Fektra and Bureta Forest

Bureta Forest!

It formed the southwestern border of the Heroica Empire and extended into the Great Megwest Empire. There were neither any guards nor fortifications placed here. After all, there was no need to do so, thanks to a certain monster species that lived here.


A tiny, fist-sized monster with a hard shell and sharp mandibles. They were great at scuttling over rough, uneven surfaces, including vertical ones like cliffs and tree trunks. Even though they were fist-sized, each Fektra weighed a kilogram and formed the basic system of measurement for weight on their continent.

An adult Fektra weighed exactly one kilogram, not a gram more, not a gram less. This was a trait they possessed, another reason they were feared. After all, this trait of theirs allowed them to form a hill with their bodies or take up any structure, acting as the perfect building blocks for that.