Coincidental Luck System

'Wait, I have the perfect solution for that.' The Slave Harem System felt joy immediately, thinking, 'There is a perfect ability for that.'

If then frowned, thinking of the character of the System that possessed such an ability, 'Ugh, it would probably rip me off too much. Still, I should try my hand at it once.'

It surfed through numerous groups, soon finding the one that it had sought out, frowning when it noticed that there wasn't anyone in the group, 'As expected, this group is empty. Its attitude should have pissed off any Systems that might have arrived here to buy things.'

It then hesitantly dropped in a message, surprised when it received a message instantly.

[Slave Harem System (Level 5): Um…Respected Sir…? Can I purchase the Level 1 regular use version of your Core Skill?]

[Coincidental Luck (Level 94): You can't.]

[Slave Harem System (Level 5): But sir, I'm in a pinch here. Please help me.]