Chapter ten

"Bianca that's enough" the loud roaring sound of authority turning my head to the side to see Jeremiah standing with Cami who had a shocked expression and Jason who I didn't even know had left, I guess they never imagine seeing their friends with their feet dangling by a useless omega having them in a throat hold oh well first time for everything I guess.

"Release them" Jeremiah authorized but too bad his Alpha tone doesn't work on me "take one more step and I won't hesitate to rip their hearts out" I warned stopping him in track as his face turned pale.

"What's the meaning of this you are out of control now release them that's an order" he growled out I laughed "I'm out of control" I mimicked impersonating him as he clenches his fist didn't like the disrespect.

"Really Jeremiah I'm out of control the one time I came to you for help to stand by me for one moment to put our differences aside just this once you choose her" I spat full of wrath.

Releasing them as they fell to the ground hungrily gasping for air as if they'll suck in the entire house.

"I hate you all stay the fuck out of my way or you'll all feel the wrath of me" I warned "this isn't over" Jeremiah shouted "ooh your right it's just the beginning" I replied with that said I walk away leaving them rushing to help the guys.

For the first time, I felt so powerful and I loved every moment of it walking to my room and into the bathroom deciding on taking a needed shower stripping off my clothes stepping into the shower letting the water warm just the way I like it.

Washing my face opening my eyes and let out a loud horrifying squeal looking at my hands with terror covered in blood looking up the crystal-clear water were replaced by blood spraying out while it escapes into the drain.

"No no no" I chant horror-struck stumbling out of the shower door I felt cold sweat washed over me feeling lightheaded trying to steady on my shaky legs while wrapping the towel around me, pulling the bathroom open stepping out fear engulf me as I look around my room well what I taught was my room.

Looking around what looks like a forest I could feel what felt like raindrops gazing up the sun was blazing hot what's odd was the droplets of blood coming from the sky.

The further I walked you could say I was beyond scared glazing around as the leaves fall off the trees and turns to ash lava running along the riverbank brimstone falling from the sky as it turns to the stormy red sky with reddish-pink lightning it lights up the skies, crows glide around the skies.

"Please please please" I whispered "this can't be true" I constantly repeat backing away, "you aren't here" I cried out shaking my head in denial quivering hands were trembling.

"Oh yes, it is the one and only" Apollo admitted proudly as his muscular frame emerged from behind the tree, "you're not real" I keep repeating backing away "stay out of my head" I yelled.

"And what's the fun in that," Apollo said with a light chuckle as his strong chest vibrate, he looked just the way Aurora has described him but he was even hotter in person.

"Ok now isn't the time to daydream you need to wake up before this gets worst like the last time," I told myself sending him a frustrated annoying look.

"Is this what you do uh mess with innocent minds for your sick pleasure?" I said through gritting of my teeth he gave me a sly croaked smirk rolling my eyes.

"Well being trapped in the a prison world seeing the same faces the agonizing pain over and over and it can get pretty boring if you ask me anyway, I wanted someone to talk to you should be thanking me actually," Apollo said with a shrug like no big deal.

"And messing with my mind for your sick games" I shouted, "call it boredom sweetheart" he uttered smugly flashing me his pearly white teeth.

"Maybe that's the peck of being such a mess-up sociopath who rain evoke upon your entire family and everyone you cross path with" I pointed out he laughed as if I had said something funny, I watched him staring out of space with a smile.

"Well," he trails off narrowing my eyes at him "not all that is" he declared giving him a confused look, he sneered with irritation "do I have to explain everything to you child" Apollo yelled shooting me a glare what I'm not the brightest crayon in the box.

"She slips right from the palm of my hand before I could rip her limb from limb and use her head as a footstool" he spat out with such venom, shriving from his voice.

"And killing your family for what because they didn't love you enough, you're just a cold heartless monster trust me you got whatever you deserve" I uttered remembering how he betrayed everyone.

"Don't sass with me maybe I can't kill you in the real world but trust me I can still cause you pain" Apollo spat I could hear the wrath in his tone, "so much for a little chat" I muttered "don't push your luck" he growled out.

"It's pathetic, isn't it? How you continue having all these hopes thinking he'd somewhat show you a hint of'd think you'd learn by now from all those endless cycles of disappointment that he'll always choose that good for nothing mate snatcher" Apollo taunts his eyes glistened with amusement.

I was angry he hit a nerve but I'd never give him the hint of satisfaction "stay out of my love life you know nothing about me shut the fuck up before I push my fist through your ribcage and yank out your spleen" I threatened baring my teeth.

He chuckled finding this hilarious which was starting to piss me off "oh really" Apollo paused his orangish eyes burning with delight and entertainment "are you telling me you can't feel that I must hand it to you, though you have pretty outdone yourself. How does it feel knowing he's in bed with that flea-infected she-wolf her stench drenched all over him?" he challenged staring at me with those haunted eyes.

"So many things you can do to them you will show them no mercy the way they didn't show you any" he pressed I felt the tears fighting to fall that's exactly how I feel knowing he'll never accept me he'll never look at me the way he did her.

"I'm not like you Apollo I'll never turn my back on them no matter what they do no matter what, so save your lectures for someone else," I told him I will never do anything even though they countlessly throw me to the wolves I'll still turn the other cheek and stand by them.

A sly smirk spread across Apollo's defined face, I never understand how could someone so handsome turned out to be such an evil bastard shaking the thought out of my head when he started clapping.

"Bianca, Bianca" the way he says and the way my name rolls off his tongue send chills down my spine and not the good ones.

"You never seem to amaze me you have the power to let them fall to your knees and worship you, crush anyone that stands in your way and you want to protect a bunch of morons that turn their backs on you, you're worse than I thought a mate that rejects you without remorse, a pack that hates you your own mother left you why would you put your life on the line or risk because I can just kill you with just the snap of my finger" he utters smugly with his head held high with confidence he said it so casually like he knew I had no chance of surviving against him.

I swallowed the rising lump in my throat he was so close to my face, "but we can work together I don't see the reason why we should start a war when we're both alike I was betrayed by my family and you well I'd say everyone if we work together we can crush them you have you're revenge and I get to rule over the supernatural side by side as my Queen what do you say sweet Bianca" Apollo bargain as his warm hands caressed my jaw.

He began again "I can tell you want the same you have the hint of darkness inside just waiting to spread all you have to do is accept it," Apollo request pushing his hand away while I stepped back.

"Too bad we're nothing alike you're a murderer who kills the innocents just because you weren't loved by mommy and daddy nor you siblings... you Apollo come to think about it I pity you" I spat out.

I'll not allow him to think I'm scared well I am right now he stared as if he would rip me to treads but he doesn't have to know that.

"It's my nature to be kind gentle but know this when it comes to protecting my friends my family my pack my not mess with me for I am a force to be reckoned with also the most powerful and relentless creature you will ever come to know" I defend sounding as confident as I can muster.

"You think you can defeat me" he growled out I fidget in fear his eyes were so intimated "I am Apollo God of storm most powerful fire sorcerer to ever walk the earth you are no match for me pup" he yelled in my face I wanted to run hide but I stood my ground.

"I am a warrior, those who fear the wolf should not venture into the forest Apollo I am not afraid of you" I stood tall confronting him.

"You like hacking my head why don't I just give you a taste of your own bitter medicine and hope you choke" I add with a smirk.

Before he could react I cast a boundary spell keeping him in place "do you feel that your lungs giving out suffocating and drowning on all those innocent blood" I snarled he wheezed coughing grasping his chest for dear life I smiled.

"I always wanted to try this," I said musingly "you'll pay for this as soon as I get free" he cut himself off with a screeching scream as I carelessly turn his blood into acid.

"I'm really I'd look forward to that day I'll have a field day" I laughed as he glare clenching his teeth due to the pain.

"I'll hunt you down like the mutt you are and when I find you I'll pluck out those eyes of yours and eat them off my fingertip like olives before that I'll skin you alive use your skin as a victory cap mark my words, Bianca, I will take pleasure in killing you" he threatened I gulped all the toughness went flying away.

When I didn't say anything he smirked even through the pain he still looked scary "not so tough now are you" he taunts "aarrh you fucking little shit" Apollo spat growled.

"Go fuck yourself I'd say go to hell but Satan would probably just spit your ugly ass right back out even he would reject your sorry ass" I uttered.

"Just you wait till I-" he didn't get to finish as I snapped his neck and his body fell with a throb.

Everything seems to be going further and further away looking down Apollo disappeared a bright blinding light came towards me putting my hand up to block it.

"Bianca" the voice shouts "wake up Bianca" the voice yelled I could hear the panic cracking one eye open I gasped opening the other to see Aurora with a worried expression.

Sitting up and looking around I wasn't in my room " did I reach here" I inquired "I don't know I found you like this" she replied rubbing my temple I have a massive headache.

"I saw Apollo, he was in my head but this time I was in his" I informed her I filled her in on everything that happened "he's trying to turn your mind from your pack he's messing with you Apollo's trying to break you.

He has away with words, I can tell you from experience he will use his handsome features and charm to win you over then strike when you least expect it. Bianca but I know you're stronger, be soft do not let the world make you hard do not let pain make you hate do not let the bitterness steal your hope" Aurora declared giving off positive energy.

"Trust me I won't," I told her looking down my eyes widen in surprise "uh where's my clothes?" I asked seeing I'm only in a towel she shrugs rolling my eyes while I tighten it better.

"You're getting very powerful if you can hack into the most powerful Apollo's head I know you'll do wonders" she mentioned "meaning?" I asked "it's not easy to get into our heads you have to be strong when someone unlocks their powers all their natural behaviours get amplified" Aurora explained keenly.

"So basically, you're saying I'm a powerful Goddess out of control delinquent" I figured that's what I think she's trying to say werewolves are ten times worse than vampires, much less me with all my senses heightened.

"Well, I wasn't gonna put it like that" she pointed out letting out a tiring puff looking at the sun was setting.

Just reflexing on where I went wrong I tried so hard for him to love me but in the end, I was always the one in the wrong me, it's never their fault no matter if Jeremiah caught them hitting and punching I was always the one he condemned.

"I should head back," I said after a while "yeah be safe and please Bianca suppress your anger I can literally feel the strong aura radiating from you" Aurora advised me nodding I got up and head home.

By the time I reach the pack territory it was already night and thankfully I didn't run into anyone it's Saturday so they most likely went to the club I didn't want to climb up the tree knowing I'm wearing just a simple towel.

Walking around to the front door walking inside it was peaceful knowing everyone's out like always walking into the kitchen which was pitch black but because of my excellent vision I could still make out my surroundings.

Striding over to the fridge taking out a slice of cheese and lettuce to make a cheese sandwich taking two slices of bread and started making the sandwich after I had washed my hands.

I stopped halfway when I hear footsteps coming into the kitchen sniffing the air, I growl seeing Jeremiah walking in as I glared at him.

How can I hide the fact that he's freaking attractive, and I'm not just talking in the same way all males are attractive no way he's more like control yourself from getting charged with sexual assault that kind of attractive.

His hair was messy as if he just woke he wasn't wearing a shirt damn was he ripped with muscles tattoos lingering on both arms grey sweatpants which hang dangerously loose on his hip showing off his mouth-watering v-line perfect body muscular abs what else could a girl possibly ask for Jeremiah was without a doubt magnificent.

Realizing I was staring too long dropping my glaze back to the sandwich losing my appetite completely putting everything back in the fridge about to walk away stopping me with his strong firm grip on my hand stopping me.

Pulling my hand back in time before the towel could get lose now I regret not changing even though I knew everyone would be out but I guess I was wrong.