Bloodthirsty Monsters (2)

Hey guys, Aidka's Here!

If you read my other novel, Fourth Prince, then you know that Science/Magic is going to resume again after a long hiatus now that Fourth Prince came to an end.

The schedule will be one daily chapter of Science/Magic and one of My Skills Are Weird. The side stories of Fourth Prince will be released once or twice every week.



The creature roared angrily. Its bloodshot eyes glared at us with violent hunger as it rushed towards us!

I could not help but flinch slightly. Seeing the creature that was once human charging at us with such a clear violent hostility made me freeze. For an instant, I hesitated about if to attack it or not.

It was different from when I fought the spiders. This thing was 'human'. Or at least, it had been 'human'.

Fortunately, I had faced one of these creatures in my first dungeon. Thus, my hesitation disappeared quickly.

Even if it had been human, it was nothing but a mindless creature now. Killing it was what I must do.

I let out the breath I was unconsciously holding and pointed my spear forward. Then, I took one step forward to kill the monster.

But just at that moment, the demon spoke in my mind.

[Wait, boy. You should let your friends kill it.]


[Just trust me. It's necessary if you are going to fight together in this dungeon.]

I hesitated for a moment, but in the end, I decided to trust the demon's words.

Our conversation only lasted an instant. But in that time, the creature had already arrived in front of us.

In normal circumstances, I should use my spear to kill it now, but instead, I followed the demon's advice.

Instead of attacking, I jumped back, retreating and leaving my friends to face the creature.

"J-Jane!?" Andrew was startled. He watched stupefied as I jumped away when the creature attacked us, leaving them unprotected.

However, the creature did not give him time to think. In that instant, it attacked Andrew!

"Kuh!" Andrew used the pipe he was holding to block the creature's attack, but when he saw the human face and the bloodshot eyes glaring at him in hunger, his movements stiffened.

And the creature used that opportunity to lunge at him.


"Careful, Andrew!"

Karime and Jessica cried out in a panic. The two girls hurriedly used their skills to stop the creature.

Flames and ice were cast simultaneously, but when they were about to reach the creature, they sizzled as they canceled each other!

The situation instantly turned into a mess.

Andrew panicked. Seeing the mouth of the creature about to bite his face, he hurriedly extended his arm to protect himself, making the creature bite his arm instead.


Andrew grunted in pain and stumbled backward as the creature tried to tear away a piece of Andrew's flesh. But the pain seemed to awaken Andrew's survival instincts and he used his arm to fling the creature away.


He then roared in rage and swung his pipe towards the creature, hitting it in the head and creating a cracking sound!

He had fractured its skull!

Instantly, Andrew stiffened and turned pale.

"I-I… I didn't…" He stuttered tremblingly as he staggered backward.

"Andrew, what are you doing!?" I shouted in a panic.

Andrew's body shook. He looked at me in a daze with his face ashen white.

And during that time, the monster attacked him again!

It did not seem to feel any pain. Despite the injury in its head, it rushed towards Andrew as it screeched in hunger.

Andrew only looked at it in a daze, too shocked to attack.

"Dammit!" I cursed and got ready to intervene, but the demon stopped me.

[Stop, boy. That monster is not that strong. If they are unable to kill this weak creature, they will be useless when facing stronger creatures.]

I froze in my steps with a complicated expression. But I had to admit that the demon was right.

In the end, I decided to wait a bit more and only intervene if it was absolutely necessary.

Just when it seemed that Andrew would be hit by the monster, a spark appeared in front of it.


Jessica cried out and activated her skill. A ball of flames then appeared from the spark, blocking the creature's path!

The creature was unable to stop its movements and crashed against the ball of flames. It screamed in pain as its eyes were burned by the flames.

The creature tried to retreat, but Karime's voice sounded at that moment.


Ice appeared on the creature's feet, leaving the creature stuck in place. It was the effects of Karime's Skill, [Ice Creation].

"Andrew! Kill it!" Karime shouted anxiously. She could feel the creature struggling, and she did not know if her ice could keep it stuck for long.

Andrew snapped out of his daze as soon as he heard Karime's voice. He looked at the creature with a pale face and gripped his pipe tightly.

Then, he filled his body with mana and rushed towards the creature.


[Limit Breakthrough]!

Andrew's body glowed with white light as he swung his pipe towards the creature's face.

In the next second–


The creature's face was crushed into meat paste.

Then, it stumbled slightly before collapsing to the ground.

Andrew panted heavily and looked at the creature's body dazedly. The white glow around his body disappeared as he slumped on the ground tiredly.


"Are you alright!?"

The two girls hurriedly rushed towards him, but just then, the little girl, Chelsea, stuttered.


She then pointed towards the end of the street.

There, two more creatures that had heard the commotion were rushing towards us.

Andrew, Karime, and Jessica turned pale white.

"I-It was not the only one!?"

But when they were about to panic, I moved.

Before the creatures could reach us, I kicked the ground and charged towards them, appearing in front of them in an instant.

Then, I swung my spear.

In an instant, both creatures had been bisected and their upper bodies fell on the ground.

I then turned around and looked at my friends with a complicated expression.

Sighing, I nodded to them.

"Well done."

Andrew, Karime, Jessica, and the little girl looked at me with an agape expression, unable to believe that I killed two of the creatures they struggled so much to kill so easily.

But then, they realized something.

"You…! Why did you run away just now! Andrew was injured due to you!" Karime looked at me angrily.

I did not reply immediately and just sighed.

At the same time, I heard the demon's voice in my mind.

[I told you, they are just burdens.]

This time, I did not find it easy to deny the demon's words.