Beginnings of the Secret Society (Part 11)

They neither made any sounds nor any abrupt movements, silently trailing after the Grogar. Fealta and Caithy made mistakes at the start, but upon seeing how natural Compass Carburettor was in the environment, they imitated him, slowly becoming stealthier as time passed.

Compass Carburettor noticed a couple more Grogars prowling about, heading towards the guard post that was now vacant. And all along, their movements were disorienting to his senses. After all, even when they moved, they moved in such natural pacing that his brain naturally omitted them.

The human body was impressive in more ways than one could imagine. It was capable of perceiving a ginormous volume of information every moment. But, all it would do is overwhelm the brain quickly, causing the person to feel tired within a couple of minutes.

To avoid that, it ignored most of the information, only processing what it deemed necessary. And, it followed a certain algorithm to do that.