Chapter 11: Big Bear l


I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. But this morning I didn't stop at pulling back. I sat up, reached down, and forced my sleepy eyelids open so I could take a good look at the head of the girl cramming nearly eight inches of manmeat into her mouth.

Seeing the sunny blonde locks, I sighed in dramatic relief and flopped onto my back. "Thank gawd."

DJ popped off and gave me a strange look. "Thank gawd? You surprised to find it's me? Who ELSE were you expecting?"

For about six milliseconds, I contemplated telling DJ the story about how Eden and Emma had snuck into my bedroom and woken me and Dawn in this very same fashion last year. Then, it was the girls' fifteenth birthday and they were coming to me to lose their virginities. I'd ultimately turned them away and a full year later I'd sort of forgotten about the whole thing. But for some reason, the instant I felt DJ's mouth around my cock this morning, I'd known exactly today's date and known that it meant the twins were now sixteen.

And yes, I was worried that the twins would do the exact same thing they'd done last year.

But I didn't want to explain all that. Some things were better left unsaid, and shaking my head I stared at the ceiling and replied, "Well, Adrienne and Brooke DID pull this stunt on us the other day. And I explicitly told both of them not to bother us this morning. But Brooke's not very good at listening to my orders when she doesn't feel like it, especially when she's horny."

My answer was true enough, and DJ shrugged before returning back to her blowjob. Although I hadn't said anything, she was only too aware that we hadn't had sex last night, and she seemed to be pretty serious about making sure I never went more than twenty-four hours without an ejaculation.

Poor me.

"Have I thanked you lately for joining our family, Deej?" Brooke called from the back seat of Mom's Highlander. "If it wasn't for you, we'd only have seven people on this trip and I'd end up in the back row with the twins again."

DJ, Adrienne, and I all chuckled. What Brooke said was true: Eight people necessitated two cars for this family trip to Big Bear, so while my parents and the twins took up the family van (the newly-16-year-old twins also being promoted to the middle bucket seats), I drove Mom's SUV. And as one might expect with a 21-year-old behind the wheel, I'd passed my parents back on the 91 and figured we'd beat them to our Big Bear destination by a good half-hour.

Mom and Dad had rented the same three-bedroom house they'd gotten for our last trip two years ago, and since they'd given us the code to the lockbox, when we arrived we were able to get the keys and go right in. Adrienne worked the lights while Brooke started up the house's heater. I was on mule duty carrying in the luggage for all four of us, and even though she was barely pregnant, DJ was expressly forbidden from straining herself beyond the effort required to carry in her purse and a water bottle.

It only took a few minutes to dump all our stuff inside. My parents would have the master bedroom, Adrienne and Brooke had the second bedroom, and DJ and I were in the third. I figured that we might as well start to unpack, but Adrienne cornered me against a wall and asked in a deep, husky voice, "You think we have time before the others get here?"

"Uh, I don't think I drove that much faster than Dad."

Pouting, Adrienne pressed forward until her humongous breasts were crushed against my chest and her pelvis was rubbing against the bulge fighting to grow in my pants. "But I haven't felt you throbbing deep inside me since Christmas Eve, and even that one was really rushed because we had to get back before the others missed us."

"Me, too!" Brooke chirped from across the room.

"Later, girls. Later," I protested. "Realistically, we've only got ten minutes."

"You guys can do it in ten minutes," DJ piped up. "An orgasm each, and one cumload you can snowball. Should just be enough time, and I'll knock at the door when I hear the van pull up outside."

"Thanks, Deej," Brooke cheered happily while darting past her best friend and giving her a peck on the lips. "You're the best!"

By then, Adrienne had already dragged me into a room.

My dad drove more slowly than I'd thought. We finished up and made ourselves presentable with three minutes to spare.

The next several days rolled by with everyone having an absolute blast. We skied, snowboarded, shopped, and had sex. We soaked in the hot tub, we ate good hearty food that felt wonderfully warm and satisfying given the weather, and we bonded as one big family. It was a fantastic trip.

Actually, I couldn't remember ever having a BAD trip to Big Bear. All my memories of this place alternated between sliding my snowboard down white powder drifts and sliding my cock into one nubile body or another. Two years ago my parents had given up the pretense and let Brooke and I share a bedroom, with Adrienne making regular visits as well. Four years ago was that crazy week when my family went home while I stayed behind, shacking up with Adrienne, Candy Carter, Heather Wilkinson, and Lynne Arian. And this year, DJ, Brooke, and Adrienne seemed determined to top my previous trips.

Every night I found myself in bed with one or more of my girls, nevermind that my parents were two doors down or that the twins were in the living room. Truth be told, all four of them were having sex as well, as I confirmed one night when I left the bedroom to rehydrate with a glass of water and heard not only the bedsprings squeaking in the master bedroom, but also the erotic moans of the twins beneath the sofabed's blanket.

I also found out that Eden's and Emma's sexual activities were not restricted to each other. One night I had just finished an ATM on a solo ride with Adrienne and then glanced at the clock, wondering where my fiancée had gone to. I'd left the room and found that neither twin was on the sofa. And after hearing erotic moans coming from Brooke's bedroom, I peeked inside to find Eden, Emma, Brooke, and DJ all tangled up in a four-way lesbian orgy complete with various vibrators and that damned neon purple dildo.

I suppose it made logical sense. Brooke and DJ were little more than three years older than the twins, and I'd certainly banged girls three years younger than myself (or more). Also, Brooke would have had plenty of opportunity to assist the twins in their sexual education once I'd left for college, but this was the first time I'd ever confirmed that all of my younger sisters were having sex with each other.

Not that I'd ever wanted that bit of information confirmed. In fact, I did my best to erase this knowledge from my mind as it was. While my cold, rational brain understood that the twins were sixteen now – and I certainly remembered how horny I'd been at sixteen – the protective big brother in me still thought of Eden and Emma as "the rugrats" and I found that I'd rather be willfully ignorant than know the full truth about how sexually active they really were.

Lord help me if DJ has a girl.

Fortunately, Adrienne was still in a frisky mood when I returned, and I happily gave myself over to her 5'10", 36F voluptuous glory.

Even beyond the obviously great sex, I was having the time of my life with all three of my girls. Each of them shared my enthusiasm for being on this trip, and each of them was going out of their way to make sure I stayed happy.

DJ was still flush with the glow of our joined futures, deliriously in love and excited for our impending marriage and child. She was on a mission to please her husband-to-be, and even though she had help in sexually satisfying her man, she still showered me with affection and love every single moment we were together.

Brooke also seemed happier than she had been in a long while. Maybe it was the change of scenery from college to home and now to Big Bear, but the disconnect I'd felt between my little sister and me ever since she'd come to school felt like it was evaporating in the comfortable familiarity of a family vacation. Once again, she was my doting (if mischievous) little sister, and the mingled affection and lust we'd shared when we were both in high school had returned.

Adrienne had flat out missed me. Even when she'd dropped out of school and moved out of the Berkeley house, she'd only gone across the bay to San Francisco. But now that she'd moved to New York, we hadn't seen each other as often. And now that we were in the same place again for more than just a day or so, she was determined to make up for lost time. Adrienne wound up spending nearly every waking moment of the Big Bear trip by my side, save for those evenings when she deferred to DJ as my fiancée and let us have some alone time.

It's funny ... Even though I was engaged to DJ, if you asked a casual bystander which one of the girls was my girlfriend, they'd probably answer Adrienne. We went everywhere and did everything together, from snowboarding as a pair, to chatting in the house's living room, to leaving the ski lodge dining table to go to the bathroom. Adrienne stood in line with me waiting to rent my gear while DJ and Brooke chatted a few feet in front of us. When DJ and Brooke chickened out of tackling a black diamond slope, she went with me and stayed with me for the next hour before we managed to rendezvous with the others again. And the first time I heard some frat boy call out "Get a room!" was while Adrienne was busy shoving her tongue down my throat while we rolled around the snow within sight of the overhead chairlift.

That's not to say I didn't have any quality time with DJ. My betrothed and I certainly sat next to each other on every chairlift except for the time she and I split up to go down different slopes. We sat together in the lodge dining room during meals. And I certainly got plenty of kisses from her on the slopes as well.

I just seemed to spend more time with Adrienne.

Love is love, and friendship is friendship. In a way, things weren't so different from that summer at camp I spent with both Adrienne and Dawn. Then, Adrienne had been the girlfriend while Dawn was the best friend I spent more time with and was more in tune with. Now, the roles were slightly changed as DJ was my significant other and Adrienne was ... well ... Adrienne. I'd simply shared so much more of my life with her, dating back to high school, and she fundamentally understood me a little better than DJ had learned, that's all.

Plus, Brooke was around. For better or worse, DJ and I seemed to have passed beyond the honeymoon phase of our relationship, passed that time when we simply couldn't get enough of each other and could scarcely bear to be apart. I knew she loved me and she knew I loved her, and there was no fear of losing the other if we let them out of our sight. So much more of HER life had been shared with Brooke, and when going out for activities like the ones we were doing, she naturally gravitated toward her best friend.

When our family spent a day in the park making snowmen, a toboggan course, and having a snowball fight, DJ had no qualms about teaming up with Brooke to attack me. And it only made sense for Adrienne to become my ally against them.

Of course, when the twins went on the offensive, all four of us 'older' kids proceeded to demolish the rugrats beneath a literal hailstorm of powdery white balls...

... at least until Machiavellian Brooke negotiated a truce that resulted in all five girls attacking one lonely me.

I didn't win.

But I sure went down fighting.

It only took me about thirty seconds of futile ducking and fruitless complaints about the unfairness of five-to-one odds before I realized there wasn't any number of snowballs I could throw that would make up for the number being thrown back at me. At that point, I realized that my only advantage remaining was brute strength, and so lowering my head to avoid the dreaded face-shot, I charged the girl closest to me, wrapped her up in a textbook form tackle, and then slammed her down into the nearest snow bank.

The cushy white powder gave way beneath her, breaking her fall and ensuring that she wouldn't be injured. But the impact did shove the collar of her snow jacket beneath the surface, and ice-cold ... uh ... ice ... quickly ran down the back of her neck.

"EEEK! COLD!" Eden shrieked while flailing with all four limbs to try and shove me off. Instead, I reached out with both gloved hands and did my level best to scoop even MORE snow down the back of her jacket.

Several snowballs impacted against my back and head, and I sprang off my baby sister in search of new targets. Brooke was next, having been the most adventurous in closing to point-blank range in order to pelt me with a snowball. So I lowered my shoulder into her midsection before standing up and lifting her into the air, turning around and dropping her into the snow bank just two feet away from Eden.

I shoved more snow down the back of Brooke's jacket as well while she shrieked and screamed. But before I could get up, Eden was up and climbing onto my back, doing her best to shove me face-first into the snow.

I spun and tossed her off me, but Eden's actions started a dog pile with me on the bottom. Emma came to her twin's rescue and by the time I got her off, Adrienne was using her weight to pin my legs while DJ pushed down on my chest. I managed to shrug them both off and climb to my knees, but by then Brooke was getting her revenge by shoving two handfuls of snow down the back of my neck. And I spun around to body slam my little sister before the twins were on top of me once again.

Like I said, I didn't win. In the end, I had handfuls of snow shoved into every opening of my snow clothes, including down the front of my pants. Both of my gloves were missing, as the girls correctly figured out I'd be less apt to shove snow into their clothes once my hands started freezing. And my jacket had been fully unzipped, leaving me that much more susceptible to the cold. But I dished out a good amount of damage myself, and copped quite a few feels while I was at it. And at one point while Brooke sat on my stomach to pin me down, I felt Eden trying to slide my hand up the inside of her shirt, although it was a Pyrrhic victory since she squealed once my frozen fingers grabbed onto her naked tummy.

In the end, I threw up the white flag and audibly surrendered. Everyone got a good laugh out of it, including my parents who had watched the whole thing. And then my evil little sister got a new idea.

"Everybody get Mom and Dad!"

They say time flies when you're having fun, and that was certainly true of this trip. We'd driven up on the 27th, the day after the twins' birthday party, and already it was Saturday, New Year's Eve. We only had two more nights before returning home, and with 2006 approaching, everyone was in a festive mood.

Actually, we were in a particularly festive mood tonight, because out of the blue, Mom and Dad told us they were leaving the house to us. Over the course of the week, they'd met and made friends with another couple, and that couple had invited them to a party to ring in the New Year.

Knowing what I now knew about my parents' sexual lifestyle, my eyebrows had gone up at their announcement. But neither parent's expression gave them away, and I let myself believe they would simply go to a large-scale party at some nice house, have a few glasses of wine, and then return to our place shortly after midnight. I told them to enjoy themselves, and the rest of us 'kids' chimed in with their own well-wishes. And the minute they walked out the door, we all turned to each other and cheered in excitement.

Brooke said it best. "PARTYYYY!!!" she squealed with arms upraised in victory formation.

"So what are we going to do?" DJ asked brightly, deferring to Brooke and Adrienne for organizational ideas.

"Hot tub," Adrienne stated immediately.

"Naked hot tub," Brooke added with a salacious grin.

My eyebrows went up and I gawked at Eden and Emma, who were already grinning unabashedly. "Even the twins?"

Brooke rolled her eyes at me. "They're sixteen. They've sucked your dick and had your tongue in their pussies. I think you can handle seeing them naked."

"Fine, fine," I conceded, somewhat reluctantly but not completely averse to the idea. Yeah, I still had a mental block when it came to sex with the rugrats, but my hormones and the sexual creature inside me sure appreciated just how nicely developed Eden and Emma had become. And yes, Brooke had a point. Even AFTER the whole fiasco last year concerning the twins' virginities, I had still allowed them to share in oral pleasures. It may have been a fine line I was toeing, but I'd made my peace with it then and there. Now, I could certainly handle a little innocent skinny-dipping.

Or maybe even not-so-innocent...

Since the hot tub was a private one for the house, it would take a little while to heat up. I braved the cold to start up the heating elements and then returned inside to find the girls breaking out the champagne glasses and making munchies while watching New Year's Eve specials on TV. DJ passed me a champagne flute, and when I took a sip I nearly spit it out upon finding it was entirely Ketel One vodka.

"What the-?" I sputtered in surprise, seeing all five girls grinning at me.

"Relax. It's not just yours," Brooke explained before literally taking a shot from her champagne glass. "The bubbly stuff is kinda weak. We'll finish with that later. Meantime, I brought the good stuff."

"Hey!" Eden complained after tasting her own flute. "This is Martinelli's!"

"You're barely sixteen. Deal," Brooke stated seriously.

"And you're nineteen," Eden shot back. "Not exactly legal drinking age."

"I'm a legal adult; you're not. Behave and we'll let you have the champagne when we open it."

"C'mon. It's not like we haven't had vodka before," Eden whined.

"Yeah, well how do YOU think Mom and Dad will react if they come home to find you puking into a toilet?"

"Fine," Eden grumped. Emma merely shrugged and took another sip of her sparkling cider.

At length, the hot tub had reached a good temperature and Adrienne announced that we were heading outside. You'd think that since the plan was to skinny dip, it wouldn't be a big deal for the girls to undress in front of me. But for some reason, Adrienne shooed me out the back door and onto the patio, telling me to hop in naked while the girls "changed".

"Change?" I asked in confusion.

"Trust me, Tiger."

I groaned and rolled my eyes, but obeyed. Adrienne's Trust Me's could backfire from time-to-time, but I didn't think that would happen tonight, which meant that whatever she was planning would turn out in my best interests.

She was right, although I didn't get that at first.

The girls went into their bedrooms, with the twins following Brooke into her room to change while I dropped trou by the door and went outside bare-butt naked. The frigid air bit into my skin, but I quickly eased myself into the steaming hot tub and let out a sigh of relief. And then I waited ... and waited ... and waited...

It was probably five minutes, but that's a long time to be spent alone, naked, and helpless in a pool of warm water surrounded by icy frost. The house backed up into the woods, which meant that unless someone was out there hiding behind a tree, no one would be able to see us. But for the moment, that privacy only added to my sense of isolation.

But eventually, the girls began to emerge. Adrienne came first, wearing an aquamarine bikini that at first glance had a lot more material than I would have expected her to wear. The bottoms were boyshorts instead of a cut more along the lines of a thong, and while most of her bra cups plunged deep to show off her cleavage and feature naked titflesh pressed together in the middle, this top had shelf-cups that completely covered the lower two-thirds of each breast. But then Adrienne slipped into the tub, and I suddenly got it. Beneath the surface, the aquamarine color blended with the water and seemed to disappear. And above the surface, the strapless top and shelf-cups were completely out of sight once she slouched a bit, leaving nothing but bare shoulders and naked titflesh bobbing on the waves like balloons. It was a bikini designed to be worn in a hot tub, providing the illusion of nudity, and would provide quite the eye-candy even if she never took it off.

Brooke only walked out after Adrienne was settled in the tub, and I began to think the girls were staggering their arrivals deliberately. This way, my full attention was on the buxom brunette as she sashayed out from the house, oblivious to the cold save for diamond-hard nipples that poked through the sheer material of her bright red halter-top bikini, fastened together at her hips, neck, and back with large bows that tempted me to reach out and tug on them.

DJ was next, having spent the time fixing her sunny blonde hair into an up-do that featured a Heidi headband braid across the top. The style accentuated her graceful neck and the expanse of bare skin from her shoulders down across her chest. The navy blue and white bikini featured scooped bra cups that practically hugged the sides of her big tits while revealing even more creamy flesh front and center, just barely covering her nipples. The two halves were connected in the middle of her chest by a gold ring, and identical rings also connected her bikini bottoms at her hips. She came over right beside me, kissing me once she'd sat down while reaching a hand down to stroke my bare erection a few times.

Having been titillated into quite the sense of arousal by the sight of the three elder girls wearing seductively-designed swimwear, not to mention my fiancée giving me a handjob, my mood leaned far more toward sex and less toward big brotherly protectiveness. I'm certain that was intentional. Only once all three girls were in the tub did the twins finally appear, and when they did, my mind (and eyes) went immediately to the curves they were putting on display.

Eden was clad in black with white trim, and Emma in white with black trim. Eden's hair was up and pinned behind her head with a pair of chopsticks forming a cross, and Emma's was down and flowing. Otherwise, the pair looked as identical as identical twins could be, from their height to the shape of their hips and even the precise amount of titflesh they each showed off.

And yes, I was staring at that titflesh. The twins had begun their growth spurts earlier than my other sisters, understandable now that I was aware of their heritage. This had led not only to their acceleration in height, but also in curves. The breasts being prominently displayed before me were not the developing puffies of pre-teens, nor the gentle mounds of middle-schoolers. With my gaze on their bodies and not their faces, there was no way of mistaking these lovely creatures for anything but women, perhaps only slightly skinnier and somewhat more gawky women than the more fully-formed ones who had slipped into the hot tub before them.

Side-by-side, Eden and Emma sat down on the edge of the tub, dangling their feet in but remaining perched on the patio despite the cold while leaning forward and gripping the tub's rim in their hands for balance. They leaned forward, watching me watching them, and when I finally pulled my gaze from their cleavage I found them both staring intently to read my facial reactions to their display.

"You keep growing up," I croaked, my eyes flicking back down to their tits. The globes straining at the fabric of their bikini tops looked so full that I wondered if their breasts were as big as Brooke's already.

"But we'll always be your rugrats," Emma sighed ruefully, and then Eden slapped her sister's arm as if Emma had gone off script and said something she shouldn't have.

Indeed, the reminder that the twins were my rugrats suddenly super-imposed their 7-year-old bodies over the 16-year-old ones, and the chubby that had been forming beneath the water immediately began to soften. I shook my head and averted my eyes, and with the moment broken, the twins hurriedly slipped into the hot water and sighed in relief to be out of the cold.

Once everyone was seated, I voiced the question that had been on my mind since Adrienne first walked out wearing her bikini. "Why am I the only one naked?"

The girls giggled and Brooke answered for the crowd. "You have two choices: Either get up and go put some trunks on, in which case all of us will keep our bikinis on. Or stay here like this and I promise all of us will join you in nudity in due time."

Rolling my eyes, I got up and turned around to get out of the tub. Four years ago I would have been cowed by such a challenge, choosing to go along with whatever plans whatever hot girl(s) had made so that I'd get to see more tits or get more sex. Hell, TWO years ago I would have caved.

But I was done with being manipulated. Going outside naked and waiting for Adrienne's "Trust Me" I could handle to a point. After all, there's a bit of fun and excitement in the mystery of not knowing what's going on. It's like wrapping paper on a Christmas present – you get a thrill in finding out what's inside.

This, however, wasn't simply a mystery present. This was Brooke playing evil, and I was over it. Calling her bluff, I got out of the pool while DJ tugged on my hand and pleaded, "Where are you going?"

Despite the chilly air, I paused and jerked a thumb at my sister. "She gave me an ultimatum. I'm choosing 'clothed'."

"But Bennn," Eden whined.

I shot my baby sister a harsh look and started walking. Only then did Brooke pipe up, pleading, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry."

Her apology made me stop and turn around.

"Get back in the tub, please? I'll stop being evil."

I arched an eyebrow and gave her a skeptical look.

Brooke, contrite, explained, "Well, I'll stop being evil for tonight."

"Fair enough." I went back to the tub, slipping under the warm water with a relieved smile. It WAS cold outside.

Adrienne, seated on my other side, patted my thigh beneath the surface. "Let us play our game, okay? We're all getting naked, believe me. I just thought it would be more fun for you to watch us strip rather than come out here as naked as you."

"Okay, see? Now was that so hard? You girls don't have to play mind games with me."

"But mind games are fun!" Brooke pouted, and to my amusement, I saw Eden and Emma nodding as well. I could only imagine what mind games the twins were playing on the poor boys of high school, most all of whom would be as susceptible as I'd been at sixteen, if not more.

I simply gestured for the girls to get on with it.

"Okay, Truth or Dare time!" Eden announced.

"No," I stated in a gravelly voice, which shut my sister up quick. She gave me a confused look, and I eyed both twins carefully. "No Truth or Dare. Being naked with you two is one thing. But I do NOT want to know any details of your sex lives. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not happening. Allow Big Brother some willful ignorance and let me continue to believe you are innocent, virginal little girls."

"But Bennn," Eden whined.

"Okay, continuing to whine in that tone is NOT going to make me think you've matured."

"Fine," she pouted in the exact same tone.

"Then what? We go straight to the orgy?" Brooke countered.

"No. Can we just relax and enjoy each other's company for a bit?" I pleaded with a sigh. "Believe me, I LOVE having sex with you girls. But seriously, am I just a convenient dick to you?"

"Of course not, honey," DJ soothed, stroking my arm.

"We could play Spin-the-Bottle," Adrienne suggested.

"With five girls and one guy?" I wondered with an arched eyebrow.

Adrienne grinned. "So the ratio is in my favor. Yours too."

"You'd be okay with that?" I asked, surprise evident in my tone. "Even as young as the twins are?"

Adrienne sighed. "I've gotten over that phobia. Besides, look at them. Dress them up, do their makeup right, and give them a fake ID and both girls could pass for 21 to get into a bar."

"Really?" Eden chirped.

"NO, NOT really," I growled. "Do NOT try it at home."


Adrienne shrugged. "Eden, how tall are you now?"


"And what's your cup size?"


Shit, their breasts really WERE as big as Brooke's. Bigger than Brandi's even. They may have been chronologically sixteen, but the Evans blood running through their veins had certainly given them a jump-start on physical development.

But despite their physical maturity, I knew their mental maturity was still that of 16-year-olds. The day before we'd driven up here, the twins had celebrated their birthday with a bunch of friends and I'd been struck by just how ... childish ... high school juniors could be. I hadn't noticed, of course, when I was the same age myself. But now that I was 21 and a senior in college, I couldn't help but realize that teenagers really ARE immature little shits.

So shaking my head, I said, "No Spin-the-Bottle. It's a high school game designed to create opportunities for people to lock lips with other people they've secretly got crushes on. I can kiss any of you any time I want."

"But can we kiss you anytime we want?" Emma protested.

Sighing, I slid across the tub, keeping my shoulders just a couple of inches above the water the whole way. The tub wasn't very big, so I was on top of Emma nearly before she realized it, and my little sister squeaked in surprise before my hands drew her head in and I seared a white-hot kiss across her lips.

My tongue darted in and out, and the kiss was over before Emma realized what had happened; I was already sitting in my spot between DJ and Adrienne once again by the time she caught her breath. Emma's eyes glittered and a sheepish smile spread across her face, and with the ice now broken, I saw that Eden had gotten it in her head to come over and steal a kiss as well.

But I held a hand up and said, "No, not yet."

My baby sister pouted once again.

I shook my head and favored her with a smile. "Soon enough, little one. I'm serious. Can we all just relax and enjoy each other's company? Our parents are gone until at least midnight. We're soaking in a hot tub together. And we've got plenty of alcohol. Yes, even the twins can have some. Forget the mind games. Lose your suits or keep them on; it's up to you. But PLEASE let's stop trying to manipulate one another and let us just be a family."

"A family that plays together though, huh?" Brooke asked in a voice laced with innuendo and waggling eyebrows that suggested even more.

I smirked. "Yes, little sister. I'm naked and I've got a chubby that your best friend here keeps stroking no matter what I say."

DJ blushed and smiled, but didn't stop her slow handjob beneath the surface.

"You'll get yours, eventually," I promised Brooke. "The night is still young."

"What about us?" Eden complained. "Fine, no mind games in trying to manipulate you into doing stuff with us, but you KNOW what we want."

I sighed, sinking a couple of more inches into the water. It wasn't that the idea of messing around with the twins wasn't appealing to me. Indeed, their spectacular bodies and naughty innocence was quite the turn-on, and it wasn't like we hadn't gotten to third base before. For us to progress beyond a triple and start rounding for home I honestly thought was an inevitability, at least so long as they remained interested in me. But the big brother part of me went to war with the sexual creature inside, and my rational brain could at least hope to delay the inevitable until they were, say... 21. By then I'd be 26 and the age gap wouldn't seem such a big deal.

But here we were, more or less naked in a hot tub with our parents gone for several more hours. There was alcohol to be consumed, a new year to celebrate, and three horny bitches who were sure to take me for a ride tonight. For Eden or Emma, or both, to slip in there somewhere and take what they wanted ... well, it wasn't necessarily an inevitability, but it certainly was a probability.

"I do know," I replied softly, resigning myself to the twins' lust for my body and my own lust for theirs. I wouldn't commit myself to doing anything tonight, and truth be told if I could find a way to put them off for another year or so I would. But at the same time, I did love them and now that they were sexually-active, birth control-protected young women, there really weren't any good reasons NOT to give them what they (and truthfully, what -I-) wanted.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned forward and reached a long arm across the tub, snatching Eden's wrist and abruptly pulling her out of her seat. She flew across the tub toward me on a wave before I caught her, dipped her head back, and seared her lips with a kiss even fiercer than the one I'd just given Emma. Simultaneously, I let my hands glide down her body, stroking her back before finding the clasp of her bikini top. Deftly, I unhooked it and then pulled back with both hands, whipping the garment away from her naked bosom. And still with my mouth locked with hers, I ran my hands back down her sides and into the back of her bikini bottoms, palming both cheeks of her drum-tight ass and yanking her crotch against my naked erection.

Eden moaned, quivered, and came, just like that. The heady rush of the kiss, the titillating surprise at finding herself topless, and the sexual heat of feeling my thick bulge pressed against her pussy took her over the top. And I continued holding and kissing her until her moaning orgasm abated and strength returned to her legs, allowing her to once again support her own weight.

When I pulled away from my horny baby sister, I glanced around and found everyone in the tub staring at us. Brooke, and to a lesser extent Emma, appeared ready to jump in. But after pecking Eden one last time, I gently pushed her back toward her own seat while turning and climbing out of the tub once again. I grabbed a towel that Adrienne had brought out for me, and to everyone's confusion I started walking back into the house.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Adrienne complained.

"Relax. The old TV in there is just on bunny ears. I saw an extension cord and I'm going to move the whole thing out here so we can watch the shows from in the tub. Meanwhile, the rest of you cool off, okay?"

"Cool off? But I'm ready to GO!" Brooke whined.

"Relax ... and enjoy each other's company, remember?" I stated slowly and evenly.

Brooke pouted, Eden was touching her lips dreamily while Emma held her twin sister, and both Adrienne and DJ smirked at each other. They knew what I knew. I was putting the brakes on things for now, but in the end this would be a night none of us would ever forget.

In retrospect, it might have been a better idea to have let the girls start the orgy right away. Everyone was pretty sober, and while an early start would have allowed more time for things to escalate and potentially get out of hand, a few initial orgasms might have sated the girls' appetites sooner and while everyone was more capable of rational decision-making.

As it was, the girls did exactly as I asked, relaxing and enjoying each other's company. We kept up lively conversation for the most part and glanced idly at the television during the infrequent lulls. The drinks got passed around, and once all of us 'elder folk' got a few rounds in us nobody, not even I, protested when the twins got their hands on the good stuff as well. Content relaxation gave way to alcohol-buzzing giggliness. Giggles turned to splashing. Splashing turned to fondling. And fondling started resulting in clothes coming off.

Adrienne got curious as to the firmness and size of Eden's bare tits, hefting them and rubbing the younger girl's nipples in her palms. That led to Emma's top coming off so Adrienne could compare, and Brooke wondered aloud how in the hell it was the twins who ended up topless first.

Adrienne promptly went over and yanked off Brooke's bikini top AND bottoms, tugging at the red bows until the whole thing fell apart into amorphous strips of fabric. More than rubbing Brooke's nipples, Adrienne tweaked them before sliding a hand between my sister's thighs and slipping a finger into Brooke's channel, her path unobstructed by any clothes.

Though my conscience protested, my heartbeat accelerated to watch Eden and Emma's breasts come into view and then get fondled. Once Adrienne started fingerbanging Brooke, I decided I needed more stimulation than DJ's idle handjob, so I pulled my fiancée into my lap, tugged her bikini bottom to the side, and then sat her down, my thick cock penetrating her tight cunny slowly.

DJ didn't make a sound except to sigh. Her natural lubrication compensated for the water's friction, but it was still slow going and she had to have felt every bump and ridge of my dick spreading her open for me. Once I was fully seated, we still didn't draw attention to ourselves, DJ pivoting her hips in a circular motion that carved my shaft around the walls of her tunnel without moving me in and out. But while the twins' attentions were initially on Brooke and Adrienne, Eden soon glanced over and figured out what DJ and I were up to.

I didn't immediately notice Eden noticing us. While my dick was in my fiancée and my hands were underneath her bikini cups so I could palm her big tits, my eyes were ogling a different pair of big tits since Brooke had removed Adrienne's top and was presently motorboating her face in those hooters. The first time I realized someone had joined us was when DJ tensed up slightly, her inner muscles clamping down around me as she stopped her circular rotations. And then I glanced back to see her head tilted while she locked lips with my 16-year-old sister three inches in front of my face.

Seriously, I think my cock may have swelled up to reach a full eight inches watching Eden's tongue snake out and play with DJ's. And if that sight got me going, watching Eden wink at me, reach around to yank open the knot holding up DJ's bikini top, and then bend over to suck on the blonde's teats nearly made me blow my load.

But not yet. The girls had plans for that.

I actually didn't ejaculate at all while we were in the hot tub. Although my instinct was to grab onto DJ's hips and start banging her down against my crotch until I fountained a big load of sperm up and into her womb, she got off my dick before I could do so as she wrapped her arms around Eden's body and carried the younger girl off to a heavier makeout session. Beside them, Emma was watching wide-eyed and downing a full champagne glass worth of vodka/cranberry. And having realized DJ had left me, Adrienne turned away from Brooke, glided over to kiss me, and then set a knee on the hot tub bench to either side of my hips before pulling my cock into position and then sinking herself down on it with a dreamy sigh.

She didn't fuck me. Instead, she simply cuddled herself against my chest while savoring the sensation of being filled with Ben-cock. Behind my head was my half-filled glass of vodka/cranberry, and Adrienne took it, sipped it, and then fed me the sweet concoction mouth-to-mouth. And then she giggled and bent down to lick up the trickle of spillage that had leaked down the side of my chin.

"Having fun, Tiger?"

"How could I not, when I'm inside you?"

"Mmm, good answer." And then she kissed me again, this time without the vodka/cranberry.

Brooke wound up joining in with DJ and Eden, leaving Emma to gawk at all of us nervously. While she was clearly aroused, she was also just as clearly nervous about the situation. Apparently messing around with Brooke and DJ was one thing. Doing so in full view of me and Adrienne, let alone joining me and Adrienne, was something she was still hesitant to do, even with several glasses worth of alcohol in her system.

But it was Adrienne who went out of her way to include the youngest member of our group, even if it was only by a few minutes. Slipping off my cock, she gently approached Emma, whispering soothing thoughts and compliments about the younger girl's developing beauty. Adrienne had put her hands on Emma's body once tonight already, so it was easy enough to do so again without alarming her. And after several husky whispers into my baby sister's ear, Adrienne slowly pecked her way along Emma's jaw line before finally turning the girl's cheek and planting a solid kiss right on her mouth.

The two groups of girls carried on for a little while, eventually ending up entirely naked with all of their suits thrown up along the rim of the tub. I lay back, sipping a fresh drink and watching all the female flesh around me, confident that I would get my own eventually. And sure enough, at length Adrienne and Emma broke apart and then came over to me.

It was Emma in the lead, deep arousal in her eyes as she stared at me. I could only imagine what must have been going through her head all these years, first learning that I was fucking Adrienne in our house at night and then gradually figuring out I was nailing Brandi and Brooke as well. The twins had once complained to me that it wasn't fair for me to sleep with their older sisters but not them, despite our age difference. I'd put them off for a couple of years, but they'd still spent their formative adolescence seeing me as the example of manhood that sexually satisfied the women of the household. I suppose their earliest sexual fantasies included me in them – along with various pop stars and celebrities – and no matter what experiences they may have had since then, their desire for me would likely remain.

But not yet. We were beyond look but don't touch, but my conscience strove to keep me on the side of touch but don't fuck. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about coming up with any deflections this time, as Emma crawled into my lap while saying in a quiet voice, "I just want to kiss you."

Well, we could certainly do that.

I cradled my baby sister's naked body in my arms, my erection still strong and throbbing but safely trapped beneath her thigh as she sat sideways in my lap. I held her in my arms, and she literally swooned as I took her breath away with my kisses. And together we reveled in the sinfully incestuous pleasure of making out without quite worrying about the inherent wrongness of coital contact.

We kissed and we kissed and we kissed some more, kissing apparently all that Emma really wanted right now and something I was only too happy to give her. Eventually, Adrienne left us to join the other three, and my ears were filled with the sounds of feminine orgasmic moaning as god knows what the four of them were doing to each other.

But when Emma and I finally pulled apart to breathe, I decided that I'd had enough of the hot tub and the limitations of being wet and outdoors. "Let's take a shower," I suggested, and my baby sister's face lighting up was answer enough for me.

Her bikini was left outside, not to be retrieved until much later in the evening by Adrienne. I did grab our towels, patting us dry just inside the house's sliding door before scooping Emma into my arms and carrying her into the single bathroom. The house's heater had done a good job of making the place nice and toasty, but Emma's skin was still goosebumped and her nipples perky while she waited for me to get the shower water warm.

Once in the bathtub, she flowed into my arms for more kissing. We kissed the way I remembered kisses in junior high, when they were the ultimate and well before thoughts of actually having sex entered the equation. I got myself more comfortable with her naked body by soaping Emma up and shampooing her hair. Really, it was more about recovering the comfortability I'd felt with her last year when I'd been willing to get to third base with her in the first place. But then soon we were cleaned off, and as we stepped outside it was to find all four of the other girls scurrying inside and attempting to fit simultaneously into a bathtub not big enough for all of them.

More or less dried off, Emma swung her arms out from her nude body and smirked at me. "Clothes? Or stay naked?"

"Clothes. Pajamas," I replied before thinking an extra heartbeat and adding, "But no bra."

Emma giggled and went to her suitcase parked behind the sofa. I should have gone into my own room and followed my own directions, but instead I stood there with the towel wrapped around my waist, watching my baby sister get dressed.

She put on the same pajamas she'd been wearing most of the week, pants and a long-sleeved top in white with green and yellow accents. Once dressed, she gave me an expectant look, and with a smile I finally turned and went into the bedroom I shared with DJ. Squatting, I fished out my own pajamas from my suitcase and tossed them onto the bed, but I never managed to get into them. That's because the moment I dropped my towel, Emma tackled me across the mattress, parked herself over my crotch, and then jammed her mouth down around the first five inches of my upright cock.

Having been primed for a long time, first by thirty minutes of DJ's idle handjob in the tub, then gently fucking first DJ and then Adrienne, I didn't have a whole lot of control left. Emma's damp hair tickled my inner thighs before she reached up with a hand and swept it behind her head, rolling her baby brown eyes up to look at me looking at her. She smiled around a mouthful of meat, bobbing her head up and down and banging my mushroom head against the back of her throat. She tried to deep-throat me a couple of times, never quite getting past her gag reflex and giving up to focus on jacking the rod in her hands while polishing the knob with speed and pressure.

It was a great blowjob, much better than the ones she'd given me last year. I didn't know what sexual experiences she'd had since then, and I didn't really want to know. That she'd improved was to be expected as a matter of time an opportunity. On the other hand, it was a bit of a relief to find that she hadn't learned to deep-throat. A big brother must maintain some illusion of his baby sister's relative innocence.

Then again, what she was doing to me wasn't exactly innocent. Her mouth was full of saliva which drizzled down onto my shaft and slickened it for her pumping hands. She bobbed rapidly, fucking her own face with my prick and causing exquisite sensations to shoot up into my brain. And I held her head in my hands, moaning, "Oh, Emma! Fuck, baby girl! You're so good! Suck me. Suck me!"

She sucked me. Energized by my encouragement, she sucked my cock with unbridled teenage enthusiasm. At some point, she closed her eyes and moaned rapturously, as if the very act of having my dick in her mouth was going to give her an orgasm. And with her eyes closed, she started mouth-fucking me faster and harder and tighter.

"FUUUCK, Emma. I'm gonna cum!" I grunted. "I'm gonna cum in your mouth! Take it baby girl! Swallow my spunk. I'm cumming, Emma! I'm cumming!"

And then I was actually cumming. Emma jerked as if she'd been slapped the instant the first shot impacted against her inner cheek. Her eyes flew open and she quickly swallowed four inches of cock and worked her throat muscles to drink down my spending. Two, then three, then four shots splattered inside her mouth. But before she could take it all, she abruptly pulled off my prick and clenched her entire face down, crying out her own climax. "EEEYAAAAHHH!!!"

Only then did I see that Eden was just behind her twin, her forearm pumping as she evidently had a couple of fingers inside Emma's twat. Emma screamed with her eyes closed and her hands still pumping my prick, milking out wad after wad of spunk into her face. But soon my well went dry and Emma could focus on the sensations her sister was giving her. And then at last, her orgasm passed, and she turned to collapse on her side on the bed next to me.

Swiftly, Eden moved in to lick up the rest of my jism from her twin's face. She snowballed it back to Emma, giving her younger sister all of what she'd been unable to initially swallow. But then once that task was complete, Eden stared at me with undisguised lust glittering in her eyes, and with an evil grin that would have made Brooke proud, she ducked her head and went to work reviving my spent cock.

I recognized the look. Brooke had it more than a few times herself. It was a look that signaled she was in a very particular mood tonight, a mood under which she would NOT be taking no for an answer. Eden had that look, and I suddenly knew that what had once seemed distantly inevitable, and then most likely probable, now felt like a near certainty tonight.