Beginnings of the Secret Society (Part 3)

"Kill them all!" Compass Carburettor said as he walked out, suddenly clenching his chest as he expressed intense pain, as if he was suffering from cardiac arrest, shouting with a whisper, "Heeeelp meeee!"

As there was hardly any crowd in the gambling den, every staff noticed her, immediately rushing towards her in an effort to help her. After all, in their eyes, she was their customer, one that had yet to wager all her assets.

So, she had as much value as her assets. And, considering her actions, they judged that she was fairly rich. To such a valuable customer, they didn't want anything to happen until she wagered all her belongings.

With such a notion of thought, they rushed towards her rescue. As the other customers were just in a state of despair from innumerous losses, the staff didn't mind them, having regarded them as nothing but flesh sacks with valuable kidneys.