Why Are They Swaying?

Whether or not the Coincidental Luck System was supporting him through its luck, he was unsure. After all, it wasn't something he could feel. And besides, there was no guarantee in this being a fact.

He had to proceed with the thought process that he wasn't supported by any luck and would have to go about things carefully.

Grisha's mother had a wide network of connections, and they proved to be useful in this situation. Dr. Gregesh seemed like a veteran in the field, one that was influential on his own.

At first glance, it would seem like his meeting with Grisha, the attack from the creature, etc. was a coincidence of events. But in reality, none of them would have happened to him if he chose not to work in the café run by her mother.

That was his choice. And, everything that happened rest occurred as a result of that. Or maybe, there was an ounce of coincidence involved. He didn't know about that.