Everyone’s Objective

Early morning the next day, Compass Carburettor wore a simple tracksuit, equipping himself with the rest of the trekking gear.

He was only going for a trek and not mountain climbing. So, the necessary gear wasn't much. It would only seem odd if he brought too much. After all, he only looked like a college youth in appearance.

And even middle-aged people and older ones didn't bring beyond some basic items. He then slung a hip bag, placing his two Armaments within it while carrying a backpack that contained some water, food, and some plastic bags that he had brought over to collect anything of value.

  There was also a basic first aid kit that everyone was told to mandatorily bring.

All twenty of the trekking group assembled in the lobby as Schlovk faced everyone, saying, "The bus will take us towards the end of the mountain road. We'll begin trekking from that point onwards."