Chapter five

"Power's what powers" I wondered what kind of fairytale la la land I find myself in.

"What you did to the boys is the ability to inflict great pain upon a person by causing their blood vessels to burst and thus giving them multiple aneurysms that's what the process is called don't worry they'll heal, witches normally use this power to disable supernatural beings with accelerated healing" Aurora clarified.

"What do you mean witches?" I asked trying to wrap my head around everything, why whenever we meet I'm hearing more weird and creepy stuff.

"I've been here waiting for you watching keeping to the wind waiting for when the time is right when you need me I'll step out of thin air to assist you," Aurora said calmly.

"What are you talking about helping me for what?" cautiously I asked contemplating don't really like where this is going.

"You need to sit down this will take a while there's something you must know," she told me sitting down on the ground my back resting on the tree.

"For over centuries I've been waiting for the prophesies to fulfill it was prophesied that a baby would be conceived on the last solar eclipse and protect the supernatural world from great destruction" Aurora divulge I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What do you mean the prophecy been fulfilled what destruction?" I asked wanting answers eagerly to find out what all this madness is about.

"You aren't just an Omega, Bianca you're the banshee the Goddess and protector of both worlds the anchor for the afterlife and prison world," Aurora said in a soothing tone I just watched listened, mouth agape I was staggered lost for words.

"Say what now" I yelled dumbfounded "unbelievable a banshee a freaking Goddess an anchor" I babble getting up walking back and forth still not believing what Aurora's telling me, this is just too much to process in one day.

"I'm sorry I can't be a guardian look at me an Omega you know I'm like the bottom of the food chain well more like the scraps at the bottom I won't even classify as an Omega since I'm useless" I paused my cluttering as I resume freaking out.

"You got the wrong girl Aurora I'm not strong enough to defend myself much less protect the entire supernatural world I just can't I'm so sorry you have to find someone else" I dismissed rubbing my temple feeling a massive headache coming on from the endless thinking.

"Never underestimate your strength dear Bianca, never overestimate your weakness you're not weak your life does not define whether or not you're an Omega you were not meant to suffer in my eyes you aren't an Omega you're stronger than you think, never give up till your heart stops beating" she declared with every word having a deeper meaning.

"Having a soft heart in this cruel world is courage determination and strength, not weakness" she reassures me that I can do anything.

"You're our only hope you have the power to protect the supernatural creatures a war is coming stronger than you can ever imagine you need to make a decision we're running out of time" Aurora tried to reason with me thinking about all the things that pack put me through I've finally concluded what I'd do.

"I'm not doing it this is payback for all the pain and torture that pack put me through karma is a bitch at least she gave me the opportunity front seat to watch those bastards suffer," I said to her with no remorse.

"They deserve what's coming to them and I'll be there to witness every moment" I spat bitterly.

"You have a heart of gold Bianca you can't let pain overcome your judgment and corrupt your heart and soul" she countered positioned her hand on my forehead.

"This is what's to come if you don't fulfill your duties would you rather having every creature crumbled because of one pack?" Aurora asked removing her hand after giving me flashbacks from the vision I had when I was in class.

"But they all deserve to die," I demand firmly "they all do" I sigh my eyes cast down with the horrible members before I looked back at my fist clenched at my sides.

"Don't tell me those son of bitc- I mean you have no idea the things they put me through this is the only way I can get back at them" I pronounced.

"Bianca when push comes to shove, you're gonna want them on your side" she advised I nodded giving up knowing she's right I can't do this alone even if I have to put on a fake face I have to fulfill my duties.

"Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes" Aurora quoted her voice was strong.

"I was born to fight and fight I will" I give in with such confidence and just hope I don't bite more than I can chew.

"That's more like it, don't ever mistake your past and struggles as a weakness but know this sometimes the painful women are the fiercest warriors, Goddess of the afterlife," Aurora acknowledged smiling with a slight bow before disappearing like always she needs to stop doing that leaving without telling me bye what if I had more questions or popping up without me knowing what if I was busy with my mate.

Sighing heavy who am I fooling what am I saying of course she'll pop up whenever she feels like even Aurora knows I don't have a life.

The days flew by it's been a week since I've seen Aurora or visit the forest I just need to wrap my head around all these things she told me.

It was Saturday afternoon, the sun was hot and the little breeze did little to no help I was sitting by the clearing where they always trained resting my back on the tree watching the cute little pups playing tag, while some older high school seniors were busy talking and laughing.

"Rogues" I heard the loud uproar of commotions looking only to see four huge brown wolves snarling viciously as they approached the innocent kids they stood there too scared to even run.

Rogues are werewolves that have either been kicked out of their pack or left on their own free will, once they cross over the borders of their territory they'll automatically evolve their appearance changes from ours.

They have a short torso, and low hindquarters giving their back a hunched appearance they have long forelegs and thick necks, and huge heads their backs slope noticeably downward their coats usually coarse tan, or brown in colour, with dark stripes or spots and covered in lost hair patches they also have a bad odour radiating from their bodies dried dirt caked to their skin. They changed into the most hideous creatures a cure from our Queen the Moon Goddess as a sign of punishment.

Rogues are mainly bad danger to society in some cases they are the reason for deaths all over they might kill for vengeance or out of boredom.

I was closer to them running towards the pups as I stupidly stood in front of the Rouges unsure what to do, you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

"Stay behind me" I whispered to the shaking poor pups.

They lashed out at "oh gosh, I didn't think this through" I muttered what if it doesn't work or what if it needs to be charged oh Lord, I did a little prayer all I'm doing is trying to protect these kids here goes nothing.

I watched as they dropped the ground grunting in pain whimpering they shifted back to human form holding their heads wailing as the blood rush through their noses like a river as they shake forcefully blood flowing from their ears noses even their eyes screaming out in agony as the pain rocks their bodies.

Their cry became laboured seizing the life slowly slipped away, my vision became hazy as dark spots hovered around I slowly sway side to side slit into darkness hearing my name being called as I fell to the ground and darkness devour me.

Jeremiah POV

Cuddling with Cami watching TV with my friends only to hear loud screaming "rogues" they shouted all at once through the mind link "where are they?" I growled "clearing" they exclaimed.

"What is it?" Scott inquired probably seen how frantic I look "rogues," I informed them as I ran out with the others following reaching the yard looking to see a group of high school teenagers scared evident on their faces on the further side looking on following their eyes.

Looking to see six pups standing behind a girl as they clutched onto her clothes four huge wolves hovered over them running as fast as we could.

Nearing suddenly they fell on the ground reaching closer that's when I realized who it was Bianca.

"Bianca" I called out as she fell Lucca was freaking out sprinting over to her blood running out of her nose, "she's hurt" Lucca whimper taking in her appearance.

"They're all dead" Scott notified me I looked over to see blood coming from them as well.

"She's bleeding" Aaron pointing out the obvious everyone was now standing over Bianca, "Jeremiah is she dead" one of the pups curiously asked my heart leaped feel heavy just hearing those words.

"She saved us from the mean wolves," another said "she can't die right" one added the little ones started asking questions.

How could she have helped them "no she's not" I reassured them a wide smile spread across their faces a growl rumbled my throat as an unmate stroke her cheek.

"Don't touch her" I barked they looked at me like I'm crazy but I ignored them lifting my mate did I just said that no I didn't I mean Bianca bridal style and walked away as they stared at me.

"She's barely breathing" Lucca indicates concerning for his partner, "she'll be alright? right she'll be fine she just has to" I worryingly asked unlocking my room door and walking over to my bed placing her gently on the bed.

Looking at her stunning face "stop Lucca your freaking out is causing me distress" I snapped walking to my bathroom wetting a cloth and walked back to Bianca as I wiped her face and the blood.

She looked so innocent pulling the covers over her and climb in heaving her close to my body listening to her uneven breath.

"Meet me in my room it's one of the members she's unconscious and barely breathing" I ordered mind linking one of the pack's physicians.

"I'm on my way" he answered right away as I closed the link.

All I could think about is whether or not she'll be fine I can't bear to know something happened to her it doesn't matter how much I mistreated or despised her part of me still doesn't want her to get hurt.

"Come in" I called out when James knocked getting off the bed before he pulled the door entering as he eyed Bianca resulting in me releasing a warning growl for staring so long.

"Uh sorry" he apologized "isn't she the girl everyone's talking about," he asked unsurely while he looked over at me.

"Yeah, that's her what's wrong with her?" I investigated Lucca was desperate to know what's going on.

"I'll have to run some test on her" he notified me James inches closer to the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked angrily seeing him pulling the covers down to her waist I was ready to attack.

"I need more space," he said fidgeting a little I nodded and watched him closely with any move I don't like I'll snap his pretty head off.

"Her blood pressure is a little high her heart beating at a normal pace but for her breathing it's, not steady" he informed me.

"How is that possible is she sick? if her heart's beating normal shouldn't her breathing be the same" I questioned my emotions are all over the fucking place.

"I'm not sure I'll have to run some tests and get back to you" he stated drawing some blood samples and check her temperature which was normal.

"At this moment she's in a state of unconsciousness I have to watch her if she fails to respond by any means of waking up by tomorrow or tonight..." he trailed off with a long pause causing my breath to stop anticipating sets in.

"I'm afraid she'll fall into a coma" James notify looking at me with sympathy just hearing those words my heart shattered to pieces Lucca was fighting to take control.

"I'll arrange for her to be moved into the infirmary" he told me "no she'll stay here" I dismissed his suggestion knowing that Lucca didn't want her out of his sight.

"Are you sure?" he asked looking at me suspiciously and with each second that goes by he was starting to piss us off.

"Are you questioning your soon-to-be alpha?" I growled stepping closer to him my eyes constantly shifting from amber to golden Lucca was fighting to take over.

"No sir my apologies," he said bowing his head "get out" I growled out teeth clenched nodding as he bolts closing the door.

After he left I climbed into bed pulling her warm body against mine inhaling her wondrous scent to calm us down especially Lucca.

"Please Bianca wake up you can't leave us" I whimpered stroking her soft hair as I kissed her neck my lips linger a bit loving the way her skin felt.


You never know how much someone means to you until when it's too late to tell them how much you love and care for them.

Because when they're gone no matter how much you tell them they won't hear you anymore in my case it's the same it's been three days now and Bianca's in a coma.

I don't know where I stand with her and I don't know if I can change the way I feel about her all I know is that every time I look at her I want to be with her I try to push the feelings aside knowing that she's better off without me.

The test shows she's not sick she's healthy they don't know why she was bleeding and I told them to run an autopsy on the rogue's came back they had haemorrhage ruptured blood vessels causing them to bleed to death. James also tested us since we had the same symptoms at school turns out we had a slight haemorrhage but we're not clear if it's some kind of plague.

You realize how much you truly missed someone when something happens both good or bad, you might not know this but I'd go out of my way just to make sure that she's okay.

"Dude it's like we hardly see you you're spending time with that freak again" Jason taunts I was already exhausted and furious coming back from a walk in the forest trying to figure out where I stand with Bianca and to make matters worse he just had to open his fucking mouth.

I don't know what came over me but the next thing I know was I pushed him hard in the chest "don't fucking call her that" I spat viciously Lucca was livid and I know if he took control, he'll rip him limb from limb.

I walked away ignoring Cami calling out my name walking into my room and watched Bianca as she peacefully slept I had arranged for the omegas to come and bathe her every day I just feel better knowing she's with me and it keeps Lucca at bay.

Yes, she's staying with me I don't want her away from me, and the fact that people are starting to question my actions but they know better than challenging me or asked if they valuing their lives.