Chapter Eleven: Jopp's Chopped Pride

I hate Penny Lee! I loathe Penny Lee! I detest her to the bowels of hell and beyond!

The deal was to let Tark have one human companion. Her plan was to let them have offspring, and they would fall under her protective rule.

I worked my jaw as I tried to think of a way to get rid of them all, Penny Lee included.

A voice in my head began to say things I didn't want to believe. Would it be so bad to love and protect them?

Alaris' suffering will not go unpunished. The immortal witch was still out there, scheming. I spent most of my time searching for her with spiritual energy. She was good at hiding, but she won't be able to hide forever.

Tark's hazel eyes seemed to understand what I was really doing and why. I had unfinished business with the witch, and I could not rest until Alaris was at peace.

Hekin took the damn lock of hair I had of the witch, to keep me from obsessing over it while we traveled.

Even with my current strength, I was no match for Master. Hekin knew that we wouldn't become stronger if we stayed. We had to test our mettle in the demon-infested world where humans were forced to live surrounded by water.

I grinned. Water won't be enough to keep them from my vengeful grasp.

I glanced at my surroundings and used my precious instant energy to fix the silo, put the grain back inside, snuff the fires out, and save the dried fish. "Are you happy, now?!"

Penny Lee scoffed.

Did I mention how much I hate her? I did? Well, damn. Read this chapter again!