Keep At Least Three Layers of Backup Plans

"W-What is happening?" Princess Raecha was flabbergasted once she woke up, noticing that she was carried by a Haggon that sprinted through the place, having entered Level 2.

"It seems we have been captured by the Haggons." Wakuta said, "I did feel something was off by how tired I felt before. I've never done any work to feel that tired in all my life. So, it was confusing."

"Then why didn't you alert me?" Princess Raecha snapped back. "We could have avoided this fate if you had done that."

"It was too late by the time I realised it." Wakuta said, "Besides, doesn't it seem strange that these Haggons are carrying us after tying us up? Why haven't they eaten us yet?"

Only then did Princess Raecha realise the issue at play, afraid upon noticing that the Haggon hadn't even glanced at her once. Besides, when she tried to sense her Chikon, she was unable to detect it, feeling tense.