Remembrance System Host

'Stencil!' He was unable to control himself, rushing towards the living room, about to open the door when he paused. Reality struck him as he calmed down, thinking, 'Unless Stencil became a System Slayer, it's impossible for her to appear here.'

'And, the one registered in Info Scanner is the Remembrance System and not that of a System Slayer.' He thought, calming down before scowling at the fact that he became hopeful for a moment.

He calmly sat on the floor, closing his eyes as he controlled the Spydragon, using it to see within the room, gazing at the figure of Stencil staring at a computer.

She was typing on the computer pretty fast, seemingly engaging with someone on a forum. As the quality of the Spydragon was subpar, it was unable to make out the contents on the screen. Even the face of Stencil wasn't…