Chapter 33: Circumstances ll

"Now Ben," Adrienne cooed. "She's ready..."

My hips had been undulating gently, sliding my cock in and out of Sasha's wet pussy from behind while we both lay on our sides, spooned together on the daybed and watching the action on the big bed. I pushed myself in to full depth and held myself there, and I leaned over my girlfriend's shoulder while she turned her face to meet my kiss. "You're such an awesome girlfriend, have I told you that lately?"

"No," Sasha replied with a giggle. "But I'm happy you said it now."

I pecked her again before slowly extracting my cock from her body. I slid off the daybed, took two steps, and climbed onto the big bed while Amber let her arms fall behind her and lay flat on her back, spreading herself open expectantly.

With glittering blue eyes, Amber stared dreamily at me. She smiled when I reached down to caress her cheek, and she turned her head to nip at my fingers playfully.

I parked my knees between Amber's legs. Fisting my cock, I aimed it at the moist pink hole before me. And after taking a deep breath to reassure myself this was what I wanted to do, I centered myself and started pushing.

Amber's eyes remained locked onto mine the whole time. She gasped as she felt the thick column of cock penetrate her pussy, and her eyelids fluttered while she moaned, "Ohhh, Bennn..." And then she reached up with her arms to wrap around the body lowering its weight down onto her chest.

Adrienne sighed as she braced her elbows on the mattress so that Amber didn't have to support BOTH our weights. Mashed between me and my ex-girlfriend, Adrienne moaned and forced herself to relax while my cock finished burrowing all the way down into her asshole. At the same time, my pelvic pressure pushed the fake phallus she wore strapped to her crotch deeper and deeper into Amber's pussy, until the two blondes' pelvic bones were pressed up against each other.

Slowly, I retracted. At the same time, Adrienne dug in with her knees to similarly retract her fake cock. And Amber kept her eyes locked onto mine as the three of us took up a slow sexual rhythm.

I wasn't fucking Amber, not technically. My cock was in Adrienne's ass and it was Adrienne actually fucking the other blonde. And yet I WAS fucking Amber, every thrust forward of my hips being felt on her end as the thick cock stretched out her vaginal canal. We both knew Adrienne's body was between us. Neither of us was so far gone as to forget something like THAT. And yet it wasn't all that difficult to discount Adrienne's presence, to momentarily think of her as irrelevant. Neither of us looked at her; we only had eyes for each other. And even with the knowledge that my dick wasn't actually touching Amber's pussy, I still felt like I was making love to HER.

Amber's hands rose up, slid beneath my armpits, and cupped my shoulders from behind. I let my own hands slide down, gripping her hips and tugging on them for leverage as I drove my dick back and forth.

She cooed, her lips parted as she softly panted and stared deep into my eyes. And I moaned, feeling the tight, lubricated constriction surrounding my shaft as I pushed forward again and again and again.

For a few moments, I almost could believe I was truly fucking her. For a few moments, I could imagine what life would be like if we ever got back together again. Our hearts had touched already once before, and we'd both been filled with such joy and contentment enough to realize that we could be very happy together for the rest of our lives.

Except that she had her David. And I had ... well ... whatever the future would bring.

Sasha. Adrienne. Kim. DJ.


I blinked, and when my eyes re-opened I found my tunnel vision pulling back. Instead of Amber's clear blue eyes and pretty face filling up my entire view, I now saw her entire head ... and the pillow behind it ... and the back of Adrienne's head with HER cheek pressed against the same pillow. I straightened my arms and saw Adrienne's naked back between me and Amber, and I glanced down to watch my cock plumbing in and out of my adoptive sister's anus like a pistoning oil derrick.

When I looked back up at Amber's face, she wasn't looking at me anymore. Her eyes were closed as she lost herself to the fantasy, mumbling over and over and over again, "Ben..."



I wanted to immerse myself in the sound of my name. As promising as this new relationship with Sasha was, some part of me longed for the familiar comfort of a previous love. It was why my "coma dream" had been filled with reunions from my past. The FUTURE was unknown. I had no idea what would become of me and my relationships tomorrow, let alone the next few days or months or years. I didn't yet know if Sasha and I were meant to last forever. But I already KNEW that if David indeed rejected Amber, that she and I could make each other very happy for the rest of our lives. Maybe I really DID have several "compatible souls" instead of a single soulmate, and if so I already KNEW Amber was one of them.

But then Amber's voice changed a little in pitch. "Fuck me..." she groaned, a deeper husk in her tone. "Fuck me ... Fill me ... Love me..." she added as her hips started thrusting back with more fervor.

Our rhythm got off a little. I was getting closer and closer to my own ejaculation as well, but the tempo of my thrusts into Adrienne's colon no longer matched Amber's thrusts onto her strap-on dick.

"Fuck me!" Amber whimpered. "Harder! Harder!"

Adrienne did her best to comply, driving her own pelvis down into Amber's body whether or not my cock was pushing her to do so. At one point, we almost became dislodged, but I let go of Amber's hips and grabbed onto Adrienne's instead, keeping my cock fully-lodged in her rectum as I focused on carving my shaft around her anal chute in a counterclockwise motion instead.

"Nnnghhh..." Adrienne moaned between us, her own pleasure catching up to her.

"Fuck me..." Amber groaned as she began thrashing beneath us. "Fuck MEEE ... Fuck me, David! Fuck me, David! Never stop loving meeee! DAAAAAVVIIIIIDDDD!!!"

Amber screamed out her soulmate's name as her entire body arched off the mattress. Her chest rose up as her head and shoulders rocked back. And it was all Adrienne could do to simply hang on for the ride.

"ADRIIIEEENNNEEE!" I howled right back, fully aware of whose body I was in while I rapidly rotated my hips like a coffee grinder within her ass, putting every last ounce of energy I had left into my legs. I raised my hands to palm her massive tits, squeezing them as handgrips until I felt the damn burst and my final load begin spraying down my lover's bowels. And with twitching hips and breathless gasps, I filled her up with every drop I could squirt out.

And then I fell.

Stacked like dominos, my chest slammed down onto Adrienne's back, the impact making her already wobbly arms and knees collapse. Her chest slammed down onto Amber's, flattening the other blonde beneath both of our heavy weights while all three of us went limp in the aftermath of incredible orgasm. And soon we were nothing left but a pile of naked, sweaty, satiated flesh.

In the end, Amber had screamed for her David.

In the end, I hadn't forgotten who I was with.

All was as it should be.


For the record, yes, the girls stuck to the "rotation". In the morning, the girls kicked me out of my own bed to go make breakfast while all three of them stayed snuggled beneath the sheets of my Cal King for sex.

Stupid cooking lessons.

Stupid Amber.

Amber and I finally kissed, but it was just a goodbye peck as she walked out the door just before lunchtime. I knew we'd see each other again; Stanford didn't finish its academic year until early June. Of course, all that could change if David called her back, but while she said she couldn't promise that she wouldn't disappear to fly back to her hometown without telling me, she promised this wouldn't be the last time we met up. So it wasn't really "goodbye". It was really "see you later".

Adrienne had already left to go to work, so Sasha and I got together and made lunch before Bert and Paige arrived. Of course, "making lunch" included bending Sasha over the counter and fucking her from behind, but fortunately we'd finished with everything – and Sasha had swallowed my load to make sure there wouldn't be a mess – by the time they actually arrived.

Paige came over first, but she spent most of the meal staring into her notebook. Ten minutes later, Bert arrived feeling weary but content, as he'd finished HIS last Final, which meant that his road was now clear to work out the details of his marriage proposal.

So of course we played video games all afternoon while Paige went and took her Final.

Around three o'clock though, Bert decided to head home and take a nap as celebration for the end of his academic career before having dinner with his parents.

Meanwhile, Sasha went over to the bar, pulled out a few bottles of liquor, and decided, "You know what? This afternoon is the perfect time to have a drink."

I arched an eyebrow and asked, "And why is that?"

Sasha grinned. "Because it's 3pm on a Wednesday during Finals Week. A whole bunch of students all over this city are studying for boring exams, but between now and Graduation, WE have nothing better to do than get drunk, get laid, and enjoy ourselves."

Sounded great to me, especially since I'd had to remain sober last night.

So I loaded up "Wedding Crashers" on DVD, a relaxing comedy that wouldn't tax our brain cells, while Sasha mixed us a couple of cocktails to start the "getting drunk" process. We were in no hurry to get to the "getting laid" process; both of us knew that was an inevitability. Instead, we cuddled on the couch, fondled each other's bodies, and enjoyed both the drinks and the movie.

But about an hour into the movie, and about three cocktails down, the doorbell rang. Sasha and I frowned at each other, not expecting company. Adrienne had said she wouldn't be back until dinnertime, and Paige was supposed to head straight home after her exam. But I went to see who was at the door, and I was surprised to find Brooke and DJ standing on the front porch.

"Hey Ben," DJ began. She wore a familiar trucker hat and aviator sunglasses that hid most of her face, so it was hard to read her expression. "You got a minute?"

Taking a step back, I waved the girls into the house. "Something tellsh me thish ish gonna take more than a minute."

Brooke frowned and looked pointedly at the half-filled tumbler still in my left hand. "Are you drunk?"

Closing my left eye, I pinched my right index finger and thumb together in front of the right one. "Jusht a little."

Brooke winced and looked at DJ. "Maybe now isn't the best time."

"No, it's okay," DJ replied while keeping her gaze locked onto me. "We need to talk, and I don't want to put this off any longer. I've wanted to talk to you ever since you got out of the hospital, actually. But between Finals and working out your various relationships and dealing with Kim and everything, one or both of us has always been pretty busy."

I frowned, sensing the gravity of the situation as I stood up straight and tried to fight off the buzz clouding my brain. I wasn't that drunk, just in a playful mood, and if I just focused a bit I didn't need to lisp. "If it was important, Deej, I would have made time for you."

"I know, I know. But it wasn't anything that couldn't wait until now, and besides, I had a hard time focusing on anything but Finals until my last one that just finished like ten minutes ago. SOME of us can't just breeze through all our classes while barely studying." She poked me in the chest, hard enough to make me scowl and put my hand over the spot where she'd poked me.

I shrugged, replying, "Guilty as charged."

DJ smirked and shook her head at me. "Really though, the extra time has given me a little perspective and a chance to think about my feelings."

"Ah, so we're going to talk about 'feelings'. Do I need to go get a refill?" I asked, holding up my half-empty tumbler.

DJ removed her sunglasses, rolled her eyes, and led the way into the house. Brooke and I followed after, and the girls said 'hi' to Sasha.

"Sorry to interrupt," Brooke apologized.

"We just need to talk for a minute," I explained, gesturing with my free hand toward the stairs.

"Uh, sure," Sasha replied, looking surprised but not bothered.

DJ was already at the stairs, and she led the way up and into my bedroom.

I closed the door behind us and followed her over to the armchairs in my sitting area. I figured I was in for another melodramatically important conversation in this spot. I still had my one cocktail, so after sitting down I tilted it back and took a big swig, not enough to drain all of the remaining liquid but enough to put a good dent in it.

Sitting on the front edge of her chair with her legs crossed and her hands clasped together in her lap, DJ waited for me to set the tumbler down on the coffee table. Popping her eyebrows, she took a deep breath to collect herself and began, "I owe you an apology. I owe you a few apologies, actually, but I'm going to start with the first one."

I shrugged, still feeling a little drunk and not really in a mood for dealing with the past anymore. But even a little drunk I could tell this was important to DJ, so I gestured for her to continue.

"I want to apologize for my role in everything that led to you getting shot. I don't think it's egotistical for me to say that if Brooke and I weren't regular visitors to Carter's mansion in the hills, you wouldn't have had much reason to go there. Now I know the story about Amber calling you and asking you to find her friend, and I know that if you'd found out Elyse was there you'd have wound up in that place sooner or later anyway. But Amber only asked you to go because you'd already been there in recent weeks for US. It's because of us that you got drawn into that scene in the first place."

I shrugged again. "The two of you were just one reason out of many that I ended up there. But you can't blame yourselves for me getting shot."

"But I can still apologize for my part of it. I thought that place was no big deal. I thought it was just a rich guy's house with a fun vibe, free drinks, and free weed. To be frank, Carter's wasn't the first house Brooke and I have been to that was like that, and none of those turned out to be anything serious. I didn't recognize the seedy underbelly of what was going on there, had no idea people were doing crystal meth in the basement or anything, and when you first tried to warn me, I dismissed you out of hand. Even after you brought us home to meet Elyse, I let Lexi talk me into discounting your warnings. Brooke tried to tell me you had no reason to lie to us, that you were just being a protective big brother looking out for our best interest, but I didn't listen. I was too wrapped up in my own problems and my own insecurities to open my eyes and really listen to what you were trying to tell me. And for that, I'm sorry."

I sighed, REALLY not wanting to think about all that. After burying Cameron and Elyse at sea on Saturday, I'd truly done my best to just put it all behind me. "It's done. Everyone's dead. We move on."

DJ pursed her lips and gave me a sympathetic look, her bright blue eyes large and luminous as she looked at me with concern. I'm sure my face was pretty dour, because she got off her chair and sat herself sideways in my lap, wrapping her arms around my head and hugging it against her chest.

I couldn't help it; I looked down at her cleavage. DJ was wearing a spaghetti-strapped tank top with a plunging neckline that showed off the girls, and her position squished them up under my chin. I sighed and forced myself to not think about her boobs, and the end result was that I stopped pondering everything from Casa de Carter and instead thought only of her. "I'm fine," I said, leaning my head back so that I could look up at her face. "Really, I'm fine."

DJ gave me a strange look for a moment, and she abruptly tilted her head to the side like a bird. She stared at me and blinked a few times, clearly lost in thought. And after another moment, she leaned forward and almost experimentally tasted my lips.

I was surprised, but not shocked. Staring at her boobs for a moment had already put me in the right frame of mind for a kiss, and my alcoholic buzz had certainly kept me mellow, but I didn't kiss back. DJ pulled away almost as soon as she'd kissed me, and like that curious bird she began studying my face once more.

"Hmm..." she mused quietly.

I arched an eyebrow. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"I was wondering what kissing you would be like."

Now both eyebrows went up. "And what was it like?"

She sighed. "Like ... like always. You're Ben. You'll always be 'Ben'."

I blinked a few times, not understanding. "I'm trying to read your tone. You don't seem disappointed, but you're not happy, either."

DJ smirked. "Actually, I'm a little of both."

I frowned. "The 'happy' is cool. But 'disappointed'? What, that I didn't really return the kiss? Your ego expecting me to come crawling and groveling to try and win you back? To promise to leave Sasha and pick up where our old romance left off?"

She shook her head. "Our old romance left off with heartbreak and abortion. No, I'm not exactly in a mood to 'pick up where we left off'."

"You know what I mean."

"I do, I do." She sighed. "I guess ... The kiss was less about how you reacted and more about how -I- felt kissing you."

"And you said it was 'like always'."

"Like 'Family'."

"We ARE 'Family'. Always will be."

DJ sighed. "But that's where the 'disappointed' comes in. I've lost you. I've lost the 'you' that used to love me. As a wife. As a mother. As a partner for the rest of our lives. Now ... I'm the 'little sister' again."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"It's a step backwards."


"I'm being silly, of course. It's obvious you've moved on. Sasha and you have been so sweet with each other lately."

I frowned. "This isn't about Sasha."

DJ shook her head. "It's not, and I didn't come up here to try and win you back or tell you to dump her or anything like that, honestly."

"Then what did you come up here for?"

"To ... talk..." She sighed with a resigned shrug. "To talk about feelings."

"And you're not sure how you feel about me right now?"

DJ snorted and looked away. "I haven't been sure about my feelings for you since I was fourteen and realized you and Dawn were having sex."

"Well I know how -I- feel about you."

DJ's head jerked back around to me. "You do?"

I nodded. "My feelings haven't changed: I still love you."

"Yeah, right."

"I mean it: I love you, the same as when we were engaged and expecting a baby."

"You're drunk and you're not thinking all that clearly about what you're saying."

"Maybe I'm a little drunk, but alcohol doesn't make people lie. If anything, it makes people tell the truth, and the truth is that I LOVE you."

"Stop messing with me."

"I'm serious. Look, our circumstances have changed: You're not pregnant, we're not together, and I'm starting a new relationship with Sasha. But my feelings for you have never changed. I love you, Dorothy Jean Evans. Always have. Always will."

"So what, if I wanted to marry you and have a family you would? Dump Sasha and walk down the aisle just like that?"

I shook my head. "No, of course not."

"Then how can you say your feelings for me haven't changed?"

"Because they haven't. The feelings I had for you before you got pregnant, the feelings I had for you while you were pregnant, and the feelings I have for you now are the same: I LOVE you."

"That's ridiculous. And that can only mean one of two things: that you love me as a wife and the mother of your child right now, or that even when I was pregnant and we were engaged you didn't love me any more than you did BEFORE I became pregnant."

I shook my head. "You're trying to measure my love for you like it's a volume of water in a graduated cylinder. It's not. Like I said: our circumstances have changed, and those circumstances impact the WAY I love you. But I'm trying to tell you that my feelings for you are the same as they've always been. You said it yourself: 'Like always'. You're DJ. I'm Ben. We're 'us'. And we always will be."

"That's bullshit. You think I forgot what life was like for me at the beginning of the year when we were just fuck-buddies. You think I forgot how worried and nervous I felt when you were still getting over Dawn and couldn't bring yourself to tell me where we were headed for our future. And you think I forgot how all of that changed on a dime when I got pregnant and you were suddenly SO committed to being with me for the rest of our lives. Don't you try to claim your love hasn't changed and has always been the same."

I slid my hands down to DJ's waist, and with gentle pressure I got her to slide off my lap and set her feet down on the floor. By sitting up and pushing forward, I got her to sit back down in her own chair. And I settled myself on the edge of my seat while bringing my palms together and gesturing with my hands as I asked, "Please hear me out. I'm going to explain this as best I can, and it might take a minute."

DJ frowned and shot me an annoyed look. But she sighed and popped her eyebrows expectantly, impatient for me to get on with it.

"This is something I realized when I was talking to Dawn," I began, and I caught DJ frowning as I brought her older sister's name into the conversation. "It was something I think we both realized when we talked that day before she drove back to camp. And it's that my love for HER hasn't changed, and will always be the same."

DJ's frown deepened. "Okay, telling me how you'll always love Dawn forever isn't exactly going to make me feel any better."

"Weren't you supposed to hear me out?" I raised both palms out to her and gestured with them for patience. Raising my eyebrows, I asked, "Well then tell me this: Is your love for Brooke ever going to change? I mean REALLY change? No matter where your lives take you, if you both get married, have kids, see other people, or even move clear across the country from each other, can you really see how much you love her, the depth of your love for her, the bond that's shared between you, ever truly changing? For better OR worse?"

"Well..." DJ put on a sideways frown as she thought about it. She'd put her hair into the familiar twin braided pigtails beneath that trucker hat, and she rather absentmindedly futzed around with the ends of the pigtail on her right. "I mean, I guess not."

"Best friend. Lover. Partner. Sister. Even soulmate. She's all of that to you and more, no matter what. Even if something BAD happens between you, something to make you HATE each other for a while, you believe you'll eventually figure it out and come right back to the same place again, don't you?"

DJ shrugged. "I guess so."

"And what if you got married and had a kid together?"

"We're not lesbians."

"For the sake of argument. Think about being married to Brooke for a minute. Would that necessarily mean you loved her any more than you already do now?"

DJ frowned, furrowed her eyebrows, and stared at me like my skin had turned neon orange. But I gave her an expectant look and she sighed and waggled her head while she thought about it. "I guess not. I mean, you'd think that being, quote, 'married', we'd feel differently about each other. But I can't really imagine loving her any differently than I already do. She's 'Brooke'. She'll always BE 'Brooke', whether as my wife or not."

I shrugged. "Same for me."

That 'my-skin-turned-neon-orange' look was back on her face. "So what are you saying? That whether or not you and I ever get married, we will always love each other in the same way?"

"No, no. The WAY we love each other WILL change, depending on our circumstances. If the circumstances are that we're just friends, we'll love each other in this way. If the circumstances are that we're married with kids, we'll love each other in a different way. But what I'm trying to say is that our core feelings for each other will always remain the same. Whether we are friendly or hate each other, whether we're intimate or not, we'll always be Family. And that means that when push comes to shove, I'll run through a brick wall for you and put everything on the line, just because you're you and that's what you mean to me."

DJ furrowed her eyebrows and studied me for a minute. "This is you saying that even if you and Dawn never get back together, you'll always be best friends and care about each other the same way as if you'd married and become the soulmate lovers we all thought you were gonna be."

I shrugged. "Kinda, yeah."

"And you're applying that same logic to me."

I nodded. "Pretty much, yeah."

DJ snorted and shook her head. "So even if you and I DID get married, I'd still be second-best to her."

I groaned and shook my head, "Gawd, NO."

"But you just said that married or not, your feelings for me wouldn't change. Not even by marrying you and bearing your children could I ever get to a level above Dawn."

"You're back to measuring love like it's water in a graduated cylinder. You can't compare the quantity of love. This is how it works: I love you, I love Dawn, and the two cannot be compared. They're different loves, and the WAY I love each of you can and will change depending on our circumstances. But I will always love you for you, DJ. And it's got absolutely nothing to do with the way I feel about your sisters. Or mine, for that matter. It's just between me and you."

"But my love for YOU changed," she argued. "When we broke up."

"Yes, the WAY you loved me changed. And the way -I- love YOU changed."

"Well that's all that really matters then!" DJ threw her hands up in frustration. "At the end of the day, your feelings for me aren't as relevant as HOW you feel for me – the WAY you love me. And that's what I lost when we broke up: you not treating me as a wife and mother and going back to treating me as 'just a friend'."

"You're absolutely right. Our circumstances changed: we broke up. But what I want you to feel reassured by is that I DO still LOVE you. You've been caught up in all this guilt that you somehow destroyed our relationship, that aborting our child was an unforgivable act that can never, ever be forgotten."

"It can't."

"I agree: it can't be forgotten. But it CAN be forgiven, and I already have. I didn't understand it at the time – Well that's not true, I DID understand it. I just didn't like it – but time and space have given me a better perspective on things. I'm not in such a hurry to settle down anymore. I'm not as scared of being alone anymore."

DJ snorted. "Because you found yourself a replacement baby, and a replacement baby mama."

I sighed. "Maybe Kim and our son has something to do with it, yes. But I've already told you I'm not marrying her. And Kim is not the point. We're here right now with the opportunity to talk about what happens to US from now on."

"What DOES happen? I go back to being Dawn's little sister? We forgive and forget we ever came within a hair's breadth of being married with kids? Life moves on and maybe the next time our families get together for Thanksgiving we find ourselves naked in a hot tub and revert to our old 'doesn't-count' ways of fucking each other?"

"While I can honestly say I wouldn't mind the 'doesn't-count' fucking part," I replied with a smirk while DJ rolled her eyes, "I think we both know it'll always 'count'. We'll never forget about coming so close to the 'married with kids' thing. But at the same time, I don't want you to think that you've ruined our relationship for all time. That's kind of where I was going with the whole 'the WAY we love each other changes but my core LOVE for you doesn't' bit."

"So what are you saying? That you and I could still get married down the road?"

"Sure. At least -I- think it's a possibility. Do you?"

DJ frowned. "Even after I killed our baby and broke your heart?"

I shrugged. "Even still."

"Even though you're currently dating a lovely young woman downstairs on the living room sofa?"

I smirked. "I think the possibility still exists, and even Sasha already knows that."

DJ's frown deepened, and she folded her arms over her chest and jutted her chin out while shaking her head slowly in disbelief.

"As for the other part," I continued, "I really think it's long past time that you stopped thinking of yourself as 'Dawn's little sister'. That's far too limiting a title to fit under, and you mean so much more to me than that."

DJ snorted. "Do I? That's not what it sounded like the last time I asked you why you loved me."

I sighed. "And I'm sorry for that. It wasn't my intention to make you feel that way. I did a piss poor job of explaining myself, but I'd like to think I've learned my lesson. Unfortunately, you're always going to face comparisons to her: that's the nature of actually being her little sister. But I, for one, won't do that to you anymore. You're DJ. And I love you for you."

She blinked, arched an eyebrow, and rather coldly asked, "So why DO you love me?"

I shook my head. "Nuh-uh. Not answering trap questions like that anymore. I'm done trying to prove through words that I love someone. Sometimes I felt that the entirety of our relationship was one big verbal 'proof' of trying to convince you I wasn't settling for 'Dawn's little sister' and convince you of being so much more to me than 'second-best'. I'm done with 'convincing'. I know how I feel about you, and I'll do my best to communicate how I feel about you. But whether you believe me or not is up to you."

"So DO you love me?"

"I do."

"Will you marry me?"

"Not right now I wouldn't." I shook my head and gestured toward the door. "Lovely young woman. Downstairs living room sofa."

"But if not for her?"

I shrugged. "Circumstances. Opportunity. Timing. Someday, maybe yeah. But you're just barely 20 years old. I'm not much older than 22. We've got some time to figure this stuff out, and you've got at least two more years of school. Let's take our time when it comes to worrying about the DJ-Ben romance. Maybe our circumstances will change. Maybe an opportunity to take things to the next level will present itself. Or maybe things won't, and we'll forever be 'Family' but ultimately end up in romantic relationships with other people. I honestly don't know what Destiny has in store for us, but one thing that never changes is how much I care about you. How if you ever need me, I'll be there. And how you honestly don't have to feel guilty over everything that's happened between us. I forgave you. I still love you. And I genuinely wish nothing but the best for you for the rest of your life."

DJ's eyebrows were furrowed, and she didn't say anything for a long while. Her eyes narrowed and she studied me while her right foot absentmindedly tapped on the floor and she tightened her arms over her chest. Her lips unpursed for a moment as she started to say something, but instead she remained silent and took a deep breath instead. And only after a several more long seconds of pondering did she finally speak.

"I want to believe you. I'm still trying to wrap my head around your whole 'our love stays the same even if the way we love each other changes with our circumstances' thing. But I want to believe you."

I shrugged. "Then believe me."

"I think I do. At least, I think this isn't so different from what happened between you and Adrienne: Ex-girlfriend, she broke your heart, but you've found this balance with each other as adoptive 'siblings'. I was there with you two at Morris Camp when I saw it change, dancing to 'A Moment Like This'. The WAY you love each other is different, but your core love for her is still the same."

I blinked, thought about that, and grinned goofily. "See, I should have STARTED with that example!"

DJ smirked, shook her head, and mimed me drinking from a tumbler. I laughed and shrugged, but she sighed and gave me a more serious look.

"The thing is," she began, "you and Adrienne are perfectly comfortable as 'siblings', and I think you two could very well love each other in this 'way' for the rest of your lives. But I'm not so sure I can do that. I still want to believe that I didn't irreparably damage our romantic relationship. I want to believe that the guy I've been in love with for as long as I've known what love is could still one day be mine. God help me, I love my sister and I know she will always mean so much to you. But I still hope with all my heart that your Destiny with each other is to be Best Friends the way Brooke and I are, which would mean that someday the 'way' you love me WILL change, and someday I'll get to be your wife."

I took a deep breath and shrugged. "Maybe you will."

"I want to believe that. And I think I do believe that. Because the one thing I'll always remember from our broken engagement is that you DID propose to me. Now I know that was surely influenced by me being pregnant and all, and in hindsight others might say that was a rash and ultimately wrong decision to make at the time. But I want you to know that I appreciate it. I tend to think that a person's first reaction is usually the true reaction, a reflection of a naked heart without second-guessing or over-rationalization. Yes, I second-guessed you a lot in the weeks after you proposed. Yes, I ultimately freaked out and ruined everything. But from the very first moment RIGHT when you found out I was pregnant, your naked heart committed to me. I'll never forget that part. You loved me like I always had dreamed of you loving me. They say be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Well I did and I wasn't ready for it. But I'm choosing to learn from that experience. And buster, YOU just might need to be ready for it. Because I think I'm gonna keep wishing, and maybe one day I'll get my wish once again."

I blinked a bit, trying to process everything she'd just said. In my silence, DJ bit her lip and looked nervous for a moment before her eyes hardened to steel. And she got up off her chair once again.

This time, she didn't sit sideways in my lap. This time, she didn't experimentally taste my lips. Instead, DJ straddled me, shoved her tits under my chin, and bent her face to ram her tongue down my throat, setting off a supervolcanic explosion of energy and passion that resonated through both of us.

It was over almost as soon as it started. By the time I got my vision back, she was already standing back on the floor beside me taking deep breaths for oxygen and giving me a goofy grin. The kiss had been "like always", but definitely a more exciting "always" than our previous kiss.

"I'll always love you, Ben," she sighed wistfully, still breathing hard.

"And I'll always love you, Dorothy Jean," I replied right back.

Taking a deep breath, she shrugged and said, "I know we both still have some growing up to do. But someday, I'll get to meet Future Ben and you'll get to meet Future DJ. Who knows? Maybe our future selves will see something in each other that brings us back to where we used to be: romantically in love, and on the path to marriage and family. Maybe they won't. Maybe you're right and it depends on circumstance, opportunity, and timing. Or maybe Destiny will find a way to make it work no matter what. I don't know, but I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not gonna dwell on our past failures anymore. I want to thank you: thank you for being so understanding, thank you for forgiving me, and thank you for always loving me the same. I'm going to try and think of myself as just 'DJ' when it comes to you and me, and to not constantly worry about you seeing me as 'Dawn's little sister'. Because for the first time in my life, I DO believe you when you say your love for me has nothing to do with her, and everything to do with ME."

DJ and I returned to the living room to find Brooke and Sasha deep in conversation. Brooke had a cocktail in her hand and she was using it to gesture rather emphatically while Sasha intently listened. But they broke off their conversation and both looked over at us when Sasha noticed our arrival.

"Everything alright?" Brooke asked with raised eyebrows.

DJ smiled. "Couldn't be better."

Brooke smirked. "Well we know you two didn't have sex, so clearly something could have been better."

DJ's eyes went wide. "Broo-ooke!" she complained while glancing at me nervously.

Brooke merely giggled, and Sasha smiled and shook her head. Brooke then said, "So we were thinking of sticking around for dinner."

DJ frowned. "We were?"

"Yes. We were," Brooke replied with an eye roll and a sigh. "Can't remember the last time we got a proper Project Ben meal."

I grinned. "You're welcome to join us."

"Great!" Brooke enthused, and she extended her right arm forward and up, dangled her fingers, and gestured rather dismissively with the back of her hand. "Go on then, Jeeves. Make us food."

I rolled my eyes and abruptly darted forward. Brooke was already squealing and flailing with her arms and legs before I even got to her, but I managed to dodge most of her attacks as I grabbed her waist, hoisted her face-down over my lap while I sat down on the couch, and proceeded to slap her ass three times in rapid-succession.

She laughed and squealed the whole time.

Three spanks done, I tossed her off me and got up, shaking my head wryly. "'Jeeves'..." I muttered derisively.

From the floor and rubbing her butt as she rolled onto her knees, Brooke chortled, "And yet he still meekly goes off to make dinner."

A moment later, Brooke was squealing in my lap as I gave her three more.

Brooke, DJ, Sasha, and Adrienne were neatly assembled around the dining table as I brought out the evening's meal. After I set down the large family-style platters, I sketched a short bow and stated proudly, "I actually made all three meals for this household today. Not bad for a guy who failed at boiling water less than a year ago, huh?"

Adrienne leaned forward, took a wide circular sniff over the platters, and turned to me with a beatific smile. "Well done. Now you have no excuse not to do the same thing tomorrow!"

I grinned and shook my head. "Nuh-uh. Rotation. It's your turn to make breakfast tomorrow morning while Sasha and I stay in bed and have sex."

Fortunately, Sasha joined me in grinning as she stuck her tongue out at Adrienne, complete with audible raspberry.

That set the tone for a wonderful dinner, as the four students were now all finished with our Final exams and Adrienne wasn't even a student to begin with. So we all relaxed and caught up on each other's lives, sharing the things we'd missed out on over the past semester and relishing the opportunity to be back in each other's company. Brooke and DJ talked about moving back into this house in the fall with Dawn, and that they'd already talked to Faye about becoming the fourth roommate. Adrienne, Sasha, and I discussed our plans for finding a place together once we figured out where I'd be working, and of course the place would have to have room for Kim and our son. And Brooke teased me and Adrienne about whether or not we'd gotten permission from Mom and Dad.

We reiterated that we were old enough to make our own decisions, but that yes, we'd informed the parental units of our plans.

After dinner, the girls stuck around as we moved into the living room. Brooke brought up Sasha's idea of it being the perfect time to get drunk and hang out, so I was tasked with mixing fresh cocktails for everyone.

After about an hour though, Adrienne wondered aloud why the girls weren't celebrating the end of Finals with their froshling friends, DJ explained, "Well not everyone is done with their Finals just yet. Most of us will be finished after tomorrow morning, though, and we wanted to ask you something about that."

Brooke swallowed her drink and piped up, "Would you mind if we had an End-of-the-Year barbecue here tomorrow for lunch?"

Sasha frowned. "Tomorrow? Tomorrow's Thursday. I'm sure some of your friends still have an exam on Friday."

"Just Joel and Tammy," DJ explained. "Everyone else will be done tomorrow morning. And on top of that, Meli, Beth, and Josh are flying home Friday morning, so rather than have them miss out entirely, we figured we'd just celebrate tomorrow. And this house does have a better setup for entertaining."

Sasha and I exchanged a look, and I shrugged. "Works for me. As long as you don't mind us old fogeys hanging around as well. Paige's last Final is tomorrow morning as well, and she and Bert were both coming over here for lunch to hang out."

"The more the merrier," Brooke chirped. "Well, sorta. It's really just our core clique coming by. Just ten of us. Not that big of a deal."

I shrugged. "Sure, sounds like fun."

"Cool." DJ smiled.

"So, now that that's out of the way," Brooke began with her trademark evil grin before downing the rest of her tumbler, gasping for air, and resuming her overly big smile. "Two out of the three things we came over here for are now complete."

"Two out of three?" Sasha inquired curiously.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" DJ added with furrowed eyebrows.

"One, DJ had her little talk with Ben to put the past behind them and look to the future," Brooke explained. "Two, we got your okay to have the barbecue here tomorrow."

She paused, and impatiently, I bit first. "And three?"

Like the Grinch, Brooke's grin got impossibly bigger. She got off the couch, her legs just a bit wobbly for a moment as she drunkenly stood up, and she sashayed over to me before hopping into my lap with a knee to either side. I sat up straight and my heartbeat rapidly accelerated, for I recognized the naked lust in my little sister's eyes and was only too aware that Sasha was sitting right by my side. Brooke sealed her lips over mine, her tongue diving into the back of my throat while I practically tried to crawl away up the backrest. But she held firm on top of my shoulders and kept me pinned down while she finished carving her tongue around the entire perimeter of the inside of my mouth. And only when she was done did she back away and resume that trademark evil grin.

"And three," Brooke finished, "DJ and I need to get FUCKED."

"Oh! Ohhh! Right there! Right there! Fuuu-uuu-uuuck yeah!"

Holding my face just a fraction of an inch away from my little sister's pussy, I stiffened my tongue and starting vibrating my head left and right as I did 'that paint shaker thing' I knew she really loved. I used both hands to hold her thighs down and apart, but her heels were drumming against my back while I titillated her clitoris and sent her into orgasmic orbit.

"Fuck! Yeah! Oh, eat me big brother! I'm cumming! Fucking EAT me!"

I felt the gush of fluid run down across my chin as Brooke climaxed, and I immediately dropped my tongue to lap up her copious spending while mashing my upper lip against my little sister's love button to truly EAT her throughout her orgasm. I released my grip on her thighs and let her clamp them around my head like a Venus flytrap, and I re-gripped her legs from the other side and continued to munch her out with a fury while her entire pelvic area bucked and thrust at me spasmodically.

"Now fuck me! Fuck me, Ben! Fuck me NOW!"

Yanking down with my arms, I pried Brooke's legs open and quickly stood up on the floor. I kicked aside the cushion I'd been kneeling on and reached down to my little sister's waist, tugging it toward me so that her ass slid off the edge of the mattress. My throbbing erection was bobbing upright and almost hitting my belly, so I had a hard time getting the tip low enough to enter her. But curling her abs, Brooke reached down, grabbed my cock, and jammed it into her entrance. And when I dug in with my toes and slammed my whole body forward, she flung her arms over her head and flopped back across my bed while feeling her tight pussy get rammed full of incestuous brother-dick.

"Oh, shit!" Sasha groaned, her lower lip quivering as her eyes tightened, her abs clenched, and she started an orgasm of her own. Seated naked in one of my sitting area chairs with both legs thrown over the armrests, my girlfriend reached down with both hands and yanked DJ's head against her crotch. Moments later, she threw her head back and moaned to the ceiling, her mouth gaping open for just a brief moment before Adrienne covered it with a kiss while fondling Sasha's tits at the same time.

"Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me," Brooke chanted in rhythm with my aggressive thrusting. I'd thrown her legs over my shoulders and palmed her firm asscheeks while leaning forward and driving my hard dick into her at a forty-five degree angle.

"Oh. Shit! Oh. Shit! Oh. Shit!" Sasha groaned in rhythm with Brooke while turning her head to watch me and my little sister going at it. "I can't believe we're doing this. It is SO fuckin' naughty!"

I chuckled and threw her a grin. It certainly was naughty, and I couldn't believe we were doing this either. If you had told me at the beginning of the year that buttoned-up Sasha Serafian would be getting double-teamed by DJ and Adrienne and getting orgasm after orgasm while watching me fuck my little sister, I'd have said you were crazy. And yet here we were.

I'd wondered for a long time if Sasha would be able to handle the incestuous part of me. From the moment I began to seriously consider her as a girlfriend, I'd realized that the subject would eventually come up. Brooke was simply too important a part of my life, and sex too integral an aspect of our relationship, for the subject to NOT eventually arise. True, Brooke's extended absence after moving out of the house with DJ had taken away the urgency of any such discussion, but I'd always known I would eventually have to broach the subject.


But the girls hadn't waited for "eventually".

Adrienne had been the first to put out feelers for Sasha's opinion on the subject. My adoptive sister had recognized immediately upon her return how strongly my roommate felt for me, and how strongly I felt for my roommate. Over the course of the last couple of weeks, she'd subtly dropped a few comments here and there on the subject, beginning with Sasha's acceptance of the incestuous behavior displayed by the Holland sisters and the Schenke twins and eventually moving up to compliments of admiration for the physical beauty of someone like my sister Brooke.

Sasha was a smart cookie, and started to get an inkling of what Adrienne was getting at. When I'd gone upstairs with DJ and left her alone in the living room with Brooke, Sasha had come out and asked my little sister a few pointed questions about the nature of her relationship with me. After admitting that she wasn't sure about her feelings for the concept of male-female sibling incest, she said that the thought of ME and BROOKE having sex turned her on, and she got Brooke to confess a good portion of our sexual history together, a conversation that had still been going on when DJ and I finally came back downstairs.

That conversation eventually led to Brooke, Sasha, and Adrienne plotting tonight's encounter. We got drunk, Brooke announced her intention to get laid, and I wound up eating my little sister to a trio of orgasms while DJ did the same to Sasha.

But we were just getting started.

Having not had sex in a little while, Brooke's tunnel was very tight. Despite my aggressive thrusting, it took some time to stretch her out and I couldn't build up enough speed to get either of us off. Meanwhile, Sasha had two more climaxes watching us go at it, to the point where she pushed DJ's head away and whimpered that she needed a break.

So DJ came over to the bed and straddled Brooke's face while reaching down to play with my sister's tits. The busty blonde had removed her panties, but still wore a lacy baby blue bra, and I started fucking my sister harder while ogling DJ's wonderfully round and wonderfully huge swaying mammaries.

"Take it off," I grunted, my eyes fixed on the massive melons.

DJ giggled and crooked a finger. "That'll cost you a kiss-- MMPH!"

I didn't hesitate; I simply sealed my lips over hers and shoved my tongue into her mouth. DJ's hands went to my head, tilting it to the side while she tilted the other way so that we could deepen our liplock. And all the while I kept pummeling my sister beneath us.

Meanwhile, Adrienne took off her panties and replaced Sasha in the chair with her legs tossed over the armrests. My new girlfriend knelt where DJ had been and began eating out the blonde bombshell who had lately come to be one of her best friends.

Eventually, DJ broke our kiss and finally reached down to unclasp her bra. Once those hooters were free, I bent forward and buried my face in them while she held up her titflesh and rubbed her boobs against my cheeks for me. I groaned happily, sped up my thrusting, and after Brooke squealed an orgasm beneath me, her body relaxed and her pussy stretched out a little more, allowing me to speed up and really hammer my way into her.

"Fu-uck!" I grunted, pulling my face out of DJ's tits for a moment while I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on the pleasure. After three more thrusts, I grunted, "I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum inside her!" Sasha moaned out of the blue, having pulled her face out of Adrienne's crotch. "I wanna see you cum inside your sister!"

I wanted to FEEL myself cum inside my sister. Planting my hands a little wider on the bed, I clenched my abs and concentrated on pistoning in and out of her. Rapidly, I felt the build-up in my balls as they filled like water balloons beneath a faucet. And all at once, both balls exploded.

"AAARRGGGHH!" I growled and fired both barrels of incestuous sperm into Brooke's waiting womb. "Oh, FUCCCKKKK!!!"

Brooke screamed into DJ's cunt, her voice muffled by the pussy smothering her mouth. DJ squealed, squeezing her own nipples and throwing her head back as she came. And Sasha screamed in orgasm as well, furiously rubbing her clit while Adrienne nibbled on her neck and palmed both her breasts.

For some reason, I thought of Star Wars right then and there. Specifically, I thought of an Imperial AT-AT Walker, it's legs tied together by a tow cable, collapsing straight forward on its nose.

And then my face planted into the mattress next to Brooke's head.

With a groan, I rolled over onto my back. When I picked my head up, I found that Sasha had taken my spot kneeling between Brooke's legs, her brunette head wriggling as she sucked out the creampie.

Safe to say that Sasha would be able to handle my relationship with Brooke. One more happy thing from my coma dream to come true.

"I'm gonna suck your dick, Ben," DJ muttered from beside me. Kneeling atop the mattress, she took hold of my half-hard penis and stroked it with both hands. Giving me a pointed look, she informed me again, "I'm gonna suck your dick now."

And then she sucked my dick.

If you had told me about a month ago that DJ Evans would be sucking my dick, I would have told you ... You know what? Fuck it. Clearly I was terrible at predicting the future. Best to not expect ANYTHING and thus not be quite so surprised with the way things in my life turn out.

After a few minutes of DJ's warm, lavish oral attention, I found that I was getting some fresh lead into my pencil. But just when I started to think about rolling DJ onto her back and reintroducing my sperm to her fertile womb, she popped off me and gestured with her eyes. "Not yet. Your girlfriend needs to be fucked."

Indeed she did. Having slurped out all my spending from Brooke's cunt, Sasha had taken my little sister's place on the bed, although she'd slid a little higher up so that her head was supported by a pillow and her legs were on top of the mattress. As DJ moved out of the way, I rolled over atop the exotic brunette's lush body, pausing to suckle at both of her large breasts before climbing higher and sealing our lips together for a tender kiss.

My girlfriend spread her legs aside while holding onto my shoulders, her face radiant in its happiness and beauty as I nudged my newfound erection into her folds. "Make love to me, boyfriend," Sasha cooed.

So I did.

Having cum three times with Sasha, Adrienne, and Amber last night, I figured I had a pretty good chance of repeating the feat. The only question, really, was: In who?

Brooke had already gotten one injection, but she made it clear she wouldn't mind a second as she parked herself on all fours right beside us after I drove Sasha to her first dick-filled orgasm of the evening. So I pulled out of my girlfriend and stuck my cock back into my sister.

Adrienne then parked herself on all fours right beside Brooke, so after about three minutes of doggy-dicking my little sister, I slid over and pounded her.

Of course, Sasha turned herself onto all fours on the other side of Brooke, so I had to slide back over to my girlfriend and start rutting into her again, and ... well, you get the picture.

I fucked all three of them, eventually getting each one to climax on my cock. In the end, the answer to the question of "In who?" turned out to be none of them; I wound up spraying all over Sasha's tits. Adrienne and Brooke licked up every drop, feeding whatever they found directly into Sasha's mouth.

And DJ sucked me hard again.

But this time, DJ wasn't warming me up for someone else. DJ was warming me up for DJ.

I wound up sitting in an armchair, holding my ex-fiancée's waist in my hands while she straddled my legs and held my mushroom head at the entrance to her honeypot. Her eyes were closed in concentration, and her left hand held onto the backrest behind me while her right swabbed my cockhead through her already-creaming cleft. Behind her, the other three girls pawed and fondled each other on the bed, but I could tell all three of them were watching us intently.

Still with her eyes closed, DJ bit her lower lip and began to sink down. I'd thought that Brooke was tight after going without for a little while, but apparently the only things DJ had taken inside her since last having my cock were vibrators and dildos that didn't measure up to me, and it took a little while for her to get me fully imbedded. But once her ass was in my lap and her vaginal canal was stuffed as full of cock as I could go, she opened her eyes, let a few tears trickle out, and gave me a warm smile before wrapping her arms behind my head and kissing me like she'd never let go.

[bum-BUMP] [bum-BUMP]

"I can feel your heartbeat," I murmured quietly when she finally pulled her lips away to breathe.

Her eyes half-lidded, DJ shivered as she panted for breath with her nose still touching mine. "I feel so full," she muttered before giving me an experimental hip gyration.

"You feel so tight," I groaned right back as she carved my cock along the entire inner perimeter of her pussy walls.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled my nerves and murmured softly, "I have to ask: Are you protected?"

Only then did DJ's eyes fully open, and she pulled her face back just far enough to look me in the eyes. "Would you cum in me if I wasn't?"

My eyes sharpened, but I didn't hesitate before answering, "Yes. If that's what you wanted. In a heartbeat."

"Even after everything we've been through?"

"Because of everything we've been through. I proposed to you five months ago. I meant it, and I've never taken it back. As far as I'm concerned, you've already BEEN my wife and the mother-to-be of my child. We've already HAD that relationship, and while our circumstances have changed, well ... I've already told you I think we'd have had a wonderful marriage if we'd decided to go through with it back then, and it's NOT too late to change our minds."

"But Ben--"

I shushed her with a finger to her lips. "I'm not going to pressure you to have a baby with me right now, or to resume our old relationship. I just meant to say that if you did somehow become pregnant again, you already know I'd love you and our baby both."

DJ looked me dead in the eye and nodded. "I DO know." But after a sigh and a regretful shake of her head, she added, "But you've got a girlfriend. And I've got two more years of school."

"I didn't forget." I smiled and shrugged. "Circumstances. They are what they are."

"But if our circumstances were different?"

"Anything's possible."

DJ mused on that for a moment, and she kissed me again. Our lips were still fastened together when she started gyrating her hips again, and I had to pull away to moan at the pleasure she was causing in my prick.

"I love you, Ben. I'll always love you," she whimpered, her eyes closed again while she focused on her inner sensations.

"And I'll always love you. Lover. Sister. Friend."

"Mother?" she asked, momentarily stopping and opening her eyes to stare at me again.

I chuckled and smiled, but I didn't reply verbally. She already knew the answer to that. She nodded and started gyrating in my lap again.

"I AM on the pill, by the way," she commented, almost as an afterthought. "No, I haven't been with any other guys since you, but I always knew we'd eventually start doing this again and I wanted to be ready. I'm still too young to have a baby. I'm still not ready to have a responsibility like that, or to have my life settled down. But I always knew we'd start fucking again, because we're 'Family'. We'll always be 'Family'."

"Always," I agreed, pushing off my toes and holding onto the armrests to buck myself into her.

She started humping herself up and down as well. Eyes closed and gripping both hands on the top of the backrest, DJ moaned and started chanting, "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck." Faster and faster she moved, and closer and closer to cumming I came. Once, just once, I found myself worrying a little bit about the possibility of her becoming pregnant again, birth control be damned. Not because I would regret such an act, but because I knew DJ honestly wanted to wait. Obviously, NOT pregnant would be ideal for both of us. But if it happened, it happened, and I knew we would be better prepared for it this time.

And maybe ... just maybe ... DJ and I would get a second chance.

So when DJ grabbed onto my neck for dear life, began screaming her orgasm, and started hopping up and down in my lap like a super-charged rabbit that REALLY needs to pee, I grabbed onto her waist, drove myself upwards as close to her womb as I could go...

... and I came.