cheerleader! I was invited."

"Ah, hell," I groaned.

"ReLAX, Ben. I can take care of myself. And Kady will kick the ass of anyone who gets too close to me."

I rolled my eyes. "I could tell Mom on you."

Brooke put a fist against her hip, frowning. "You won't."

I wouldn't. It wasn't in my nature to rat her out. Shaking my head, I sighed. "I'll be keeping an eye on you, okay?"

She smiled, "I know. That's why I'm not too worried, big bro!"

I huffed. "Don't drink too much. If you go home with puke on your clothes, I won't be able to save you."

"Fine. Fine."

Kady had arrived by now, along with Erin who handed over a fresh beer for Kady. I looked at the redhead and at Jennifer Vo and jerked my thumb towards my little sister. "Keep her out of trouble for me. Please?"

"No problem, mon," Kady grinned with an overdone Jamaican accent. Jennifer nodded.

"And Ben..." Kady called as I started to walk away. I turned just in time for Kady to shake her ass at me. "Try not to stare TOO hard."

I didn't really enjoy the party that much after that. Adrienne tried to keep my spirits up but I kept glancing across the room, looking for Brooke to make sure she wasn't getting into any mischief.

More than once, some group of guys would approach Brooke's pack of friends, flirting with them and trying to get them to dance. Sometimes one or a couple of them would say yes. More often they were shot down. Brooke took a couple of twirls with a few random guys, during which I stayed against a wall and attempted to glare daggers into the back of the guy's head. I noticed that Kady never once danced with one of her potential suitors, although she did enthusiastically boogie down with her friends.

Brooke even got some attention from Drew Walker. He cruised over with two of his buddies and managed to get Brooke, Jennifer, and Erin all to dance with the three of them. I had to admit, the guy was smooth and charming; and Brooke seemed pleasantly attracted to him, which twitched some mild alarm in the back of my head.

But then Kenley Kirchner, Drew's girlfriend, cut in and whisked her boyfriend away. The two headed for the stairs and I didn't see either one of them for the next hour.

All in all, the party was kind of a dud for me. I passed up most of my chances to flirt with any girls besides Adrienne and Heather. I also saw Chelsie Lennis, Maddie Chung, and Nadine Butler. But the three of them went out of their way to avoid me while Adrienne was around. In the end, I stayed just long enough to see my sister get into Erin Roberts' car and verify that Erin had a maximum of one beer, which she didn't even finish. And after they left to complete their actual 'slumber party', I motioned to Adrienne and told her I wanted to go.

"You're kind of out of it, Tiger," Adrienne remarked as we hopped into her car. "You spent more time worrying about Brooke than enjoying yourself. If I didn't know she was your sister, I might have thought you were jealous."

I rolled my eyes. "Just protective, that's all."

"I know," she giggled and let her head loll back as I shifted the car into gear and pulled out onto the street.

"I suppose it's just as well that we left early," Adrienne then mused.


"Because," her voice dropped to a sultry husk as she leaned across the center console and slid her hand to start opening the clasp of my jeans. "I'm drunk ... I'm horny ... And now we have more time to fuck."

Adrienne could be SUCH a great mood-lifter.


"Brooke! It's Kenta again!" My mom hollered up the stairs, the cordless phone trapped against her shoulder.

"I told you!" Brooke yelled back. "I don't want to talk to that fucking asshole!"

"Brooke! Language!" My mother snapped.

"SORRY," came the reply, sounding anything but apologetic.

Mom just shook her head and headed back into the kitchen, picking up the phone to apologize to Kenta and explain that Brooke still wouldn't take his calls. Feeling big brotherly, I turned off my video game and headed for the stairs.

I at least had to give Kenta credit. Most guys would have given up by now, but the kid seemed to truly love my little sister. Yeah, he cheated on her, but coming from my own background, I thought the guy might deserve a second chance.

I was leaving my fourth period and heading for the lunch line when a voice called out, "Heyyy, Ben." I glanced over to my left to see Lynne Arian gliding along the hallway towards me, curving her walking path to intercept me ten feet ahead.

"Hey, Lynne," I replied brightly. "Going to lunch?"

"Yep." The petite brunette slid alongside me and then bumped her hip into mine, a teasing smile on her face.

I grinned and then couldn't help but picture her cute naked body the way it had looked beneath me.

"Get your head out of the gutter, Ben," Lynne rebuked without any heat, noticing my look.

I blushed. "Can't help it."

"I know." The cute brunette smiled. "Speaking of sex, what are your plans for Valentine's Day?"

I stopped in my tracks and furrowed my brow. "Lynne, uh, I thought we talked about-"

"Not me, dumbo," she interrupted. "What are you doing for Adrienne?"

My jaw flapped up and down a few times as I gaped in confusion. "Adrienne? I, uh, well, I wasn't really planning-"

Unexpectedly, Lynne stepped forward and bopped me on the forehead, having to reach up to do so.

"Oww," I stepped back. It didn't really hurt, but it WAS surprising.

Lynne then held up her left hand and start raising fingers one at a time while touching them with her right index finger. "One, she doesn't like roses. Too cliché. Try lilies or tulips. Preferably in a pastel color. Two, for some reason she likes Chinese food on a day like this. Says it makes her horny. Three, dress up. You'd really impress her if you wore a jacket and tie. Makes her feel grown up. And four, maybe you should talk Candy into giving you another Viagra pill."


"It's Valentine's Day." Lynne grinned. "She'll want to give you extra-special sex and you're gonna need all the help you can get."

"But we're not even dating!"

"Pssht." Lynne waved her hand dismissively. "That's just an excuse Adrienne's using because she doesn't want to get hurt when you leave her. But the girl is in love with you and let's face it, Ben, since the Big Bear trip, who else have you had sex with besides Adrienne?"

My mind flashed to Brooke. Now that she was single, every now and again my little sister wanted to jump my bones. But I smartly replied, "Uh, nobody."

"Exactly. She keeps reminding you that you can screw whomever you want, but you don't. It's just you ... and her ... The whole school thinks you're together, Ben, despite that stupid tape recorder gimmick you keep using that got old last November."


Lynne grinned. "Dating or not, you'll make Adrienne very happy if you do this, got it?"

"Uh, okay."

"Oh, and don't let her know I said anything," Lynne started to turn away before snapping back to me. "And DON'T call it a Valentine's date. She won't want to go on a 'date' with you. Come up with something else ... like ... uh, she's single and you're single and you both have nothing better to do on a Thursday night. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Good!" Lynne stepped forward and pecked my cheek. "I'll see you at the lunch table."


"Adrienne!" I remarked with wide-eyes. "Where did THAT come from?"

"What can I say? Your mom's a great cook." The stunningly beautiful blonde giggled and leaned her shoulder into the sofa's backrest. She had one leg pulled up beneath her while the other dangled to the floor. I couldn't help but follow the graceful length of her legs.

"Note to self," I mimed writing in my palm. "Tell Mom not to make meatloaf anymore. Gives neighbor girl gas."

"I'm just appreciating a good meal," she protested.

"Hey, I'm just glad it came out that end," I grinned. "I've smelled some of your farts and those are the exact opposite of pretty."

"Ben!" Adrienne slapped my shoulder and then reclined back against the sofa. Just another Wednesday evening after dinner with my family. Except that this Wednesday was February 13th.

Playing things casually, I leaned back and stretched my arms out, yawning and then patting my belly. "So whatcha doin' tomorrow?" I asked.

Adrienne's eyes flickered away from me for a moment. She was trying to pretend it didn't occur to her that tomorrow was Valentine's Day, but I could see that she knew in her eyes. "I dunno. Just finish homework for the week, I guess."

"Well I was just thinking, it IS National Single Awareness Day, you know?"

"National Single Awareness Day?"

"Yep. February 14th, the day every single person in the world is reminded that they're single and gets pitied by everyone who's got someone." I shrugged. "So I figured, we could either sit at home and mope about it, or we could get out of the house and enjoy ourselves."

"What, like a date?" Adrienne frowned at me.

"No, no." I held my hands up defensively. "We don't date, remember? We just grab dinner, chat a bit, then go over to your place and fuck like bunnies. Same as any other time we head out."

"So this isn't anything special for Valentine's Day," Adrienne's eyes narrowed.

"Not really. I mean, yeah, the day reminds me that I'm single. So I guess I'd rather go out and have fun with you than stay at home over-thinking it. Actually, if I stayed at home, I MIGHT just start thinking that I should push you for a relationship or something, y'know? And I'm sure you don't want that."

"No, no," Adrienne shook her head with a big smile.

"Although if you don't want to, I'm sure I could find another date just to kill time with and maybe have a one-night stand. Chelsie Lennis has been flirting with me again and I'll bet she's-"

"No, no," Adrienne interrupted me with a frown that she smoothly erased from her face. "Sounds like a plan. Just another night out, right?"

"Just another night..." I smiled, I'm sure with a twinkle in my eye.

I'd let my parents in on the little ruse a week prior, literally the same day Lynne had ordered me to take Adrienne out. Rather than our family's usual Chinese- hole-in-the-wall restaurant, Mom had recommended an upscale, if Americanized, Chinese Restaurant that would be perfect for my needs.

"It's expensive, Ben. You willing to do that in your budget?" Mom warned.

"It's Adrienne," I replied frankly. She was all the reason I needed.

Mom smiled warmly and nodded. "Okay. Well you'd better take your father's car, then. It wouldn't do to escort her in your Corolla."

"Thanks, Mom."

So when Valentine's Day arrived, I was fully ready to take Adrienne completely by surprise. Dad's silver BMW was freshly washed. I wore slacks, a tie, and a dinner jacket. And the bouquet of peach lilies and yellow tulips were almost as beautiful as Adrienne herself.

I pulled up in the driveway, rang the doorbell, and prepared to wow her.

Instead, it was my jaw that dropped when the door opened. Adrienne stood there, dazzlingly magnificent in a pink dress that scooped low to show off the vertical line of cleavage where her wondrous breasts were pressed together. Her golden hair was in a stylish updo, giving room to show off her dangling jewelry and touch-perfect makeup. She could have passed for late 20s.

My response was suitably grown up. "Holy shit."

Adrienne giggled. "You like?"

"I thought you thought we were just 'going out'?" I stammered.

She rolled her eyes while smiling. "You're not a very good liar, Ben."

I blushed but recovered quickly, proffering the bouquet to her. She accepted them gratefully and inhaled. "They're perfect..." She then waved me inside and closed the door, holding the bouquet off to the side as she leaned forward and gave me a smoking nuclear kiss that knocked my socks off.

When she pulled away, my knees had gone rubbery. "Holy shit..." I groaned softly.

"Don't go thinking we're gonna be boyfriend/girlfriend now, okay?" Adrienne reminded with a stern look on her face.

"Of course not," I stammered while still trying to recover from that kiss. Adrienne had given me some good ones. That last one took the cake.

She then turned and went into the kitchen, leaving me to stand there in a stupor until she returned with a glass vase filled with water. And after carefully arranging the bouquet on the foyer table, Adrienne returned to me and looped her arm through mine. "Hope you didn't bring the Corolla."


"And DON'T tell me we're going to Panda Express."

I arched an eyebrow. "How'd you know we were getting Chinese?"

Adrienne grinned. "I know everything. Didn't you know that?"

Dinner was great. Adrienne held my arm everywhere we went, was exceedingly affectionate at every turn, and for the whole night, I felt more in love with her than I'd ever felt before.

And it showed. When we'd been waiting to be escorted to our table, a middle- aged couple behind us had leaned forward and asked, "Newlyweds?"

Adrienne giggled and looked at me. "Actually, we're not even together."

The wife nodded in understanding when we turned around and she got a better look at our faces, only now realizing our youth.

The husband just grinned and looked at me. "Not yet, maybe." Then he held up a hand and stage-whispered, "I think she likes you."

We all chuckled at that until the wife nudged me, saying, "Don't screw it up."

I blushed and then I was saved by our hostess, come to escort us to our table. Our waitress then asked if we had a wine selection, and Adrienne had to grin and admit we were only seventeen, looking positively radiant that people thought we looked all grown up.

The food itself LOOKED beautifully put together. As expected, the flavor was a bit Americanized for me, but Adrienne didn't seem to mind. She was just thrilled we had a private little booth with linen napkins and candles and the whole nine yards. Neither of us ate very much as we spent most of the time gazing into each other's eyes, holding hands across the table, and otherwise talking almost non- stop.

And when we waited outside the restaurant for the valet to bring my dad's car around, Adrienne molded her body to the front of mine and gave me another nuclear kiss that even managed to surpass the previous one. In her heels, she was actually an inch taller than me, and she used the leverage to somehow press her tongue into the back of my throat.

I was in heaven. On the most romantic day of the year, I was in the company of a gorgeous young woman with whom I was MADLY in love.

And also great for me, while she was a perfect lady all throughout dinner, Adrienne was an absolute FREAK in the bed.

She held it together throughout the ride back to her house, merely resting her left hand on my thigh while gazing adoringly at me for the duration. In my jacket and tie, I sincerely wanted to play the role of the gentleman, circling around to open her door once we arrived and crooking my elbow to escort her to the front door.

Once there, I spun her around, bent at the waist and delicately kissed the back of her hand. "It was an enchanting evening, mademoiselle."

Adrienne giggled. "Enchanting." And then she pulled me up and closer to her so that she could wrap her arms around my neck and softly give me a kiss, this time of the slow-burn variety. And when she pulled back she whispered tenderly, "For a couple that's 'nottogether', that was a wonderful ... ah... 'notadate'."

I grinned and then kissed her one more time, taking my last gamble. "Goodnight, Adrienne," I said sincerely and then turned to walk away.

But before I got out of reach, she yanked on my hand and pulled me back to her. "And where do you think YOU'RE going?"

I smiled warmly. "I didn't want to presume anything."

Adrienne tugged me close, cinching her arms around my back and then growling at me from only an inch in front of my face. "If you think I'm going to go to sleep tonight WITHOUT getting some incredible orgasms, you'd better not bother going to school tomorrow, buster."

"Would you like my help with those?" I smiled.

Adrienne laughed and continued holding me with one hand while she opened the door with her other. And then with more strength than I would have thought, she shoved me through the doorway. "Don't even bother trying to pretend, Tiger," Adrienne laughed as she followed me in and kicked the door shut. "I SAW you swallow that little blue pill at the restaurant when I left to go to the bathroom."

I held up my arms in a 'who-me?' gesture.

Adrienne eyes just lasered in on me, like a hawk spying its next meal. "You are SOOO gonna need it."

The trail from the foyer to Adrienne's bed was right out of a movie. My jacket was on the foyer. The tie just a few feet past that. A painting in the hallway was crooked from where she'd slammed my back into the wall, and I think one of my buttons was on the floor from where she'd ripped my shirt open.

Three feet past that was Adrienne's dress, puddled into a corner. My shirt and then undershirt led the rest of the way to the bedroom itself. My shoes were at the doorway, her bra next to them. My slacks and loosened belt were at the foot of the bed. And finally my socks and her panties were tossed over the side.

By this point, the only things either of us were wearing were Adrienne's jewelry and her high heels, which I'd insisted she leave on. And then the two of us were off to the races.

Adrienne got there first, her climax coming with those heels pointed to the ceiling and her legs hooked over my shoulders while I pounded her without mercy. She also got there second.

I got my first orgasm right as Adrienne got her third. By this point, I'd pressed her legs back until her knees were more or less next to her ears, the lithe, beautiful girl folded in half beneath me. And less than three seconds after I nutted the last spurt into her pussy, Adrienne had me flat on my back while she sucked me back to health.

She mounted me for her third and fourth orgasms, and when I felt myself gearing up for my next charge, I flipped us over and jerked Adrienne around into my favorite position, on all fours doggy-style. My second climax was an explosive one, splattering against the blonde teenager's inner walls with enough force to jerk her head back at impact. And well before I was done spunking, I pulled my dick out and sprayed the rest of my slippery jism all over her winking rosebud asshole.

Buoyed by the chemical boost of Viagra, I then shoved my still-hard cock through Adrienne's anus, ramming my hips so hard that her knees gave way and she fell flat against the mattress. And pumped up by a rush of power and adrenaline, I gripped Adrienne's stilettos and used them to tug her feet up to her asscheeks, pinning her like that while I started to pump my way in and out of her rectum while she screamed like a banshee.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" Adrienne yelled, screaming until her breath gave out. And after a deep inhalation, she simply started screaming "Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" again.

Eventually, I let go of her heels so that I could plant my hands on either side of her shoulders and support my own weight. I bent down and licked the sweat off Adrienne's naked spine, my wet tongue slithering up each bump of vertebrae to the sensitive little spot at the base of her neck. And all the while my hips kept drilling downward through her bunghole as if I was in search of oil.

"Fuck me, Ben! Fuck my ass. Cum in my ass, Ben," Adrienne grunted, drooling just a bit onto the bedspread as her head was turned to the side to keep from suffocating.

"Fuckme-fuckme-fuckme!" she chanted. "I want you to cum in my ass, Ben! And then I want you to cram that throbbing dick down my throat and facefuck me until you cum again! I want to taste it, Ben! I want it in my belly! Fuckme-fuckme- fuckme!"

My brain swirled and the room started spinning as Adrienne's nasty words sunk in. I probably wasn't getting enough oxygen either, pushing beyond my limits of anaerobic exercise, thrusting harder and faster than I could breathe to keep up. And as my mind went to autopilot, all I could do was bask in the delirium of fucking as I pounded away at Adrienne's limp body beneath me.

At last I burst, screaming so loud my throat was instantly raw. My cock shuddered and blew, firing wave after wave of spunk into Adrienne's bowels. I planted my forehead against the upper edge of her back, just barely keeping myself from collapsing while my hips shook and my balls squeezed out another batch of cum.

And then, still dizzy, I pulled out of her abused asshole and staggered around the side of the bed, having to brace my hands on the mattress to keep from falling to the floor. Reaching out, I yanked Adrienne's still-limp body around until her head fell over the side, her mouth gaping wide and upside-down.

Her eyes fluttered. I think she was still conscious, but I couldn't be sure. But I followed her request by gripping her face in my hand and opening her up so that I could feed my dick into her mouth. And when she started sucking on me I sighed in relief that she was still awake.

Our night was just getting started.

On Friday, at school, I wearily staggered over to Adrienne where she was chatting with Lynne and Heather. The gorgeous blonde smiled weakly as I arrived, and as I looked at her I saw that her eyes were drooping, her posture sagging. She was as wiped out as I was.

Lynne and Heather just smirked at the two of us. Giggling they then left for their first periods to leave us alone.

"Hey..." I drawled.

"Hey..." Adrienne sighed.

"Maybe we should skip the blue pills until I actually have erectile problems. Those suckers are gonna give me a heart attack," I groaned. Our night of debauchery had been out of this world. While it took four girls four hours to get my erection to go down on New Year's Eve, Adrienne had drained me in less than two. I felt heart palpitations just thinking about it.

"Aww, I kinda liked your permanent erection." Adrienne sighed. "But you're right. I can't even WALK right now." She reached a hand out to brace herself on my chest, and I quickly dipped my shoulder beneath her armpit to support her.

"C'mon," I grunted. "Let's get you to class." And together, we limped our way down the hall, grinning smugly like idiots and completely ignoring the many, many appraising looks being sent our way. Life was good.

It was a gorgeous late-February Thursday when I closed up my locker at the end of lunch, just before the start of my next period. I looked up at the blue sky and felt the absolutely perfect air temperature, sighing with regret that I had to still go to class. What was the point? I'd already gotten in to Berkeley.

"Hiii, Ben." A sunny, sweet voice shook me from my reverie and I looked down, then took a half-step back in surprise when I found there was a girl standing much closer to me than I would have expected.

"Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." A tall, beautiful platinum-blonde flashed a dazzlingly perfect smile at me. You know, the kind of smile they make toothpaste commercials out of.

I recovered quickly. "Oh, no problem, Helene."

Helene McGregory was a fellow Senior and one of THE most beautiful girls in school. We had our next period together and more than once I'd caught myself staring at her legs. But they were still only her second best asset after that smile. "Daydreaming about something?"

I snorted. "Yeah. Not being here. It's such a perfect day and I can't wait for the weekend."

"Really?" Helene smiled brilliantly and gently twisted her body back and forth like a willow bending in a gentle breeze. The motion made me run my eyes up and down her body, examining the extremely short skirt she was wearing in the relatively warm weather, and especially the long legs extending beneath it. She waited until my eyes came back up to her face before asking, "And just what would you be doing if you didn't have to be here?"

I shrugged and looked off into the distance. "I dunno. Maybe shoot up to Huntington and go surfing. I haven't gone at all since the summer and this warm weather won't last in February."

"You surf?" The pretty girl was intrigued.


"You any good?"

Ego made me puff my chest up. "I do alright."

"Really? I've never surfed before but I bet I'd look good in a wetsuit," Helene giggled flirtatiously. "Think you could teach me?"

"Maybe sometime I will." I walked right into it.

And Helene pounced. "How about Saturday? I'm not doing anything and like you said, this weather won't last. Probably not past the weekend. C'mon, Ben. We can surf, grab a bite to eat, and make a day of it." A few locks of her near-white hair flowed softly like an angel's along her cheek, only enhancing the brilliance of her smile.

Realizing the situation, I arched an eyebrow and asked just a little cautiously. "You asking me out on a date, Helene?"

She blushed and smiled radiantly. I swear her teeth actually sparkled. "And what if I am, Ben?"

It had been such a long time since any girl had seriously come on to me that I found myself at a loss for what to do. The mere thought of Adrienne had kept most girls away, thinking they couldn't compete. So my jaw waggled up and down a few times before I got nervous and stammered, "Uh, I'm not so sure."

"Why not? You seeing someone?"

"Uh, well, I mean-" I gulped.

"Word is you and Adrienne are just friends. Right?" Helene pressed.

"Right, right."

"So? Come on, we'll have a great time," Helene said encouragingly. "You'll see how good I can look in a wetsuit. And maybe after, you'll see that I DEFINITELY look good in a bikini."

My mouth went dry. I openly ogled Helene's fit, lithe body while she purposely profiled herself for me. I really, really wanted to see Helene in a bikini ... and out of it ... but my conscience held me back. I'd still feel like I was betraying Adrienne. True, she claimed we were 'nottogether' and had even encouraged me to fuck her friends, but those were her friends while she was present. It would be a different story to screw someone behind her back. Claims of 'just friendship' or not, I felt that Adrienne and I were a couple and our Valentine's Day 'notadate' had done nothing to dispel that notion in my mind.

"Helene," I sighed regretfully. "I really, really would love to. But I can't."

"Why not? You're a free agent, aren't you?" Helene almost pleaded.

My head hurt. Without thinking I just started to turn away. "I'm sorry, Helene. I can't. I'll, uh, talk to you later." And then I hurried away, my head hanging as I strode off towards class. First my inability to do the open relationship with Dawn and now this, when I wasn't even officially WITH anybody! What the hell was wrong with me? It was as if I'd been traumatized after cheating on Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne the first times.

"Call me if you change your mind!" Helene called out.

I just put my head down and ran away.

Adrienne found me between fifth and sixth periods. "Hey! Ben!" she barked sharply. Her voice was anything but friendly.

"Hey, A.D."

With a pissed-off expression, the gorgeous blonde circled in front of me and stopped, blocking my path. "What's going on?"


"Helene asked you out?"

"Uh-huh..." I began, not sure where this was going. "How'd you know?"

"Nevermind that," she flicked her hand. "You turned her down?"

I shrugged. "I wasn't interested."

"Bullshit," Adrienne stood in front of me. "Helene McGregory broke up with her boyfriend two weeks ago and just wants to get laid. I'm pretty sure she made that clear enough. Or was she too subtle for your block head?"

"Hey, hey! What's with the hostility? I thought you'd be happy!" I protested.

"Happy? Why would I be happy?"

"Uh..." I stammered. "Because I've got more time to spend with you?"

"Fuck, Ben..." Adrienne sighed wearily. "Do NOT tell me you turned down Helene because of me."

I blinked twice. "But ... I..." I shut up before stating that I turned Helene down because of Adrienne. Past experience told me that would only get me into further trouble.

"We are NOT together, Ben," Adrienne said sternly.

"I know, I know," I shrugged and air-quoted. "At least ... in name..."

"No! Not just in name. We're NOT together!"

I sighed. "But why? I don't WANT to be with anyone but you, Adrienne. And you told me you love me. And we had such a great time on Valentine's Day and-"

"No-no-no!" she interrupted, holding up a hand and turning away. "This isn't happening!"

Adrienne took two steps away from me and I followed until she stopped abruptly and whirled on me. "Ben, you'd better not turn down anymore dates because of me, you understand? You can screw whomever you want, Ben. I don't care. I'm not your girlfriend. You're on your own."


She'd already turned around and started marching away.

"We still going out after school?" I called.

"Go to class, Ben!" she yelled over her shoulder and then turned the corner. Adrienne was gone.

I'll never understand women. I spent years being the 'safe' friend, learning all I could about the female psyche. I've dated a few and screwed a lot more. But I still didn't have Clue One when it came to understanding women.

I thought I was starting to figure out Adrienne. She loved me, trusted me, and was attached to me more than any other person had ever been, with the possible exception of Dawn. I'd spent more time together with Adrienne over the past four months or so than anyone else, including Kenny, Daniel, and my own siblings. She was my best friend, my lover, and I thought I was starting to understand her.

She was scared, no terrified, of losing me. She loved me, but because she was so attached, she was afraid to commit to our relationship. We were boyfriend/girlfriend in everything but name, because to be an official girlfriend would mean she once again had the possibility of becoming an ex-girlfriend. As 'friends', we might last forever. So I let her keep the 'friend' title and I loved her as best I could.

She was my best friend, with benefits. Like today, I rode with her to school because we were going shopping together afterwards. ME ... at a MALL ... by CHOICE, because it meant I could be with Adrienne. Brooke had ridden to school with Kady, who would take her home once classes ended.

I'll never understand women. They claim you hurt them in little ways you don't even know, and then get mad at you for not knowing what you did wrong. I'd turned down sex with a hot babe because I truly loved Adrienne. And what does she do? She gets pissed at me.

And then she drives off the school parking lot without me.

I'd arrived at the curb just in time to see the cherry red Mustang peel out with burning rubber, Adrienne leaving me in the dust. Now how the hell was I supposed to get home?

"Thanks for the ride Sung, I owe you one." I looked through the passenger window and waved, "Bye, Stephanie."

"Bye, Ben."

"Laters, Ben."

The happy couple drove on. Thank goodness Stephanie Vo lived just around the corner.

The house was quiet as I entered. Not totally unexpected. This semester, the twins usually walked to their friend's place after school before my mom picked them up on her way home from work. And I expected Brooke to be at Kady's or Jennifer's or Erin's or wherever. Just a big, empty home for me to wallow in my misery.

At least I could probably use the family room computer to look up porn. The way things were going with Adrienne I might not be getting laid for a while.

Well, that's what I'd thought at the time. Everything changed when I headed up the stairs for my bedroom and heard muffled moaning coming from Brooke's room.

Wait, that wasn't right. I knew Brooke had dumped Kenta after the whole panties- in-the-backseat fiasco and she would have told me if she were dating someone new. I thought that perhaps she was masturbating, taking advantage of the empty house. If so, she might want me to come join her since I was home. So with curiosity, I went to the closed door, pressing my ear against it to figure out what was going on.

"Oh, oh ... Nngh ... Fuck, yeah," Brooke's cute voice wafted through the door softly, heavily muffled by the wood. Our house was pretty well soundproofed. It was the only way my sisters and I could have gotten away with as much as we had for the past year. But when one's ear was pressed to the door, there wasn't any denying the noise.

"Eat me, baby ... eat me..." Brooke moaned, and I heard the giggle of another voice.

Wait, Brooke WASN'T alone. What was going on?

The second voice giggled again and I realized my little sister had another girl in there! Instantly my erection sprang up in my shorts and my breathing got a little heavier.

"So fucking good! I love it! I love it Kady! More! More!"

Kady? Kady Jacobsen? Holy SHIT! The images that sprang to mind were momentarily overwhelming, and I lost my balance and fell heavily, my shoulder impacting the wooden door with a heavy [thump].

"Shit!" Brooke exclaimed, the sound quickly followed by panicked noises of two girls scrambling for dear life.

"Wait, wait!" I called out. "Brooke! It's me!"

"Ben?" came my sister's voice in surprise. "Ben?" she repeated, this time with some relief.

"Yeah, it's just me."

Thumping footsteps preceded the door suddenly swinging open and my sister stood there, wearing just a baggy T-shirt and presumably nothing underneath. "Oh, thank gawd. I was PANICKED that the twins had come home or something. What are you DOING here?"

Blushing from my position on the floor, I gingerly stood up and shrugged. "Uh, problems with Adrienne. I'll explain later." Then I looked through the doorway to see Kady sitting on Brooke's bed, the blanket covering her lower body and a T- shirt haphazardly clutched with both hands over her chest. "Uh, hi Kady."

The sultry redhead blushed beet red, her deep blue eyes flashing as she realized they'd been caught. It was the first time she didn't seem to have the upper hand over me. "Uh, hi Ben," she stammered in obvious embarrassment.

"Relax," Brooke turned and waved. "Ben's cool."

I shrugged and nodded to Kady. "Yeah, no problem."

The 16-year-old cheerleader looked at the both of us for a few seconds before sighing and lying back. She still trapped the shirt over her chest but at least relaxed the tension from her shoulders. "Well, Ben," Kady shrugged. "I told you you weren't my type."

"What? Female?" I smirked. It all made so much more sense now.

"Precisely," Kady nodded.

"Not entirely true," Brooke grinned and waved me into the room.

"Brooke!" Kady protested, extremely alarmed that my little sister was about to say something she didn't want made public.

I chuckled and let my sister escort me into her bedroom and then close the door. It was WAY too delicious to see KADY for once squirming because of my presence instead of the other way around. "What, Brooke?"

My little sister beamed. "Oh ... oh, this is SOOO perfect."

"Brooke!" Kady screeched again.

"You see, big brother, this hot little piece isn't a TOTAL dyke. I HAVE heard her discuss a very select few men who have gotten her motor running."

"BROOKE!" Kady yelled and sat up, waving her arms in a 'stop!' gesture. The motion meant she wasn't trapping the T-shirt over her chest anymore, which dropped the garment into her lap and exposed two very healthy, very perky tits. They weren't big, maybe B-cups, but they were quite nicely shaped and capped by swollen pink pretty nipples.

"Like you, Ben," Brooke smirked. "Did I ever tell you I once fucked Kady with a dildo while she fantasized it was you?"

"Ahh, FUCK," Kady dropped back dramatically, sagging against the headboard and raising her hands to try and cover her tits.

"Relax, Kady," Brooke sighed. "Check it out; my brother's pretty turned on."

Sure enough, I had quite the tent in my shorts.

"This is sooo perfect, Kady," Brooke then slithered onto the bed, leaning her head in to start kissing her cheerleader friend on the cheek, across her ear, down her neck, and along her naked shoulder. She whispered, "Just look at that bulge. You've heard the rumors. Didn't you want to try out Big Ben just once? You told me you did. Think about it. Dicks can't vibrate, but then a vibrator doesn't have that warm, organic throb like a nice dick."

"Mmm..." Kady moaned, her deep blue eyes locked onto my crotch. Brooke continued nibbling her way across Kady's chest, gently but firmly pushing the redhead's hands aside to once again bare those pretty tits to the open air.

"C'mon, Kady. I know you've fantasized about fucking him. Fuck him now. Fuck him so I can watch," Brooke husked.

"Ohhh..." Kady groaned, her head arching back against the headboard and her mouth gaping open.

"Or even better, I'll sit on your face so you can lick my cunt while he's shoving that big dick into you. How does that sound? You wanna have a threesome with siblings?"

"Oh, shit," Kady gasped, clearly turned on by the illicit idea.

Brooke turned around to me, fire in her eyes. "Take your shorts off, Ben. Let her see it."

I was mesmerized by the sight in front of me. I'd seen two girls making out before, fully naked and with big tits that would have been the envy of Playboy. Brooke still had her shirt on and I couldn't see an inch of her private parts. All I had were Kady's breasts. And the two hadn't even kissed. But somehow this situation was even hotter than any Sapphic pairing I'd ever witnessed. And the mere thought of tapping Kady Jacobsen's ass sent my brain into overload. So without further ado and not even stopping to consider the situation, I dropped my shorts to the floor.

My dick sprang into the air once freed of my boxers, causing both Brooke and Kady to gasp. Their eyes were locked onto the thick, throbbing member, and I saw Kady's lower lip quivering in anticipation.

Brooke slid off her friend and then pulled back the bedcovers, revealing the rest of Kady's nakedness to me. The lithe 16-year-old truly had a model's physique, all slenderness with arms and legs that seemed like I could surround with just my hands. And to my surprise and delight, Kady's bush was trimmed down to an actual arrow, just a little design with putting green short dark auburn hairs that proved the carpet matched the drapes. Below the arrow was a completely bare pussy, the labia already spread wide, and wet with moisture that I was sure included some of my little sister's saliva. Kady was intoxicatingly beautiful, and her body stirred that animalistic kink in me to just bend her skinny ass in half and ream her out until she saw stars.

But I controlled myself. With deliberate movements, I removed my shirt to get myself completely naked, and I waited patiently for Kady to make a decision.

Brooke made it for her. "Slide down, baby," she urged, gently helping Kady shift lower down on the bed until she was flat on her back, her feet dangling off the foot of the bed and her head tilted towards me with a look of both excitement and anxiety.

"You're gonna love this, Kady," Brooke husked then glanced up at me. "Get over here, Ben."

Still stepping slowly, I held Kady's gaze, searching for any signs that she didn't want to go through with this. But while she was nervous, the beautiful Junior cheerleader looked extremely aroused. Her pussy was getting wetter. Her nipples were rock hard. And she was panting softly in anticipation. Kady was beautiful in an ordinary mood. But turned-on, her elfin face was transformed into that of a radiant angel.

Before crawling between her legs, I first knelt beside the supine redhead. Brooke backed away for a moment while I leaned over and gently brushed a lock of red hair off Kady's forehead. In a soft voice, I asked, "Have you done this before?"

Kady shivered and then nervously creaked, "Yes. Twice. But I didn't like it."

"I'll do my best to make you happy," I soothed. And then I bent to softly press my lips to hers.

Kissing, Kady could handle. She moaned against my mouth and after a minute, let me part her lips with my tongue as I quested inside. I stroked the inside of her cheeks and pressed a little more firmly before backing off and doing my best to be gentle. But when I drew away, I suddenly felt a Kady's hand on the back of my head as she pulled me tighter to her and kissed me again with increased fervor.

"Oh, Bennn..." Kady groaned into my mouth, music to my ears. After more than half a year of getting teased by the sexy teenager, building and building sexual tension, we were finally progressing. It felt wonderful.

After a few minutes of making out, I drew back completely while Kady dropped her head onto the mattress, breathing heavily.

"It's so different, kissing a boy," she sighed. "So much more ... power..."

"You like it?" I grinned.

"Well ... sometimes." She smiled, a twinkle sparkling in her deep blue eyes. And then she pulled my face to hers again.

Midway through this second kiss, I shifted my body over hers, placing a knee between her legs and gently spreading one of them to the side. My movements were slow but firm, letting Kady know what I wanted her to do but giving her time to resist if she wanted. I'd never bedded a supposed lesbian, but I treated Kady as I would a virgin, giving her time to adjust to the new situation.

Kady suddenly pulled her head away and gasped when I took hold of her thighs, a look of surprise on her face as if she didn't realize I was now between her legs and lifting them around my waist. Her hands went up to my biceps, squeezing tightly with a strength I wouldn't have believed given how small her wrists were. I froze in position. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah ... yeah..." Kady gasped as she took a deep breath. Then she looked down at my thick, hard dick sticking up just over her crotch. She bit her lip and then nodded. "Do it. I want it."

I looked down at her pretty pussy, so delicate, like the rest of her. And I nudged my mushroom head into her folds. This was it. I was about to fuck someone else.

My mind flashed to Adrienne. Could I really do this to her? But then her words rang out it my head. 'We are NOT together. You can screw whomever you want, Ben. I don't care. I'm not your girlfriend.'

With some twisted logic, I thought that maybe, just maybe, this was what Adrienne needed from me. She WANTED me to sleep with someone else, just so she could feel like we weren't in a committed relationship. She NEEDED me to fuck someone else, so she wouldn't feel like I was holding myself back just for her. Because if I WAS holding myself in monogamy for her, then our protestations that we were just friends would be a lie.

So I smiled at Kady, gripped her thighs, and started pushing in.

"Ohmigod," Kady jerked and her eyes flew wide open as she felt her pussy stretch around my invading rod. Her lower lip quivered and she inhaled sharply while arching her back off the bed, thrusting her tits up until they touched my chest while I hovered over her. I held my position, neither withdrawing nor penetrating any further while she got used to the sensation.

When Kady finally relaxed, she flicked her eyes down to me with a little smile and nodded for me to continue. I smiled encouragingly and pressed the rest of my cock in, driving myself forward with steady force until I was balls deep inside the sexy young redhead.

"It's just like a dildo," Kady sighed when our crotches met. "But ... so much better! So ... so warm..."

I chuckled and squeezed my kegel muscles, making my rod twitch inside her. Kady giggled and her hands came up to grip my hips. "Of course, I'm not used to THIS being attached to the dildo."

"Gawd, this is SO fucking HOT," Brooke groaned.

Both Kady and I looked over at my sister, who was sitting against the wall with a hand underneath her shirt, rubbing furiously. I'd forgotten for a moment that Brooke was there, all my focus on the slender girl beneath me.

Brooke's eyes were mere slits as she was simultaneously staring at us and far beyond, lost in her pleasure. "Fuck her, Ben. In and out. I want to SEE it. Fuck her!"

Without waiting for Kady's approval I slid my rod partway out, and then glided forward once until I hit rock bottom once again. The young redhead whimpered and tossed her head back again, being momentarily overwhelmed by the sensations. "You okay?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, yeah," Kady gasped, clearly forgetting to breathe every now and again. "Th- thanks, Ben. For being so gentle. It wasn't like this the first two times."

"My pleasure. Or more importantly," I clarified. "Your pleasure."

Kady smiled and then I started slowly pumping in and out of her again. Her hands had fallen to her sides once I started penetrating her. Now, she brought them back up again and gripped my biceps. As my strokes began to speed up, her grip tightened and her breathing sped up to match.

"Unnghh ... it's starting to feel good," Kady sighed. "But it's kinda weird being underneath you." She smiled. "I'm used to being the one in charge."

"You want to be on top?" I asked.

"Can I?" Kady said eagerly.

There wasn't room to roll us over without either hitting Brooke or falling off the side of the bed, so I grinned and then pulled out, glancing down to see my thick shaft coated with Kady's nectar. Kady slid out from under me while I flopped onto my back. And then I held my dick upright for Kady to examine before she almost gingerly straddled my hips, spread her own labia wide with her fingers, and then slowly sat down.

From this position, it became rather easy to get Kady off. She humped herself up and down, controlling the depth and rhythm with her eyes closed, concentrating on the sensations my dick was producing in her. It was a rhythm rather slower than I was used to, but this was about her and I was willing to ride it out. The pace also gave me time to focus my fingers on Kady's body. With my right hand, I manipulated her clit with all the expertise born of LOTS and LOTS of practice on many different girls. My left hand roamed around her torso, palming her tits and squeezing her nipples while also tickling other, lesser known sensitive spots.

In short order, Kady had her very first coital orgasm. "Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod!" she chirped as her eyelids fluttered faster than a hummingbird's wings. I shifted my fingers to apply just a little bit more pressure to her clit while I pinched down on her right nipple, and the sexy young waif who'd been teasing me for months finally came on top of my cock. "FUUCK!" she grunted, and I felt the flood of honey splashing around my internally-buried rod.

"Unnnghhh!" Brooke was also moaning, cumming at the same time as her friend, her hand a blur between her own thighs.

And then both girls were still, panting for oxygen and sweating like pigs.

"Did you cum?" Kady managed to ask, heavy-lidded and aglow with orgasmic bliss.

I shook my head. "No, not yet."

"Why not?" She looked confused and almost even disappointed, as if even a lesbian had some instinct to feel hot sperm splashing against her insides. Of course, she wasn't really a lesbian.

"I was a little focused on you," I smiled warmly. "Trust me, you would have felt it if I came."

"Oh, didn't know a boy could really last like that. My one boyfriend always came so fast." Kady looked thoughtful at this. She still had the sweet face of an angel, and I had to admit I liked this side of her, compared to the blunt, edgy, sarcastic version. I liked both versions, actually, but it was nice to know she had a sweet side. "Does that mean we can keep going?"

"Sure," I smiled. "Please," I added.

"Ungh, don't you want me to sit on your face now?" Brooke interrupted urgently. "Please ... I need something besides my own fingers."

A thought popped in my head. "I got a better idea," I began, a wolfish grin taking over my face as I ogled Kady's body. "Why don't you bend over and eat out Brooke while I fuck your pussy from behind?"

Kady's eyes rose as she took in my new suggestion and then just as quickly got the implication. That teasing grin was back as she remarked, "Try not to stare TOO hard at my ass."

She had a PERFECT ass.

There are different versions of perfection. This version just happened to be tiny, tight, and so firm my thumbs couldn't even dent the cheeks. Kady's ass was round without being bulky, without a trace of fat sitting on her model-thin hips.

I drooled a bit, having to slurp up my own spit to prevent it from marring the picturesque tableau before me. My mind was absolutely swirling in ecstasy as I both felt and saw my thick shaft sliding in and out of Kady's tight snatch while surrounded by those heavenly globes.

Twice, I'd already nearly cum. Just as I'd felt myself grunting towards orgasm, Kady had postponed me with pleas of, "Just a little longer, just a little longer! I'm almost there!"

I held myself back until she came and tried to let myself go, but it always took a while to build back up to that point of no return. And by the time I did, Kady whined, "I feel another one coming. Hold on! Hold on!"

Ah, HELL. I bit down harder and tried to hold it in.

Before me, Brooke squeaked her last climax and finally rolled her hips up and away from her older cheerleader friend. My little sister's bare-shaven pussy was sopping wet both from her own orgasmic fluids and Kady's saliva. And the slender brunette twisted onto her side, panting softly in a fetal position while she recovered from the lesbian tongue lashing.

That meant Kady was now entirely focused on ramming her hips back at me. I heard her grunting as she bucked her ass into my crotch with every ounce of energy she had left. And I felt her pussy clenching tightly and then begin spasming out of control as she crested into orgasm again.

Clenching down on my own kegel muscles, I was at my wit's end when I finally heard the 16-year-old redhead scream, "Auuuuughhh!"

Finally. I let go of my kegel muscles and getting as firm a grip on Kady's slender hips as I could, I started pounding myself against her without restraint. And as the tension in my abs and just below began to wane, I felt the tension in my balls finally go slack. "I'm gonna cum!" I yelled.

"Mmph!" Kady pulled her head up at the last second, squealing, "Wait! Pull out! Pull out! I'm not protected!"

My eyes flew wide open and a vision of Allie Sanders, bawling uncontrollably after getting her positive pregnancy test results, popped into my head. How could I have been so careless? So stupid! She's a fucking lesbian! Of COURSE she's not on the pill!

"Oh, SHIT!" I grunted and with my last ounce of control, I yanked my dick out, the end of it twitching and throbbing as I aimed my babymaker at Kady's perfect ass.

The first volley blasted forth, painting the hollow V-crease where Kady's buttcheeks first came together just below her waist. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I felt the absolute twin reliefs of finally cumming and NOT cumming inside Kady's unprotected pussy.

But before I let fly with the second burst, Brooke exclaimed "CUM!" and dived forward, shoving my dick into her mouth before I could react. Feeling the sudden warmth and pressure of the cute brunette's suction, I howled like a demon, firing the second, third, fourth, and further blasts of hot incestuous jism into my 15- year-old sister's mouth.

My mind had reached its breaking point. I was simply overwhelmed by fucking Kady from behind, holding my orgasm back for so long, and then having my little sister suck my cum down right in front of her friend. My eyes rolled up into my head and I sagged to the side, my shoulder thumping painfully into the wall before I managed to turn and sit with my back to it, spreading my legs out in front of me.

Brooke followed me down, stuffing my cock back into her mouth once my body came to rest, moaning with arousal while slurping up every single last drop of semen she could find. I just sighed and put one hand on the back of her head, luxuriating in the heavenly sensations.

But then the sound of Kady's voice shook both Brooke and I from our reveries. "Wow!" Kady exclaimed. "You're actually sucking your brother's dick!"

My eyes flew open. Holy SHIT!

Brooke jerked her head up, covering her mouth with wide-open eyes, looking as if she was trying to pretend she hadn't just gotten caught with her brother's cock in her mouth. "Uh ... uh..." she stuttered behind her palm in a complete panic.

"Relax, relax," Kady grinned, reaching out and rubbing Brooke's arms. Her deep blue eyes twinkled. "I think it's kinky."

Brooke blinked twice in disbelief, turning to me. I stared right back and brother and sister wondered in amazement if this was really true. Brooke dropped the hand from her mouth and turned to Kady, reaching out and grabbing the older girl's hands. "Kady, you can't tell ANYBODY!"

"Relax, relax," Kady soothed. "I won't. But..."

Both Brooke and I inhaled, terrified at what the catch might be.

" ... You have to tell me: Have you ever fucked him?"

Brooke turned back to me again, biting her lower lip. Sucking me was one thing. Admitting we'd committed intercourse incest when Kady only suspected but didn't know was a completely different thing. But I nodded my head fractionally. For some reason, having fucked Kady, I felt like I could trust her.

So Brooke turned back and blushed, answering quietly, "Yeah..."

Kady's eyes simmered, the deep blue color turning to that of a stormy ocean maelstrom. "Fuck him, Brooke," the redhead husked. "I wanna see."

Brooke turned to look at me and I saw her eyes rather obviously trail down my naked body and down to my crotch. The illicit naughtiness and danger of the situation had my adrenaline pumping and for some reason, was an incredible turn on. Despite having just recently cum, my dick was pretty hard and getting harder, the thick column of flesh waving like a flagpole in a stiff breeze.

A pale white hand reached out to it, and I trailed up the arm to see Kady wrapping her fingers around my shaft. It was quite possibly the first cock she'd ever touched with her hands, and almost experimentally she stroked me up and down, not squeezing hard enough and yet giving me just enough of a tickling sensation to further assist my dick's road to recovery.

I glanced up to see Kady's eyes locked in on what she was doing, mesmerized by the sight. Her chest was heaving as she panted breathlessly. And licking her lips, she murmured, "I can't believe this thing was inside me." Her eyes flicked up to me and then to Brooke. "And I can't wait to see this go inside you."

Brooke shivered and then panted softly herself, staring at Kady stroking my dick. I recognized the look in my sister's eyes. She was turned on as well. So taking a deep breath, the slightly anxious 15-year-old nodded, "Okay."

Brooke looked for a good position and started to lie on her back, but Kady shook her head. "Nuh-uh. Doggy-style. Like me." Then the redhead grinned. "Besides, you owe me little one."

My sister broke into a little smile at that and the three of us started lining up into position. Kady shifted towards the far corner and leaned back against the headboard, spreading her legs to the sides with her knees up in the air and her feet planted flat on the bed. Brooke moved to all fours, collapsing her elbows to lower her face and let the Junior cheerleader press her head into the right spot. And once the girls started their oral copulation, I knelt behind my little sister's ass.

"Dick her, Ben," Kady moaned, her eyes bright in anticipation. "I wanna see some nasty brother/sister fuckage."

I knew the way from familiarity. Holding Brooke's hips in my hands, I didn't need to look down to settle my cockhead in between her labia. Instead, I kept my eyes locked onto Kady's, the two of us staring back and forth with white hot intensity.

Kady knew the exact instant my dick penetrated my little sister's pussy. She saw the flicker in my eyes, and she probably felt Brooke's head jerk in her crotch. And at both of these signals, the aroused redhead just smiled and urged us on.

The fucking began.

In. Out. Around and around. Lick. Slurp. Whimper. Moan.

I fucked Kady through Brooke's body. I plunged my dick forward, the impact of my pelvis against my little sister's buttcheeks propelling her forward into the redhead's pussy. And my eyes stayed locked onto Kady's clear blue irises. I watched the riot of emotions there, ranging from excitement and arousal to pleasure and even pain. This wasn't an ordinary fuck. This was incest, and the fact that all three of us knew how naughty it was spurred us to incredible heights of pleasure.

"Eat me, Brooke!"

"Fuck me, Ben!"

"Fuck her! Fuck your sister!"

"Ugh! Ugh!"

"Ohh ... ohh ... fuck me..."

"Squirt it. Squirt in her!"

"Mmph! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

"I'm cumming, too!"


I came just once, at the end, blowing a load even bigger than my first into my little sister's honeypot. Brooke came two or three times, I'm not sure. I was too focused on her older cheerleader friend.

But Kady only came once as well. She waited and waited for that ultimate moment, delaying her own gratification until she could see the tension on my face as I blasted away. She waited until she knew I was spunking incestuous sperm into my little sister's womb. And only then did she let herself cry out with ecstasy.

It was incredible.

Kady was the first to recover after that intense sexual experience. She cleared her throat dryly, and then kicked a leg over Brooke's head to dismount the bed. "I need to get something to drink," she sighed while grabbing her shirt. "I'll bring you back some water bottles."

I just nodded slowly, too wiped out to verbally respond. I leaned forward on my knees and gripped Brooke's hips, keeping my slowly deflating cock inside my little sister's sodden pussy while she barely kept herself from collapsing. As it was, Brooke's cheek was pressed into the mattress, her arms stretched out before her as her body formed a triangle, with our illicit union still holding us upright at the triangle's peak.

A girlish gasp got my attention just then, and I turned my head to the open bedroom door. "Oh, hey, Cap. What are you doing here?" Kady's voice sounded in the hallway.

"Uh, I was just looking for Ben," Adrienne's flustered voice filtered through. "Were you just-?" Adrienne's voice cut off as she entered the doorway and saw me and Brooke in our compromising position. Brooke had just then collapsed flat onto her belly, pulling my cock down with her as I hovered over my little sister's prone body. And a look of horrified terror crossed Adrienne's face. "What's going on here?" Her voice was a strangled whisper.

I knew the look on Adrienne's face. It was the look she had whenever she talked about Adam, the older brother who raped her when she was ten. My brain immediately figured out the worst possible way the situation could appear, and I stammered urgently, "This isn't what it looks like."

"Ohmigod," Adrienne gasped, her eyes not even capable of getting any bigger. "OhmiGOD!"

"Adrienne!" I barked as I yanked my wet dick out of Brooke and started to get up.

"OHMIGOD!" Adrienne yelled as she saw the fluids on my half-hard cock, and she started backing out the door.

"No! Adrienne!" I pleaded as I stepped onto the floor with one foot, the other tangled up in the bedcovers.

"Get the FUCK away from me!" Adrienne shrieked, pointing at me threateningly. "Stay AWAY from me!" And then she turned and practically flew out the door.

"Ahh, hell!" I grunted as I extricated my other foot and hopped to the doorway. I only got to the top of the stairs, fully naked, before I heard the front door slam against the foyer wall and then the sound of Adrienne's shoes thumping up the sidewalk.

This was NOT good.