The Butterfly and the Bee IIl


As I previously said, Cadence and I managed to keep fucking until the wee hours of the morning. We went four rounds, the first time I'd done so with a solo girl in a looong time.

She did pass out with my cock spurting jizz up her ass for the second round. I dozed with her for a couple of hours until she stirred awake; and we slipped into the shower after that. Fortunately, her dorm was one of those with an attached bathroom shared between two neighboring rooms instead of one of those with a big hallway bathroom.

The third round completed the trifecta and fulfilled my promise to let Cadence taste my spending. I fucked her doggy-style over her desk and right before my ejaculation, she spun around and begged on her knees for my cum until I blasted off in her face and then into her mouth.

Cadence sucked me to one final erection before pushing me onto the desk chair and then straddling me. We took the time to chat a little more calmly, my face against her big D-cup tits while she undulated up and down my shaft. We fucked like that for almost thirty minutes, when I finally gripped her hips and yanked her down around my erupting cock while we kissed with a furious passion.

And with my last load still swimming around her pussy, we crawled into her bed naked and finally went to sleep.

It was after 10am on Sunday morning when I got back to the house. It probably would have been later if Cadence's roommate Peggy hadn't returned to the room and accidentally woken us up.

The embarrassed girl apologized that she'd seen the ribbon but thought I'd already be gone by now. And then she said she'd wait in the lounge until I could get dressed. For a minute, Cadence and I contemplated whether or not we could get away with a quickie. But then I reasoned that we could hope for future encounters and we didn't need to piss off her roommate. So I dressed, kissed my new girlfriend, and left the room, feeling satiated and quite content.

Unfortunately, that feeling of contented happiness only lasted until I got back to the house. That's because when I walked into my bedroom, I found that it was already occupied.

Although I probably should have known, I wasn't expecting to see Paige in my bed. I'd already kicked off my shoes and started stripping out of last night's clothes when I saw the dark auburn head lift up from my pillow. Paige was already awake, given that it was after 10am. And from the streaks on her cheeks, it looked like she had been crying.

And now, as those dark blue eyes fixed on me, a fresh storm brewed behind her irises. She took in my rumpled appearance: mussed hair, little bit of chin fuzz, and dress clothes from the previous evening. I observed in slow motion as the frown pulled at her cheeks and the corners of her eyes tilted downwards. Helpless, I could only watch as the look of utter devastation spread across her face. And then the small, saddened girl broke into a fresh round of bawling her eyes out.

My heart went out to Paige and I quickly advanced on the bed, sitting down and reaching out to her, pulling her to me for a comforting hug. But she was pressed against my chest for only a second before pushing me away and whimpering, "No! No!"


"You smell like her," Paige moaned, looking at me as if I'd committed the ultimate betrayal. "You smell like sex."

I rubbed my forehead for a second, wondering what I was going to do. Clearly, the situation was untenable. I couldn't be happy in my relationship with Cadence with Paige mourning over me in my own bed every night. And as much as I wanted to help the pregnant girl, I couldn't let Paige's presence ruin the way I wanted to live my life.

Already we'd spent a month of her practically living in my room even though we weren't together. Her belly was just getting bigger with each passing week and that wasn't a problem likely to go away anytime soon. We hadn't talked much about what Paige was actually going to DO with her situation. She'd simply started crying every time she started to really think about it; and I'd been forced to just hold her and comfort her until she calmed down.

But Paige couldn't keep her head in the sand forever. That baby was growing; and continuing on with her life as if it wasn't on its way wouldn't help anybody. She would have to face reality. She would have to come to grips with her pregnancy and really decide what she was going to do with her life. And she was going to have to accept that I was dating another girl.

But I wasn't going to drop all that on her right this second. Paige was still sobbing her heart out that I'd spent the night with Cadence and not spooning with her. So I pulled away and off the bed, jerking my thumb out the door. "I'm going to go take a shower and get changed. And when I come back, we're going to talk, okay?"

Bleary-eyed, Paige bit her lip and whimpered, still crying in abject sorrow. But I sternly held my gaze on her until she nodded. And then I turned and went out the door.

Fifteen minutes later, I walked back in with my towel around my waist. I noticed that Paige had stopped crying by now and was just watching me dispassionately. I figured it might even cheer her up to watch me get dressed, so I went ahead and let the towel puddle to the floor as I bent and started pulling my clothes out of the dresser. Boxer shorts, jeans, and a comfortable polo shirt went on. And I briefly checked in the mirror to run my fingers through my slightly-damp hair, mussing it just right before I turned and hopped back onto the bed.

Like I'd hoped, Paige didn't look so unhappy after watching me get dressed. There was even a naughty little smile as she glanced at my crotch, remembering the recent view. But she started to look nervous at the serious expression on my face.

"We need to talk, Paige," I intoned. "We're going to talk about your pregnancy, and really figure out what you're going to do. I'm here for support, and I promise I always will be. But ultimately it's your decision, understand?"

She took a deep breath, her lip quivering as she appeared on the verge of another breakdown. But she exhaled slowly and nodded.

I reached forward and took Paige's hands, squeezing them reassuringly. "Then we're going to talk about my relationship with Cadence. You and I are still friends; but she's my girlfriend now, okay?"

Paige whimpered and winced, but nodded again.

Still holding Paige's hands, we began.

"So how are things with the new girlfriend?" Dawn squeezed my hand as we walked together to our first class of the day. Today she was in her typical navy blue Cal baseball cap with her sunny blonde hair braided into the DJ-style pigtails. Her familiar zip-up hoodie and tight jeans finished her everyday college girl look. "You didn't come by the apartment yesterday."

I smiled and blushed. "We got a little sidetracked."

"I'll bet." Dawn grinned knowingly. "But what I meant was: Is she making you happy?"

I arched an eyebrow and glanced over at my best friend. "Hmm?"

"I'm serious. Is Cadence making you happy? It's been almost two weeks since Valentine's. And more than five weeks since your first date. I want to know if this new girl is making my best friend happy."

"Yeah," I nodded and smiled. "Things are great."

"Do tell..."

"She's really sweet and bubbly and so much fun to be around. When we're together, she's such a ... well, a Princess. It's kind of fun treating her like one. She's into chivalry and all these romantic flourishes like holding doors and pulling out her chair. It was even worth the cost of dry cleaning to lay my coat down over a puddle, she was so happy. And it makes me feel like a Prince when I'm around her."

Dawn giggled. "Strokes your male ego a bit, doesn't it? Feeling like the handsome white knight?"

"You know me."

Dawn nodded. "So when are you going to bring her by the apartment after classes to hang out with us?"

"Oh, I don't know if we'll ever get like that." I shrugged. "She has her own friends and does her own thing most of the time. We just try to get together every other day or so, maybe spend the night together."

"And how's Paige taking those overnights?"

I sighed. "Not well. But she's accepted them. Actually, Paige has taken to sleeping in Adrienne's room rather than in the big, empty living room where she feels all alone."

Dawn arched an eyebrow. "And how's Adrienne taking that?"

I shrugged. "Doesn't seem to mind. She looks at Paige like a little sister. Most of the time they're not even fooling around. Paige just wants a comforting hug and Adrienne's too tired from juggling so many different things. Felicia called me and gushed about how Adrienne's modeling career really seems to be taking off. She thinks Adrienne has what it takes to jump from commercial modeling to being a real "image" model, whatever that means."

Dawn nodded. "Does that mean Adrienne's been too busy to miss you?"

I blushed. "Not entirely. Adrienne and I DID get together a couple of days ago. It was more for her to blow off steam than the other way around. But believe me, Cadence and I are pretty spectacular in the sex department and she keeps me well satisfied."

Dawn chuckled. "Not surprised. I don't think you've ever NOT been spectacular in the sex department. With anyone."

I grinned but sighed. "Maybe. But you know? Oddly enough, I feel like I'm missing out on the intimacy department."

"Hmm?" Dawn arched her eyebrow curiously.

"Well, take this for example." I held up my hand where Dawn had been holding me ever since I met her at her apartment. "Cadence almost never holds my hand. She just feels freer walking on her own, sometimes even skipping a bit."


I nodded. "I told you I always thought of her as a butterfly. She still is: sweet and pretty and yet aloof and flighty. She's not really a PDA person. She doesn't want to kiss me in public or hug me or anything. I might get a peck on the cheek; but that's it. It's not her style. Well, unless we're around the sorority. Then she's all over me, showing off that she's taken possession of the old sorority cock. Especially around Jocelyn. Joss doesn't seem to mind that I'm taken now, but Cadence seems to want to rub it in her face."

"Don't go off on a tangent, Ben," Dawn warned. "You were complaining about a lack of intimacy."

I shrugged. "I dunno. I just got spoiled by you and Adrienne and Paige, I guess. You never left me wanting for hugs or little, tender caresses. It isn't Cadence's thing. And even in the sex department, we're not all that tender or affectionate. I never told you this before, but while Cadence is all sweet and prim and even a little snooty in public, she turns into the most degraded, filthy, trash-talking slut in the bedroom."

"Really?" Dawn turned and grinned at me. "Okay, gimme details."

Old Ben habits reared to the surface. "You know I'm not the kind of guy to talk."

Dawn pouted and flashed her own puppy-dog eyes at me. "But Ben ... this is me..."

She had a point. I chuckled and nodded, explaining, "Every other word out of her mouth is a swear word while we're fucking. And she's pretty nasty in general. She'll fuck on any surface in the room. She's really flexible and will let me bend her into any pretzel position I can think of. She can even tuck her own legs behind her own shoulders. Imagine THAT."

Dawn's eyes went wide as the image popped into her mind.

Still shaking my head in disbelief, I continued. "She really gets into ass-to-mouth. And," I paused and blushed. "Uh, yesterday, she jacked me off until I spooged onto a bagel; and then she ate it right in front of me."

Dawn's eyebrows shot way up and she couldn't help but smile and shake her head in mild disbelief. "Kinky ... Would never have thought that to look at her..."

I shook my head too. "Me, neither. Caught me totally by surprise after we'd gone through so many dates without even getting past first base. She wants to be a Royal Princess in public, with all the chivalrous opening doors and bringing her flowers at every date. And she even got me to sing 'Once Upon A Dream' to her."

Dawn cracked up. "Don't tell Adrienne about that one. I thought she staked claim to Sleeping Beauty."

I smiled and continued, "Cadence is a Princess in public and a wanton slut behind closed doors. She's even re-played 'Barbie Girl' on my computer, urging me to just take her and use her. THAT was a pretty wild four minutes."

"Lady in the street and a freak in the bed: sounds perfect." Dawn grinned.

I sighed forlornly. "Still, I miss those affectionate little caresses. And Cadence and I really don't talk much, not seriously. She loves to chatter but she keeps flitting from one topic to the next. And..." I exhaled. "I dunno ... I just don't feel as close to her as I want to be."

"Why not?"

"Well for one, it seems like we never make love. Everything is wild, crazy, monkey sex."


"So..." I sighed. "I dunno. I thought I wanted to get back into a relationship because I missed the intimacy. YOU said I needed intimacy. If all I wanted was crazy-monkey-sex, I would have stayed single and kept banging Tri-Delts."

"So you're NOT happy," Dawn sighed, squeezing my hand.

I frowned and stopped walking. "Wait, I didn't say THAT."

"Seems like you just did."

"No, no. I'm blowing this all out of proportion. You asked me to hash out all the things that are missing so far, and it seems worse than it really is. Cadence and I are fine; we just have things to work on, that's all. It's still really early in the relationship, and these things always take a little time to go from lustful fucking to making love. Seriously, I know I can't expect to feel as close to her as I do to you or Adrienne or to anyone else I've been friends with for years."

Dawn nodded in understanding. "Okay ... If you say so ... Just keep in mind what you want to get out of this relationship, and make sure you and she are on the same page." She sighed and then looked off, muttering a little more quietly, "Because if the two of you don't agree on where things are going, then the relationship is just doomed to fail."


"Holy fucking SHIT..." Cadence groaned, arching her back and holding her spine tense until my cock slid the final inch into her rectum, my thighs pressing firmly against her buttcheeks. Cadence had a gorgeous body to begin with. But bending her 5'11" frame over on all fours, naked, with a heart-shaped ass wiggling in my face and her big tits swaying gently, she was positively heart- stopping. I'd been on her from the instant she'd moaned, "Come sodomize your Barbie girl."

"Whewww..." I exhaled, still gripping her big tits tightly in this doggy position, my chest resting against her back as we both absorbed the sensations emanating from our loins.

"You're fucking bigger than anyone I've ever been with," Cadence moaned. "It always feels like you're shoving a fucking baseball bat up my ass."

"And you're still so fucking tight," I gasped heatedly. And then re-setting my grip on her tits, I pulled back and began the slow pumping of our assfuck.

The beautiful strawberry-blonde babe hung her head down and rocked her entire body with each thrust, groaning gutturally and dropping four-letter curse words every other second. Eventually, she wanted to change positions and flopped onto her back, kicking her legs into the air in a big 'V' while inviting me forward. She took me in her hands and guided me back up her ass. She then hooked her legs over my shoulders and encouraged me to resume pounding her. And while I gripped her legs as leverage to saw my cock in and out of her stretched anus, she palmed her own big, round tits, getting them wet with her own pussy juices and then lifting the nipples so she could suck on them herself.

"FUCKKK!" she grunted after another few minutes of pounding. "I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming with your cock up my ass!"

"Hrrkkk!" I grunted myself, ramming the short, rapid thrusts of my final countdown.

"Cum in me, baby! Slam that gorgeous dick up my slutty asshole and cum deep inside my nasty ass! I got something especially dirty for you today. Fill me up good! Fucking fill my ass with your sperm! Fill me! FILL ME! AAAUUGHH!!!"

I grunted and slammed forward hard enough to bend her legs back, her knees hitting her own shoulders as I folded my girlfriend beneath me and began spewing my load into her bowels. My whole body shuddered from the exertion and I actually drooled a bit onto Cadence's tits while panting for air. And I felt the exquisite pleasure of my cum rocketing up my shaft to explode into the nether depths of this gorgeous Freshman teenager's body.

"Ohhh, fuck!" Cadence grunted and clamped her sphincter down around my cock's base, trapping it inside as she rode out the final tremors of her own orgasm. Her hips twitched spasmodically, her eyes closed. But eventually, she came to rest and then — displaying remarkable flexibility — she dropped her feet to either side of me, doing a full side-split with my slowly-shrinking dick still lodged in her rectum.

And then before I could catch my breath, Cadence pushed me off her and said, "Quick, hand me the cup of coffee."

"Huh?" I looked at her in confusion. My girlfriend had spent last night in my room, falling asleep together after another round of crazy-monkey sex. We'd awoken this morning and I'd fetched us each a cup of coffee while we sat up and chatted in bed. But the coffee was long-forgotten once Cadence started getting frisky and murmuring in my ear about how she wanted me to fuck her ass since we hadn't gotten around to it for a couple of days.

Now, my slightly crazy girlfriend pointed urgently at her coffee mug on the nightstand while keeping her hips rolled back and her legs spread to the sides. And then once I handed it to her, Cadence got an impish gleam in her brilliant green eyes as she shifted to the edge of the bed and parked her ass over it, reaching down with the half-full coffee mug and holding it directly beneath her lewdly stretched anus.

It didn't take long. I watched in stunned disbelief as creamy globs of semen started plopping out of her asshole, splashing down into the coffee mug. I looked into Cadence's eyes, seeing that self-satisfied twinkle in her eyes as she continued to clench her kegel muscles and squeeze more of my jism out of her own ass and into the mug. And when she figured she was done, she pulled the coffee up to her lips and took a healthy swig.

I wasn't sure whether to feel disgusted or aroused. Yeah, she'd jacked me off onto a bagel that one time — and onto her salad another time — but those had been semen straight from the source. THIS one had come out of her own ass.

But my dick and dirty brain knew how to react. I looked down just as Cadence was finishing the last of her lukewarm coffee and noticed that I was rock hard. And when Cadence put down the mug, she noticed as well.

"Yum," she hummed. "That looks tasty, too."

Ten minutes later, my slutty, freaky girlfriend drank down a second load of cum, this one straight out of my dick.

Ten minutes after that, she was wearing one of my T-shirts and heading out the door to go into the bathroom, makeup kit in hand.

"Morning, A.D.," she said brightly as she went in.

"Morning, Cadence," Adrienne replied, letting her eyes yo-yo for a second up and down my girlfriend's stacked body. Then she turned and looked out the door to me, where I was leaning against the doorjamb of my bedroom. Adrienne's eyebrows went up as she smiled enigmatically at me.

I smiled back and then watched Cadence doll herself up with perfect makeup and expertly-styled hair. Thirty minutes later, she walked out of my bedroom dressed neatly in stylish clothes, looking for all the world like she'd just stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine.

Yep, lady in the street ... and an absolute freak in the bed.

"Do you want to meet up later?" I reached over to run my hand along Cadence's waist as we hit the sidewalk and turned toward campus. On mornings when my girlfriend slept over, I would walk her to her first class and then rendezvous with Dawn later.

She felt my touch and skipped away, giving me a Cheshire smile once she was at a safer distance. She still didn't really like me holding onto her. Heck, she didn't really like spooning at night, either, complaining that she couldn't sleep well with her movement restricted. "Ah, can we meet up again some other time? There're some other things I want to take care of this afternoon."

"Okay, okay. Sure."

"Besides, I thought you were taking Paige to her doctor's today."

I nodded. "I am. I just meant after that. Maybe grab dinner or something."

Cadence gave me that little smile again. "We JUST spent last night together, baby."

"I know, I know," I nodded, knowing better than to push things. Cadence still viewed our relationship as casually dating, not a serious commitment to spend all our time together just yet. She had her own things and her own routines. I supposed I should have been happy she made as much time for me as she did.

But I couldn't help pouting momentarily and my beautiful girlfriend flitted right back to me, putting her hand to my cheek and giving me a quick peck on the lips. And then there was another one on my cheek. And then another on my forehead. I brightened immediately while she twirled away and then flashed me another radiant smile with both her eyes and her lips.

As long as she kept giving me those butterfly kisses, I could wait to let the relationship mature.

Paige was quiet when we got back to into the car after her pre-natal visit. She sat in the passenger seat, staring straight ahead like a zombie instead of putting on her seatbelt.

Realizing that she wasn't quite ready, I didn't even slot the key into the ignition. Instead, I turned to face the shell-shocked young girl. "You okay, Red?"

She bit her lip and her head tilted downward ever so slightly. Her hands came up and over her belly, now pronounced noticeably outwards as she was in her thirteenth week. "It's really real."

My eyebrows furrowed for a second as I tried to deduce what she meant. "The baby?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Because we heard the heartbeat for the first time?"

She nodded again.

I sighed and thought back to the rapid, pulsing sound. It almost didn't sound human it was so fast and so faint. I had to admit to myself that it was really real. I reached a hand over and put it on hers. "Are you going to be able to deal with this?"

Paige shuddered and hung her head lower. "I don't know," she answered in a quiet voice.

Taking a deep breath, I squeezed her hand and said seriously, "Paige, I know we've talked about this before, and it IS getting a little late, but it's not TOO late. You still have time-"

"I WON'T kill my baby!" she barked harshly and glared at me.

"Okay, okay." I squeezed her hand. "But now it's seriously decision time. There's no hiding the bump anymore. Everyone's already guessed that you're pregnant. Half the people we know still think I'm the father."

She sighed and looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry. I never meant to put this on you."

"Hey, it's no problem. I know I can trust the people who are important to me." I sighed. "But we need to start planning for the future. How are you going to tell your parents? When are you going to tell them? How is this going to affect your schoolwork? Your due date is early September. I don't think you're going to be able to go to classes next semester. And if you do want to return to school, who is going to take care of the baby? You seriously need to start working this out."

Paige just started crying then, rubbing her belly and grimacing as if in unimaginable pain. "I just don't know what to do!" she whimpered.

"I know, I know." I squeezed her hand soothingly. "No one is expecting you to. You're only nineteen."

"Tell me what to do!" she pleaded, with big blue eyes turned up to me.

I sighed. "I'm only nineteen."

We both went quiet for a long while, just staring out at nothing, trying to come to grips with the situation. I'm sure Paige had it worse, a baby three months old growing inside of her. But I found myself trying to figure out how to help her when I could barely handle the dramas of my own life without significant help.

I took a deep breath and then looked over at the scared, young girl. "Paige, I think it's time you told your parents."

"C'mon, Cadence," I practically pleaded. I was leaving her dorm room for the night so we could let her roommate back in. I would go home and sleep in my own bed instead of staying overnight with her. Despite the privacy of me having my own room, I'd found that we were having sex more and more often at her place, ostensibly because it was more convenient for her. Really, I think she just liked the excuse so that she wouldn't have to share a bed overnight.

And now that I was leaving, I was trying to figure out when I would get to see her the next time. "Sunday's our anniversary."

"Of what?"

"Uh, one month. You know, February 14 ... March 14..."

The pretty girl snorted. "So the one-month anniversary of the first night we fucked?"

"Well," I blushed. "I sort of thought of it as the day we became boyfriend/girlfriend..."

She raised her eyebrows and put on a look of mock annoyance, planting her fists against her hips. "And what was I before I put out? Just another prospect?"

"What? No. I didn't mean it like that," I stammered defensively. Then I took a big, deep breath to calm myself and look plainly at her. "Fine, what date do YOU make as our anniversary?"

Cadence shrugged, the mock annoyance gone. "I don't know. I never really paid much attention to anniversaries."

"I thought all girls kept track of that stuff."

"Guess I'm not like those girls," she smiled wryly.

"Maybe not," I smiled back. "But seriously, when will you want me to plan some grand date for our one-year anniversary? I'll treat you like a princess, with a pumpkin carriage and glass slippers."

Cadence giggled at the thought. "With magically-transformed mice into horses?"

"Absolutely. I promise." I grinned, crossing my fingers in front of me.

She giggled again and then sighed. "Oh, I don't know, Ben. To be perfectly honest, I never really thought about us still being together a year from now."

My eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

She blinked in confusion, noticing the hurt in my voice. "What? We're having fun, right? Were YOU seriously thinking about being together a year from now?"

"Well, the thought had crossed my mind," I barked, the hurt tone still in my voice.

"You? Mister Playboy? A year?"

"I'm more than just a playboy. I'm serious about YOU!" I protested.

"Okay, okay," Cadence held her hands up and averted her gaze, clearly not wanting to get into an argument. Actually, we NEVER got into an argument. We never had; not even once. It takes two to argue and she simply refused to do it. "I'll think about it, okay?"

I sighed and tried to pull the anger out of my voice. "Okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's alright. Anyways, I can't this Sunday, anniversary or not. The sorority is having that charity fundraiser for St. Jude's. Didn't Adrienne tell you?"

I shook my head. "She's been gone this whole week for some new gig."

Cadence frowned. "I wonder if she'll even be there on Sunday. The officers have been talking about how many events she's already missed."

I sighed and nodded.

Cadence then stepped up to me, held my face in her hands, and gave me a slow, loving kiss. I enjoyed the simple pleasure and hummed happily. And when I pulled back, she fixed those brilliant green eyes on me and looked upon me adoringly. "Monday. I promise. Okay?"

I smiled and nodded. "Okay."

It was late on Saturday night when my bedroom door opened. I'd been sitting up in bed, just casually waiting for Paige to return and snuggle up with me. At the moment, she was upstairs talking with Brandi. Sometimes the girl just needed to talk out her problems; and if nothing else, my older sister was a fantastic listener.

Anyways, I was surprised to see Adrienne slump against the doorknob, looking drop-dead gorgeous and completely exhausted at the same time. She was wearing a red dress that simply melted around her body, a one-shoulder piece that draped down from the left across her tits before attaching to the back along her right side. Her massive right breast was nearly exposed and I had no idea how it was held in position, probably the infamous modeling tape I'd heard about. And the silky dress must have had some sort of internal support structure — there was simply no other way to contain her 34Gs.

I whistled appreciatively. "Wow. You definitely didn't own that when we were dating."

Adrienne smiled tiredly and sauntered in. I scooted across the bed to make room for her as she sat down beside me and leaned back against the headboard. "Perks of the job. Every now and again I get to keep the clothes."

"Might as well let you." I smirked. "I don't imagine there are many people on the planet with the figure to pull that one off anyways."

Adrienne flashed me a proud smile and then put her hand to her forehead.

"Rough night?" I asked.

"It was alright, I guess," Adrienne sighed. "Party downtown."

I nodded. It wasn't the first. "I'm surprised you're home. Don't you normally crash with Felicia on a night like this?"

Adrienne sighed. "Usually. But I didn't feel like staying. Party was getting out of hand and I realized I needed to get out of there."


"Oh, the usual. It starts off fun, with expensive champagne and lots of music and a TON of attention." The stunningly gorgeous blonde turned to me with her elbow on an upraised knee, putting her forehead against her open palm. She flashed me a big smile and said, ""You know me and attention."

I grinned. I remembered the thrilled looks on Adrienne's face at every dance or party we ever went to. She admitted she'd often craved the attention as a way of filling the emptiness inside her, and had needed it less ever since she started getting the love and support of my family and her friends. But she still enjoyed these parties just for the sake of being the center of attention.

Adrienne continued. "But like always, it devolves into slimy photographers and producers trying to get me drunk or drugged so they can sleep with me. Usually I can handle it and keep away, but there seemed to be extra pressure on me tonight. This one guy, Lucien, just wouldn't take a hint. And when the snow bunnies went to work, I decided to just get out of there. I caught a cab back to Felicia's place, picked up the Mustang, and came home."

I arched an eyebrow. "Snow bunnies?"

Adrienne sighed. "Models and cocaine."


She shrugged like it was an every day occurrence. "Guys are all the same. You know every single guy at that party had either a photographer's card or producer's card. For all I know the guy's actually an unemployed waiter, but he carries producer's cards so he can try and work the same spiel. 'Hey baby, if you sleep with me I can get you a great gig!' Adrienne chuckled, but it was a weary laugh that started to edge towards crying at the end.

"Hey, hey..." I soothed, pulling her to me and wrapping my arm around Adrienne's shoulders. "It's alright. It's alright."

She sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. I mean: is this what I really want? It's fun and all. I love the shoots and I love the clothes and I love feeling so ... so ... beautiful."

"You ARE."

"But I don't know if I can handle all of this other shit. I mean, if I really have to start fucking people to make a career of this, then I say FUCK modeling. I've got other things I can do with my life."

"You can, you can," I soothed. "Lookit me. I'm just a student."

Adrienne sighed. "You're a GOOD student. You're a shoo-in for that Undergraduate Business Program you've been gunning for. I'm just barely getting by."

"It's not that bad."

"Yes, it is." Adrienne tilted her head into the crook of my neck. "I can't keep this up, Tiger. I can't deal with this modeling thing AND school."

"And the sorority," I added. "Cadence told me about the fundraiser."

"Oh, shit," Adrienne smacked her head. "I totally forgot," she whined, sounding even worse than before.

"Sorry," I mumbled. That hadn't been the best time to remind her, and now I'd undone my work of the last few minutes trying to calm her down.

"I don't know how Felicia did it, juggling her career and UCLA at the same time," Adrienne sighed.

"I do. Felicia didn't work nearly as much as you do," I sighed, remembering my old conversations with the beautiful, older brunette. "She didn't go full-time until after she graduated. You seem to be gone a lot more than that."

"The jobs keep coming," Adrienne sighed. "It's great money."

"You don't need the money," I encouraged.

"But I LIKE it!" she whined and then snuggled into me a little deeper.

I didn't answer, except to pat her arm gently. On impulse, I turned and kissed the side of her head.

She sighed contentedly and then pushed her face into my neck. I glanced down at her to see her looking up at me with those big hazel eyes. And then a little smile crossed her face. "Hi, Tiger," she said as if she'd just come into the room.

I arched an eyebrow. "Uh, hi, A.D."

Reaching over with one hand, she started walking her fingers up my chest until she hooked the fingertips into the collar of my T-shirt. Biting her lip, she glanced at my chest before looking up at me again. And she said, "You know the stupid thing?"


"I actually get turned on by those slimy producers," she exhaled. Her eyes went to my chest again before flicking upwards. "They look at me with such ... intensity. I can see them undressing me with their eyes and it gives me such a ... a... power rush. It's like I'm back on the football field in a skimpy cheerleading outfit, thinking about the hundreds of people in the stands wishing they could fuck me. You know what I mean?"

I grinned wryly. "Uh, nope. I don't know what you mean."

Adrienne giggled and then sat up straight, looking at me from a foot away. "I'm not attracted to those producer guys in the slightest. Having them look at me arouses me, but the only people I want to fuck at those parties are the other models. I have, sometimes. A lot of those girls swing both ways."

I noticed a new tightness in my pajama pants, imagining Adrienne in a dress like this red one, seducing some of the most beautiful women in the world.

I wasn't the only one to notice. Adrienne smiled enigmatically as she moved her right hand down and brushed over my bulge. "I'm horny now, Tiger. I've been horny all night. I wouldn't trust myself with those people, but I trust you. I need you," she husked. "Can you help me tonight?"

I smiled as her hand slipped beneath my waistband, her fingers circling around Big Ben. I leaned in and pecked her lips before pulling back and saying sincerely, "Forever and always."

As gorgeous as Adrienne looked in that red dress, I couldn't wait to peel it off of her. I was right about the tape. Without that invisible adhesion, her right boob would have fallen out a long time ago. As it was, I was the only one to get to see her naked breasts in all their glory tonight, as well as get my hands on them.

We were in no hurry. I found the side-zipper and then pulled the single strap off her shoulder, dropping the upper-half of her dress to her waist. I slid my hands up to cup her massive melons. And then she molded herself against me, seeking out my lips for our trademark slow-burn kiss.

That set the tone. We simply kissed for a long while, rolling around my bed mashing our lips and caressing each other's bodies. She pulled my T-shirt off so we could feel our chests pressed together. And our tongues delved into every possible square millimeter of each other's mouth.

But eventually, Adrienne gave in to her horniness and pushed me onto my back, with my head and shoulders elevated on a couple of pillows. She knelt on the bed and stripped down a red thong, tossing it off the edge of my bed before bending over and dragging my pajamas and shorts away.

While she was down there, the blonde bombshell took a few licks of my prick, but quickly moved up to straddle me. The hem of her dress was tight enough that it rode up her thighs while she spread her legs to the side, but it still obscured the sight of her holding my cock upright and sinking herself down onto it. No matter, I could certainly feel it just fine.

"Ohhh..." Adrienne sighed rapturously, letting her head fall back as she crooned her satisfaction to the ceiling. "It's been WAY too long..."

And then we made love.

With Adrienne's red dress bunched around her waist, I had a momentary flashback to the first time Cadence and I had sex. Then, the reason for not undressing was that neither Cadence nor I could wait to get to the fucking. And then we'd rutted like animals until finally achieving climactic release.

This time, there had been no rush. Adrienne hadn't completely removed the dress simply because we didn't need to, even though we'd certainly had time if we were so inclined. In fact, everything about this encounter felt less hurried, less frantic, and more sensual.

It felt ... more intimate.

Adrienne only solidified that feeling by pulling my head between her tits and then tilting my face up so that she could kiss me. We continued our slow-burn kiss while she undulated on top of my prick, moving to give herself pleasure while simultaneously pleasuring me quite well all the same. Mentally, I chuckled to myself. It was ironic that it was Adrienne of all people that I was sharing this slow, intimate dance with, given our wild and crazy beginnings. Even while we were dating, we very rarely shared this measured, deliberate lovemaking. But tonight we did, and in the end, she held me close and stared right into my eyes as our mutual orgasms swept through us.

Adrienne and I had both experienced better orgasms. But only on special occasions had we felt this special connection while doing it. And that made all the difference in the world.

We weren't done yet. We'd shared our beautiful reunion fuck, but Adrienne and I were no longer a romantic couple. She was an adoptive sister, a friend, and above all else, a very beautiful and very horny girl. And she wanted to get LAID.

So she perked up and grinned at me, saying, "Okay, enough with the mushy stuff. Let's FUCK!"

I smiled and twitched my semi-hard cock inside her now sodden pussy, flooded with the results of both our orgasms. "Working on it," I grunted.

Adrienne just gave me a lopsided grin, moving up to push my face between her massive tits and let me motorboat on them while she slapped the fleshy globes against my cheeks. Then she hopped off and slid down the bed to slurp my soaked member into her mouth, rapidly reviving me for a brand new round.

This time, Adrienne let me pull off her red dress. But she took one look at the expensive garment as I tossed it onto the floor, complaining, "We've wrinkled it! Now I'll have to get it dry cleaned."

I grinned and reached for her. "Send me the bill. In fact, I'd be happy to pay for your dry cleaning on every single dress I get to take off your fantastic body."

She giggled, "Deal." And then she whooped as I suddenly grabbed her shoulders and threw her around.

Adrienne was not a small girl by any means. But flexing my muscles, I manhandled her with relative ease until I'd put her onto all fours, jerking her limbs left and right and lifting her midsection until she was in the position I wanted. I stared, nearly drooling, at the sight of her perfect ass, with winking rosebud and dripping wet pussy beneath.

With a solid grip on her hips, I rammed my pelvis forward and re-buried my cock into Adrienne's cunt with a single lunge. She arched her spine, threw her blonde head back, and howled, "Aaaaaaghh!"

And then we FUCKED.

In, out, in, out, my cock sawed through her clenching cunt with ease, lubricated by an abundance of sexual fluids. My pelvis impacted against her buttcheeks with meaty slapping sounds; and about two minutes into my rough pounding of Adrienne's compliant body, the sounds gave me a fresh idea.


"Gah!" Adrienne gasped and threw her head back in surprise.


"Unngh," Adrienne moaned and dropped her head back down when she realized I was spanking her.


"Unngh!!!" she groaned even harder, and her pussy clamped down around me, tightening up the friction.


"Oh, shit," she groaned, her hips trembling on the verge of orgasm.


"Oh, shit, Tiger. Hit me ... hit me..."







Without her expecting it, I suddenly shifted. And if I'd been on the other side of her body, I would have seen Adrienne's eyes fly WIDE open and her face light up in surprise. "OH-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

I felt Adrienne's entire body quake in orgasm right when my cock invaded her asshole. I'd been plenty lubricated by her pussy fluids, and her ass was so reddened that she didn't even notice me prying her buttcheeks apart for my entry. She'd been on the precipice of climax to begin with and the sudden penetration of her anus sent her over the edge.

"Fuck, BEN!" Adrienne screamed.

I grinned when I realized she'd called me 'Ben' in the middle of sex for the first time in a long time. But I didn't slow down my invasion.

"Arrrrghhhh!!!" she groaned and twitched and grunted until I was balls deep up her asshole, my pelvis pressed tightly to her buttcheeks.

And then we FUCKED some more.









If Adrienne had been surprised that I was spanking her, she was even more surprised when my left hand clamped around her mouth, the index finger raised up to also block her nostrils. She couldn't breathe for a second and instinctively panicked, bucking at me like a bronco and clamping her sphincter around my invading cock.

I didn't let go of her mouth for a couple of seconds, letting her thrash about. But then I released her, letting her gasp for oxygen while I pushed down between her shoulder blades so that her arms buckled and she collapsed onto the bed.

"Oh, FUCK, Tiger," Adrienne panted, twisting her body to the side. That presented her right tit off the bed and I eagerly reached out to grab it, squeezing the heavy meat in my palm and pinching the erect little nipple, looking so small against the expanse of titflesh. My left hand stayed on her hip, giving me the leverage to continue reaming out her anal chute. And with a maniacally devious grin, I continued fucking Adrienne's ass in wild abandon.

"Fuck me..." she crooned. "Fuck my ass..."

[THWACK!] My left hand let fly to spank her in response.

"Mm ... take me ... use me ... abuse me whenever you want. I love you, Tiger ... I trust you, Ben..."


"Ohhh-FUCK! I'm cumming! I'm cumming with your cock up my ass and your handprints all over me. Fuck, Tiger! I'm fucking cumming!"


"Oh, hit me! Harder!


"One more! I'm cumming!


"OHHHHHHHHH!!!" Adrienne moaned.

"Unnngghhh," I grunted.

And then we both came to a stop as the deluge poured out of me, spewing white hot lava into the depths of this stunningly gorgeous blonde's anal depths. Her jaw quivered and her eyes fluttered, her mental vision turned inwards to imagine the pulsing jets bathing her bowels with sticky cream.

"Ohhhh!!!" a third voice chimed in, gasping cutely in the throes of orgasm. Adrienne and I both darted our eyes to the desk to find that Paige was sitting in the chair, a hand shoved down her own pajama pants as she brought herself to a self-inflicted climax. And when the petite redhead had finished as well, she sheepishly looked over at us with an apologetic, but satisfied, smile.

Adrienne just chuckled. And then she rolled forward onto her stomach, slowly extracting my cock from her distended anus. "Ahhh..." she sighed tiredly.

We were all quiet for a few long seconds. But once Adrienne had recovered her breath, she turned her head back to look at Paige. "C'mon, little one. Let's hop in the shower and clean off our man. And then what do you say all three of us cuddle up in my bed tonight? We'll change out Ben's sheets tomorrow."

Paige smiled brightly and I grinned. Sounded like a good plan.

The three of us slept wonderfully together, and I woke up to find my morning erection imbedded down somebody's throat.

Adrienne smiled around a mouthful of my cock and then proceeded to blow me until I filled her belly with my spending. Paige stripped naked and jilled off while watching, but knowing I wouldn't approve, she never made a move to touch me.

It all worked out though, because Adrienne had no such moral difficulties and the two girls rolled into a sixty-nine after Paige used her tongue to scrape all my cum off the inner walls of Adrienne's mouth.

Then Adrienne cleaned up and went to her sorority fundraiser. Paige hooked up with Brandi, who took her shopping for bigger maternity clothes. And now sexually sated, I had a clear head as I finalized my belated anniversary date with Cadence.

I was going all out on this one to really treat my girlfriend like a Princess: Formal dinner in San Francisco. An exquisite tiara rented from a Prom shop. And even a horse-drawn carriage ride through Golden Gate park. The horses wouldn't be magically-transformed mice, but we can't have everything we want. I was going to show her I was committed to our relationship and that I had great hopes for a long and happy future together.


"You ready for this?" I held Paige's shoulders in my hands, looking down at her reassuringly.

She took a deep breath, looked down, and patted her belly, now quite obvious as she started her fifteenth week of pregnancy. There was no way anyone could possibly NOT notice that the petite redhead was with child. Paige looked up at me and blanched. "I don't know that I'll ever be ready for this."

"You'll be fine. You're a strong girl."

"No, I'm not," she whined. "I have no idea what I'm doing and I haven't had any idea what I've been doing ever since I got here."

I took a deep breath and squeezed her shoulders. "Just know that no matter what happens, I'll be right back here in another week. Okay?" I gestured around where Brandi, Dayna, and Adrienne were right behind me. The Mustang was already packed. Adrienne was sticking around for the Spring Break week to do another modeling shoot and catch up on schoolwork. But Brandi and I were heading home for Keira McNeil's wedding that very afternoon, and Adrienne was going to drop us off at Oakland airport so we could make it back in time.

"Right back here," I repeated.

"I wish you could come with me. I'm going to be so scared to face them."

I sighed. "I'm sorry." I couldn't imagine how difficult it would actually be for Paige to tell her parents she was pregnant.

"You won't be alone," Adrienne added. "I'll be back in less than an hour, and me and Dawn will be right there with you when your parents get here."

Paige nodded and then just pushed herself into my arms for a hug. I held her tightly and even scooped her up off her feet. And before I'd realized it, she lifted her head and pecked me on the lips. "I love you, Ben."

I nodded. "I know." She smiled at that and then I set her back down.

"If this goes bad, you'll never get rid of me." Paige looked up at me again.

"Bzzt, bzzt." I mimed a bee buzzing around me and rolled my eyes before breaking into a smile. Paige smiled as well and then stepped back. And then at last, Adrienne, Brandi, and I hopped into the car.

The girls waved to us as Adrienne started the ignition, and we pulled out of the driveway.

I worried about Paige for the entire trip home.

Keira McNeil was more beautiful this afternoon than the day I first made love to her. She'd done a great job of losing her baby weight and looked trim and happy in a gorgeous white wedding gown. It didn't hurt that her sizeable tits were bigger than I'd ever seen as she was still nursing little Colin; and the dress was cut to show off those nice assets. Her pale green eyes glistened with moisture as she fought not to cry happy tears. Her dark brown hair glowed in the sunlight reflecting off the ocean. And you couldn't ask for better weather here in Laguna Beach.

It was inevitable that I would visualize what Keira looked like naked. After all, (A) I was a horny, teenaged male who wondered what every girl looked like naked. But (B), I could still remember the sight of her reclining across her bed, beckoning me to her and asking me to give her a baby. I could still picture her on all fours, bent over the couch's backrest, looking over her shoulder at me and begging, 'Fuck me, Ben! Fuck me hard!'

But I shook those images from my head. I'd been sixteen when we were really carrying on our affair, almost four years ago. It had been an eternity ago, and we were both very different people now. She was moving into the middle years of her life, focusing on starting her new family. I was in a vastly different point in my life, still slogging through college, yet to even begin my career. We were worlds apart and simply didn't belong together.

So I mentally thanked Keira for everything that she'd given me. And then I let her go. She had her own life to live with a new husband and the baby she'd always wanted. And I had my own future waiting for me back in Berkeley.