Chapter 33: Settling Down ll

I picked Allie up from her house, Abbie making a few jealous remarks about how SHE never got invited to bigwig parties. Allie just enjoyed being on top of her sister for a bit and went ahead and rubbed it in her twin sister's face before I finally dragged her out of there.

Twenty minutes later we pulled up outside of Drew's house. The driveway was already packed and I parallel-parked my beater Corolla three houses down. Allie and I walked up together and we were promptly greeted by the animated chatter of a forty high-schoolers spread throughout the house and into the backyard, enjoying the relative Spring warmth.

"Allie! Ben!" Heather hugged the both of us as we entered. Heather held a red Solo cup in her hand, appearing to be already buzzed even though it was still early. "So great of you to come! You should see Adrienne, Ben. I think she might even talk to you today!"

"Great," I nodded, not sure how I felt about that. Yeah, I missed Adrienne and I missed what we had together, but I had NO idea what the hell I would say to her if I got the chance. I'd be doubly nervous if Allie was next to me when the opportunity happened.

So instead I focused on my other big source of nervousness and asked Heather, "Have you seen Brooke?"

"Yeah, uh. I think she's ... over there!" Heather pointed and sure enough, there was Brooke, dancing with Kady, Jennifer Vo, and Erin Roberts while several of the JV basketball guys flirted with them. I'm not exactly sure what excuse Brooke gave my parents for being out on a Thursday night, but I wasn't about to rat her out. I myself had needed to ask for a curfew exemption to stay out until midnight.

With Allie in tow, I weaved my way through the crowd of students dancing to a fully-functional sound system and went up to Brooke. I noticed on the way that while she flirted with a couple of guys, no one dared dance with her in Drew's house. So my sister wasn't too occupied as I came up to her.

"Hey, Ben!"

"Hey, Brooke. You going to behave tonight?"

"Mmm, maybe not!" She giggled and as I leaned forward to hear her over the music, I smelled beer on her breath.

Wrinkling my nose, I frowned. Brooke drank some at the previous party and had come out unscathed. But I couldn't help but lean in and say sternly, "Don't drink too much."

"Yes, Mom." Brooke rolled her eyes.

I turned to Kady. "Keep an eye on her, will you?"

"No problem, mon," Kady grinned.

I sighed and turned back to Allie. "Let's go get something to drink."

I spent the next hour and a half keeping a distant eye on Brooke. Half my attention was on her and the other half was scanning for Adrienne. I saw her quite a few times, but she never approached me even once. There was one time she looked over at me, biting her lip as if working up the courage to come up and say something, but she didn't. Lynne and Heather at one point came over to tell me to keep my hopes up. And I was back to my routine.

Unfortunately, Allie noticed my distracted state. I'd only sparingly interacted with her and finally fed up, she simply grabbed my head and turned it to face her. "Hey, hey. Remember me?"

I blushed and apologized, "Sorry. I'm not paying much attention to you."

"That's okay. I kind of expected it. I know you came here mostly to keep an eye on Brooke. But I don't really know anybody here and it feels a little weird when even you are ignoring me." She pouted prettily.

I took a deep breath and then nodded. "Right then." I stood up straight and then bent, offering my hand like a gentleman in a ballroom. "Mademoiselle, may I have this dance?"

The formal effect was somewhat lost by the sound of "Hella Good" by No Doubt blaring over the speakers, but Allie didn't seem to mind as she gleefully took my hand and stood up to dance.

I twirled her in my arms and led her onto the dance floor. I bumped and grooved to the music, wrapping my hands around Allie's hips and pulling her against the erection slowly forming in my crotch. She felt it, giggled, and ground her ass a little harder against me. And for the next thirty minutes, I simply enjoyed the company of a cute girl who was totally into me. It was like the lyrics said: 'You got me feeling hella good so let's just keep on dancing.'

Then after nine or ten songs, Allie and I took a break to get some water. I took the opportunity to scan the area, looking for both Adrienne and Brooke. But after several visual passes like radar sweeps through the crowd, I didn't locate either of them.

And then I heard the scream: "BEN!!!"

My head jerked around so fast that I threw myself off-balance as my body tried to keep up. It was Adrienne's voice. I quickly zeroed in on the stairs and saw Adrienne hustle halfway down and scan the room hurriedly, her head darting left and right. Unable to find me, she screamed again. "BENNNN!!!"

I took off at a dead run.

Oh, SHIT. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I saw the look on Adrienne's face. She was in full control of her faculties. This wasn't some delusional outburst related to her childhood trauma. She was all Adrienne, and she was simultaneously angry and terrified; but not for herself. That could only mean ... Brooke.

Adrienne saw me more or less bashing my way through the crowd, shoving people aside left and right, spilling drinks and knocking people off balance all the way. At least as I got closer to the stairs, people had already moved aside to give me room.

She was rapidly gesturing 'come here' motions as if that would speed me up any faster, and I raced up the stairs taking them three steps at a time and stumbling once while Adrienne turned and scrambled ahead of me, gasping, "She won't even let me touch her."

I followed Adrienne's lead around a corner and into a bedroom. There, naked and curled up on her side, was Brooke. Sweat dotted across her entire body, and to my everlasting heartbreak, there was semen dribbling out of BOTH her vagina and red-raw anus. I knew with certainty that before tonight, my little sister had been an anal virgin.

My lungs gave out as all the oxygen flew out of my body, doubling me over in pain as I gasped for breath. I sank to my knees for just a moment while Adrienne went to Brooke, who was facing away from us. Adrienne touched the younger girl who just wailed and shook herself away from Adrienne's hand, crying, "Nooo ... Bennn ... I want my brudder."

I hadn't heard Brooke lisp the word 'brother' since she was five. I was up and by her side in an instant. Holding her with both arms and lifting her up against my chest, I soothed, "I'm here, Brooke. I'm here."

"I'm sorry, Ben," she whimpered and cried, her tears rapidly soaking my shirt. "I'm sorry. I should have listened."

"No, no. This isn't your fault," I insisted and stroked her hair, cradling her head to the crook of my chest and left arm while I rocked her slowly. Brooke just whimpered, closed her eyes, and pressed herself even tighter against me.

"It is my fault, Ben. It IS."

I shushed her and turned to Adrienne, barking, "Get her clothes."

Adrienne went wide-eyed and hesitated a moment before jerking around in a big circle looking for Brooke's clothes. She found them in a pile at the foot of the bed, except that the panties were missing.

Sighing, I just nodded as Adrienne brought them over and then told her. "Grab some hand towels, wet one with soap and bring a dry one too."

By this point, Allie, Heather, and Lynne had also arrived along with several other onlookers, including Erin Roberts. Shielding Brooke's naked body from view, I told Adrienne to close the door and both she and Lynne slipped out while closing the door behind them, except for Erin who slipped in. Otherwise, Heather stood guard to make sure no one else came into the room. Allie just stared in wide- eyed shock.

I kept rocking Brooke as I searched for something else to do. It finally occurred to me to ask, "Brooke, who did this?"

She whimpered and winced before croaking, "Drew and Marco."

I clenched my teeth. "Both of them?"

She nodded her head.

I grunted and squeezed her a little harder. "Tell me what happened."

"It's my fault Ben. It's my fault."

"What are you talking about?"

Just then, the door cracked open and Adrienne and Lynne slipped back inside with the requested towels. I snatched the soapy one from Adrienne and started wiping down Brooke's body, stretching her out to start with her pussy and working between her legs towards her ass. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held on, staring at my face and biting her lip to keep from whimpering too much.

Lynne was the first to suggest, "Uh, Ben. Maybe one of us should..."

But Brooke shot her a look and shook her head in the negative before clutching tighter to me. Lynne held up her hands and backed off. I finished soaping, wetting, and then drying Brooke off before reaching my hand out to Brooke's bra. I lay my sister down and started dressing her.

"It's my fault, Ben," Brooke whimpered, her tongue still a little thick with alcohol, her words a little sluggish. "I knew what I was getting into. I came willingly into this room with Drew and Marco."

A growl started low in my throat and fought my gag reflex. The thought of the two bastards double-teaming my sister made me want to puke. "You were drunk, Brooke. They took advantage of a drunken 15-year-old girl."

"I thought I was being so cool. Me, a Sophomore, with Drew Walker!" Brooke groaned, "I wasn't really thrilled with Marco being there but I'd never had two guys at the same time before. They kept telling me how pretty I was and how horny I made them both. I felt like a sexy grown-up, you know?"

I winced and focused on getting her shirt on.

Brooke's lips quivered. "It wasn't any fun. I'd never had sex like that before," she whimpered, her eyes unfocused. "They just ... used me. Never even tried to make me cum. Marco kept yanking on the back of my head, trying to make me deep- throat him, but I can't do that yet. You KNOW that, Ben."

Red haze appeared in my vision, but I squeezed my eyes and fought to keep myself under control long enough to finish the task at hand. I reached for her skirt.

"Drew just thrust and came within minutes," Brooke simpered. "It hurt. I wasn't really wet yet. Then Marco just threw me on my belly and rutted into me like I was nothing ... like I was piece of meat. I kept trying to wriggle around and show him how I liked it. He spanked me, Ben. Not like you. Not in a good way. So I told them to stop. I told them 'NO'. But they wouldn't stop."

I finished her skirt and sat her up, pulling her into my arms. She shuddered then. "And then Drew took my ass. It HURT, Ben. I kept screaming for him to stop. I kept screaming for ANYBODY to come help me. But no one came. No one heard me."

The tears started rolling down my cheeks. I didn't hear her. I didn't come to her rescue. I'd shirked my duty to go dancing "Hella Good". If I'd just kept my eye on her, I would have seen Drew taking her upstairs. I would have BEEN there.

I spied the tube of KY Jelly sitting on the bedspread to my right, grabbed it and flung it hard enough against a framed poster on the wall that it cracked the glass. And then I squeezed my little sister until she gasped and tapped me by saying, "Not so hard, Ben."

I relaxed my grip immediately while Brooke just nestled her head against the crook of my neck.

"I thought I was ready. I wasn't. It's all my fault."

"Not your fault, Brooke," I growled. "Not your fault." And then another thought came to me. I looked around, seeing my friends and Erin. "Where's Kady? Jennifer?"

"They left early." Brooke gave me a significant look. "Uh, you know..."

I sighed. I'd half-depended on them to watch Brooke, but the pair had left to have their own fun together. I spun to Erin. "Where were you?"

The young girl blanched under the intensity of my white-hot gaze. "Well, uh. There was this guy ... and..."

"Nevermind," I shook my head. Fine, Erin was occupied. Shit! I should have been paying more attention. I had no one to blame but myself.

"Not her fault, Ben," Brooke shook her head. And then biting her lip, she whimpered, "I wanna go home."

Quickly, I scooped her into a carry position in both arms and stood up. "Let's go."

There was a small crowd still in the hallway when we emerged. With a hateful glare that cowed everyone before her, Adrienne led the way and the people parted like the Red Sea. I followed her and the other girls trailed after. We gently took Brooke down the stairs and headed out the door.

Then just to the left, on the porch in a rocking swing, was Drew Walker. He was chatting up Maddie Chung, Junior cheerleader. The pretty girl was giggling and flirting outrageously. Ice ran through my veins at the sight of him and I stopped walking. Marco Canelli was next to him with Nadine Butler. Three other basketball guys were within ten feet, and they looked over at us, more or less ignoring me and Brooke while eyeing Adrienne, Heather, Lynne, Allie, and Erin.

"Adrienne," I said softly. "Can you put Brooke in my car? This'll just take a minute."

Adrienne and Lynne looked like they wanted to talk me out of doing anything stupid, but it was Brooke squeezing my neck that got my attention. "No, Ben. I wanna go home. Please? Take me home?"

I gripped my sister's body just a little tighter while Drew looked up at me and smirked smugly. Marco turned and grinned drunkenly. "She's a hot piece of ass, Ben! God DAMN your sister can suck dick!"

And then to my everlasting rage, Drew pulled out Brooke's panties and twirled them around his outstretched finger.

I nearly ignored Brooke's plea right then, ready to squeeze both boys' necks until they snapped off. But Brooke tugged again, "Home, Ben."

I grunted and before I second-guessed myself, I turned and stepped onto the sidewalk, marching myself towards my car, not daring to turn around lest I sprint back to try and beat Drew and Marco into bloody pulps. The girls followed until I put Brooke into the front passenger seat and I shut the door. But when I stood up and turned, I saw Allie and a knot of guilt lodged in my throat. "Oh, Allie ... I-"

"I'll take her home, Ben," Lynne interrupted me. "She doesn't live too far away."

Allie just nodded and waved her hand out to Brooke. I realized that this was probably the first time she was getting any hint of just how intimate my relationship with my little sister was, and I was mildly nervous to see how she'd react to me by tomorrow.

But now wasn't the time to worry about Allie. I circled around my car and got into the driver's seat. Just before I closed the door, Adrienne was there, looking at me with an apologetic expression. "Ben, I didn't understand. I-"

The rest of her words were cut off as I closed the door and grimly looked forward. I started up the engine and rapidly shifted into Drive, and while I didn't peel out with burning rubber, I zipped forward pretty quickly and headed for home.

I don't know how moms do it. I'd come home late a number of times and my parents were always asleep. But for some reason, this night Mom was awake and waiting for us as I carried Brooke through the door.

"Ben! What happened?" Mom was instantly alert and standing up when she saw how protectively I was cradling her second daughter.

"Not now, Mom," I grumped and started up the stairs. She quickly followed after, but stayed quiet until I gently lay Brooke down on her bed and then hunted around her dresser for sleepwear. I quickly located one of my oversized T-shirts Brooke liked to sleep in and a pair of ordinary cotton panties. Then I stripped Brooke naked and quickly dressed her for bed.

I also stripped myself down to my boxers and slid onto the bed beside my little sister. It was obvious that I was planning to spend the night with her. We wouldn't be having sex, but I fully intended to hold Brooke in my arms for as long as it took.

"Ben..." Mom finally asked.

"She's alright now, okay?" I tried to reassure our mother.

"But what happened?"

Grimly, I looked Mom in the eyes and said, "I'll handle it."

Brooke didn't go to school on Friday. She didn't want to face the people who'd been at the party, dead certain they'd just point and laugh, "Look, there's Brooke, the Sophomore slut!"

Mom stayed home to tend to her daughter. I was sure Brooke would tell her the story eventually. Whether Brooke would be grounded until she graduated High School after that, I didn't know.

But I went to school. I had a score to settle.

As soon as I entered the school grounds I turned and made a beeline for Drew's usual stomping grounds. Along the way, Adrienne intercepted me with a pleading, "Ben..."

"Not now, Adrienne," I brushed her off and kept marching. She followed, but didn't try to talk to me anymore.

I turned another corner and there he was. Drew was chatting with Marco and a few other friends by a set of lockers. I took off at a dead run and he had no time to brace himself before I tackled him full-speed into the wall of metal. We bounced off and Drew hit the concrete first. I was quickly on my knees, rapid-fire punching him with every ounce of strength I had in me.

Marco was the first to react, diving onto me and smothering me beneath his bigger body while raining punches into my side. I got a knee up into his gut and he rolled away while I glanced at Drew.

Drew himself was still sprawled on the ground, holding his head. It was probably still ringing from being banged into the lockers. So I turned and lashed out at Marco again while the big guy bear-hugged me to the ground.

A womanly shriek of pain sounded off, startling both me and Marco and we turned to see Adrienne standing over Drew, kicking full force between Drew's legs with her pointed heels. Both Marco and I winced sympathetically before Marco got his bearings and punched me in the chest again. We grappled and twisted before Marco turned and threw me to the ground.

I hit the back of my head against the concrete painfully. But when I lifted my head again to brace myself for the next attack, I was just in time to see a heeled foot swing up between Marco's wide-spread legs. Adrienne connected with his balls from behind, and the big guy sank to the found in abject agony.

That's when the teachers arrived.

"Break it up! Break. It. Up!" Coach Kuznetsov waded in.

I groaned. Of course. Of ALL the people to show up while I was attacking the basketball team, it just HAD to be the Varsity Basketball Coach. At least Mr. Wong, the Algebra teacher was there as well.

Quick questions were asked of the surrounding students and fingers were quickly pointed at me, Drew, Marco, and Adrienne. Drew was actually still on the floor and starting to get up when Adrienne took three steps forward and kicked him so hard in the balls that I swear dogs three miles away went deaf from his scream. Coach K then grabbed her by the arm and yanked her away.

Nurses arrived for Drew. The teachers marched me, Marco, and Adrienne to Principal Hsueh's office.

The five of us bursting into administration caused quite the stir. The Principal actually heard the commotion and came out of her office before we arrived, and then everyone went inside as Mr. Wong closed the door. Marco and I, bruised and battered, were seated in front of the Principal's desk while Adrienne stood beside me.

"What's going on?" Principal Hsueh glared at us.

Coach K pointed at me and Adrienne. "These two just assaulted Marco and Drew Walker."

The Principal's eyes popped open and she looked astonished. And then all of a sudden Kyle McGinley, Heather Wilkinson, and several others crowded in behind us.

"What's going on?" Principal Hsueh asked again.

"We're witnesses," Kyle said in a deep bass voice.

Adrienne paled and I got a little nervous. Kyle was one of Adrienne's exes from the beginning of the school year, whom she'd dated for a couple of weeks. She looked a little uncomfortable with his presence, no doubt remembering just how she'd broken things off with him. Making matters worse, Kyle was on the basketball team.

Principal Hsueh just waved her hand, "Whatever." She pointed to Coach K. "Explain."

Coach K then stated how he was down the hall and didn't see the beginning of the fight. But from what he gathered from the witnesses, I attacked Drew and Marco. Then Adrienne joined in by kicking both boys." His description was clinical and without bias, something that surprised me. On the other hand, Adrienne and I were already the unprovoked instigators so he didn't need to embellish.

Principal Hsueh sighed. "And where is Drew Walker?"

Coach K frowned. "Erm. Miss Dennis kicked him hard enough that he wasn't able to stand. He's with the nurses now."

The Principal turned to Adrienne. "Is this true?"

She stared Principal Hsueh dead in the eye and lifted her chin, nodding proudly.

The Principal sighed again and then turned to me. "Okay, Ben, did you attack Drew Walker and Marco Canelli?"

Gritting my teeth and feeding off of Adrienne's confidence, I sat erect and nodded. "Yes, ma'am," I said confidently.

"Didn't we have a discipline problem with you and Drew last year?"

I sunk a little. Repeat offenders were rarely given any latitude. "Yes, ma'am," I answered a little less confidently.

"It was completely unprovoked!" Marco cut in.

"Bullshit!" Adrienne exclaimed. "You two ASSHOLES sexually assaulted his little sister!"

"Both of you, wait your turn!" Principal Hsueh barked. "Adrienne, watch your language, young lady!" Both Marco and Adrienne shut up, deferring to the much smaller woman.

But the Principal didn't miss what Adrienne had said and turned to me. "What did Adrienne just say?"

I gritted my teeth again and I could feel my face flushing in anger. It was all I could do not to start pummeling Marco again right here. "They got Brooke drunk, Mrs. Hsueh. They led her into a bedroom. And then they took turns fucking her, not stopping when she said 'no'." My jaw quivered and I was on the verge of tears. "And then Drew fucked her in the ass against her will."

Now I did start crying and my hands clenched into fists around the armrests of my chair. It was about ten hours earlier and I still could see Brooke's crumpled body in my mind.

Principal Hsueh's eyes went wide. Marco jumped in, "He's LYING!"

Adrienne barked, "There are WITNESSES, Marco! A whole house full!"

"YOU weren't in that room!" Marco pointed his finger forward. "You don't know jack!"

Kyle lumbered forward then. He was 6'8", 240, bigger even than Marco and his size got everyone's attention. And in a deep baritone, he said, "Drew and Marco did it. I wasn't part of it, but I was there. Now I got a little sister, too. And if anyone did to her what they did to Brooke, I'd react the same."

Kyle stared Marco down for a minute, and after clenching and unclenching his jaw, Marco just hung his head and backed up. Then Kyle shifted his eyes to me, the intensity of his gaze pushing me back into my seat. "You won't have no problems with the team, Ben. No one's gonna come after you. You had the right to kick his ass."

"Well, the team may believe you had the right, Ben," Principal Hsueh began slowly. "But this school does not tolerate violence. Now I've extremely sorry for what happened to Brooke. Unfortunately, it's not a school matter and I have no authority over that, as much as I would like to."

The principal winced and clenched her jaw, clearly livid but without the legal authority to do anything about it. I felt my heart sinking into my stomach. It wasn't FAIR.

"I would recommend your family contact the police," Principal Hsueh continued. "But this fight IS a school matter and I will remind you AGAIN, Ben, that there were other ways of dealing with the situation."

I sunk in my chair a bit and waited for the hammer to fall.

"I'm suspending you for a week, effective immediately and to be carried out the first week upon return from Spring Break."

Adrienne gasped. I leaned back, somewhat surprised actually. It was a long suspension, but I hadn't been expelled. And given the choice to do it all over again, I would. Drew and Marco deserved a hundred more beatings for what they'd done to Brooke.

"You too, Miss Dennis," Principal Hsueh added. "Fighting on school grounds will not be tolerated, and you didn't have to join in."

Adrienne inhaled sharply, and then leaned onto my shoulder with one hand. Without thinking about it, I reached up and patted her hand.

Finally, the principal turned to Marco. "If what these other students say is true, Mr. Canelli, I find your actions reprehensible and unfit for this student body. However, it's not my place to discipline you. But if you give me any reason to punish you the rest of the year, believe that you won't like my punishments at all. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," Marco hung his head.


Mr. Wong didn't have a class first period and he escorted both Adrienne and I to our lockers to gather our things. He then escorted us to the parking lot and let us go.

My shoulders sagged then. I thought of Brooke and how I'd failed her. I stepped off the curb and sat down, burying my face in my hands and feeling the moisture come to my eyes.

Adrienne sat beside me and wrapped her arm around my waist. It felt so natural that I completely forgot this was the first time she was holding me in a LONG while.

"I still should have been there," I groaned. "I went to that party to keep an eye on her. And the minute I turned my back, I lost her."

"It's not your fault, Ben. You can't be everywhere at once. Brooke is her own person and like it or not, she put herself in that situation. Now at least she can learn from it. And the important thing is that you were there for her after."

I sighed, wondering whether I could let myself believe that or not.

Adrienne just turned and wrapped her other arm around me, hugging me from the side while resting her head on my shoulder. "You're a good brother, Ben. I was wrong about you. You're nothing like Adam."

As always, the mere name 'Adam' shook me out of my reverie and reminded me in an instant of everything that had been going on between me and her. The fact that Adrienne — Adrienne — was speaking to me and holding me in her arms imparted a sense of relief that for the moment at least, halted my self-flagellation over Brooke. I picked my head up and turned to her.

"I'm sorry, Ben. I'm so sorry. I didn't understand about you and Brooke. I don't know why, but the instant I saw you I just totally flashed on Adam and I ... I just couldn't see it any other way."

I nodded, and Adrienne realized that for the first time since she'd started talking to me, she had my full and undivided attention.

"I didn't want to have anything to do with you," she continued from inches away from my face, her hazel eyes big and bright as she shared her own mental revelation. "At the time, if I could have found a way to undo everything we'd done together — every conversation, every sexual encounter, everything — I would have. I would have ripped you from my memory if I could. For weeks while I watched you flouncing around with Helene and Theresa and the rest, I projected all my hate and resentment for Adam onto you, even though I knew you weren't him."

She took a deep breath and glanced up for a second, moisture forming in her eyes. "But you kept showing me in little ways that you weren't him. You've been so sweet with Allie. And Brooke would NOT give up trying to convince me that you weren't taking advantage of her."

Adrienne's face twisted into the same expression of self-loathing that I felt inside. "I'm sorry, Ben. It wasn't fair; and I never gave you a chance to explain. I feel horrible for the way I've treated you lately. You were my best friend, the one man in the world I trusted, and I threw it away on a misunderstanding."

"It's okay," I interrupted, reaching up to cup her cheek. "It's okay. I get it. And I don't blame you." I sighed. "Given what happened to you when you were little, it ... well, I don't want to say it's an excuse, but it explains things. Trust is a fragile thing, especially in this case. And I understand why you thought you might not be able to trust me."

"But I can. You never betrayed my trust, I see that now. Yeah, you didn't tell me the whole story between you and Brooke, but that's not the sort of thing people talk about. You're not a monster. In fact, you're the exact opposite of Adam. And I'm so sorry I doubted you." She seemed really sincere.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked softly.

Adrienne blushed. "Well, Lynne and Candy for starters. And therapy. I haven't been to a shrink since I was thirteen, but it seems I was due for a follow-up. I don't know that my therapist told me anything I didn't already know myself, but she let me vent and I came out of every session a little clearer-headed than when I went in."

Then Adrienne reached forward and squeezed my shoulder. "But really, it was all about last night. I'd sort of been trying to keep one eye on Brooke for most of the night, and when I lost track of her I went looking. When I found her, I thought I could help her all by myself, but she screamed for you, Ben. At first, I resisted. The last thing I wanted was for you to be anywhere NEAR her while she was naked. But she kept screaming for you and I realized just how different you are. I NEVER would have screamed for Adam. Not on your life. Everyone in the world but him. But Brooke wanted you. In her moment of greatest fear and pain and anguish, she wanted you. She loves you. And that's when I really knew I was so wrong about your relationship with her."

Like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I inhaled deeply as my chest puffed forward and I let my face tilt skyward. I felt the warmth of sunshine on my face as a great peace settled over me. Adrienne understood. And suddenly we weren't so far apart anymore.

"I still love you, Ben," Adrienne leaned in and rubbed her cheek on my shoulder. "And I still think you're the man I can trust."

"I'm glad," I nodded quite sincerely. And then I felt the first aches of bruises on my sides and stomach from where Marco had been punching me. I winced and glanced back at Adrienne. "And thanks for coming to my rescue out there today. I'm sure Drew and Marco will be singing soprano for a little while."

Adrienne grinned almost evilly. "What I wouldn't give to get a few more kicks in right now."

I chuckled, which hurt my ribs. And then I moved to stand up. "I gotta get home and see Brooke."

"Can I come?" Adrienne asked, standing beside me.

I reached my hand out to her. She took it, and hand-in-hand we headed for our cars.

Adrienne went into the house with me to give her well-wishes to Brooke and also back me up when we explained to my mom why we were home from school so early. Mom was NOT happy that we'd both been suspended for fighting, and yet there was just a glimmer of pride in her eyes that we'd gotten a little payback on the boys who'd done this to her little girl.

Brooke was more obviously happy that we'd kicked their asses. She was especially giggly when I explained how Adrienne had done her best to ensure neither boy would have functioning testicles for a long while. It still remained to be seen what would come of them.

Towards the end, I finally asked, "What do you want to do, Mom? Call the cops?"

Adrienne put in, "You can make the call, but I've been in this situation before. It's not the first time some jock pushed a girl a little further than she wanted sexually. It's always a case of 'he said, she said', and they're both minors. At best Drew and Marco get a slap on the wrist." She then took a deep breath. "And, unfortunately, after what Ben and I did, the boys could always counter with assault charges against us now."

Mom nodded and then turned to Brooke. "What do you want to do, honey? If you want to push these guys to the limits, I'll sue their asses off."

Brooke sighed and looked to me for guidance. I just shrugged and said, "Whatever you want, sis. I'll take the heat."

Brooke shook her head. "No. I know it's half my fault. I went in there knowing what I was getting into. I wasn't expecting them to be such assholes about it, but I knew I was going there for sex." She exhaled and then looked at me sincerely. "You can bet I won't make THAT mistake again."

"Honey, are you sure?" Mom asked again.

Brooke nodded. "Right now, I really just want to go back to bed."

Adrienne hung around to chat with me and my mom. Mom, of course, asked, "So did you and Ben get things patched up? We've certainly missed you around here."

Adrienne nodded and looked at me questioningly. "I think so. If he's forgiven me."

I waved. "There's nothing to forgive."

Mom smiled. "So can I talk you into staying for dinner?"

Adrienne broke into an even bigger smile and looked at me as if asking for permission. I just nodded and said, "Hey, you might as well hang out here all day. It's not like we can go back to school."

The stunning blonde blushed and agreed.

So Adrienne and I just started talking. There was a lot of each other's life that we'd missed out on and we did a lot of catch up. She kept trying to apologize for going off the deep end and I kept trying to apologize for not handling my situation better, and in the end we just had to accept that what was done was done and move forward with our friendship.

The end of that conversation found Adrienne hugging herself to my chest, rubbing my arm gently while I wrapped my arm around her waist. Damn, she smelled good and I felt a touch of my old arousal coming back to me. Adrienne was quick to notice the growing bulge, but she didn't comment and just rested herself against me. And that was how Brooke found us when she woke up from her impromptu nap.

"Aww ... you two look adorable." My little sister grinned.

That got Adrienne and I back up and since Brooke didn't want to talk about heavy matters, the three of us we wound up playing board games and watching movies into the afternoon.

That's when the doorbell rang and Mom went to go answer it. Brooke was leaning against the corner of the couch with her feet in my lap and Adrienne was leaning against my right side, snuggled up tight to me. Thirty seconds later we looked up as someone entered the room and as if caught red-handed, Adrienne jerked herself away from me.

Feeling just a little built guilty myself, I collected myself and then said, "Hi, Allie."

Allie was a little stiff as she asked how Brooke was doing and got the standard, "I'll be alright" reply.

Adrienne then asked rather obviously if school was out and then somewhat awkwardly excused herself, saying she should run home.

Then looking around and feeling the little bit of tension in the air, I went forward to Allie and hugged her before saying, "Let's go up to my room." I then escorted her up the stairs and into my bedroom.

Rather nervously, Allie went to sit on my bed while I moved to sit beside her. She was my friend and in some ways, my girlfriend, even without the title. But so much had happened in the last day and I wasn't sure how much her opinion may have changed about me, making me feel rather anxious. And Allie's nervousness and my anxiousness fed off each other to create a VERY awkward tension.

Allie spoke first. "I heard about the suspensions. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I waved. "It was worth it."

"Did you hear about Drew Walker?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No. What happened?"

"Adrienne did something to one of his groin muscles. He's out for the rest of the basketball season. And there's a rumor going around that his balls were so badly damaged that he'll never be able to have kids." She managed a small laugh. "Some say his equipment is so messed up that he won't even be able to get an erection for the rest of his life."

I chuckled at the thought. "Serves him right."

We went silent for a long time then. Both of us looking away, not sure where to go from here.

Again, Allie started first. "Ben ... uh, you don't have to answer this. But ... uh ... At Drew's place? You, uh, you were very ... familiar ... with Brooke's body. And ... uh ... I mean ... nothing was said explicitly. But I, ah ... I got kind of a vibe that..."

"Brooke and I have had sex," I said softly.

Allie bit her lip and nodded slowly. After several excruciatingly long seconds, she looked up at me and said, "Okay."

"Does that bother you?"

She shook her head quickly, and then stopped, raising her chin up. "Well, uh. It's a little weird."

"It's complicated," I said firmly. "And obviously, we never meant for it to be any kind of public knowledge. But the fact is that we love each other very much. We have a very special relationship, and it's a part of why I was so concerned about her at the party."

"Okay, okay," Allie nodded. "I can accept that."

"You can?" I asked a little warily.

She shrugged. "It's your life, Ben. And it's clear you two love each other. I kinda wish I had a big brother I could depend on like that. And really, it, uh, it doesn't change anything about us, does it?"

"No. No, of course not." I shifted closer to Allie and took her hands in mine.

She sighed then and took a deep breath. "What about Adrienne? Are you two... ?"

"We're good. I think we've cleared up our misunderstanding from a few weeks ago," I nodded.

"Does it have anything to do with you and Brooke?" Allie asked quickly.

"Sort of. But I'd rather not go into that."

"Okay, okay," Allie held her hand up. "Not my business. But does that mean that you ... and Adrienne ... Are you back together?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Adrienne and I weren't together, Allie."

She snorted. "Yeah ... Riiight."

I sighed. "It's ... complicated. What, you need me to pull out the tape recorder?"

Allie held her hands up again, "No-no. If you say you weren't then that's okay. I guess I just want to know where I stand, now that you and Adrienne are back to ... to ... whatever."

"You mean you're wondering if I'm gonna break up with you?"

"Yes," Allie said quietly, avoiding my eyes.

"No," I leaned in and grabbed Allie's hands again, squeezing them firmly. "Adrienne's my friend. Best friend, in a lot of ways. But, like I said, we weren't 'together'. And to be honest, we haven't had any talks in the last day to start saying otherwise."

"But you love her," Allie stated firmly.

I bit my lip and inhaled. I held that breath for a few seconds before exhaling slowly. "Yes."

"And you don't love me."

"I'm sorry."

"No-no. No need to apologize," Allie said. "But ... why aren't you with her?"

"Well, it's-"

"Complicated," Allie finished for me.

"Do YOU want to break up?"

Allie shrugged. "We're not together either, Ben. Remember? But if you're asking if I want to stop dating, then ... no, not really. I enjoy what we have."

I smiled and reached a hand up to brush Allie's cheek. "Then nothing changes." I slid the hand behind her head and pulled her to me, pressing our lips together in a firm, reassuring kiss. Allie sighed and sagged into my embrace, and once we broke the kiss we wound up hugging tightly.

When we finally pulled apart, I looked the cute brunette in her eyes and asked, "Are we okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, we are."

"Good," I smiled.

Allie nodded her head and then said, "We should probably get downstairs."

"Downstairs? Why?"

She smiled. "Because by now, all our friends will have arrived. None of them went to Drew's Party and they're all DYING to find out what the hell happened. They just let me go in first to talk about 'us'. Heck, I'll bet Lynne and Heather are at Adrienne's right now as well."

I chuckled. "Let's go."

All our friends really WERE downstairs. They expressed sympathies for Brooke and for my suspension. Sung congratulated me on taking down Marco and Drew, which prompted a fresh round of one-upsmanship from the girls about whose boyfriend could take whom. I ended things by declaring Adrienne could kick all our asses, which then got Stephanie giggling about Drew's destroyed testicles.

But eventually, everyone wished me well and started to file out. We'd meet up again on Saturday to hit the beach together as a big group. It was, after all, Spring Break. And Allie left me with another sweet kiss that made all the girls go "Aww..."

It turned out, Lynne and Heather really WERE at Adrienne's place. They left Adrienne in time for her to come back to my house for dinner. And Eden and Emma were absolutely ecstatic at the statuesque blonde's return.

Adrienne was the center of attention in conversation while the twins declared their belief that I must have been a blockhead of a boy to cause the rift in the first place, and Adrienne wasn't about to say any differently, joining in on the general female teasing of me as one of the only males. The rest of the older people played along, wanting to deflect any attention or mention of what happened to Brooke in front of the younger girls.

Adrienne left after dinner, saying goodbye to me with a warm, firm hug. We still hadn't discussed how our relationship would go on from here. After all, we'd never really had a non-sexual relationship for very long. But I was content to hang back and play it by ear. After all, I was nominally 'with' Allie. So Adrienne and I would just be however we would be and we'd rebuild our relationship one day at a time. For starters, I invited her and the other girls to join us at the beach, and Adrienne said she was looking forward to it.

So with my situations with Allie and Adrienne more or less decided, that just left one more girl for me to come to terms with.

I knocked softly and Brooke quietly answered, "Come in, Ben."

Silently I slipped through the door and closed it behind me. "How'd you know it was me?"

She sat up in bed and shrugged. "Just knew."

My little sister was wearing a very familiar T-shirt, specifically the one I'd been wearing today. Furrowing my eyebrows, I pointed at it and asked, "How did you... ?"

She grinned in the dim light and replied, "Swiped it while you were in the shower." She lifted the front to her nose, inhaled deeply and said, "It smells like you, Ben."

I just nodded and crossed the room. Brooke lifted up the covers of her bed and I slid in, sitting three-quarters upright against the headboard with my lower back supported by an extra pillow. She dropped the blankets over my lap and laid her head against my chest, wrapping her right arm around my waist.

"How ya doin' kiddo?" I asked while lowering my chin to the top of her head and stroking her back.

"I'm okay."

"Scared to sleep?"



"Not really," Brooke answered quickly and easily, allaying my fears. "I mean, obviously I was a little upset after it happened. But I'm not going to dwell on it. I made a mistake, a BIG mistake. But I'm not going to let it ruin my life."

"That's good, that's good." I patted her back.

"Thank you, Ben."

"For what?"

"For being there ... after."

I sighed. "I wish I was there before."

She shook her head. "If you'd tried to stop me, I would have just yelled at you to leave me alone and I still would've gone in there. And once I started screaming, it was too late anyways. Wouldn't have changed anything."

"I would have kicked Drew's ass right then and there, off school property," I said firmly. "Then I wouldn't be suspended."

"Boo-hoo. So you don't go to class for a week."

"A suspension goes on my permanent record. Berkeley could withdraw my acceptance."

"Not gonna happen." Brooke shook her head. "Besides, look at the bright side."

"What's that?"

My sister giggled. "Adrienne's suspended right along with you. What WILL the two of you do for a whole week?"

I lay my head back until it bumped against the headboard with a muffled [thump]. "I don't know. I really don't know."

"C'mon," Brooke teased in a sultry voice. "Surely you've got a few ideas."

"I don't know, Brooke. We're friends. Maybe that's all we'll ever be."

Brooke sighed. "Her loss ... Whoever ends up marrying you is gonna be one lucky girl."

"Hmph. I'm as fucked up as any guy. Probably more."

"Maybe. But I still love you. You're a great big brother. And I'm jealous of whoever she turns out to be." Brooke chuckled. "Who am I kidding? It's probably gonna be Dawn, isn't it?"

I sighed. Dawn and I hadn't talked much these past few months. I had my drama and she had Ryan, and neither of us really wanted to share how our relationships with other people were going. I missed Dawn. I could really use her reassuring presence right now. "I don't know," I answered quietly.

"What? You still love her, don't you?"

"I'll always love her. But she's a long ways away and we've been apart for a long time. We haven't even talked much the last few weeks. Who knows how much she's changed?"

"She'll always be your Dawn. And you'll always be her Ben. In seventeen years, that part never changed. When we get to camp, you'll remember." With my eyes turned upwards, Brooke's voice was hauntingly beautiful and it echoed in the room.

"But..." Brooke then said in a more normal chirpy voice, "Dawn's not here. Dawn's not lying on your very firm and very nice naked chest. And Dawn doesn't have a hold of your very nice and very hard dick.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Neither do you."

I hadn't realized her hand had slipped up the baggy leg of my boxer shorts as her fingers curled around my shaft. "Now I do," Brooke giggled. "And it's getting harder."

"Brooke..." I stroked her back. "After everything that happened last night. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"C'mon, Ben," Brooke picked her head up and smiled at me while slowly jacking my growing erection. "You really want me to put Drew and Marco in the past? Get on top of me and fill me up with incestuous brother cock, okay? Make me forget those guys ever existed."

I exhaled, controlling my breathing as my heartbeat sped up and I felt Brooke's hand gripping me tighter as she continued stroking my shaft.

"One other thing never changes, Ben. You'll always be my big brother." Brooke smiled sweetly at me just before her lips ascended to mine and we shared a passionately warm kiss. I felt the tickle of my little sister's tongue working its way into my mouth, and as she started breathing more sharply through her nose I rolled her over onto her back and slid myself down until I was right on top of her.

Brooke let go of my cock and raised her arms up towards the head of the bed. I took the invitation and reached down to pull my T-shirt up and over her head, revealing that she was completely naked underneath. Her still-growing tits thrust proudly upwards, capped by gorgeous nipples that just begged for me to suckle. And after dry humping my erection against her crotch I did just that, sliding down to capture an upturned tit in my mouth.

She groaned and ran her fingers through my hair, moaning, "That's it, Ben! Suck my tits!"

I drew myself even lower, nuzzling my way through her belly-button before prying her slender thighs apart and diving forward, wasting no time in jutting my hard tongue through her tender little slit. One thing I was sure of was that neither Drew nor Marco bothered to go down on her, taking what they wanted and leaving her no satisfaction whatsoever. I was determined to make up for their failings and from the way Brooke was thrashing on the bed, I was certainly making progress.

I spent the next fifteen minutes just tongue-lashing my little sister to orgasm after orgasm. She pulled a pillow over her face to muffle her ecstatic moans of pleasure so that the twins couldn't overhear. Otherwise, her hands were busy scrabbling at the bedsheets, clawing against the back of my head, and gripping the blanket to relieve her tension as successive climaxes ripped through her little body.

When she couldn't take any more, I quickly slid up her body, shucked my shorts, and buried my throbbing cock to the hilt in a single thrust. Brooke arched her back and climaxed again at the penetration, and then she repeatedly bucked her body up to meet my frantic thrusting while urging heatedly in my ear, "Cum, Ben! Cum in me, big brother! CUM!"

I growled and pressed my face into the mattress beside her head as my hips lunged forward a final time and I began spewing load after load of incestuous sperm into my little sister. She grunted and bit my neck while her legs wrapped around my waist, tugging me deeper as she felt each jet splash against her inner walls. And when I started to slow down she pleaded in my ear to shoot even more.

When I was done and wiped out for the moment, Brooke was still energized as she pushed me off her body and rolled me onto my back. She then quickly got to her knees and bent over, slurping my half-hard dick into her mouth and hoovering me with powerful sucks to get me hard again. Marco was certainly right about one thing: god damn this girl could suck dick.

I was just starting to catch my breath and Brooke had just about gotten me hard when she turned to hover over my face and excitedly gasp, "I want you to fuck my ass, Ben."

My eyebrows shot up. "Huh?"

"Where's your lube? Can you go get it?"

"Brooke, Brooke, wait," I held up my hands.

"No. Now! Ben!"


"Please! I need YOU. I need you to do it RIGHT! I won't live a minute longer knowing Drew-Fucking-Walker was the only man to stick his dick in my ass!"

And then Brooke was slapping me as she helped me roll out of bed while I very nervously peeked my head out the door. The hallway was clear and I tiptoed rather loudly to my room, fumbling naked in the dark for my bedside table and pulling open the drawer to locate my bottle of KY. Another panicked check of the hallway later, I slipped back into Brooke's room where she was already waiting for me flat on her back with her legs raised into the air.

"I wanna watch, Ben. Lube me up and fuck me," Brooke urged.

Well, my cock was certainly ready. It had not flagged a bit despite the redirected blood flow to my running around and searching in the dark for lube. My dick was rock hard and with it leading the way, I moved myself over Brooke again and bent to kiss her.

She endured my attempt at gentleness, kissing me back before pulling her head away. "I need you IN me, Ben!" Her hand slipped down to grab my cock, jerking it and testing it for hardness. And then she gripped me a little more tightly when my first jelly-coated finger entered her anus.

Breathing hard, Brooke's chest rose and fell rapidly as she let her head fall back and she closed her eyes to focus inward on the sensations. Knowing that Drew had used lube and it had STILL hurt Brooke terribly, I took my time stretching her out with first one, then two, and even three fingers, preparing the way for my thicker shaft to come.

It wasn't going to be easy. Bigger girls like Adrienne, Dayna, and Helene had managed to fit me into their tightest holes. But I'd never buggered a girl so small or young as Brooke. Only Megan was a reference for me at Brooke's size, and calling upon that memory, I bent myself over and began to tongue Brooke's clit, teasing and rubbing and suckling the hard nub while slowly pumping three fingers in and out of her backdoor.

I soon got the effect I was looking for. As the familiar pleasant feelings washed through Brooke's brain, her body naturally loosened up. She was no longer breathing hard out of nervousness or tension, but out of pleasure. She let go of my cock, letting her hand fall back beside her head as she groaned softly and started to undulate her hips to meet my finger-thrusts. She was almost there.

"Nnngh-gawd. Oh, Ben. I'm gonna cum," she gasped breathlessly.

"I know," I said warmly while manipulating the tube with my left hand to squirt KY onto my cock and then coat myself. I used WAY more than usual, knowing that when it came to sodomizing a girl this small, there's no such thing as too much lube.

"I'm gonna cum," Brooke grunted again. "I'm gonna- I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

I watched, fascinated by the sight of Brooke's labia pressing together and then parting as if her vagina had a life of its own. Her ab muscles tensed as the waves of ecstasy rippled through her body, and she gritted her teeth and groaned blissfully while her climax took over completely.

I waited and waited for the tumbling pleasure to pass, and just as Brooke started to relax in that heavenly relief after orgasm, I pulled my fingers and pushed my dick into my 15-year-old sister's ass.

"Unghhh!" Brooke arched her back and grunted as she was stretched wider than ever in her life.

"UNGHHH!" she repeated as I thrust, shoving an extra three inches of dick up her rectum.

"UNGHHH!!!" she grunted as with one more thrust I was all the way in, and Brooke looked down between her legs to see my crotch pressed up tight against her pelvis.

"FUCK that thing is big!" she exclaimed a little too loudly, clapping her hands over her mouth. "So fucking full..." she groaned in a softer voice.

I waited as the confused expressions crossed her face and eventually subsided. And only then did I start to draw myself out while Brooke hissed and groaned and gasped.

Her chest rose and fell again, her perky tits wobbling slightly. And the next time I grabbed her hips and tugged my way inside her, Brooke sighed and groaned. "Ohhh ... Ben ... fuck my ass ... Nngh, slowly ... slowly..."

I kept my pace deliberate, getting all the sensation I needed from Brooke's extreme tightness. The mere mental high of the naughtiness of fucking my little sister's ass was simply incredible, and if I'd let myself I could have popped right then and there. But I was focused on my sister's pleasure. This wasn't just another conquest. This was about me and Brooke and the trust and love our relationship was built on.

AND it was about fucking Brooke's ass. "Fuck me, Ben..." she crooned. "Okay ... go a little faster. It's starting to feel good."

I sped up a bit, and the cute brunette moaned. "Oh, FUCK. So fucking full ... Fuck my ass, Ben."

"I'm fucking you, Brooke. You're brother's fucking you."

"Oh, yes! Fuck me, big brother! Fuck my little ass!" Brooke started getting into it. "You like it? You like my tight little ass? Fuck it! Fuck me!"

"Ohhh..." I groaned, closing my eyes and starting to lose myself to the pleasure.

"Nngh, fuck me! Fuck me, big brother!" Brooke repeated. "Keep fucking me and make me cum! You're gonna make me cum with your dick in my ass! Fuckme, fuckme, fuckme..."

"Oh, Brooke!" I gasped, feeling myself losing control.





We were cumming. Brother and sister, we were cumming. I first watched the grimaces and tight looks on Brooke's face as her last climax expressed itself. My gaze then trailed downward between her legs which I was still gripping over my shoulders. And even as I stared at her crotch, I watched her pussy clenching and then even squirting a bit of my previous orgasmic load out and onto her bare- shaven mound, a glob of creamy jism that no doubt matched the cum I was currently spurting into the far depths of Brooke's bowels.

"Oh, big brother..." Brooke groaned, still shaking in orgasm.

"Little sis," I sighed, feeling the utter relief as I spent myself in her rectum.

And then I collapsed, dropping her legs to the sides as Brooke formed the perfect side-splits only a cheerleader or gymnast could pull off while my chest dropped onto hers. I just barely kept myself from crushing her with my arms supporting most of my weight. And with our bodies pressed together chest-to-chest and my dick still lodged up my little sister's ass, I spat out a final glob of cum and at last, came to rest.

Brooke gripped my head and kissed me, scraping around the inside of my mouth. Then she pulled her head back and stared into my eyes and said, "Promise me that no matter what happens to us, four years, ten years, fifty years down the road, that you will always be my big brother and you will always be there for me."

I smiled and pecked her softly before picking my head up and nodding, "I promise."
