
"It's like your brain has been melting from the sun, isn't it?" snarl Lucas as soon as he sees me coming.

"So what?"

"For as long as I've noticed you're not smiling clearly," Lucas noticed closely, from head to toe. "What are you, an alien posing as Bryan?"

I rolled my eyes, ignoring Lucas's preposterous accusations. Sometimes the young man's words seem exaggerated. "You're angry? It should be me because you left me alone in the crowd."

Lucas turned, no longer facing me. "It's your own fault, why don't you go."

Just like when we were kids. Where each other's guilt becomes the natural thing to do. Every now and then, Lucas, he places his guilt on me who knows nothing. The tan boy is still act like child.

"You only bought one candy apple? What kind of friend are you!"

See, even now he is still a child of this sort of trivial thing.

"So what if I only buy one?" I tried to seduce him then, eat the candy apple the most enjoyable way. I licked the surface of a polyester apple before I bit it in a big piece and it caused a crack in the other side. I gazed directly at his face as my jaw began to move up and down, ripping and ripping apple meat with graham's teeth and fangs. Makes a pretty nasty little sound, actually.

"Hoy!" Lucas immediately shifted his body to the other side, away from my seat. "Stop that!" He screamed loudly as he covered his earholes.

"Come on, it's just a chewing noise," I mocked his fear, which is a bad act to mock someone's fear. However, I did this to repay Lucas' arrogance. "If you're scared of the sound of chewing how do you eat huh?"

There was no answer from Lucas except his eyes grew sharper as his undulated brow deepened. The usual thing he did to frighten others was that Lucas was aware of his ferocious appearance. It is evident that by the number of times young children and toddlers alike cry at every eye or chance to see the young man. But of course the same thing won't apply to me. I'm not a kid, and I'm a man, too.

So instead of stopping, I began flirting with Lucas. Adding frequency of sound chewing from a piece of red apple candy. My mouth moved more rapidly and wildly to grind the sizable piece of fruit, making several parts of the pulp dipping out along with the dripping juice juice.

"Argghh!" Lucas seems to be at a very frustrating point. I don't know why he didn't like the sound of chewing, but every time I ate something and produced a loud enough sound he was instantly disturbed. At first it's just a little unibrow or forehead, and then he'll stuff the earpiece into the earpiece, pretending to listen to the music. And when he reaches the breaking point, he is willing to do the unexpected.

Like now.

His big hand moved fast —before I noticed it— shut my mouth tight. There was only a few gaps between my face and Lucas, and I could feel the man's warm breath on my eyes. Reflex closed my eyelids for a moment. As soon as I opened my eyes again, I found a pair of brown eyes glinting right in front of me. So close, I could see the tendrils in his deep brown beads.

"Don't do that."

Lucas' tone became colder than before. Full of emphasis though not spoken out loud. The kind of command that you're going to nod you understand without protest. Lucas was as if he had taken a different form. There were no jokes in either of his eyeballs.

Seconds feel like decades. I don't know how this happened. My gut tells me something strange is going on, but it doesn't know for sure.

Lucas finally took his hand out of my mouth. He shifted his seat further, also turned, turned on me.

That unexpected turn of events has me feeling a bit reluctant about the young man. It was the first time I saw a serious expression on Lucas' face. Have I gone too far? Mocking one's fears is not the right thing to do, let alone truly frightening.

"You want some?"

There seems to be something not right in my head. What sane person would act so innocent as if he didn't feel guilty after pissing someone off? I've lost my mind. Yet it is too late to regret. The terms of retracted speech seem fanciful.

Lucas glared. I can see the signature on his forehead, signaling that he's not in the mood. Then a squeaking sound was heard.


He took over a half-eaten candy apple from my hand quickly and immediately bitten off every piece of fruit with gusto.

"Whoaa!" Easy buddy. Are you so upset that I only brought one?"

"Shut up."

I chuckled softly, seeing Lucas' irritated expression turn out quite nice too.

But it's no more fun than getting an idol's autograph, of course.

A glance down, exactly at the front pocket of my pants. There was a vaguely square indentation of folded paper into several parts (I forgot exactly). It's not just a piece of paper because it's got the most valuable graffiti in it that can never be judged by any money.

It feels like I just got the most prestigious award in history. The smile of the blue-eyed man still flashed across my mind as I gave him two candy apples. The words of thanks that came out of his mouth sounded like the most beautiful symphony. In fact, to this day I can still remember the aroma of marshmellow swelling from his body. Every second that passes is the most precious moment of my life.

Unfortunately, I'm not brave enough to ask for a photo. All the beauty I can only keep in my brain's memory.

No problem, at least I already knew the blue-eyed man's name had gotten a real piece of his hand too.

"Fuck you again," mumbled Lucas.


"That's your face, you're smiling all the time. You're scaring the shit out of me."

"Is that it? You see me smiling all the time?" I asked, shuffling a chair closer to the young brown man. "I'm so happy ~" Lucas gave me that surprised look as I clutched his shoulders quite hard.

"You're completely insane." He tried to take my hand off his shoulder.

"You said it. I have lost my mind, Lucas! Have gone crazy!" Now I shook the young man's shoulders rapidly and wildly asa tremendous act of joy.

"Akh! Get off me, you fucking bastard!"