You have fairly broad tastes for a member of your clan, and acceptable prey for you is obvious from a distance. Both are advantages on the road. Your sire, for example, is restricted to feeding from police officers. The old Prince of Tucson could feed only on immigrants.

What causes these restrictions to manifest? Are they supernatural, psychological, or something else? What counts as an "immigrant," or a "woman"? Both are interesting questions for our times, though it's not clear that the Clan of Kings has any answers.

Olivecrona told you that limits are how we test ourselves and grow strong. Other Ventrue insist that their preferences elevate them spiritually. Members of other clans call you Blue Bloods and just assume that the Clan of Kings is fussy.

Julian Sim believed that the limitation was put in place to force early members of your clan to engage in exchange, rather than simple theft, incidentally establishing the trade routes of the ancient world.

No matter. Your restriction to feeding on younger women is an inconvenience, but sometimes an advantage. To put it crudely—girls are weak. Get them when they're young enough and they can't even fight back. That's an ugly truth of your existence, but a useful one to keep in mind. Another ugly truth is that no one cares what happens to prostitutes. Your greatest inconvenience is that you can rarely feed on someone who's trying to destroy you; even these nights, most soldiers, cops, and hunters are men.