Chapter twelve

"What the hell I said stunning that look like something big bird throws up all over I swear the next thing you bring that doesn't suit my taste I'll let your friend right here carve out her own heart" I warned as she shivers from fear nodding timidly and run knowing the last person didn't end well.

I look over to the spot where the burnt corpse remains smiling with satisfaction as I sip my glass of champagne.

I was currently in one of these expensive stores these werewolves did put up a fight but after realizing I wasn't someone to mess with they backed down.

Getting my nails done as well as my hair after everything's complete getting up and admire myself in the mirror as the workers stood to the side tensing their hearts escalate with every deep breath they took sliver Bob Haircut I want something different, eye-popping, and gorgeous, and shiny wavy bob.

"Hmm not bad" I applause facing them "now be a darling and pack up my stuff" I ordered I've gotten new outfits and shoes makeup just anything that looks good.

I watched as they piled the bags in the of my car, of course, I could drive but never got a car but that changed when I took one of Jeremiah's cars it's mine now bitch.

Reaching home and park the car it was last I had spent the whole day driving around making trips with the bags until I was done and start hanging up my clothes taking a quick shower and just jumped into bed with a relaxing smile.


Monday come quicker than I'd imagine getting dressed in burgundy crisscross strappy cami crop top and pulling up my denim high waist ripped jeans with black platform combat boots topping it off with my black leather jacket.

Running my fingers through my curls starting on my makeup wanting something dark which consisted of dark eyeshadow eyeliner mascara dark smoky eye and last but not least matte lipstick a beautiful rich plum shade that is sure to grab the eyes of others, the hair dye compliments my brown skin tone and blend in with my eyes I look sexy gorgeous in fact.

Jeremiah was pretty much the last person I thought about seeing he's lucky I wasn't in the mood to teleport his ass in a field fun of Aconitum plants werewolves number one weakness I was aware of the strange stares have gotten which caused me to smirk even more as I walked to my seat.

Soon class started and I could feel Jeremiah's eyes on me as if he's trying to study me which was pretty funny apart from that the day went on walking into the cafeteria sitting in my spot crossing my legs on top of the table just relaxing enjoying the peaceful atmosphere hand behind my head eyes closed living in the moment which quickly ruined when I could sense the presence in front of me opening my eyes to see the bitch squad they never learn.

"Who the hell pity you a complete makeover" Sophia said bluntly while her arms fold eyeing me up and down, "the shitface thinks she's one of us now being the talk of school" Maya butt in "new outfits haircut and all still doesn't and will never change what you are a nobody" Katie added with a scowl.

Cami's hand was about to pull my hair snatching her hand with a forceful impact breaking her wrist without even trying leaving it in a weird angle causing her to let out a scream "let that be a lesson am not someone to be messed with" I said smugly.

"I'd leave if I were you don't make yourself look any stupider than you already are" I advised when the four of them cornered me I know I was stronger than these dimwits even without magic.

Knowing I'd take them on even with my eyes close getting up looking around the room everyone was watching hmm audience this should be interesting.

Jeremiah POV

"Let this be a warning next time you don't turn in your assignment they'll be worst punishment than just your lunchtime I don't care what you all do in your spare time but my assignments are just as important as pack duties do I make myself clear" Mr. Wethersfield our history teacher strictly said while scowling at me.

"Yes" we answered with irritation coating our tone he was like a pain in the ass getting stupid detention for not turning in the essay that was fifteen percent of my grades but I was busy with the planning ceremony that's coming up walking out before he had something to say.

"God he's such a dick," Scott said as we walked down the corridor heading to the cafeteria that's weird normally the closer we got we would've heard loud noises coming from the doors but it was silent as if empty Jason pushed the door opened as we walked through alert by the sight playing out in front of us.

In my state of surprise, a standoff between Cami and Bianca fighting Bianca's eyes flick to me her face had a sick twisted smirk no fear like it once did her brown eyes were dark and look deadly with a ray of darkness twirling they were almost black if it weren't for the hint of brown she'd look like a demon from the pit of hell.

A malicious smile graced Bianca's face as she spins Cami around her face was battered and beaten to pulp her eyes were barely opened I could hear her let out soft whimpers and cough wincing a little.

"Release her now" I growled out mad fearful for her life "aww Alpha boy just in time for the show" her voice vicious it's like am staring at someone completely different this wasn't Bianca I knew the one we all could walk over.

An cry out snap me back when I see Bianca plunge her hand through Cami's back blood started coating her blue crop top blood dipped from her mouth as she coughed.

"Bianca stop that's an Alpha order" I shouted clenching my fist tight "are you really that dumb? Take one more step and that's bye, bye Cami" Bianca trumpeted musingly enjoying this too much.

I could hear Cami's heart in Bianca's grip beating rapidly her face was pale she tried to fight out of her hold but I know she couldn't help it because one wrong move can end her completely Cami's breathing heightens her eyes changed to forest green knowing her wolf was in control.

"Don't be ridiculous" Bianca bark when I was taking steps closer to them "what the fuck are we standing here take her down" Aaron shouted in the mind link "not when she has Cami's heart" I shot back.

"Am not gonna stand by and watch she's out of control, look what she did to the girls and now Cami" Jason snapped.

Before I could stop him he launches at Bianca the loud snapping of bones sounds in the cafeteria followed by the terror sounds from everything Jason kneel to the ground as he grunts I could see his bones rearrange shellshock at Bianca too shock to even move her free hand was outstretched.

"You think you can have your cake and eat it too fuck not you poor creature don't fuck with me," Bianca said calmly as she clenched her fist causing Jason to shriek in agony.

"Stop whatever you're doing this isn't you" I yelled "right about one thing this isn't me am much more alive happy if you ask me the new and improve" Bianca replied pulling her hand out of Cami as she whimpers quietly Bianca let out a sadist laugh enjoying her pain.

"What are you" I demand watching Jason whose claws emerge "correction it's not what am I it's more of who I am, but I'll tell you that another time now where was I" she trails off as she gazes down on Cami who was kneeling it happened so fast as Bianca snapped her neck her limp body fell to the ground.

"I'll see you around Alpha boy" with that said she took her bag and walked away bumping my shoulder in the process rushing over to Cami "I swear to God am gonna fucking murder her" I spat out kneeling and taking Cami up bridal style Aaron and Scott carried the unconscious girls they too had bruises all over their faces but nothing compared to how terrible Cami look.

Exiting to the parking lot unlocking my car and strapping Cami in the seat I drove off speeding down the street everything rushes back to me even though it was still fresh in my mind Bianca crossed so many boundaries which will result in extreme punishment for defying my orders especially the Alpha nearly killing a member of the pack that too the soon to be Luna that will score her a death sentence for sure.

Running into the infirmary I've already mind link the leading pack doctor as soon as I reached he instruct me to lay her down he was baffled by the mere state of Cami.

"Oh my what happened to future Luna?" he asked I was aware of his eyes observing the marks all over her face, I look over at her being cleaned up by the nurse before doctor Hines can do his doctor stuff.

Her face was bloody and messed up I could tell by the dent and the weirdly angled and swelling surrounding areas of her nose was broken when Sam cut away her top the ugly purple reddish bluish patches all over her abdomen was big and hideous discoloration over her perfectly tan skin not to mention the fist hole which had that soon-to-be-dead bitch hand in her chest which was barely healing.

Cami's eyes were swollen and shut burst lips her top lip was so swollen and slip making it harder to close her mouth.

"Were you attack I've also heard that the girls were bruised but nothing like Camila" he exclaimed slightly touching her bruised ribs "we weren't attacked Bianca did all this" I answered spatting her name out.

"The lone wolf" I added when he gives me a confused look no one talks to her so I wasn't shocked when he didn't recognize who I was talking.

"How is that even possible I thought she didn't shift how can she take down four warriors" he questioned I too ask myself that when I didn't answer he continued.

"So far Camille has internal ruptures likely organ damage luckily she's a wolf so she'll survive but be in a lot of pain I've given her fluids and medications to ease the discomfort so she'll wake up soon" Sam explained keenly.

"Cami will heal about two to three hours and for her wrist which is broken and dislocated in two places," Sam concludes even though she's a werewolf her rank can only heal for hours all depends upon the type of wounds Alpha's heal within seconds beta minute's delta and gamma four to five minutes but because Camille's more severe it takes longer.

"What if I try to heal her won't that speed up the process" I suggest he shake his head no "it won't work because she's not your mate" he replied with sympathy dismissing him placing a kiss on her forehead sleeping peacefully.

"You thought I hated you then you have no idea what you've woke inside of me the moment you lay your hands on her, you crossed the line and I don't forgive. I won't rest until you're beaten and I don't mean just beaten down torture in ways only I see fit. I will destroy you I don't care how it happens, I want you to suffer" I muttered I could feel my anger twisting around inside clenching my teeth I was out for vengeance and blood I wanted Bianca dead.

"Urgent meeting now requires every members to meet me in the boardroom now" I ordered through the mind link giving Cami one final look as I walked out seeing members walking in the direction of our boardroom it's a auditorium where we kept all our meetings.

Instead of going to the auditorium I headed to my house to take a shower my shirt had Cami's blood all I could think about with each step I took to my room was how I will make Bianca pay with her life whereas every pack member will have a minute to impact any wounds on her as a punishment.

Bianca would be chained by silver injected with wolfsbane so she wouldn't be able to heal when I see fit knowing she had learned her lesson I'll permanently exile her from my pack she'll be a rogue and left for dead.

After showering I head to the meeting stepping up to the stage hearing chatting all over as I approach my parents standing waiting for me.

"Am aware that you've all been informed about what took place today and it's completely unacceptable and she'll not go unpunished" I addressed the crowd of pissed-off pack members.

"What will be the punishment for this freak show my baby's laying in the infirmary with broken ribs" Sophia's dad yelled aggressively he stood tall bellowing gnashing his teeth with anger as Sarah his wife crying hysterically.

"Brazen bull" one shouted from the back "flaying no breaking wheel" people started throwing their means of extreme punishment each getting even more gruesome than the other.

A brazen bull is a device made of bronze in the shape and size of an actual bull the condemned person would be locked inside and fire would be set beneath the bull, heating the bronze till the person inside got roasted to death.

Flaying means skinning alive depending on the amount of skin removed, they either died or lived a life of a mentally scarred cripple then you'll have the famous breaking wheel which is an extremely simple device consisting of a wheel, to which the convicted would be tied to spikes. The person would have his limbs beaten with a club or a cudgel, and with the turning of the wheel, the bones in their body would slowly break, leading to an excruciatingly painful death.

Everyone was up on their feet shouting over each other wanting to get their points across "that's enough" I shouted silencing the crowd with the raise of my hand all eyes were on me wanting to hear the verdict of Bianca's fate.

"If anyone sees her don't get too caught up with revenge and attack her mink link me or any higher rank and we'll deal with her understand," I warned them knowing they'll strike if seeing her mumbles from everyone not liking my ruling.

"I don't need any fucking jungle justice I want this to deal with the right and proper way do I make myself clear" I declared.

"With all due respect Alpha, this is outrage madness we need jungle justice who's with me" Cami's father Theodore in a loud high voice echoed the room rumbling sound came from his throat now everyone was up on their feet shouting lashing out fuming encouraging Theo the crowd looked like they were seconds away from rioting hunting down Bianca themselves.

"Enough I made myself clear no one attack Bianca if seen report I want her locked away before her court hearing," I said in an alpha tone shushing everyone up knowing my decision is finally 'you're dismissed" I add letting out a heavy sigh as everyone walked away still discussing my choice but I didn't care.

"How u holding up?" mom asked standing beside me her grey eyes observing my face her black hair was in a ponytail "could be worse I don't know how that freak managed to take out four warriors you should have seen her face mom it was like she was a completely different person" I pointed out I don't know what there is but something wasn't right.

Closing my eyes trying to locate Lucca but it's like he's hiding somewhere after Bianca's rejection my wolf left I can't talk to him nor can I shift and it was starting to take a toll on me and now this raising issue can't things get any worse.

My eyes opened to see mom looking at me with an attitude I wouldn't read "what" I questioned, "it's nothing you just looked like you haven't slept in a long time" she answers in a loving tone her slender finger rubbed my cheek motherly.

"Are you okay sweetheart I know you aren't my little pup anymore you'll be getting married soon I just want to know if you wanna wait until you find your mate I mean everyone has a mate out there somewhere maybe you should go and visit other packs. This large decision that can make or break you" mom acknowledges just hearing the word mate I could feel immense pain stabbing at my heart like a sharp knife diving in at a high pace.

"It's ok mom I'm just trying to balance school and Alpha duties don't worry about me okay," I said with a smile my hand over hers earning a warm smile from her "just know if you want anything or wanna talk my doors are always open," she told me "you should go check on Cami she'd probably wanna see you when she's awake" mom state pulling her in a quick hug before I ran out.