EASY LIFE Christabel Growing up, Brenda had an EASY LIFE.


Episode 6


After that phone call, Brenda was lost in a deep thought as she reminisced on how nice Franklin had been to her, anyone who can see could tell that she had been crying as her eyes were swollen and red. Her world seemed empty and without meaning.

Her parents were scared that she might go into depression again, They were heartbroken and wondered why all these was happening to their daughter. They consoled and assure her that all would be fine even though they don't know how. Brenda grew slim under 2 days, due to starvation as she lost appetite for food and she was in tears most of the time.

Brenda's condition worsen, She was losing her mind and couldn't function properly anymore.

She barely had access to Franklin and that bothers her. According to his brother, Franklin was in a lot of pain. Brenda always cried herself to sleep every night and always imagined the amount of pain Franklin was in. In one of those nights, she couldn't take it any longer and decided to visit Franklin in the hospital but she wondered who will take her to the hospital since she was disabled.

"Dad, I have to go and see Franklin, I'm not ok and I think I might go crazy if I continue like this. I miss him so much and it hurts so bad. My mind is always with him, that's why I can't function or think properly. I just have to go to him, please I need some one to take me to the hospital" Brenda said to her Father, one morning . With no hesitation, her request was granted.

Brenda was thrilled because she would be seeing the love of her life soonest. She informed Franklin's brother that she will visit Franklin at the hospital that morning

"Franklin had been asking for you, he will be happy to see you, we will be expecting you" Franklin's brother replied calmly.

That same day, Brenda arrived the hospital with the help of their domestic workers, at first she was denied access to Franklin, simply because Franklin was still in the Intensive care unit but immediately she called Franklin's younger brother who had only stepped out to freshen up, Franklin's brother spoke with the nurse over the phone and then Brenda was authorized to go in and see Franklin. She was wheeled straight into the hospital.

Franklin wasn't aware of Brenda's visit. He had been fighting to stay alive but the battle was beyond him. He missed her badly and felt sad that there was nothing he could do about it. Brenda called Franklin's brother again to inform him that she was with Franklin but he was fast asleep.

they conversed over the phone for a while and Franklin's brother told Brenda that he will be at the hospital shortly. One thing Franklin's brother didn't know was that Brenda was disabled, he had no idea that she was confined in a wheelchair. But he seemed to like her personality as he warm up with her quickly. There was something familiar with Brenda and Franklin's brother couldn't wait to meet her in person.

The nurse on duty who had authorized Brenda to see Franklin didn't permit the two people who came with her into the intensive care unit, they had to wait at the hospital's waiting room, The Nurse had wheeled Brenda into the ICU and left shortly after. Brenda was alone with Franklin, she was so close to the bed where Franklin laid. In few minutes, she held his hand,

and then Franklin opened his eyes instantly.

"Brenda is that you?" He surprisingly asked and Brenda smiled and said, "Yes it's me, how are you?"

For a second, Franklin couldn't believe that Brenda came to see him, It took a while for him to fully realize that his mind wasn't playing games with him and that Brenda was truly there. He ran his eyes on her but when his sight wandered to the wheelchair, he felt bad.

"I hope you are not stressed, Brenda how did you…, I mean, how did you get here? He asked stuttering and Brenda smiled. "Did you think I would be able to stay away from you for much longer? I couldn't bear it anymore and had to come down here to be with you, I came with two of my domestic staffs, they are waiting outside, I called you severally but your brother was always with your phone" she said in smiles.

Franklin summoned all the strength he had and held Brenda's hand, "I miss you babe, and I'm glad you are here. You have no idea how much this means to me, I love you more than words can say" He said with tears in his eyes. Brenda immediately noticed how skinny he had become, she felt really bad but she comported herself. Franklin also noticed that Brenda had emaciated.

"Brenda, I want you to promise me that you will be happy, even if I'm not around, promise me you will move on and be happy" Franklin entered. Brenda hesitated before she responded.

"I promise" She finally said

"But don't leave me, you are the only one that gives me Joy, please!" Brenda added

"Maybe that's why God is taking me away because he wants your Joy to come from him, Brenda! I assure you, you will be fine!, Do you remember the first day we met, you hated me so much but today we love each other so much" Franklin responded and Brenda smiled, he managed to hug Brenda with his last strength.

After hugging for a while, Franklin laid back to rest because he was already getting tired. He told Brenda that he wants to sleep but he told her to wait, "I will wake up soon" Franklin said before he fell asleep, While he slept, Brenda called Franklin's younger brother again to find out when he was going to arrive and what was keeping him, she also inquired from Franklin's brother the situation on ground concerning Franklin's health and he told her that Franklin wasn't getting any better despite the administered treatments. Franklin's brother could sense fear and pain in Brenda's voice.

"I'm on my way to the hospital, please wait, I'm coming" Franklin's brother finally said before Brenda hanged up

Franklin's brother arrived shortly after, and lo and behold, Franklin's younger brother was no one but Lucas, Brenda's first love in college. The young man was so anxious to met Brenda in person because his brother Franklin had said nice things about her, but immediately he arrived, He was called into the doctor's office, even as he walked into the doctor's office, he was looking everywhere, probably for Brenda.

"Doc, my brother have a visitor, please I want to go and check up on them" Franklin's brother said at once. He had thought the doctor wanted to have a word with him as usual.

"Lucas, I'm sorry, your brother is dead" The doctor revealed at once,

"Oh it can't be, Doctor he has more few months to live, please wake him up, I have alot to tell him, please wake him up" Lucas uttered in tears. When Lucas came out of the doctor's office, he walked into the hospital room where Franklin laid lifelessly, he was surprised to see a disabled lady, touching and shaking Franklin's lifeless body, it was heartbreaking for Lucas to see his brother laying lifelessly on the hospital bed but at the same time he was curious to know who was the lady on the wheelchair. It was obvious that the lady was weeping and Lucas could only see her shoulders because she was facing the hospital bed where Franklin laid. Lucas had no idea that the lady on the wheelchair was Brenda, his First Love!.

End Of Episode 6

To Be Continued

It's a pity that Franklin died. What happens next? Find out

Have a good day 😘